Have you ever wondered what/where the world’s tallest freestanding structure was or what the all-tim best-selling non-fiction book was?  Do you know what world destination is the most visited?  What of social media – do you prefer Facebook, Twitter or Google+ Well, look no further because I am about to share some of the answers with you now.



The oldest elephant ever was Lin Wang, an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), who died on 26 February 2003 aged 86, at Taipei Zoo, Taiwan.

Grandpa Lin, as he became known, carried supplies through the jungles of Myanmar (formerly Burma) for the Japanese army, during World War II. He was even taken prisoner by the Chinese in 1943. Lin Wang retired to the Zoo in 1954. The average age of an Asian elephant is 60 years.


The longest snake in captivity is named Medusa, she resides in Kansas City, Missouri USA and is 7.67 metres long or 25 feet, 2 inches.  She weighs 350lbs.


The best-selling non-fiction book in the world is The Bible

Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci is the most expensive book ever sold – $30.8 million (sold in 1994).  Bought by Microsoft mogul Bill Gates.  A 72-page document (and therefore not a printed book), Codex Leicester is a collection of scientific writing and gained its named from Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester who bought it in 1719.  The journal covers theories on astronomy, water, rock, air, the moon and the heavens.




Billboard HOT 100 Top Group – The Beatles

Billboard HOT 100 Top Female Artist – Madonna.  Madonna is also Billboard’s Hot 100 top female artists.  She has had the most top 10 singles, a total of 38.  She has sold over 305 million albums worldwide and is the best-selling female recording artist according to Guinness World Record.

Best Selling Digital Artist – Rihanna 




The tallest freestanding tower in the world is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  The Burj Khalifa houses offices, residentials units and a hotel.  It measures 829.8 metres tall.


Here are the top 5 most travelled to locations or destinations in the world (according to the Business Insider):

5.  Niagara Falls (22.5 million)

4.  Union Station, Washington D.C. USA (32.8 million)

3.  Central Park, New York City, NY USA (37.5 million)

2.  Times Square, New York City, NY USA (39.2 million)

1.  Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas, NV USA (39.6 million)


The top 5 grossing films of all time are:

5.  Frozen (2013) – $1.2 billion

4.  Harry Potter and The Deathy Hallows Pt II (2011) – $1.3 billion

3.  Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) – $1.5 billion

2.  Titanic (1997) – $2.1 billion

1.  Avatar (2009) – $2.7 billion


Here are the top 10 series finales in television history (US):

10.  Home Improvement – May 1999 (35.5 million)

9.  Family Ties – May 1989 (36.3 million)

8.  All In The Family – April 1979 (40.2 million)

7.  The Cosby Show – April 1992 (44.4 million)

6.  Magnum P.I. – May 1988 (50.7 million)

5.  Friends – May 2004 (52.5 million)

4.  Seinfeld – May 1998 (76.3 million)

3.  The Fugitive – August 1967 (78 million)

2.  Cheers – May 1993 (84.4 million)

1.  M*A*S*H – February 1983 (105.9 million)



Facebook – Has approximately 1.15 billion users, 350 million photos are uploaded everyday and 751 million users access Facebook from a mobile device.

Twitter – Has approximately 500 + million users and approximately 20 million twitter accounts are fake.

Google+ – Has approximately 500 + million users of which 67% are male.

Pinterest – Has approximately 70 + million users of which 64% are female.

Instagram – Has over 130 million users and MTV is the most followed with over 1.2 million followers.

Linkedin – Has over 238 million users.

Technology has allowed the world to come together to witness some of the most amazing things in the world.  We have witnessed triumphs and tragedies across the world.  Revolutions were organized using social media.  We are able to receive instant messages of events happening across the oceans and throughout the universe.  With all the milestones we have witnessed – imagine the great things to come and the potential to create positive change around the world by sharing, following, favoriting, pinning and liking.

Together we can make the world a more positive one!



There is no GAY LOVE – it’s just LOVE!

There is no GAY MARRIAGE – it’s just MARRIAGE!

There is no GAY ADOPTION – it’s just ADOPTION!

There is no GAY ATHLETE, CELEBRITY, MOVIE STAR, POLITICIAN – they are just athletes, celebrities, movie stars and politicians!

Why do same-sex couples always have to endure the label of ‘GAY’ in front of everything that heterosexuals don’t even consider when they speak of the same thing?  It’s not ‘heterosexual’ love, or ‘heterosexual’ marriage or a ‘heterosexual’ relationship.  I don’t go to a heterosexual hospital, doctor, lawyer, real estate agent, hotel, auto shop, etc.  I don’t have ‘gay’ tears or ‘gay’ blood or a ‘gay’ smile – I just have tears, blood and a smile. 

