Here are 3 short (and great) videos that emphasize the urgency of humanity’s need to act to save our planet.  Knowledge, truth and acceptance will allow us to come together for the greater good of our planet.  LOVE always wins in the end.  Let’s start the REVOLUTION OF LOVE for our planet and for humanity.

Jamie Dunmore’s CALL TO HUMANITY:

Greenpeace’s plea and CALL TO ACTION for our PLANET:


The time is now…..

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Humanity is at a cross roads regarding the state of our planet – if there is anything we can do about it, WE MUST DO IT NOW.  The debates must stop and we must act.  So, what is the problem?  Modernization, Consumerism and the demand that we put on our planet’s resources for wanting and needing more.  Most of us do not think about the consequences of our actions on a global scale – when we want something, we go out and buy it.  No questions asked and no regard of the outcome of the decision we make in buying that said product.  How many of us ask ourselves:

  • “Do I really need (insert whatever it is you are buying)?”
  • “What am I supporting when I purchase this?” (Deforestation, human rights issues, low wages, poverty, public safety).
  • “Do I really need to buy new, or is there a ‘used’ alternative?” (less packaging, less waste, less impact on the planet’s resources).
  • “Do I really need another car, boat, etc…?”
  • “What am I supporting when I purchase from this company?” (Do they have great environmental policies, are they working to sustain the planet, do they test on animals, are they part of the environmental problem and not the solution?)

In our desire to want and need, we continue to deplete what little natural resources we have.  An automobile can cost $35,000 but what is the cost to the planet when we need to use steel for the skeleton of the car, leather for the seats, plastic for the body, etc…How much more can our planet take?  Well, according to the majority of climate scientists, we are on the brink of a catastrophe of great proportions – it is not a matter of ‘what if’ anymore but of ‘when’.

In Stephen Emmott’s book, “Ten Billion” – Stephen asks an aspiring and brilliant scientist on the impeding climate crisis what he would advise his child – the scientists reply was shocking to say the least…He indicated that he would ensure his child knew how to use a gun to prepare for the civil unrest due to climate change based on their facts.  I come from a more optimistic view and hope that we can come together and solve this potential crisis.  Here are simple solutions that can decrease your carbon footprint: 

  1. Educate yourself – rely on facts not what you hear from our politicians, religious institutes and corporations.  Politicians will tell you anything to get your vote, rely on their actions to make a difference for the planet and for humanity.  Corporations rely on your money and will tell you anything to get it – demand better product for your health, the environment and the ethical treatment of animals.
  2. Stop buying products the promote deforestation on a mass scale (paper, palm oil, cotton).  Find alternative products.  For example, hemp can be used for many things and has much less impact on our planet.  Again – demand this from corporations and your politicians.  Hemp is not what they want you to believe it is – educate yourself and stop listening to what ‘they’ want you to believe on hemp.
  3. Support politicians that make a real commitment and effort to fight the impacts of climate change.  Ensure they support new technologies that are sustainable and don’t contribute to challenges the children of the future will have to face.
  4. Drastically minimize your need to purchase anything new.  Buy used.  More importantly – if you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
  5. Bring your breakfast/lunch/dinner in reusable containers/bags – there is no need to contribute to landfills.  Don’t buy anything in plastic or styrofoam containers.  If you do eat out – support a local business and “BIG CHAINS”.  When you eat at a local restaurant, you are supporting local farming and most serve their meals on plates and cutlery that is reusable.
  6. Think about fostering/adopting – there are many children in the world that would love the opportunity to receive love.  Having more children contributes to the challenge of over-population.  More people requires more natural resources (food, water, land).  If we are maximizing these resources now having more children will only contribute to the problem.  Educate yourself on this matter and really ask yourself “Do I want to contribute more to this problem, or do I want to help find a solution?”
  7. Limit travel to places that are fragile – Borneo forest, Amazon, Madagascar, Great Barrier Reef, etc.  The more you travel to these places – the more they will become endangered due to over development.

The most important thing you can do:

  1. Use your common sense:  The more we consume – the more garbage there is.  The more we use pesticides – the more we pollute our soil and water.  The more we fly and drive – the more we pollute the air we breathe.  The more we eat meat – the more forests we destroy.
  2. Listen to the experts:  Climate scientists don’t have anything to gain by informing us of the truth.  They are not being paid by politicians or big corporations.  They are providing factual information based on years of study and environmental events that are taking place right now because of our actions (drought, fires, extreme weather, landslides, flooding, rise in temperatures). 
  3. See the evidence that is right in front of you:  Look around – developers are cutting forests down to replace them with homes we don’t need, companies are destroying our waters and forests for oil that won’t last.  Governments are spending more money on policing the people and subsidizing wars rather than investing in sustainable energy and saving the planet.

