Lately, I don’t really take much time to assess why certain things have happened in my life.  I just assume that whatever happens is what is meant to happen.  I don’t over analyze, I don’t take too much time to question or debate why things have/have not happened.  Instead of asking myself, “Why didn’t I get that job?” or “Why is this person treating me this way?” – I make the determination that these events are supposed to happen as they are because I am supposed to get a better job or I was supposed to learn something about that person.  Sure we can do things in order to achieve certain results but there are many things that we don’t have control over.

I remember an incident in which my spouse’s friend was slightly unhappy in her job.  I suggested that she take the experience she received from her current job and apply for a position where I worked.  She not only got the job – her life changed.  She met someone she fell in love with, they got married and had two beautiful children.  According to many of her Facebook posts, she seems to be happy and is enjoying her life.  Where we meant to connect so that these events could take place in her life?

It is only normal to ask ourselves, “What if I hadn’t decided to move here?” or “I wonder what would my life have been like if I didn’t meet (insert name here)?”  These questions remind me of a movie called, Sliding Doors, starring Gwenyth Paltrow.  The movie takes a look at a life of a woman in two different situations.  She is rushing to make a train and the first scenario is how her life turned out by catching the train.  The second scenario is a look at her life had she not caught that same train.  It was an entertaining movie that had the same outcome – things are supposed to happen as they should.

When we do look back at our lives, we shouldn’t look back with regret.  The past should be looked at as learning experiences that have made us the people we are today.  Live in the current moment and don’t stress too much about the ‘what if’s’ or ‘I should have…’  If we are present and fully aware of the now, we will not miss anything.  We should also not spend too much time thinking of the future – you can’t determine what will happen tomorrow, next week or a year from now so why bother worrying about it?

By being aware of the now – the things that are happening to you in real-time, you will be in a much better capacity to deal with anything that happens.  Allow yourself to do the things that you want to do now.  If you apply on a job, do your best and thank the universe for the opportunity – if the job is supposed to be yours, it will happen.  If you are debating whether you should move to a different part of your town, city or another part of the world – trust in the universe (or fate) to provide you with your solution.  Things happen as they should.  If you are struggling too much with a certain situation, take a deep breath, send your inquiries into the universe, remove yourself from the stressful issue and trust that fate will take care of the rest.  By trusting in yourself and in the universe or higher power – you allow yourself to connect to source, the power of creation and the never-ending force of love.  Trust in that love and all will be well in your world.

Path To Love

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Today, I am grateful that I am alive….I am grateful to be able to see, hear, touch, and smell.  I am happy and I am healthy.  What kind of energy are you attracting into your life?

If you really want to attract postive energy – you must think positively and eliminate anything that causes you worry, stress and grief.  Instead of beginning your day with misguided, negative news stories, turn off your television and play music that makes you happy and energizes you.  Don’t start your day with ‘I hate’, ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t want to’ instead, look forward to having a great and productive day.

Change negative situations into positive ones.  Remove the need to always be right to avoid argument.  Genuinely smile at people and thank them for their service.  Remove judgements that you may have about anyone – you do not know their story or the reasons that they are in the situations they are in.  Take note of how you speak and treat others.  Are you respectful, friendly, loving, compassionate and do your offer empathy?  Every time you think something negative or negatively of a situation, acknowledge it and change it to something positive.

  • There will always be light to remove the darkness.
  • Love will always conquer hate.
  • Peace will prevail over war.
  • There is only beauty in everything and everyone.

We are all from the same energy….we are all created from Source/God and that Source is a loving source.  Remove all the ideologies of traditional religion.  These ideas teach you to be fearful of whatever energy created us and that energy is negative energy. 

Keep telling yourself of the things you would like in your life instead of the things you don’t want.  Whenever you express that you don’t want something – that is what you will attract.  Keep telling yourself that you want love, happiness, joy, laughter, and health and that is what you will receive.  Remember to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. 

Don’t live life with endless worry, stress and anxiety instead, live for this moment because THIS moment is the only moment that counts.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!