So many people fear what they don’t understand and allow stereotypical behaviour to continue based on their lack of understanding and ignorance.  Many people automatically become angered, threatened or annoyed as soon as same-sex couples want to have the same rights and benefits as they do.  Most often cite religion as their justification for not allowing same-sex couples the same rights as they do.  

Two fathers posted an image of themselves getting their children ready for school via Instagram (The photo has now been circulating via Twitter and Facebook) and right away, the ignorant and hateful comments began.  Is it because they were of the same-sex – YES, undeniably.  Why can’t people see the picture as something beautiful – two men, assisting their children, loving their children, providing for their children but most importantly – being present with their children.  This isn’t ‘gay’ parenting – it is parenting at its’ best.  It is nurturing and something so many children lack today – a secure, healthy, happy and loving environment. 

Here is the photo that stirred so many feelings (and not all negative either) in so many people:

Kaleb, Kordale and family

(Thanks to Kaleb and Kordale – and family, for sharing such a beautiful picture with us.)

Love isn’t gay or straight – it is simply LOVE!  

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



FAT, UGLY, BITCH, SLUT, WHORE, FAGGOT, STUPID, DUMBASS, DYKE, LOSER, NIGGER, PAKI, CHINK, etc….. – I’m sure many of us remember what it feels like to be called one or more of these names.  Many people used these names to degrade us and to make us feel like we don’t belong.  Many of these words are used today to make so many people feel like they don’t belong.  If you are one of those people who are being called any of these names and you don’t feel like confronting the person/people who are calling you these names – know that it will stop.  Don’t let the word deflate the beautiful person you really are – allow the word to empower you to act with love and compassion to others who may be in the same situation.  Don’t let someone’s ignorance define you by how and what they call you.  Don’t let someone else’s negative energy get the better of you.  Like I said, if you don’t feel like confronting the person/people who are calling you these names – you don’t have to.  Instead, create a support group with other people who are in the same situation as you.  Create something positive from those who are instilling their ignorance, hate and negativity onto you.

For those of you who witness this type of bullying and ignorance – STAND UP and put an end to it.  Stopping ignorance, bigotry and hate doesn’t have to be surrounded in conflict or violence.  We all have the right to ask someone not to be mean or to stop treating others with disrespect – it is our duty!  We are responsible for lifting people up and making them feel worthy not destroy their confidence.

Just over a year ago – my partner shared a story about a young lady who was being harassed on YouTube.  People made horrible and hateful comments on a video she posted and went as far as saying that she should be killed.  This extraordinary women is Lizzie Velasquez.  Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the hateful comments – Lizzie fought back and became a worldwide inspiration for many.  Today, Lizzie motivates people around the world with her inspirational speeches.  You can read her story in the book, Lizzie Beautiful:  The Lizzie Velasquez Story written by Lizzie and her mother, Rita.  You can also be inspired by reading her first book entitled, Be Beautiful Be You.  Both books are available via www.amazon.com

For more information about Lizzie – you can visit her website via www.aboutlizzie.com

Lizzie’s story motivated my partner and I to create a Facebook page and a Care2 petition.  You can join/like the Facebook page and send Lizzie comments, the page is called:  WE LOVE LIZZIE VELASQUEZ.  The petition was created to have Lizzie share her story on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which was a dream for Lizzie.  (I don’t watch television too often so I don’t know if this happened or not).  To sign and share the petition – please visit the following site:  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/773/181/761/we-love-lizzie-velasquez-and-would-love-to-see-her-on-the-ellen-degeneres-show/

Here is Lizzie speaking at the TEDx Women of Austin event.

These are the stories we should be sharing with our friends and our families.  Someone you may know is potentially being bullied right now – your son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father or friend.  I am sure you wouldn’t want them to feel so bad about themselves.  We have seen or heard the stories of so many teens taking their own lives because of how others made them feel.  Let’s make sure we don’t allow this to continue.

