As a vegan – I sometimes struggle to maintain my positivity.  I’m always told to be sensitive to those who do not understand my choice to maintain my vegan lifestyle.  Friends and family sometimes question why I post such violent images and videos on social media?  I am quite often told that vegans are so “in your face” and “very aggressive”.

In all honesty – the best way to get a message across is the most direct approach. It’s the only way to make people understand their hypocrisy and what kind of cruelty to are supporting.

It is interesting that, as a vegan, I am usually the one who has to apologize for this lifestyle choice.  At restaurants, how many times have I had to say, “Sorry, I’m vegan, I don’t eat any animal products.” – Only to be asked, “Would you like cheese with that.” or “Do you eat fish?” – Fish are living, breathing animals, why would you ask me if I want fish after stating I don’t eat any animals?

I sincerely want to create positive change in our world – this includes positive change for animals.  I don’t support any of the following things:

  • The clubbing of seals.
  • Bull FIghting.
  • Fishing.
  • Fox hunts.
  • Safaris.
  • Pig wrestling.
  • Groundhog weather predictions.
  • The running of the bulls.
  • Cock fighting.
  • Dog fighting.
  • Any type of animal racing.
  • Rodeos.
  • Pig roasts.
  • Animal sacrifices in the name of religion.
  • Horse racing or any type of racing involving animals.
  • SeaWorlds or any type of animal “jails”.
  • Cattle farming.

These are only a few.  Animals are not ours to wear and definitely not ours for our amusement.

So – I say to all you ‘none-vegans’ – “Don’t call me a radical animal activist – just so I can make you feel better about your decision to eat or wear them” – I am not a radical, I am simply acting on my need to protect and help animals who can’t speak for themselves.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


Some rules to insure your life is filled with happiness, health, well-being and love:

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Make sure you are able to laugh at yourself.
  • Try not to focus on being right all the time but being open to new ideas.
  • Any sentient being feels pain and has feelings – try to remember that in everything you do or say.
  • Find holistic ways to treat ailments before taking pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Remember – it’s not what material things you have that make others like you, it’s how you present yourself.
  • Do something nice for a stranger everyday.
  • Remember – the energy you put out into the world is the same energy you attract, be kind and receive kindness.
  • Respect all our great mother – EARTH, she is the only one we have.
  • Find your passion in life and try to make it your job.  Nothing like doing what you love for a living.
  • If you find ‘static’ or ‘negative’ energy in your life – it is to your benefit to remove it.
  • Take some time to be with yourself – meditate and tell yourself you are worthy, beautiful and loving.
  • Take your time with any goals you have for yourself – added pressure will only ensure that you may not meet them.
  • Don’t do something because you feel you have to – make sure you want to do it.
  • If you can’t love yourself, you will not be able to love others.
  • Look into a mirror on a daily basis and tell yourself you look great and you are happy and healthy.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell others that they are wonderful.
  • Act from LOVE and all you will receive is LOVE.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


We are told that in order to be successful we must always reach for the top.  I say forget that – you do not have to be “on top” to be successful in life.  Does being on top mean that you have fulfilled all that you need to and that you will be happy and content?  I believe that the statement of ‘Reach For The Top’ should be replaced with, ‘Reach For Your Passion’.

What is the difference between – REACH FOR THE TOP versus REACH FOR YOUR PASSION?  The main difference is that you are not putting pressure on yourself when you work towards the goals that you are passionate about.  When you are passionate about what you do in life, whether that is working in a nursery, a retirement home or as a teacher, you will always be successful.

Society puts so much emphasis that having financial freedom means that you have become successful but, as we know, money doesn’t buy health, it doesn’t buy compassion or happiness and it certainly doesn’t buy love.  Success, for me, can be measured in the goodness that you have in your heart and how much of that goodness you can give back into our society.  That is success.  Let others witness your passion and be a beacon of change.  So, don’t reach for the top – reach for what you are passionate about and when you find that passion, give back to the world and let your positive energy flow into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Why wait for others to make you happy?  People are so adamant in ensuring that you know when others have made them upset or angry but, not many of us want to share those moments that have made us really happy.  I find that people are so much more interested in hearing about that things that have shock value or that make them feel like they  are relaying pertinent information.  Gossip and stories that have shock value have no value because everyone already knows those stories.  So, why not start a new trend and share stories that make you feel good and make others feel good?