Is ignorance bliss?  NO!

We need a REVOLUTION OF LOVE to save humanity.  We need more people to stand up to corporate bullying and we need politicians that are acting out of love for their countries, the people and the greater good of humanity and not for the kick-backs they can receive.

Please watch Years of Living Dangerously on Showtime.  Here is a link to the premier episode:

Support the following organizations:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


If you think that animals don’t have feelings and don’t have emotions – think again.  Anything that is sentient should be treated with respect.  Animals are not ours for fashion, entertainment or experimentation.  These videos will show you how much joy, happiness and love animals are capable of:





***this island was where they used to experiment on animals, they have since stopped and allowed the rabbits to live in relative safety***




Animals are amazing – please help spread the word and don’t support the fur industry, beef industry, hunting, animals being held without care, Sea World, or any outlet that expoits, tortures or kills animals inhumanely.  Animals have emotions just like you and I – please be respectful and loving.

Pleae help your local animal shelter by donating items they may need or with monetary donations, if you don’t have a local animal shelter – here are some websites you can visit to make your donations:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



I always believed that, as I got older, things would become better in our world.  The environment would be taken care of, animals would have the protection they required against cruelty, there would be tougher laws for those who inflicted hate crimes against the LGBT community, corporations would not dictate legislation, government would award companies that invested in sustainable energy, there would be laws against deforestation, laws against the use of animals for our entertainment and for clothing, we would see the protection of our water from BIG OIL, we would outlaw deforestation due to cattle farming basically, we would find new approaches and ideas for the things that have disabled the planet.

So many people believe they can’t effect change because they are only one person – but if that passion was felt by many, imagine the positive changes that would begin to happen across the planet.  The politicians and policies of yesterday should be left in the past – they haven’t served us well.  It is time for a new generation to rise and to actually do some good for the planet because this is the only one we have.  It is time for past generations to release their hold of power and allow a new generation to fix the mistakes they have made to ensure our survival and to pave the way for positive change in the world.

Here are some things that generations past have left us to contend with – it is up to ALL OF US to end this and to look for new ways that don’t harm the planet, our environment, our water, our land, animals and our people.  It’s time to make things right:

WE CAN DO SOMETHING – Share this information, write your politicians and hold them accountable – ask them to support sustainable energy, educate yourself and support companies that have excellent environmental policies and DO NOT contribute to the destruction of the planet.  Also – you don’t need more ‘things’ to be happy.  Surround yourself with positive people who want to contribute to healing our planet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

LOVE or POSSESSIONS? What Matters Most To You?

2014 has officially started.  It is time to live in the moment and to enjoy what life has to offer.  It is time to look at our lives and assess and ask ourselves, what is it that is really important for us.  We are so influenced by what others think or what society deems is important to have.  We are told what to eat, where we should work, what we should have in order to be happy and who we should love.  Why not forget all that and think for ourselves?  Remove the distractions – the televisions, the magazines, the newspapers, the superficial friends and the influence of big corporations.  Really think for ourselves!  Do we really need to live in the biggest and most expensive house?  Do we really need to drive the biggest SUV?  Do we really need to have a television in each room?  For what?  Our possessions mean nothing when our lives are limited to the time we have on this planet.  So – what is it that is really important to you?  Material possessions or time spent with people you love.  People who encourage, support and love you.  How about spending time reconnecting to the planet – offering your service and compassion to assist in its healing?  How about not buying or consuming anymore for yourself and helping those who are in dire need, those who need food, clothing, shelter and love?

2014 doesn’t only have to be about meeting our financial or materialistic goals – it could also be about giving back and allowing ourselves to feel good about giving back and making positive change in our world.  Instead of walking past, ignoring and making judgments on that homeless person on the street, why not change your feeling by either giving that person a blanket, clothing, food or even some money?  Instead of buying another television or any other materialistic thing you don’t require and making a donation to an environmental advocacy group like WWF or Greenpeace.  Instead of spending money going out to a restaurant or club – why not donate your money to a non-profit organization that saves the lives of so many animals like PETA or PAWS?