We have all made mistakes and have used some of the words above in order to describe someone.  Maybe out of anger, resentment, ignorance or fear – whatever the reason, there is no excuse.   The best thing to do is to apologize and ask for forgiveness from the person we hurt with those words.  We can also think before we speak – words hurt and ultimately they words you speak are saying something not only of the person you are speaking about, they also say so much about yourself.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


As an animal activist – I ensure that I do everything I can to stop the inhumane treatment of any animal.  I don’t buy leather or any other clothing materials that are made from the suffering of animals.  I am vegan and I don’t support any behaviour that provides gratification by exploiting animals.  Here is a list of activities that I find heinous and we should do anything we can to ensure that they cease:

  • Running of the bulls (Spain)
  • Stomping on animals
  • Rodeos
  • Horse Racing
  • Dog Racing/Dog Fighting
  • Cock Fighting
  • Circus
  • Any type of animal confinement (zoo’s, Sea World, Marineland, etc.)
  • Fishing
  • Bull Fighting
  • Seal Cull (Canada)

I am perplexed how anyone can justify killing animals for the thrill of killing them.  Many animals are on the brink of extinction and yet, hunters proudly pose beside the animal they gunned down without any remorse.  It says a lot about a person when they can lift a gun, aim, and then shoot the life out of anything – whether it human or animal.  How can someone feel joy and ecstasy when they have just taken the life essence out of another soul?  Animals deserve the same respect as humans do – they cry out in pain, they cry out when hurt and they cry out in anger.

Melissa Bachman is the latest ‘hunter’ to pose beside her kill all in the name of sport.  Melissa is a television personality who presents the American hunting show, Winchester Deadly Passion.  Here is a quote from her hunt – “An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion… What a hunt!”

PS – I only post this photo so that you can see the lack of respect this individual has for another living and breathing soul…..

Melissa Bachman

It breaks my heart to know that people receive gratification from killing in cold blood.  There is no justification for this and Melissa Bachman should feel ashamed (clearly, she does not).

I am an avid believer of karma.  I don’t ever wish harm or violence on any living soul but I know that Melissa’s life will only attract what she gives out into the universe.  Hopefully she has learned her lesson from all the negative backlash she is receiving in posting this picture.  Hopefully – she will think twice before ending the life of another helpless animal.

Here are some facts about lions:

  1. Lions live a nomadic lifestyle in groups called ‘prides’, with a pack mentality that is usually led by the females.
  2. Male lions grow up to 10 feet in length.
  3. Lions bodies are built for hunting.
  4. Female lions mate about every two years giving birth to one to six cubs (60 to 70 percent of cubs will die in the first year of their lives).
  5. Life span of lions in the wild – male (12 years), female (15).
  6. The conservation status for an African Lion is considered to be very vulnerable and critically endangered for the Asiatic Lion.
  7. Population of African lions has been almost cut in half the past two decades because of retaliatory killings by farmers (whose livestock the lions eat), as well as trophy hunting and habitat loss.
  8. Human encroachment on habitat has left the Gir population of lions highly endangered.

Facts obtained via:  http://www.livescience.com/27404-lion-facts.html

We can get involved by doing several things:  Donate to WWF to help the conservation of all endangered animals and their homes, don’t purchase any items that contain any animal products – synthetic fibres are just as good, research the companies you buy your products from to ensure that no animals were harmed in the making of those products (PETA has a great list for ‘cruelty free shopping’, and finally – Please don’t support any program the glorifies hunting or the inhumane treatment of animals (rodeos, bull-fighting, horse racing, dog fighting, etc).  We must show respect, compassion and gratitude (if you eat them) for all animals not just the ones we consider to be our pets.  Here are the links to PETA and WWF:



Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


I am amazed at how so many people are afraid to face the realities of what is happening around them and how they don’t want to get involved in issues that inflict injustice on other people, animals and the environment.  I scan the Facebook pages of friends and acquaintances and am awestruck at the meaningless posts they want others to read.  Here are some examples (without mentioning names, of course):

  • a friend liked a page dedicated to ‘hot guys in sweat pants’
  • someone posted a link to pictures of ‘people of Wal-Mart’ obviously to ridicule their look and weirdness
  • people bragging about how great their lives are (without being humble)
  • people bragging at how great their make-up or haircuts look

I know…..why is it so wrong for people to post these things – they are only sharing these things for laughs or because they are proud.  Maybe it’s me – but I don’t enjoy poking fun at people anymore or telling everyone on Facebook that I love porn.  Maybe I am making too much of an assumption – I have posted pictures of concerts I have attended and of authors I have met.  Why do I feel that the posts most other people make are not as authentic?  Why should I care?  I don’t know what contributions these people make to social, political or environmental causes.  Here’s why I care…..

I know some of these people and I know their personalities and their habits…..when someone tells me they don’t recycle because their landlord doesn’t supply them with the resources to recycle, why should they bother?  They would rather surf the net for pictures of hot guys or follow the lives of porn stars than engage in a conversation with their landlord about setting up a recycling station in their building.  That’s the reality.