So, where do you get these ‘feel good’ stories?  Instead of searching for them on the internet, which I would recommend, why not create them yourself by being the instrument that is spreading the happiness.  Here are some things that you can do to bring a smile and happiness into your life and the lives of others:

  • Give a homeless person $20 or take them into a restaurant and buy them a meal.
  • Contact a local animal shelter and ask them if they need one of your old computers, printers, televisions, old furniture, or anything else and donate it to them.
  • Contact a local women`s shelter and do the same – offer them women`s clothing, baby clothes, etc.
  • The above 2 points apply to any type of not-for-profit, they are always looking for donations.
  • If you have any extra money – donate it to help the environment or other not-for-profits that create positive change in the world, great organizations like; Peta, Greenpeace, WWF, 350.org, ACT, etc.
  • Volunteer and share your volunteering experience.
  • Hand out random `thank you`cards to strangers with a message that they are appreciated and loved.

I have done most of the things listed above – which brought me so much joy and pleasure.  Why should I not share that experience and feeling with others so that they can experience the same things?

My spouse shared a story with me that swelled my heart and made me so happy.  This reinforced how much kindness and generosity he has in his heart:

He was having a cup of coffee in the Second Cup (a local coffee house) when a girl came in and was enthusiastically commenting on a piece of cake that was in one of their displays.  She asked the employee how much it was and realized it was too much for her.  She indicated that the cake was worth it but that she could not buy it.  She said thanks and was about to leave.  Jason approached her and asked if it was okay if could buy the piece of cake for her.  She hesitated, so he Jason asked the employee for the cake and bought it for this stranger.  The young lady was so appreciative and grateful that she said because of Jason’s kindness, she would return the favour to someone else when she was able.

These are the stories that should inspire us to continue to initiate random acts of kindness.  They provide us with feelings of joy, happiness and fill your heart with love.  Forget celebrity gossip or news of current world events.  Let the stories of positivity and joy contaminant the hearts of everyone you touch.  Let these stories lead you to whatever happiness and fulfilment you are seeking.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


“I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved.  I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give.  I am very happy to do that, I want to do that.”
Princess Diana

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


I don’t believe in traditional religion.  I am always amazed at how those who are devout Christians always quote bible verses to emphasize their ignorance – but, they only emphasize the things that they are uncomfortable with – mostly homosexuality.  I have my own beliefs of the things that are written in the bible – I believe that it was written by men as a mechanism to control the general population by instilling fear.  That is my view – but I still do not wish any harm or mean any disrespect to those who believe a religious doctrine.

What do I believe?  I am not comfortable with the word GOD but, in the same breath, I don’t disbelief the concept of what people believe to be GOD.  I am more inclined to believe in what you can see, feel, smell and touch and not here say.  I also believe that there is something bigger than us – an energy or a source that can’t be explained.  I guess that is what people call GOD.  I believe that this is the energy that created us and the same energy that we go back to once we leave our physical bodies.  What happens after that – who knows?

What I do know about this energy/source is that it is a source of love, compassion and kindness.  This source has given us life, it has given us the air that we breathe, the food we eat, the trees, lakes, rivers and oceans.  It has given us pure beauty and we must reconnect with that love, compassion, kindness and beauty.  We must disconnect from negative thoughts, speak and actions.  We need to realign ourselves with the positive vibration of Source and we need to start with ourselves.  If we practice to be kind to ourselves – it will be much easier to be kinder to each other.  This kindness will then affect those around you and then connect and move forward in communities, towns, cities and eventually – the world.

Don’t surround yourself with negativity – stop watching programs that incite violence, hate and ignorance, turn off the television (and especially the news).  Remove yourself from those individuals in your life that are negative.  Live from love and your life will only bring you love.  Respect everyone, respect the planet including all animals.  When you respect and show kindness to everything – you are connecting to the Source that is ALL and that is LOVE.

This is what I strive to-day daily – live with kindness, compassion, love and beauty.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What guides you through your daily and life challenges?  Money, need for success, career goals, activism, fame or fortune?  FAITH to guide you towards your goals.  Be compassionate, helpful, loving and honest without comprimising who you are.

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Image and photo courtesy of Rob Pavao

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


FAT, UGLY, BITCH, SLUT, WHORE, FAGGOT, STUPID, DUMBASS, DYKE, LOSER, NIGGER, PAKI, CHINK, etc….. – I’m sure many of us remember what it feels like to be called one or more of these names.  Many people used these names to degrade us and to make us feel like we don’t belong.  Many of these words are used today to make so many people feel like they don’t belong.  If you are one of those people who are being called any of these names and you don’t feel like confronting the person/people who are calling you these names – know that it will stop.  Don’t let the word deflate the beautiful person you really are – allow the word to empower you to act with love and compassion to others who may be in the same situation.  Don’t let someone’s ignorance define you by how and what they call you.  Don’t let someone else’s negative energy get the better of you.  Like I said, if you don’t feel like confronting the person/people who are calling you these names – you don’t have to.  Instead, create a support group with other people who are in the same situation as you.  Create something positive from those who are instilling their ignorance, hate and negativity onto you.

