There are so many people who are concerned about the trajectory of where civilization is heading and the state of our planet in the future that they have committed to find viable and sustainable solutions to accommodate humanity’s demand on the planet’s natural resources.

The industrial revolution has allowed people all over the world to connect much quicker driving demand for products skyrocketing.  We now live in a world where people must have everything – televisions, cars, computers, phones, boats, etc.  When purchasing or consuming – most people don’t make the connection regarding the direct consequences to the environment/planet regarding what they are buying or consuming.  Corporations are making products that don’t have longevity because they want people to buy more.  This is devastating to the planet and the planet’s natural resources.  Corporations have news conferences on their latest products creating much hype for items that people really don’t need.  

What happens when the planet’s natural resources are depleted?  We can’t plant trees fast enough to keep up with the demand for paper products.  As of today, the planet has only 27 years left of oil – after that, there is no more.  Will governments and corporations then turn to sustainable and renewable energy?  Corporations and governments, with the help of corporate media, have given the people the wrong message – BUY, BUY, BUY.  This will not sustain humanity any longer.  The planet is running out of food, water and forests.  We can’t afford to keep polluting our waters with chemicals and oil spills.  Clear-cutting forests is no longer an option in order to produce more food via cattle ranches.  What is the solution?

We know that as long as there is wind and sun that we can provide power via wind and solar energy – but the oil industry holds the reigns of power and has politicians in their back pockets.  We know that oil pollutes and is destructive for the planet – we all know the environment and economic destruction oils spills by Exxon and BP have had, so why do we continue to support this destructive behaviour?

Society has to embrace new methods and ideas in order to ensure our survival.  We must commit to new ideas and support each other to ensure the success of these modern ideas.  One such concept is the Venus Project.

According the their website, the Venus Project proposes the following:

The Venus Project proposes a system in which automation and technology would be intelligently integrated into an overall holistic socioeconomic design where the primary function would be to maximize the quality of life rather than profit.

This proposal, I am sure, has drawn much negative criticism from big corporations as their ultimate goal is to maximize profit without regard to the environment or the consumers quality of life. 

The Venus Project is the vision Jacque Fresco’s life’s work.
Jacque Fresco: Futurist

Mr. Fresco’s background includes industrial design and social engineering, as well as being a forerunner in the field of Human Factors. Mr. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning from biomedical innovations to totally integrated social systems.

The Venus Project reflects the culmination of Mr. Fresco’s life work: the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age.

You can find more information, as well as the above information on the Venus Project by visiting

We should embrace new ideas such as the Venus Project – these are the ideologies that will ensure a brighter tomorrow where people can support each other and work together to create a positive future.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What are you taking notice of today?  Are you waiting to see the next Hollywood blockbuster movie, are you sucked in to the lives of celebrities or are you eagerly awaiting the next best piece of technology.  Take a moment and release yourself from all that ‘faux’ happiness and thing about what is going on in the world and how YOU can help create positive change.

Corporate media is filling our heads with endless stories of the militarization of police departments across the globe.  They are making peaceful protests look like war zones.  Governments, in collaboration with the big oil conglomerates and police, are putting environmental activists behind bars and freeing the ones who are destroying and polluting the earth.  Wars are being fought in the best interests of those who would benefit most and not for the greater good of the people in those regions.  Poverty and famine are devastating many parts of the world while those who have no financial worry hunt endangered species with no regard.  

I know, you are wondering, “I thought this blog site was Coalition of Positive Energy”, so why all this negative talk?  Without knowing what is happening in our world – we can’t effectively create positive change.  So what can we do about it?  Is there an alternative to this status quo?  Well, we can do a lot and yes, there is an alternative to what governments are doing now.  Remember – we put them there and we can certainly remove them. 

