A few years ago my spouse picked up a book entitled, “Ho To Go Further:  A Guide to Simple Organic Living”.  The book was written by Woody Harrelson & Friends and is based on the film, Go Further by Ron Mann.

It has become very evident that many government’s don’t want their citizens to know about alternative and sustainable ways to live.  We are bombarded by television commercials stating that we must take pills to become more sexual active, to cure certain ailments, to fight colds, headaches, depression and so on.  We are told that we must depend on gas guzzling cars/SUV’s for work or pleasure.  We are excessively reminded that we must keep working hard to buy bigger cars, boats and bigger houses but what are the consequences to these materialistic and unrealistic goals?  Who pays the price?  Our environment, its inhabitants and ultimately – THE PLANET.

Instead of working towards a so-called better life by trying to attain all things materialistic – why not live a life that will be rewarding for you, give your children a future and ensure that our planet isn’t destroyed by those who falsely state that have more is better FOR YOU.  Besides, all the things you acquire, can’t follow you after you are gone.

How To Go Further is an excellent book and as stated is simply a guide to simple organic living.  The book was published in 2005 by Warwick Publishing Inc. in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  Here is the message on page six of the book:

This Book Leaves a Lighter Footprint on the Earth

This book is produced in a manner that is friendly to the earth and its environment.  Specifically:

  • The paper is 60lb Rolland Enviro Smooth, which is acid-free and contains 100% post-consumer recycled material.
  • The inks used throughout the book and on its cover are vegetable-based (soy) pigments that contain no harmful chemicals.
  • The coating on this book’s cover is a matte water-based acquiesce varnish that contains no harmful chemicals.

This book was produced for Warwick Publishing by Transcontinental Printing at their InterGlobe plant in Quebec, Canada.  

For further information on environmentally safe printing and print manufacturing, contact Lori Rennie of Transcontinental at (416) 758-6356 or via e-mail at 

This statement alone clearly indicates the commitment of everyone involved in writing this book has towards are environment and the respect they have for the planet.  It is a true testament that if we want to do something badly enough, without harming the planet, we can.

You can buy the book via amazon through this link:

You can also check out the film here:

Just by reading the book and watching the film – you can decrease your carbon footprint through everything you learn.  What’s the worst that can happen – saving the planet?  Aren’t you ready to create positive change in the world?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Many of us tend to overuse the word love even when we don’t really mean it.  Think about the many times throughout the day that you say, “I love (fill in the blank)”  We love clothing, cars, televisions, television programs, songs, artists, art, houses, boats and other material possessions.  These material possessions provide a temporary form of love and gratification that is somewhat meaningless.  These possessions are reason that there is a widening income inequality gap between the masses.  Is that really love?

Why are so many of us so preoccupied with wanting and needing instead of helping and giving?  We are all so conditioned to follow – get an education (if you can afford it), find a life partner, get married, have children, buy a big house (beyond your means and necessity), buy a car (or two, or three), buy a vacation property, save for your future/retirement, save for your children’s education and then die.  I understand the desire to want the best for yourself and your family – but so many people have become desensitized to the realities of our world, so many just don’t care about the wellness of others and will only act out of greed and their desire to want more material possessions, money and wealth.

Capitalism – an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Corporations are nothing without the consumer.  We are all contributors to all the issues the world faces today.  People are so concerned with status and having the latest gadgets, the biggest houses, and the best cars that our planet and our humanity is paying the price for.  All of these gadgets and our demand for product is taxing the earth’s natural resources.  Corporations don’t want you to see the negative impact YOUR demand is having on the planet and the people who create these materialistic things.  Is the destruction of our planet worth the price the planet has to pay for the next iPhone or iMac – aren’t these products already doing what they are supposed to do?  Why do we need the latest version(s)?  It’s simple – to make outstanding profits for shareholders and CEO’s.  Household appliances, cars, televisions and many other products are produced to have short ‘life’ expectancies because they want to ensure people continue to buy.  Shouldn’t a car be made to last 15 to 20 years instead of 5 to 7?  Why must a new model entice us every year?  To ensure wealth for the auto industry CEO’s and shareholders.

Personally, our society today makes my head spin.  I am astounded at how many of us are distracted by the greed or corporations and how they buy politicians in order to sustain their wealth and to dictate legislation.  It shouldn’t be the BIG oil companies, auto industry or pharmaceutical companies that dictate what we should do or what we should think.  We know that drilling for oil in the Arctic would wreak havoc in that area should their be an oil spill (and there will be).  We know that fracking (the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas) takes 1 to 8 millions gallons of water to complete each fracturing while there is a shortage of water globally.