For those of you who witness this type of bullying and ignorance – STAND UP and put an end to it.  Stopping ignorance, bigotry and hate doesn’t have to be surrounded in conflict or violence.  We all have the right to ask someone not to be mean or to stop treating others with disrespect – it is our duty!  We are responsible for lifting people up and making them feel worthy not destroy their confidence.

Just over a year ago – my partner shared a story about a young lady who was being harassed on YouTube.  People made horrible and hateful comments on a video she posted and went as far as saying that she should be killed.  This extraordinary women is Lizzie Velasquez.  Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the hateful comments – Lizzie fought back and became a worldwide inspiration for many.  Today, Lizzie motivates people around the world with her inspirational speeches.  You can read her story in the book, Lizzie Beautiful:  The Lizzie Velasquez Story written by Lizzie and her mother, Rita.  You can also be inspired by reading her first book entitled, Be Beautiful Be You.  Both books are available via www.amazon.com

For more information about Lizzie – you can visit her website via www.aboutlizzie.com

Lizzie’s story motivated my partner and I to create a Facebook page and a Care2 petition.  You can join/like the Facebook page and send Lizzie comments, the page is called:  WE LOVE LIZZIE VELASQUEZ.  The petition was created to have Lizzie share her story on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which was a dream for Lizzie.  (I don’t watch television too often so I don’t know if this happened or not).  To sign and share the petition – please visit the following site:  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/773/181/761/we-love-lizzie-velasquez-and-would-love-to-see-her-on-the-ellen-degeneres-show/

Here is Lizzie speaking at the TEDx Women of Austin event.

These are the stories we should be sharing with our friends and our families.  Someone you may know is potentially being bullied right now – your son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father or friend.  I am sure you wouldn’t want them to feel so bad about themselves.  We have seen or heard the stories of so many teens taking their own lives because of how others made them feel.  Let’s make sure we don’t allow this to continue.

We have all made mistakes and have used some of the words above in order to describe someone.  Maybe out of anger, resentment, ignorance or fear – whatever the reason, there is no excuse.   The best thing to do is to apologize and ask for forgiveness from the person we hurt with those words.  We can also think before we speak – words hurt and ultimately they words you speak are saying something not only of the person you are speaking about, they also say so much about yourself.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


How was it like for me to hide part of my true authentic self?  I was born gay, so why was I trying so hard to hide this amazing part of myself…..well, here are some of the reasons I refused talking about my sexuality:

  • I didn’t want my family to be ashamed of me.
  • I didn’t want to lose any of my friends.
  • I didn’t want to be kicked out of my parents house.
  • Society invoked violence against the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, queer) community – so why would I want to endure that?
  • Gay people were going to hell.
  • Gay people get AIDS and die.
  • Gay people are not “normal”.
  • Gay people are not equal to normal heterosexuals
  • Gay people are “dykes”, “faggots”, “sissies”, “pussies”, “gross”, “pedophiles”…..

So why didn’t I stay in the closet?  I was tired of trying to please everyone else but myself.  Once I embraced my homosexuality as part of my true authentic self – I was able to live my life with more clarity, honesty and authenticity.  No longer was I trying to hide who I was, no longer was I imprisoned by my desire to be what everyone else wanted me to be.  I was free, I was whole, I was finally me.  I was no longer afraid – I came to peace knowing that some people in my life (including family) would not accept this part of me but I didn’t care because there was nothing wrong with me.

I hope that there will be a day where gays and lesbians don’t have to ‘come out’ anymore because there is nothing to come out from.  ‘Coming out’ isn’t for the sake of making other people feel better – coming out, for me, was a way for me to liberate myself from the fears and stereotypes that society imposed on gays and lesbians.  If people accepted me already – why wouldn’t they embrace me after I empowered myself to live my true authentic life?  People fear what they don’t understand.  People are also slaves because of their religious beliefs and believe that the “sin of homosexuality” is an abomination.  Not very Christian is it?  (Please see my previous post ‘The Bible Mythology’ on many of the other things Christians should not be engaged in).

So – should we care when a celebrity comes out?  Absolutely!  What is the difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals (no this isn’t a joke)?  Nothing but our sexual preference!  As I have said many times before….I didn’t just decide to try being with men one day – I just knew I liked them and wanted to be with them in every way.  If it was that easy for me to choose to be gay – then it must have been a choice for heterosexuals to be straight.  Think about it – if, all of a sudden, I made the decision to be gay – then every other  straigh man or woman could make the same decision as I did.  Celebrities, athletes, politicians, and anyone else in the public eye should use their celebrity status as a platform to potentially save the lives of many individuals who struggle so hard in their decision to come out and live their authentic lives.  Whether you are homosexual or heterosexual – we all want the same things – to be happy, to contribute to the community, to help those in need, to love, to be compassionate and to spread positivity into the world.