Do you really understand the implications of the words you use, not only for the people you use them against, but for yourself?

How many times have you said something about someone or about a situation, such as; I hate you, you’re ugly, you’re fat, you are stupid, l hate that, I could never do that, why doesn’t he/she go on a diet, why are they wearing that, I am so unsuccessful, I don’t have any money, I hate my job….

Think about this:  What you are saying about something or someone is what you are saying about yourself.  The energy that you give out into the universe is the same energy that comes back to you.  So, all the judgements you put on others are really judgements you are putting onto yourself.  If you keep reflecting on how awful a person is – it is really you that you are talking about.  If you pre-occupy your time and harbour negative feelings about the current world situation – that is the same energy you will attract into your life.  Instead, focus on the positive.

When you wake up and start your day by saying, “I hate my job”, you are waking up and inviting negative energy to rule your day.  Why not wake up and start your day by being grateful that you still have breath in you and that you are still able to see, walk, talk, smell, taste and be alive?

We tend to focus so much on the negative aspects of life and the negative things that are going on in the world that this becomes the only thing we see and attract into our lives.  Don’t give any more power to those who view you or what you do in a negative light or how they judge others with that same negativity, let them work out their own issues.  Continue to love yourself, respect yourself, be kind to yourself and empower yourself and that will be the same things that you will attract into your life.

Tell yourself the following:

  • I am perfect as I am from God/Source
  • I am beautiful
  • I love myself
  • I am kind and compassionate
  • I deserve abundance because I come from love

I have learned to let go of the restraints of organized religion and have come to terms that ‘God’ is not fearful or wrathful.  God is love, God created us from love, He is all loving and we can see that when we connect with nature.  God is infinite, as we are, we are only shells occupying our bodies for a temporary moment in infinity.  God is Source/Universe, God is everything and everyone, God is love.  I self identify as an atheist who believes in a power that is greater than all of us, I call that power – Source/Universe, others call it God.  God is love and God wants positivity for all of us.  When you look at the stars, flowers, sky, trees, animals, people, oceans and everything else, you see God/Source/Universe.  See yourself in everything and in everyone and you too will start to connect to that infinite Source.

“We must be the change we wish to se in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!






Why do we allow ourselves to be troubled by those who are not connected to good and positive energy?

Mostly it is because we let our ‘egos’ get in the way.  We always have a desire or need to be right or believe that are views are the only views that matter.  We place  judgements on others based on religion, lifestyle and people’s appearances.  Our achievements are no less important than the achievements of anyone else.  We also tend to deem our lives are much more important than the lives of our ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.  We are all connected and all come from the same Source.  Ego is what makes the distinction of our differences.

Knowing this – isn’t kindness, love, compassion and empathy in all of us to give and to receive?  Yes, it is!

Take a look at how your previous days, weeks, months, years have passed and how your energy levels affected those around you and yourself.  Usually, when you are sending positive energy out into the universe, it is usually want comes back to you.  Imagine if that is all that you allowed yourself to give to others and yourself – your life would be much more gratifying. We have all heard the saying;  “The energy you give is the same energy that is returned to you.”  Thinking of that mantra, allow yourself to be kind, compassionate and empathetic.  Connect with positive vibration.  Allow yourself to help others without the expectation of receiving anything in return.  Once you release this positive energy into the universe, you will find that that same energy is what comes back to you.  You will notice that the answers you were seeking will present themselves.  You will attract like-minded people and your life and soul will thank you for it.

Be a soldier for the REVOLUTION OF LOVE and help create positive energy everywhere in the world.  Be kind and compassionate to the environment, animals and to each other.  Show empathy for those who require it and let LOVE rule your world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!  




What you think of yourself and others may be intercepting many of the good things that you can bring into your life.  Thinking and believing negative things about yourself and others will not allow goodness to enter your life.  If you feel you are unattractive, unable to attain success, keep thinking poverty thoughts, not be able to love, are unfit, and not loved – then you will be all these things.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer writes in his book, The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, indicates that there “are four ways that will prevent you from reaching for and connecting to the universal, creative Spirit of intention.” 