We must review our priorities and we must curb our need to want and need.  Future generations will pay for the decisions we make today.  Do we not love the planet enough in order to make the hard decisions today in order to save our planet and future generations?

I love my mother – I love her tremendously.  She is my hero.  She provided love and nurturing that made me the man I am today.  Shouldn’t our greatest love be the mother of us all?  Our mother – EARTH,  she cares for us and she provides us the breath of life, the food we eat and the water we drink and how do we show our gratitude?  We pollute her waters, poison her soil and cut her forests down in an alarming rate in order to build bigger houses for people who are slaves to the corporate world.

Let your love for life be the catalyst for positive change in the world.  Make conscious choices in what you buy, who you buy it from and what type of impact it will have on our planet.  Ask your government for renewable and sustainable energy options for our homes and our cars.  Support companies that plant trees instead of removing them.  Support housing developers that don’t clearcut in order to build their sites and use sustainable materials.  Eat vegan/vegetarian meals as often as you can.  Sign petitions to stop BIG OIL companies from drilling in eco-sensitive areas in the world such as the Arctic.  Don’t contribute to landfills by buying things you don’t need.  Support auto companies that are making commitments to build cars that use clean energy sources.  Show the planet your love and make a difference for good.

Some resources to create positive change:

Save The Earth



Images from the internet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


The oceans are getting warmer, there are many more droughts and ‘super’ storms happening around the world.  Water and food shortages are becoming realities in many parts of the world.  Brazil is considering cancelling their Carnival celebrations due to the worst drought conditions that country has ever seen.  What is happening?  Could 95% of environmental scientists be right?  Could the Pentagon be right, when they indicated that climate change is the current biggest threat to humanity?  

The Pentagon released a report in October of 2014 indicating that climate change poses an immediate threat to national security, with increased risks from terrorism, infectious disease, global poverty and food shortages. It also predicted rising demand for military disaster responses as extreme weather creates more global humanitarian crises. 

Chuck Hagel, US Defense Secretary, addressed key issues from their report, here are some of his quotes:

“The loss of glaciers will strain water supplies in several areas of our hemisphere.” 

“Destruction and devastation from hurricanes can sow the seeds for instability. Droughts and crop failures can leave millions of people without any lifeline, and trigger waves of mass migration.”

“We should worry about climate change like we worry about ISIS.”

You can read more about the report here:

The climate change deniers feel there is not enough proof in order for governments to act on this initiative.  Here are some of the things people are saying:

“This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop.  Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and our GW scientists are stuck in ice” – Donald Trump (tweet) @realDonaldTrump January 2, 2014.

“Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide.” – Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH)

“The ice caps are melting, which we see over and over again.  Yeah, they’re melting on Mars, too!” – Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

“The government can’t change the weather.” – Senator, Marco Rubio (R-FL) 

“All voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.” – Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

If this is how our politicians are treating climate change – what hope do we have?  Here are what some authorities on climate change are saying and doing:


Greenpeace has listed some very interesting and positive statistics and facts surrounding renewable energies, here is that list:

  • Europe decommissioned more coal, fuel oil and nuclear capacity than it installed in 2009.
  • Solar energy is now working at night on a commercial-scale.  A plant in Spain has seven hours of heat storage.
  • In the space of just 5 years, Portugal’s electric grid leapt from 15% to 45% renewables.
  • Price Waterhouse Cooper says Europe and North Africa could now run on 100% renewable energy by 2050.
  • Subsidies to fossil fuels worldwide outweigh renewable energy support by a ratio of 12:1.
  • West Virginia could replace all its electrical capacity with just 2% of its geothermal power potential.
  • Solar photovoltaic could account for 5% of global power demand by 2020, and up to 9% by 2030.
  • Iceland’s power supply went from 75% imported coal to more than 80% local geothermal and hydro in 30 years.
  • China built (roughly) one windmill an hour in 2009.
  • Our energy needs can be met by 95% renewable energy by 2050

*The above can be found on the following: is a group of individuals that have come together to demand environmental action.  What is the significance of the number 350?

“If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from [current levels] to at most 350 ppm.” – Dr. James Hansen

Our current levels are at 400 ppm.

Here is a paragraph from

Independent studies show that in the United States a sustained investment of public and private dollars in clean energy would generate 1.7 million new jobs in industries like construction for making homes and office buildings more efficient with new windows, lighting and cooling systems – and in manufacturing of solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles.

Some of’s projects and campaigns include; Global Divestment Day, Start a Climate Petition and Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline.

For more information, receive updates, donate, or get involved – please visit – Get the facts!