I love all those who have paved the way for me, like gay icons – Harvey Milk, Liberace, Elton John, Carole Pope, Boy George, Jimmy Sommerville, Holly Johnston, Divine, Rupaul, George Michael, Barney Frank, Rachel Maddow, Ricky Martin, Ellen DeGeneres, Jason Collins, Dan Savage, Gareth Thomas, Greg Louganis, Cazwell, Frank Ocean and so many others.  I also love those who have continued to support the gay community and in our fight for equality, people like;  Madonna, David Beckham, Bill Maher, Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Cho, Joy Behar, Adam Levine, Chris Evans,  Michelle Visage, Lady Gaga and so many other wonderful people.

Coming out isn’t easy – despite what others may say – coming out is about finally being able to face your fears and to go against everything that you believed to be true.  Coming out is a realization that there was never anything wrong with you and only in those that instilled their hatred, ignorance and fear about homosexuals into society.  Coming out is brave, liberating, joyous, loving, wonderful, strong and honest but, most importantly,  coming out is about loving yourself.

Enjoy these videos:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


As an animal activist – I ensure that I do everything I can to stop the inhumane treatment of any animal.  I don’t buy leather or any other clothing materials that are made from the suffering of animals.  I am vegan and I don’t support any behaviour that provides gratification by exploiting animals.  Here is a list of activities that I find heinous and we should do anything we can to ensure that they cease:

  • Running of the bulls (Spain)
  • Stomping on animals
  • Rodeos
  • Horse Racing
  • Dog Racing/Dog Fighting
  • Cock Fighting
  • Circus
  • Any type of animal confinement (zoo’s, Sea World, Marineland, etc.)
  • Fishing
  • Bull Fighting
  • Seal Cull (Canada)

I am perplexed how anyone can justify killing animals for the thrill of killing them.  Many animals are on the brink of extinction and yet, hunters proudly pose beside the animal they gunned down without any remorse.  It says a lot about a person when they can lift a gun, aim, and then shoot the life out of anything – whether it human or animal.  How can someone feel joy and ecstasy when they have just taken the life essence out of another soul?  Animals deserve the same respect as humans do – they cry out in pain, they cry out when hurt and they cry out in anger.

Melissa Bachman is the latest ‘hunter’ to pose beside her kill all in the name of sport.  Melissa is a television personality who presents the American hunting show, Winchester Deadly Passion.  Here is a quote from her hunt – “An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion… What a hunt!”

PS – I only post this photo so that you can see the lack of respect this individual has for another living and breathing soul…..

Melissa Bachman

It breaks my heart to know that people receive gratification from killing in cold blood.  There is no justification for this and Melissa Bachman should feel ashamed (clearly, she does not).

I am an avid believer of karma.  I don’t ever wish harm or violence on any living soul but I know that Melissa’s life will only attract what she gives out into the universe.  Hopefully she has learned her lesson from all the negative backlash she is receiving in posting this picture.  Hopefully – she will think twice before ending the life of another helpless animal.

Here are some facts about lions:

  1. Lions live a nomadic lifestyle in groups called ‘prides’, with a pack mentality that is usually led by the females.
  2. Male lions grow up to 10 feet in length.
  3. Lions bodies are built for hunting.
  4. Female lions mate about every two years giving birth to one to six cubs (60 to 70 percent of cubs will die in the first year of their lives).
  5. Life span of lions in the wild – male (12 years), female (15).
  6. The conservation status for an African Lion is considered to be very vulnerable and critically endangered for the Asiatic Lion.
  7. Population of African lions has been almost cut in half the past two decades because of retaliatory killings by farmers (whose livestock the lions eat), as well as trophy hunting and habitat loss.
  8. Human encroachment on habitat has left the Gir population of lions highly endangered.

Facts obtained via:  http://www.livescience.com/27404-lion-facts.html

We can get involved by doing several things:  Donate to WWF to help the conservation of all endangered animals and their homes, don’t purchase any items that contain any animal products – synthetic fibres are just as good, research the companies you buy your products from to ensure that no animals were harmed in the making of those products (PETA has a great list for ‘cruelty free shopping’, and finally – Please don’t support any program the glorifies hunting or the inhumane treatment of animals (rodeos, bull-fighting, horse racing, dog fighting, etc).  We must show respect, compassion and gratitude (if you eat them) for all animals not just the ones we consider to be our pets.  Here are the links to PETA and WWF:



Together, we can make the world a more positive one!