1.  Thinking about what’s missing in your life.  To match up with intention, you first have to catch yourself in that moment you’re thinking about what’s missing.  Then shift to intention.  Now what I find missing in my life, but to what I absolutely intend to manifest and attract into my life – with no doubts, no waffling, and no explaining!

2.  Thinking about the circumstances of your life.  If you don’t like some of the circumstances of your life, by all means don’t think about them.  You must train your imagination (which is the universal mind running through you) to shift from what you don’t want to what you do want.  All of that mental energy you spend complaining about what is – to anyone who will listen – is a magnet for attracting more of what is into your life.  You, and only you, can overcome this impediment because you’ve put it on your path to intention.  Simply change your inner speech to what you intend the new circumstances of your life to be. 

You must learn to assume responsibility for the circumstances of your life without any accompanying guilt.  The circumstances of your life aren’t the way they are because of karmic debt or because you’re being punished.  The circumstances of your life, including your health, are yours.  Somehow they showed up in your life, so just assume that you participated in all of it.  Your inner speech is uniquely your own creation, and it’s responsible for attracting more of the circumstances that you don’t want.  Link up with intention, use your inner speech to stay focused on what you intend to create, and you’ll find yourself regaining the power of your Source.

3.  Thinking about what has always been.  When your inner speech focuses on the way things have always been, you act upon your thoughts of what has always been, and the universal all-creating force continues to deliver what has always been.  Why?  Because your imagination is a part of that which imagined you into existence.  It’s the force of creation, and you’re using it to work against you with your inner speech.

Imagine the absolute Spirit thinking like this:  I can’t create life anymore because things haven’t worked for me in the past.  There have been so many mistakes in the past, and I can’t stop thinking about them!  How much creating do you think would occur if Spirit imagined in this way?  How can you possibly connect to the power of intention if your thoughts, which are responsible for your intending, focus on all that’s gone before, which you abhor?  The answer is obvious, and so is the solution.  Make a shift and catch yourself when you’re focusing on what always has been, and move your inner speech to what you intend to manifest.

4.  Thinking about what “they” want for you.  There’s probably a long list of people, most of them relatives, who have strong ideas about what you should be doing, how you should be thinking and worshipping, where you should be living, how you should be scheduling your life, and how much of your time you should be spending with them – especially on special occasions and holidays!  Our definition of friendship thankfully excludes the manipulation and guilt that we so often put up with in our families.

Inner dialogue that commiserates about the manipulative expectations of others ensures that this kind of conduct continues to flow into your life.  If your thoughts are on what others expect of you – even though you despise their expectations – you’ll continue to act on and attract more of what they want and expect for you.  Removing the obstacle means that you decide to shift your inner speech to what you intend to create and attract into your life.  You must do this with unswerving intent, and a commitment to not giving mental energy to what others feel about how you live your life.  This can be a tough assignment at first, but you’ll welcome the shift when you do it. 

Practice catching yourself when you have a thought of what others want for you, and ask yourself, Does this expectation match up with my own?  If not, simply laugh at the absurdity of being upset of frustrated over the expectations of others about how you should be running your life.  This is a way to match up and become impervious to the criticisms of others, and simultaneously put a stop to the insidious practice of continuing to attract into your life something you don’t want.  But the big payoff is that these critics realize that their judgements and critiques are pointless, so they simply desist.  A three-for-one bonus, achieved by shifting your attention away from what others want or expect for you to how you want to live your life.

As I mentioned, the above passages are from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.  This book is a great resource to help you reconnect with Source and living the life you want to live through the power of intention and manifestation.  Personally, I have found that this book has allowed me to focus on my inner dialogue and has helped me change that dialogue to a more creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expansive, abundant and receptive one.

You can learn more about Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and purchase a copy of his book using the following links:

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Today’s Question To Ponder.