Life isn’t about consuming more and more materialistic objects – these things don’t define us.  What really defines us is our actions.  I remember a time were the only thing that mattered in my life was having a job that we allow me the financial freedom to buy a big house, a great car and all the materialistic possessions I wanted.  I grew up and realized that these things would not give me the satisfaction and happiness that I needed.  Giving back and advocating for the things that were important to me is what really matters to me and the things that matter most are animals, the planet and the well-being of those who struggle with their sexuality (LGBTQ).  This doesn’t mean that I am ignorant to the plight of so many others – I just want to ensure I focus on the things that matter most to me.

We keep hearing about those who have everything (the top 1%) and that they can end hunger with the amount of money that they have amassed.  The reality of the 1% is that they obviously do not want to see a better world.  They like the power and control they have over the masses.  We must ensure that we continue spreading the message that all humans have the right to the basic necessaties of life; food, clothing and shelter.  We must continue our REVOLUTION OF LOVE and spread positivity into our world – only then will we be able to heal our planet, respect our animals and respect each other.  So what really matters for you in 2014, feeling good about yourself by being compassionate, loving and giving back to the planet and society or by creating more wealth and greed for those that wish to control and distract us from being our authentic loving selves?

Here is brief video that puts our need for materialistic things into perspective entitled “It All Goes Back Into The Box”:

May the year bring you all love, compassion and health!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


As an animal activist – I ensure that I do everything I can to stop the inhumane treatment of any animal.  I don’t buy leather or any other clothing materials that are made from the suffering of animals.  I am vegan and I don’t support any behaviour that provides gratification by exploiting animals.  Here is a list of activities that I find heinous and we should do anything we can to ensure that they cease:

  • Running of the bulls (Spain)
  • Stomping on animals
  • Rodeos
  • Horse Racing
  • Dog Racing/Dog Fighting
  • Cock Fighting
  • Circus
  • Any type of animal confinement (zoo’s, Sea World, Marineland, etc.)
  • Fishing
  • Bull Fighting
  • Seal Cull (Canada)

I am perplexed how anyone can justify killing animals for the thrill of killing them.  Many animals are on the brink of extinction and yet, hunters proudly pose beside the animal they gunned down without any remorse.  It says a lot about a person when they can lift a gun, aim, and then shoot the life out of anything – whether it human or animal.  How can someone feel joy and ecstasy when they have just taken the life essence out of another soul?  Animals deserve the same respect as humans do – they cry out in pain, they cry out when hurt and they cry out in anger.

Melissa Bachman is the latest ‘hunter’ to pose beside her kill all in the name of sport.  Melissa is a television personality who presents the American hunting show, Winchester Deadly Passion.  Here is a quote from her hunt – “An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion… What a hunt!”

PS – I only post this photo so that you can see the lack of respect this individual has for another living and breathing soul…..

Melissa Bachman

It breaks my heart to know that people receive gratification from killing in cold blood.  There is no justification for this and Melissa Bachman should feel ashamed (clearly, she does not).

I am an avid believer of karma.  I don’t ever wish harm or violence on any living soul but I know that Melissa’s life will only attract what she gives out into the universe.  Hopefully she has learned her lesson from all the negative backlash she is receiving in posting this picture.  Hopefully – she will think twice before ending the life of another helpless animal.

Here are some facts about lions:

  1. Lions live a nomadic lifestyle in groups called ‘prides’, with a pack mentality that is usually led by the females.
  2. Male lions grow up to 10 feet in length.
  3. Lions bodies are built for hunting.
  4. Female lions mate about every two years giving birth to one to six cubs (60 to 70 percent of cubs will die in the first year of their lives).
  5. Life span of lions in the wild – male (12 years), female (15).
  6. The conservation status for an African Lion is considered to be very vulnerable and critically endangered for the Asiatic Lion.
  7. Population of African lions has been almost cut in half the past two decades because of retaliatory killings by farmers (whose livestock the lions eat), as well as trophy hunting and habitat loss.
  8. Human encroachment on habitat has left the Gir population of lions highly endangered.