We can’t rely on corporate media as they are manipulating and controlling everything we do – from the products we buy to the food that we eat.  You don’t see commercials for healthier lifestyle choices or foods that promote good health.  You don’t see news reports on what pharmaceutical drugs are doing to people and their health.  Instead, television promotes these drugs like they are miracles of health.  Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Arby’s and all those other unhealthy fast food chains bombard us with how cheap their food is but they fail to tell us how unhealthy it is.  Oil companies are making commercials about how great and clean their resources are but they fail to show the economical and environment devastation oil spills cost us and our environment.  We must hold governments and corporations accountable for their lack of respect for the environment and for the people who are peacefully protesting for income equality, safe food, clean water, clean air and a peaceful planet. 

What is the alternative for people who are tired of governments creating legislation that does not reflect the views of the majority.  We are tired of wars, lack of environmental protection, governments bailing out corporations and letting ordinary citizens struggle and die for standing up for what is right.  We are tired of the ‘old ways’ – times HAVE changed and we need leaders to reflect that change for the greater good of the people and not the greater good of lining their pockets with money from corrupt corporations.  I will say and keep on saying that we NEED A REVOLUTION – of peace, of love, of positive change.

“You can feel purposeful every single day by taking a moment to cheer up a disgruntled employee, make a child laugh, or even pick up a piece of litter and place it in a trash can.”  – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I appreciate Dr. Wayne W. Dyers sentiment but imagine how purposeful you would feel by thinking much bigger by helping create legislation that would protect animals from suffering, people from suffering and the environment from suffering.  It’s not out of reach, we can do it – all we have to do is keep mobilizing and putting pressure on our governments and stop buying the crap that becomes meaningless in a year and ends up in landfills.  The moment is now.  Change is needed now.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



In order for good things and positive change to happen we must know and understand corruption and deception before we can manifest positive change in the world.  It is wonderful to spread love, joy, compassion and laughter but we must remember that there are so many things that we need to be reminded of so that we can act for the greater good of humanity, the environment, human rights or whatever negative issue it is that we want to address.

We, supposedly live in a continent that prides itself on ‘freedom of expression’.  But do we really?  Governments are bullying us into creating legislation that allows them to take away some of our freedoms.  You want to see this in action – watch the amazing Naomi Wolf movie, The End of America or visit her website for other resourceful information. You can find the movie on YouTube.

Remember the OCCUPY movement – people were arrested all over the globe in peaceful protest against the greedy banks and the increasing gap between those who have everything and those that have little.  There were protests against the invasion of Iraq – with the UN’s backing – but the USA went against the laws of war and attacked anyway.  Banks are corrupt and have cheated so many people out of their money yet, they are handing out bonuses that would take me a lifetime to make (if I was lucky).  Oil companies are destroying the beauty of the planet at an alarming rate and are given free rein to drill wherever they want.  Here is an example:

On September 18, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise took peaceful action at Gazprom’s Prirazlomnaya platform to stop it from producing the world’s first oil from icy Arctic waters.

The Russian Coast Guard reacted strongly: after firing warning shots and detaining two activists under armed guard, they then seized the ship and have towed it to the port of Murmansk.

We should be outraged – does Russia own the Arctic?  Are there no laws in place to protect this very important area in the world?  Why were they allowed to use force in detaining peaceful protesters?  For more information about this, please visit:

It feels like those that have all the power have the upper hand and rely on our submissiveness to continue their deception and corruption.  They believe that the world community can be bullied into silence.  People need to voice their concerns if we want to start a peaceful revolution, a love revolution and a people’s revolution.  Please watch the following video – it is probably the most important 14 minutes that you can spare and share.  You may not believe what you are seeing but you have to ask the questions, you have to make the connections and you have to demand the answers.

This video makes you really think about those ‘shadow people’ that are controlling the world…..what is the cost of not finding out the truth?

There are so many celebrities who are very active in their opposition to those who want to bring the majority to their knees, here are some examples:

  • Daryl Hannah and her passion to fight for the environment.
  • Woody Harrelson and his crusade against the inhumane treatment of animals and the miracles of hemp.
  • Roseanne Barr fighting for a new political party in the United States and her belief in true democracy and freedom.