I have also engaged in pretty heated debates on Facebook because of what someone may have posted.  I stand behind everything I post – because I believe whatever I post 100%  I try not to judge the lifestyle’s of others but will stand up for what I believe in.  Many people have commented on many of my Facebook posts telling me “why do you post those, they are too violent”, “I don’t want to see that”, “Facebook isn’t for activism”.  I guess Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites are only for ‘hooking up’, porn, making fun/judging others or to post meaningless crap that continues to distract people from the realities and injustices BIG corporations, BIG oil and our governments are creating to ensure we don’t ‘remove our blinders’.

I may not be able to go to the Arctic to make a point that Shell/Exxon/BP or any other oil company should not be drilling there – but I can certainly post and blog about it to get the message out.  I may not be able to afford an electric vehicle right now but if I keep spreading the word to pressure our governments and the automobile industries, maybe I will one day.  I may not be blocking transport trucks from delivery animals to slaughter houses but I can surely share the horrors these animals go through and possibly making someone think twice before they purchase factor farmed animals.

I know and understand our need to be desensitized to social, political and environmental issues – life is difficult, but if we continue to leave our blinders on, imagine what the world would look like tomorrow?  Think about it for just one moment – if people didn’t advocate for the environment and sustainable energy, what would our environment look like today?  If people didn’t advocate for equality or human rights, what would our world look like today?  Imagine if we didn’t have PETA or individuals who actually care about the pain and suffering animals go through, what would our world look like today?

Social media is a powerful tool – with it, we can send messages across the globe instantaneously and start revolutions, we can ignite the spark and let the flames of positive change engulf the planet.  Are you ready?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


Jason (my spouse) was recently reviewing the status of his friends on Facebook to see what kind of things people were up to.  He noticed that an acquaintance of ours posted how inappropriate it is for animal activists to post violent images/videos of animals being tortured.  She indicated that Facebook was not the appropriate place to post these types of images and also not appropriate for children.  She went on to say that she is against violence towards women but would never post a woman being raped on Facebook (I hope not).

I figured I would address this issue to ensure people understand why I post or share such images on social media and with my friends and family.  If you don’t see what is happening, most people would tend to believe it doesn’t exist.  So ensuring that people see the images of animals being treated in an un-ethical way is detrimental to creating awareness.  If you didn’t know the types of abuse that animals endure and the extent of their abuse, wouldn’t it make it easier to make a decision to defend them? 

I try not to watch the news (and rarely do) but, on the times were I have – the images they show are sometimes very violent.  Stories of war, genocide, murder, rape, child abuse, child porn etc….if they stopped reporting the truth – would be tend to forget and not want to advocate against these horrible events/things?  Personally, I am much more moved to act when I see images of whatever it is people are advocating for.  The government made it law for tobacco companies to add graphic images to their cigarette packages – these images are effective in communicating the dangers and health implications if you smoke.  Maybe we need to ask our government to include images of how cows/pigs/chickens and fish (and all other animals) are slaughtered or how horrible they are treated prior to being slaughtered on the outside of the package to create awareness? 

It is convenient for us to accept violence when we are not attached to it or are disconnected from it – but when it becomes personal, we make any excuse we can to not want to see the truth.  This is the reason why I became an animal advocate – I woke up!  I wanted to know what I was eating and why I was eating it – I didn’t want to just follow blindly because it was the ‘normal’ thing to do.  I learned that animals have voices – they scream when they get hurt, they are sad when abandoned, – they understand and feel, so why would I not want to ensure that we see the images of what they go through?  Animals can’t speak – they can’t tell the people who slaughter them that they don’t want to die.   Elephants, tigers, bears, lions and other circus animals can’t tell you that they do not want to be beaten in submission in order to entertain you.  Whales, dolphins, seals and sharks can’t tell you they do not want to be cooped up in a tank their whole lives in order for us to gawk at them.  Foxes, chinchillas, wolves, polar bears and other animals can’t speak to let you know that their fur isn’t made for you to wear.  Alligators, snakes and crocodiles can’t communicate that they don’t want to be murdered in order to become handbags, boots or luggage sets.  We need the images, because without them, we are completely disconnected and blind in how they are treated.

I will continue to post these images/videos on Facebook, as a matter-of-fact – I would encourage all advocates to continue to post the truth because without it – it really doesn’t exist and this type of dialogue would not be happening.  If you can’t handle being faced with the truth or don’t want to see these images – ‘un-friend’ me or whomever is sending you those images.  I only hope that when you do disconnect yourself from the truth, that you don’t forget the plight of whatever cause you shut yourself from.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!