Facts obtained via:

We can get involved by doing several things:  Donate to WWF to help the conservation of all endangered animals and their homes, don’t purchase any items that contain any animal products – synthetic fibres are just as good, research the companies you buy your products from to ensure that no animals were harmed in the making of those products (PETA has a great list for ‘cruelty free shopping’, and finally – Please don’t support any program the glorifies hunting or the inhumane treatment of animals (rodeos, bull-fighting, horse racing, dog fighting, etc).  We must show respect, compassion and gratitude (if you eat them) for all animals not just the ones we consider to be our pets.  Here are the links to PETA and WWF:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Okay – this blog is supposed to be about creating positive change in the world….so why a blog title with such a negative implication?  Well – in order to achieve positive outcomes and promote positive change into the world – we must look at the bad.  Here are some of the most profitable companies in the world and some of their crimes – educate yourself, do the research and ask yourself these questions:  Do you want to continue to support this kind of business?  Are their products really promoting good health?  Do these companies really have the consumers best interests at hand?  Are they environmentally conscious?  How are they treating their workers around the world?  Is the company really promoting an inclusive, positive and healthy planet?  Keep these questions in mind as we take a closer look at just how these corporations run their business.

COCA COLA – Yes, it is THE REAL THING but not really what you think.

Coca Cola has spent millions of dollars marketing Coke (and  many of their other soft drink brands) as delicious and sometimes nutritious.  Tell me, how can they sell their brands as nutritious and delicious when evidence has shown that aspartame, phosphoric acid, food dyes, other additives and toxins are not conducive to good health.  Yes, it is the consumers obligation to ensure they understand the consequences of their actions but Coca Cola has to take some responsibility – just as the tobacco industry has done.  Should they add more labelling in addition to their caloric values?  I believe so – as I mentioned, the tobacco companies have all included ‘warning labels’ on their cigarette packages such as how addictive they are, links to cancers and chronic respiratory illnesses.  Is it so difficult to have a label indicating that some of their products are addictive and may cause obesity and diabetes?

According to the group Killer Coke – they have claims that Coca Cola Corporation is responsible for many human rights violations not to mention tax evasion and breaking environmental laws.  Here are some examples of their crimes listed on

India:  Pollution of water sources, deception and cover-ups and pesticides in Coca Cola beverages.

Kenya:  Public health fears and pollution.

Mexico:  Breaking laws, defrauding Mexican workers and government.

Pakistan:  Extortion/blackmail, abductions and death threats.

Philippines:  Smuggling, tax evasion.

Tanzania:  Worker health and safety issues and child labor.

Turkey:  Workers fired for organizing union.

You can review all of the above issues and more on this groups website.  These allegations are serious and if true, Coca Cola should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.  Just because you amass such outrageous profits – shouldn’t exempt you from violating human rights, environmental and federal laws.  I am grateful that I do not support this company and any of its softdrinks including; Vitamin Water (which has no nutritional value), Coke Zero (which includes aspartame – proven not to be good for our bodies) and Dasani Water.  Stop filling landfills with these products and look to other healthier beverage choices.  Support local business that are organic and water depots that award you for being environmentally conscious and give you safe and clean water.


Many people have complained about the lack of proper nutrition that fast-food chains serve, what did they expect?  Here are some facts about the most noticeable fast-food chain in our existence:

  • 179 restaurants in India, where most people don’t eat either beef or pork.
  • 24 billion in revenue, yet they pay their workers minimum wage.  (Most workers employed by McDonald’s don’t make enough money to eat there).
  • 700,000 workers in the USA, with 150% turnover rate.
  • Americans consume one billion pounds of beef at McDonald’s in a year.
  • Next 3 years, McDonald’s plans to open one restaurant everyday in China.

So what is wrong with McDonald’s?  Well, like Coca Cola – they have been known to exploit children by offering toys to eat their food that lacks any sort of nutrients for their bodies.  They have been in the public eye for the inhumane treatment of animals – McDonald’s is responsible for the mass genocide of five and a half million head of cattle each year, not to mention the environmental implications that factory farming has on our planet, water and food supply.  We all know that McDonald’s isn’t serving healthy and nutritious meals or beverages to their consumers – they depend on this fact to keep them raking in their mass profits so that they can continue their abuse on their workers, the planets animals and the planet itself.  I am so glad that my addiction to fast-food was suppressed so long ago.  There was a time where my health was directly affected by consuming unhealthy burgers and beverages from McDonald’s.  I strongly believe that the mind-numbing migraines I used to get was from eating this processed food.  So glad those days are behind me.

More detailed information can be found on the following site:

WAL-MART – The lowest price is the law (and it’s greedy).

Here is what is know about Wal-Mart:

  • 2.1 million full-time employees.
  • 405 billion dollars in revenue.
  • Sold more bananas than any other item (most-likely, non-organic).
  • Largest overall employer in the USA.
  • All Wal-Mart parking lots would make up the size of Tampa, Florida.
  • Battling 1.6 million employees in the largest class action discrimination law suit.
  • Walton Family has given away about 2% of its net worth to charity.  Bill Gates gave 48% and Warren Buffet (78%)

Not only is Wal-Mart an eyesore – it is allowed to build in small towns rendering local business useless.  Now that it is selling food items – many local farmers are forced to file for bankruptcy. 