There are so many people who are conduits for change – WE MUST LISTEN and WE MUST ACT!  Whether you dislike her or not, Madonna has recently made a brief video to start her LOVE REVOLUTION.  Madonna has always been political and has always included images and videos regarding current social and political issues happening around the world during her concerts.  I believe this to be very affective in creating awareness of what is happening and calling on people to act.  Her latest short film is a collaboration with Steven Klein – the message is powerful, the images are powerfuland the message is clear: humanity must begin the REVOLUTION OF LOVE, here is the 17 minute film:

I reiterate:  Do you want to be a conduit for change?  Do you want to start a LOVE REVOLUTION?  Do you want to fight for a better world where we can respect each other, our environment and our planet?  Then you must act – write a blog, join a peaceful protest, support companies that treat their employees well and give back to our environment, stand up to bullying, demand better of big business and governments but most importantly…..SPREAD THE WORD!  Join the revolution.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



How do we prioritize the need to act?  Currently – people are talking about the following issues:

– War with Syria

– The ‘gay propaganda’ law in Russia and the Winter Games

– Protesting the KXL pipeline

Which of these events take priority and how do we act?  I personally believe that there is a much bigger event that is not receiving enough discussion and that is the Fukushima crisis.  We all know what happened after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan.  The earthquake and tsunami could have possibly caused the worst environmental crisis our planet has ever faced.  The plant is currently spilling radiation into the ocean which is contaminated the water and all wildlife in the Pacific Ocean.  Here is some links with background, facts and current information about what is happening:

Why are we talking political scandals, going to war or who is showing up at film festivals around the world????  Isn’t the planet’s survival much more important than another war or a movie premier?  Shouldn’t we be focusing on the survival of our planet?  The Pacific Ocean is being contaminated at an alarming rate – do we really understand those implications?  For those who eat fish – you may not be able to eat any fish from the Pacific Ocean ever again!  This is what nuclear power has left us with – Fukushima and Chernobyl.  Greed, power, and the bottom-line is irrelevant when we are faced with not having a planet.  We must think about new and sustainable energy sources(wind/solar) and not what drives BIG BUSINESS and CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS.  We must stand up and demand what is right for our planet and for the survival of humanity.

Together we can make the world a more positive one! 


This video is for all those mothers around the world who are thinking about the sons, daughter’s, brother’s, sister’s, husband’s and wives that they have lost in combat or because of war.  My heart goes out to you and to those you have lost.  PS – For any of you that have lost a mother – may her memories always warm your heart.


Oh she knows
She takes his hand
And prays the child will understand
At the door they watch the men go by
In the clothes that daddy wore

Mother’s pride
Baby boy
His fathers eyes
He’s a soldier waiting for war
Time will come
He’ll hold a gun
His father’s son

And as he grows
He hears the band
Takes the step from boy to man
And at the shore she waves her son goodbye
Like the man she did before

Mother’s pride
Just a boy
His country’s eyes
He’s a soldier waving at the shore
And in her heart the time has come
To lose a son

And all the husbands, all the sons, all the lovers gone
They make no difference
No difference in the end
Still hear the woman say your daddy died a hero
In the name of God and name

Mother’s pride
Crazy boy
His lifeless eyes
He’s a soldier now forevermore
He’ll hold a gun ’till kingdom come

Thank you Mr. George Michael for writing and producing such a beautiful and emotionally charged song.  For more information about George Michael and to download his music please visit iTunes or George Michael’s website at:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


So many of us have so many different views on religious/spirituality, politics and social issues.  I am going to share my views and beliefs with you – you don’t have to agree with them but I do ask is for you not to judge me because (just like me), you don’t have the right answers.


Call it what you want – the climate is changing and is getting more extreme.  The skeptics seem to believe that global warming/climate change is really not happening even though the majority of scientists have proven otherwise.  Man is the cause of global warming – our dependency on ‘dirty oil’, bigger and faster cars and appliances that cool us when we are warm and warm us when we are cool is a huge factor in the ever-changing climate.  Corporations are raping our earth of its natural resources because we are demanding their products and the earth and our environment is paying the price.