The David Suzuki Foundation

David Suzuki has been a defender of the planet, our environment and world reknowned scientist.  Here are a few points from their Energy Overview blog post regarding renewable energy and the potential Canada has in becoming a world leader in renewable and sustainable energies:

Wind and solar are the fastest growing sources of energy in the world.  These low-polluting energy industries are creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs in countries as diverse as Germany and China.  In fact, the renewable-energy sector generates more jobs per megawatt of power installed, per unit of energy produced, and per dollar of investment than the fossil fuel-based sector.

Canada, the second largest country in the world by area, is richly endowed with renewable energy, including wind, solar, hydro, biomass, geothermal and marine (e.g. tidal, wave energy) sources.  With the right policies, Canada can use renewable energy to satisfy its energy needs and become a world leader in sustainable technologies.

Some of the current projects of the David Suzuki Foundation include; Race to the Top and Trottier Energy Futures Project.

For more information about the David Suzuki Foundation – please visit,

Canada will have a federal election in October of 2015.  Canada must elect a government and Prime Minister who speaks to a new generation of individuals who are concerned about our land, lakes, rivers, parks, forests and the environment in general.  We need to elect a leader who wants to show that world that Canada can be a leader in renewable and sustainable energies, growing the economy with green jobs and building a better and cleaner Canada.  We must vote for new priorities and government policies that create a better Canada and a better world.

The fossil fuel sector/industry realizes that a revolution for a better and sustainable future is gaining momentum and will do anything to ensure their profits remain intact.  Governments shouldn’t answer to big conglomerates that only want to maximize their profits.  Government officials should not be bought in order to pass legislation that would only be in the best interests of the fossil fuel conglomerates.

It is time for a new world order – but not a world order that is driven by profits and instilling fear into their citizens.  It’s time for the grass roots movement to grow into a revolution – and it will, with organizations like Greenpeace, the David Suzuki Foundation and



Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


What is a soldier of love?  When we think of soldiers we think of men and women going off to fight for freedom, democracy and to stand up and liberate those who can’t stand up for themselves.  Mostly, we think of soldiers in an almost negative way – death, dying, fighting, conflict and blood.  That is not the soldier I want to talk about.

The soldier that I want to talk about is one that is passionate and committed to creating positive change into our world.  An advocate for love, for compassion – someone who acts with kindness and without judgment.  This type of soldier will do anything for their significant other, they love life, the environment and fight for a cause that does not create conflict but rather diffuse it.  A soldier who will resolve to protect the living  – whether that is man or animal, without raising a gun.

I believe that most countries engage in conflicts that are in the best interests of corporations who are bought and paid for by our governments.  I don’t want to see more soldiers dying for wars that have no positive resolution for the country they are trying to liberate or for our world.  Maybe it is time to let countries fight their own battles?  Needless to say – I do have the out most respect for those men and women who offer their lives to insure we have the freedoms we do today but I am in no way and advocate for violence and war.

I am a soldier of love – and I want to recruit more soldiers.  Soldiers who will not engage in violence and only promote wellness, peace, love and positivity throughout the world.  I want a REVOLUTION OF LOVE – a revolution that will not think in the mindset of yesterday and deal with issues that matter for today’s generation and the generations to come.  We need a new world community that will not wait for governments to act to create positive change but will evoke that change themselves.  We will peacefully demonstrate and advocate for policies and change that will make our world a better place – for the people and not for greedy corporations.  This revolution will fight for the protection of our planet – clean water, clean air, natural and nutritional foods that are not genetically modified or coated with pesticides.  We will fight to free animals in distress that only know a life of cruelty and violence.  We will protect environmentally fragile spaces – the Amazon, the Arctic, the Great Barrier Reef and so many other places around the world that are almost at the point of no return.

The REVOLUTION OF LOVE will not raise a gun but we shall raise our voices for the only thing that matters – THE PLANET because without it, there is nothing else.

How can you become a soldier of love and join this revolution?  Here are several suggestions:

  • Join or donate to Greenpeace – defenders of our planet against corporate and government greed.
  • Join or donate to the protectors of our environment such as the World Wildlife Fund or the David Suzuki Foundation. (Canada) or (international)
  • Ask companies, churches, financial institutions to divest from ‘dirty oil’ – Get more information at:
  • Contact your member of parliament and ask them how they have advocated and instilled policies to protect our environment.  How are they promoting renewable and sustainable energy?  Are they on the side of companies that continue to deplete the earth’s natural resources or are they promoting solar, wind and other cleaner resources?  If not – DON’T GIVE THEM YOUR VOTE!
  • Educate yourself on climate change – get the facts from reliable sources not corporate media (Greenpeace, WWF,, PETA and the David Suzuki foundation)
  • Get real news and not the corporate sponsored (and censored) news from Fox, NBC, CBC, ABC and CNN – check out or or check out the YouTube channel – Breaking The Set.
  • Understand how raising cattle and eating meat impacts global change by getting the facts via
  • Educate, educate, education yourself about climate change:

Are you ready to become a soldier of love? 