There are many questions that we seek answers for…..

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • What happens after we die?
  • Is there a God?
  • What is my passion?

Ony YOUcan answer these questions by looking within.  No one can answer why YOUR meaning of life is or what YOUR passion is.  People can speculate on what happens after we die or if there is a God, but they truly don’t know.  Think about questions you have that you are seeking answers for and release them into the universe, meditate on these question and seek answers from all of life’s energy source.

Today, I ask you this question:  Is ignorance bliss?

What is YOUR answer?  What images come to mind when you ponder this question.  Really think about it and look within and listen to your thoughts.  What will you do about it when you have your answer?

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I don’t believe in traditional religion.  I am always amazed at how those who are devout Christians always quote bible verses to emphasize their ignorance – but, they only emphasize the things that they are uncomfortable with – mostly homosexuality.  I have my own beliefs of the things that are written in the bible – I believe that it was written by men as a mechanism to control the general population by instilling fear.  That is my view – but I still do not wish any harm or mean any disrespect to those who believe a religious doctrine.

What do I believe?  I am not comfortable with the word GOD but, in the same breath, I don’t disbelief the concept of what people believe to be GOD.  I am more inclined to believe in what you can see, feel, smell and touch and not here say.  I also believe that there is something bigger than us – an energy or a source that can’t be explained.  I guess that is what people call GOD.  I believe that this is the energy that created us and the same energy that we go back to once we leave our physical bodies.  What happens after that – who knows?

What I do know about this energy/source is that it is a source of love, compassion and kindness.  This source has given us life, it has given us the air that we breathe, the food we eat, the trees, lakes, rivers and oceans.  It has given us pure beauty and we must reconnect with that love, compassion, kindness and beauty.  We must disconnect from negative thoughts, speak and actions.  We need to realign ourselves with the positive vibration of Source and we need to start with ourselves.  If we practice to be kind to ourselves – it will be much easier to be kinder to each other.  This kindness will then affect those around you and then connect and move forward in communities, towns, cities and eventually – the world.

Don’t surround yourself with negativity – stop watching programs that incite violence, hate and ignorance, turn off the television (and especially the news).  Remove yourself from those individuals in your life that are negative.  Live from love and your life will only bring you love.  Respect everyone, respect the planet including all animals.  When you respect and show kindness to everything – you are connecting to the Source that is ALL and that is LOVE.

This is what I strive to-day daily – live with kindness, compassion, love and beauty.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


How have you awakened to this new day?  Have you accepted it with open arms and ready to face it with love and positive energy?  Do most of us wake up and start our day off with the following thoughts:

  • “I wish it was Friday”
  • “I hate Monday’s”
  • “Another work week, arrgh”
  • “I wish I could win the lottery and not have to work again”
  • “It’s so dark and gloomy outside”
  • “I hate the people at work and hate my job”

What we are doing when we think like this, is sabotaging our day.  When we wake up with a negative disposition to everything we are essentially saying that we want more of it.  If we keep dwelling on any negative thoughts – you will find that only negative things will happen; you will stub your toe or spill coffee on yourself, you will miss the bus to work or be in traffic longer than usual, your boss will be in a bad mood or you will have to work late.  You will encounter other negative and curt people, you will not have a happy day. 

How do we change this pattern?  We can start by changing what we do prior to going to sleep.  Here are some suggestions:

  1. Don’t watch television prior to going to bed, especially the news.
  2. Clear your mind of all negative thoughts from the day prior.
  3. Go for a walk or to the gym.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Read a book.

Instead of waking up with negative thoughts or views about how your day will be – turn it around and tell yourself you will have a fantastic day filled with love and positive energy.  If it is raining outside – embrace the fact that the rain is life-giving and rejuvenating mother nature.  Wake up and remind yourself that you still have the breath of life – you are alive and well.  Sing as you get ready for the day ahead.  Smile and love that you are alive.  Don’t get me wrong – life isn’t easy and we do need to acknowledge that ‘stuff’ happens but it is how we deal with that ‘stuff’ that determines what kind of day, week, month, year and life we are going to have. 