We have a responsibility to demand different and new sustainable and natural sources to power our homes and to drive our cars.  If the ‘old’ generation doesn’t want to listen to our demands – then the responsibility to find solutions that will benefit the planet’s inhabitants and the planet itself is up to the generations that will be here long after we are gone.  It’s time to elect politicians that don’t have their best interests at hand – we need members of parliament that are not afraid to stand up and fight for the planet and for the survival of the human race.

There is no more room for argument – what is the harm in trying new technologies in order for us to power our homes and cars?  The harm is that BIG CORPORATIONS will not be benefitting and making huge profits.  Many of us believe that there is nothing we can do and that we can’t stand up to those bullies (OIL/BIG CORPORATIONS) who don’t want to lose their way of life – WE CAN!!!!  All we have to do is think of our children and what type of world we want them to live in.  Should they not have clean air?  Should they not have clean water?  They should and it is OUR responsibility to hold our governments/politicians accountable.  Our government(s) work for us – the people, not corporations.


In terms of health care….it is everyone’s responsibility to be more proactive to our health care.  If you smoke and drink in access, we know that these habits DO NOT benefit our health.  We also know that consuming huge amounts of fast food, pop and processed foods is also contributing to our poor health and the increase of diabetes, heart disease and obesity – so why do we continue to engage in these unhealthy behaviours?  Again – our governments priorities are not in our best interests.  They would rather listen to those corporations who continue to make cheap and unhealthy foods, keeping people alive longer with prescription drugs and no quality of life.  And again – we need to demand affordable and healthy foods.  Companies need to stop pumping animals with growth hormones and antibiotics – this is what is making so many of us sick.  We need to ensure governments support local farmers and organic foods.  We don’t need genetically modified foods – it is not natural.

Our bodies are truly our temples – and we must be more proactive in our health care.  Educate yourself on what is good and nutritious for you.  Listen to what your body is telling you – take notice of how you feel when you eat huge quantities of meat, soda, chips and other processed foods.  Experiment – try eating a vegetarian, vegan or raw diet and compare the difference in how you feel.  If we took more responsibility in what we put into our ‘temples’ – there would not be such a burden on our health care system and our economies.

It is not only what we eat that is causing such a huge burden on our health care system and the world economies, there are other factors.   Think about all the lotions we put onto our skin – these lotions are getting into our bloodstream.  How about the excessive emissions coming out of our vehicles?  Is it a coincidence that asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and other breathing issues are on the rise???


By now, many people already know my views on religion.  I was born and raised Catholic, then our family studied the Jehovah’s Witness religion for several years and when that didn’t work….we went back to our old Catholic belief system.  I know the stories, I am aware that The Bible is considered to be ‘the word of God’ as written by man (and only men).  I appreciate the stories but I have come to my own conclusion about religion.  That conclusion may not be the right one – I DON’T KNOW.  What I do know is that my conclusion is no better than those who do believe ‘the word of God’ and what is written in The Bible.

We all know that religion has been the root to so many horrific and heinous acts of violence – wars have been fought and continue to rage in the name of religion.  I don’t prescribe to the notion that each religion has their own version of what their God is.  How can society accept this way of life?  How can so many Catholics not be outraged about the sexual scandals that the religion has been surrounded in?

Religion should not protect abusers.  Religion should not protect you when you use violence against another person who has different beliefs as you.  Religion should not protect you when you use hate and judgement against others.  Religion should not degrade you just because of your gender.  Religion should not instil fear.  Religion should not dictate social or political issues.

If I am willing to educate myself and make my own conclusions about religion that are not judgemental to those who are religious – why is it okay for those who are religious to make judgements about me.