Together we can make the world a more positive one!


I don’t have children but I do have nieces and nephews that do and that, for me, is enough to take a stand and help in the fight to curb climate change.  I may not be around to witness the more major effects that climate change will have on the planet but isn’t what we have seen already enough for a call to action.  The debate is over – the earth is becoming warmer and it will be devastating to humanity and our eco-system.  It is not enough to change your lightbulbs to even impact climate change – we must think outside the box and demand more change.  Corporations should be held responsible and pay for the damage they have done to our planet.  Agriculture and the meat industry is responsible for deforestation and the largest portion of climate change in the world today.

Our we willing to allow our children to pay for the mistakes of greedy corporations of the past.  Must we not be adamant in demanding change to ensure a healthy planet for all in the very near future?  I keep thinking – if people are allowed to sue the tobacco industry for giving them cancer, shouldn’t we be allowed to sue those corporations who are directly responsible for climate change and making our air and humanity susceptible to increasing pulmonary diseases?  We have to make them change their habits by not supporting them.  STOP BUYING from those corporations who have put a strain on our environment by polluting our waters and our air.  Reward companies who are committed to create products that don’t deplete our natural resources and use sustainable and renewable energies.  The alternative is unacceptable because it will be YOUR sons or daughters that will pay the price for our need to WANT useless materialistic ‘things’.

Here is one of the most inspiring speeches I have seen regarding the environment and our planet – Hopefully it inspires you to work in creating a world that will be safe for the generations of the future.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


There is no denying that climate change is a reality and is happening now.  What is uncertain is the impact and devastation that climate change will have on the planet.  We have witnessed ‘super storms’ that have wreaked havoc in places all around the world.  These storms cause and continue to cause tremendous amount of pressure on world economies which are already fragile, not to mention the destruction, animal and human displacement and continue pressure on the environment. What do we do?  Are there viable solutions?  Yes, I believe there are some excellent solutions on how we can ease these pressures and Jacque Fresco is at the helm of a very viable and sustainable solution.

Here is a video that explains his ideas, we must plead with our governments to ensure that these ideas become realization.  We must mobilize and demand better from our governments, corporations and each other to ensure we have a habitable planet in 20 years.  Enjoy the video:

For more information about Jacque Fresco, his organization and The Venus Project, please visit their official website at:

Save The Earth

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




SAY “NO” TO THIS………………


Oil Liner Capsized Alberta Tar Sands devastation Bird caught in oil spill Girl cries in oil spill debris Horrible Tar Sands Oil Drill Fire




Sunset Forest Green Earth 1 Green Earth RainbowE-House Electric Car - The Volt Electric Smart Car Solar Panels and Wind Turbines Urban Rooftop Farming Wind Farm Wind Turbine


Demand better of our GOVERNMENTS and CORPORATIONS!!!  If we act now – we can all make a BIG difference!!!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


How do we prioritize the need to act?  Currently – people are talking about the following issues:

– War with Syria

– The ‘gay propaganda’ law in Russia and the Winter Games

– Protesting the KXL pipeline

Which of these events take priority and how do we act?  I personally believe that there is a much bigger event that is not receiving enough discussion and that is the Fukushima crisis.  We all know what happened after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan.  The earthquake and tsunami could have possibly caused the worst environmental crisis our planet has ever faced.  The plant is currently spilling radiation into the ocean which is contaminated the water and all wildlife in the Pacific Ocean.  Here is some links with background, facts and current information about what is happening:

Why are we talking political scandals, going to war or who is showing up at film festivals around the world????  Isn’t the planet’s survival much more important than another war or a movie premier?  Shouldn’t we be focusing on the survival of our planet?  The Pacific Ocean is being contaminated at an alarming rate – do we really understand those implications?  For those who eat fish – you may not be able to eat any fish from the Pacific Ocean ever again!  This is what nuclear power has left us with – Fukushima and Chernobyl.  Greed, power, and the bottom-line is irrelevant when we are faced with not having a planet.  We must think about new and sustainable energy sources(wind/solar) and not what drives BIG BUSINESS and CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS.  We must stand up and demand what is right for our planet and for the survival of humanity.