These corporations hide behind the mask of tolerance and compassion and would like us to believe that they care for their consumers.  This could not be further from the truth.  The shareholders and CEO’s of these mega corporations don’t support their workers, their products, the environment, the humane treatment of animals, the laws of other countries, human rights issues and they certainly do nothing to promote positive change in the world.  We know the truth and we have to stop making the following excuses;  “I’m too busy to shop anywhere else”, “I can’t afford organic food”, “it’s so convenient to buy everything in one store”, “the products are cheapest here”……When we keep telling ourselves these things, we buy into their brainwashing tactics.  If we continue to be fooled and leave our ‘blinders’ on – this world is going to be one that supports corporations that will continue to force small businesses into bankruptcy, they will continue to promote a world that supports obesity and diabetes, they will support a society where we allow mass genocide, economic inequality, discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation, environmental disregard and human rights violations.  If this is a world you want to be part of – they keep your blinders on because as they say – IGNORANCE IS BLISS!  Personally – I can’t be part of this and will continue to do my best to inform people of the injustices of BIG CORPORATIONS because without exploiting this negative energy, there can never be a positive outcome.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


Have you ever thought about the life an animal had before you ate it?  Where they ripped away from their mother?  Did the animal suffer before it ended up on your plate?  Did it have adequate living conditions? 

Have you thought about the animals that are used for clothing and fashion?  How about all those caged animals in zoos, water parks, at the circus, bullfights, rodeos and horse races?  How were they treated before their lifetime of living in cages just to be used to entertain us?  Do we really need animal experimentation to test the safety of household products, drugs and even make-up?  I’m sure there would be willing humans that would act as test subjects.

I think it is everyone’s responsibility to learn how these animals were obtained in order for them to be used for our food, fashion and entertainment.  ***Please note:  these images DO NOT compare to those I have seen of how animals are killed, beaten and tortured for food, fashion and entertainment – Also, all images obtained via internet****

FOR FOOD – Here is the reality of factory farming.  CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR ANIMALS.

Farmed BeefCaged PigsCaged Chickens

FOR SPORT – Are animals really enjoying themselves when they are subjected to this:

Horse dies during raceWhite Albino MoosePoor calf

Elephant in painBull soaked in bloodFishing

FOR FASHION and ENTERTAINMENT – Animals are meant to roam and explore not to rot in cages in misery all their lives.

Working orcaElephant and fur-wearing modelBear prisoner

Tigers through the ring of fireElephants and horses in the circusFoxes for fur

FOR MEDICINE/SCIENCE – Animals are often used to test many things such as; make-up, household products, pharmaceutical drugs and many other things.  THEY DO NOT DESERVE THIS, especially today!

Experimental bunniesPoor monkeyTest beagles

Test monkeyWhite 'test' cat

I believe that we must advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves.  Animals need our compassion and help – they only cry out in pain and discomfort.  We must be their voice and help them out of their cages and free them from their abuse cycle.  Animals are meant to live their lives freely and humanely.  We would be outraged if humans were treated the same way animals are.  We fight for the rights of criminals and dictator’s, we glorify war and we deplore violence towards children and women – why do we feel so disconnected when it comes to the lives of animals?

I know that we can make a difference in the lives of animals.  We can end their suffering, we can end their pain and we can end their torture…..all you have to do is understand that they, like us, have feelings and souls.  Just look into their eyes and you will see and feel their cry for help.


Free at last! AND THIS Turtle and butterfly


AS WELL AS THIS……Lazy PandaElephant and baby calf

Green Earth 2MooseMom and calf


Chimp and white tigerDian FosseyIngrid Newkirk


Bird in handHen and ChicksMom and calf



Animals are wonderful creatures – they have emotions just as we do and we can learn so much from them.  Here are some facts and videos of some of my favourite animals:


  • The DNA of a gorilla is very similar to humans (98-99%) – more than any other animal in the world
  • Gorillas interact with other species and sub-species – these types of interactions are very amicable
  • When male gorillas are about 12 years of age, they can develop silver colouring on their back, this is where the name ‘silver back’ comes from
  • A group of gorillas that live together are called a troop
  • Gorillas are not meat eaters
  • Every gorilla has a unique fingerprint – just like humans
  • Gorillas are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world.  They are able to process information and to think independently
  • Gorillas never sleep in the same place two nights in a row
  • Mother gorillas will continue to carry their offspring for about 2.5 years even though they are able to walk when they are 8 months old
  • They are able to see in colour.  All of their senses are very highly developed


  • Largest animals in the world – The largest ever recorded was an adult male who weighed 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet tall at the shoulder
  • Can live to be over 70 years of age
  • The only mammal that can’t jump
  • Have highly developed brains and the largest of all land mammals.  The brain is 3 or 4 times larger than the humans although smaller as a proportion of body weight
  • Elephants have poor eyesight but an amazing sense of smell
  • Elephants have the longest pregnancy of all the animals.  It takes a female 22 months from conception to give birth
  • Elephants purr like cats do as a means of communication
  • Tusks are an elephants incisor teeth.  They are used for defense, digging for water, and lifting things
  • Elephants wave their trunks up in the air and from side to side to smell better
  • Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh
  • Elephants are highly sensitive and caring animals, if a baby elephant complains, the entire family will rumble and go and go over to touch and caress it. Elephants express grief, compassion, self-awareness, altruism and play
  • Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away for some time returns to the group
  • Elephants are social creatures. They sometimes “hug” by wrapping their trunks together in displays of greeting and affection
  • Elephants pay homage to the bones of their dead, gently touching the skulls and tusks with their trunks and feet. when an elephant walks past a place that a loved one has died, he/she will stop dead still; a silent and empty pause that can last several minutes
  • Elephants use their feet to listen, they can pick up sub-sonic rumblings made by other elephants, through vibrations in the ground. Elephants are observed listening by putting trunks on the ground and carefully positioning their feet


  • Dolphins are extraordinarily intelligent animals who also display culture, something which was long-believed to be unique to humans (although now recognised in various species)
  • Dolphins have been observed teaching young how to use tools. They cover their snouts with sponges to protect them while foraging
  • Dolphins have several highly developed forms of communication. They have a “signature whistle” which allows other individuals to recognise them
  • Dolphins are altruistic animals. They are known to stay and help injured individuals, even helping them to the surface to breathe. Their compassion also extends across the species-barrier. There are many accounts of dolphins helping humans and even whales
  • Dolphins are incredibly social animals. They live in groups and cooperate with each other to get food and in raising offspring (calves)
  • Dolphins are extremely playful and curious animals. They play-fight with each other and also play with seaweed. They have also been known to play with other animals such as dogs

Here are some other amazing animal videos…..

Dog playing in leaves:

Trailer for the Disney movie – Chimpanzee:

And finally…..some cute cat videos:

We can learn a lot from the videos above – these animals show compassion, tolerance, respect and love for one another.  We must remember that we share this planet with these lovely creatures and must do all we can to ensure they are not harmed and that the planet is not harmed.  Animals are not ours for fashion, entertainment, or to eat.

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of wild animals or the planet, please visit Greenpeace, WWF (World Wildlife Fund) or your local animal shelter and make a donation or volunteer.

Together we can make the world a more positive one. 


How do we prioritize the need to act?  Currently – people are talking about the following issues:

– War with Syria

– The ‘gay propaganda’ law in Russia and the Winter Games

– Protesting the KXL pipeline

Which of these events take priority and how do we act?  I personally believe that there is a much bigger event that is not receiving enough discussion and that is the Fukushima crisis.  We all know what happened after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan.  The earthquake and tsunami could have possibly caused the worst environmental crisis our planet has ever faced.  The plant is currently spilling radiation into the ocean which is contaminated the water and all wildlife in the Pacific Ocean.  Here is some links with background, facts and current information about what is happening:

Why are we talking political scandals, going to war or who is showing up at film festivals around the world????  Isn’t the planet’s survival much more important than another war or a movie premier?  Shouldn’t we be focusing on the survival of our planet?  The Pacific Ocean is being contaminated at an alarming rate – do we really understand those implications?  For those who eat fish – you may not be able to eat any fish from the Pacific Ocean ever again!  This is what nuclear power has left us with – Fukushima and Chernobyl.  Greed, power, and the bottom-line is irrelevant when we are faced with not having a planet.  We must think about new and sustainable energy sources(wind/solar) and not what drives BIG BUSINESS and CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS.  We must stand up and demand what is right for our planet and for the survival of humanity.

Together we can make the world a more positive one!