P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) got it right when they said “Why love one and eat the other”.  This statement is in reference to how our society feels about our household pets yet we have no problem eating all other animals.  It is okay that we respect and love our dog, cat, hamster or horse but we feel nothing when we eat pigs, chickens, cows and fish?   Anytime someone asks me why I don’t eat animals – I find it ironic how (most of the time) that the person who eats meat becomes defensive and finds it acceptable to judge my choice for not eating animals. My animal advocacy is not aggressive in any manner.  I do share animal advocacy issues on social media just as so many of my friends post what they are passionate about – I may ask people to sign a petition or write to their MP’s because of how animals are being mistreated.  I also may share the health benefits of not eating meat and what a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle has benefitted me but I don’t intentionally suggest that because of my choice to respect animals is any better than the choice people make for eating them.

These are MY views and MY beliefsand they are no better than anyone else’s.  I made the choice to be an advocate for our environment because I love the planet – I love nature and the outdoors and want to do all that I can to preserve it.  I made a conscious decision about religion and know that God is WITHIN me and IS me and that is my choice.  I do believe in a divine presence – but it is not in the same context as so many religious denominations but that belief is no more right or no more wrong that those who do believe.  I made a choice to be more conscious about the things I put in my body – I am not perfect but at least I am aware of the choices that I am making in terms of my nutrition and health care.  I can’t say that I wasn’t aware.  I also made a conscious choice to stop eating animals because I know that animals don’t want to be torn away from their mother’s at birth to be mistreated and abused.  They feel and express emotion just as we do.

We are not all the same – we don’t all have the same views.  My views are no more important than yours therefore, I can’t judge you and you should not judge me.  When we come to this realization – we can begin to work together to ensure that we create a more positive and loving world community.




I remember a time when I had no purpose in life but to do what I was supposed to do (get an education, job, raise and family, buy a house, etc…) without really having to ask any questions – it was just what I was supposed to do.  How many of us have become so desensitized that we just go about our daily routines without even thinking about what we are doing.  We literally have a nation of zombies who are slaves to believing everything their religion, government, media and big corporations tell them to believe.

If our economy is failing – create a worldwide panic to instil fear in everyone, divert the public’s attention and create a distraction and pass legislation to calm the public’s fear.  This happens all the time and those responsible for these new laws understand that the general public will not ask questions because they believe these laws were put in place to protect them but in truth, these same laws are introduced to take some of their civil liberties and freedoms away.

I decided to remove the influence of media and draw my own conclusions based on facts from various resources and not just what CNN, ABC, NBC or FOX news tells me to be truth.  I have my own views on religion and those views are a big contrast to what most people believe to be the word of God.  I prefer to question – I want to know where these  stories came from and not just take someone’s word that they actually happened.  Can I write something today and make hundreds of thousands of people believe it to be true – maybe.

My point is – why are people so quick to believe in what our priests/pastors/rabbi’s and other religious leaders say about God?  Do you not want proof?  How about our governments – why must we just allow them to pass legislation based on fear?  Do we not have a right to ask who these new laws will benefit?  Do we not have a say in what is passed into law?  Or are these laws passed to further silence us?

Think about some of the major events that have happened in the last 100 years and ask yourself – what was the precursor to that event?  What things happened to prior to the life-altering event?  What continued to happen as a result of those events?  Here are some of those events:

  • The Financial Crisis of 1907/1920 etc…
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Viet Nam War
  • The Oklahoma Bombing
  • The World Trade Centre Attack (1993)
  • Subway Bombing in Madrid
  • World Trade Centre Attack (9/11)

Do the research and make your own informed decision on the facts.  Don’t rely on the media to report the truth, rely on yourself to compare the facts with what you already know.

A good place to start – watch a movie called Zeitgeist.  When you watch this – don’t allow what you already believe to be the truth cloud your judgement, open your mind to a new point-of-view and look at the facts.  No-one is asking to change your mind – just get a new perspective, compare the new information to what you know and then decide on what you believe.  But first, you need the full story not just one side and this is a great place to start.

You can watch this on Netflix or YouTube – here is the link for the YouTube version:

Together, we cam make the world a more positive one!