Together we can make the world a more positive one! 


I have been asked by friends and family why Jason and I don’t adopt children.  We’ve been told that we would be great parents and that we have so much love to offer a child.  The issue for Jason and I having a child is not about how much love we have to give because between the both of us, there would be plenty.  Our concern is more about whether or not we are financially stable to ensure that (if we had a child) they would have everything they need.  Jason and I have discussed the possibility of a child – the discussion was short and both of us agreed that having a child didn’t make sense for us.

Recently – I made the following statement on my Facebook page:

What would happen if we taxed families for how many children they had?  I don’t have any so why are my taxes the same as those who do?  Thoughts? To elaborate – think about the environmental impact a family that consists of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 children – diapers, meat consumption (let’s get real, most people eat meat and that has a huge environmental impact), carbon footprint etc….much more than me, my partner and small dog.  Food for thought.

Let me just say that I am not anti-family or for people having children….I just want people to be more present in the choices that they make and what implications they may have on the planet as a whole.  Let’s be real – most people DO NOT think beyond what they can see.  How many of us really think about the amount of garbage that we are contributing to landfills everyday or what the environmental implications of meat consumption are?  Most of us don’t care about these things because we don’t see the outcome.  We don’t live in the slums of India or Brazil and are not faced with the poverty and starvation that so many millions face on a daily basis. 

What are people’s motives for having children today?  Is it because they can?  Do they feel morally obligated to do so or is it to continue their family name?  Whatever the reason – I don’t believe people are putting much thought into their decision to have a child.  How many times have you heard this:  “We didn’t mean to have a baby, it just happened”  or “He/she was an accident”………obviously not much thought was given about what could possible happen after having unprotected sex.

I am not complaining about paying taxes – I agree that our government should use our taxes to offer welfare or social services to those who are in need of them.  Now consider this – a family of six may require more space, produce more garbage, drive more, etc….while someone who chooses to be single doesn’t require as much – shouldn’t that single person deserve more of a tax-break due to the reduced carbon footprint?  We are living in a time when scientists are saying that we will require 7 more earth’s to accommodate humanity’s current dependency on fossil fuels and lifestyle, so why isn’t that message getting across?  Why wouldn’t people make more of a conscious effort in their decision to have children.  If our planet will not be able to accommodate us – where will all these people go?  I hear they are building colonies on the moon or even Mars – is that even a reality for families that can’t even pay to put food on the table?

My original Facebook statement wasn’t meant to upset anyone – it was meant to provoke thought and debate.  It was meant to make each of us look at ourselves and really think about the implications of the choices we make.  We have to stop being distracted by the promises of BIG CORPORATIONS.  We have to wake-up from the dreams the pharmaceutical companies promise and we have to take off the blinders to ensure we are present and are making the choices we want to make and not what the food, government and automobile industries tell us we should be making.  When we remove those distractions, maybe bringing a child into this harsh reality isn’t as easy to make as it was prior to all the distractions.

For more information about over population, please visit: or

To review the environmental implications of meat consumption, please visit: or

For more information on the current state of our environment, please visit: or

Knowledge is power!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 



Courtesy of Greenpeace.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.

Courtesy of WWF Canada.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.

Isn’t it time we took a stand and do what must be done to save our planet?  We need to give our politicians a message and that message is we will not vote for you unless you make sustainable energy, the environment and saving the planet top priority.  We will not tolerate payoffs from BIG Corporation/oil/auto so that they can continue to destroy our planet.

Don’t support SHELL or the oil companies that are committing to drill for oil in the arctic or that do not want to invest in electric affordable vehicles.  Don’t support companies and corporations that don’t give back to the planet by trying to make products that don’t contribute to the destruction of our planet.  Don’t support corporations that are making you and your family sick with food that lacks nutrition and is causing an environmental catastrophe on the planet (KFC, McDonalds).

We need to do something now to clean our air and assure that we have enough water for future generations – WE CAN DO IT!  If we can put rovers on Mars – we can work towards healing our planet.  Are you ready?


What can you do?  Write your politicians and tell them you will not support them in the next election if they don’t make a drastic and more positive change towards environmental issues.  Buy local and organic foods.  Don’t buy plastic products.  If you do buy plastic bottles or cutlery – keep reusing them and don’t throw them out.  Make donations to WWF and Greenpeace by visiting their website to ensure they are able to continue to pressure world governments for green initiatives and to stop any and further destruction to our planet.  Collectively – each one of us could be instruments for positive change in the world or we can continue being ignorant.  Eventually, the destruction behaviour we are allowing on our planet will no longer be out of sight/out of mind.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!