This is why MY day will be a successful one:

  • I will treat others the way that I want to be treated.
  • I will not judge others.
  • I will laugh a lot.
  • I will appreciate and give gratitude that our planet allows me to live.
  • I will respect all living things.
  • I will be open and receptive to new ideas.
  • I will be kind and compassionate.
  • I will spread love into our world.
  • I will do these things willingly and without the notion that I want something in return.

  Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What would our world look like if everyone believed that we are reflections of each other?  Would we be kinder to one another?  Why do we allow ego to dictate all that we do and think?  Can we un-learn the things that we thought to be truth?  Loaded questions with simple answers.


Showing kindness is not hard to do at all.  There are many ways you can show kindness; buy someone a coffee, give someone a compliment, buy lunch for a complete stranger, hold open a door, say ‘thanks’ and mean it.  Always treat everyone you the same way you would like to be treated.  Smile, laugh, be happy, live and breathe kindness and those around you will respond the same way and send the same kindness you show into the universe.


Give love and show love in everything you say or do.  Many people say “I hate my job”, “I am not a morning person”, “I hate that person”…..change these thoughts to love.  Wake up and tell yourself you will love this day and you will love your job and you will love everyone you meet.  You will be amazed at how positive and great you day will be in changing ‘hate thoughts’ to ‘love thoughts’.


Take another look at everything around you and appreciate its’ beauty.  Don’t look at something with disgust and hate.  Appreciate the beauty of the sky and the air that allows you to breathe.  Appreciate the beauty of the trees and grass, of people walking their pets in the park, a cat sitting in front of a window, the laughter of children’s joy, the food that you eat….See everything with new eyes and know that everything is beautiful and a reflection of what YOU are!


Respect everyone’s differences and appreciate those differences – see what you can learn from each others differences.  Respect the planet – it gives us all life, air, clean water and beauty.  Love it and respect it.  Respect the animals on this planet and treat them as you would treat yourself – show them love, respect and kindness and appreciate their beauty.

It is so easy to become distracted and fall into a negative vibration – what you have to teach yourself is to ignore those negative vibrations and align yourself with the vibration of love and kindness.  We were all born from love and kindness but have lost our way from that vibration.  Meditate and ask Source/God/Universe to help you get reconnect to the love vibration.

Let LOVE, KINDNESS, BEAUTY and RESPECT be the attributes that allow you to move towards a more positive vibration.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


My post today is about the power of music and lyrics.  It doesn’t matter that an artist didn’t write a song because if they authentically feel the lyrics, they will sing it to life.  This is one of those songs.  It was written by Andy Hill and Peter Sinfield and beautifully interpreted by Celine Dion.

For me, this song is about coming out of any darkness by calling and having faith in a ‘Higher Power’.  This ‘Higher Power’ is different for many people, some call it;  God, The White Light, Source, Universe, Allah, Jah, Ra and so on.  Whatever you call this ‘Higher Power’ is – allow it to guide you into a better place personally.  Ask this ‘Higher Power’ to empower you to act out of love and compassion for the greater good of humanity.   

Take a moment to hear these power words and this beautiful music and let that inspire you to create positive change in the world.


Close the door
Shut the world away
All the fight’s gone from this wounded heart
Across the floor
Dreams and shadows play
Like wind-blown refugees

Call the man
Who deals in love beyond repair
He can heal the world
Of hearts in need of care
Shine a light ahead
When the next step is unclear
Call the man
He’s needed here

I close my eyes
I remember when
Your sweet love filled this empty room
The tears I cry
Won’t bring it back again
Unless the lonely star should fall

Call the man
Who deals in love beyond repair
He can heal the world
Of hearts in need of care
Shine a light ahead
When the next step is unclear
Call the man
He’s needed here

Needed in the chaos and confusion
From the plains to city hall
Needed where the proud who walk the wire are set to fall

Call the man
Who deals in once upon a time
Maybe he
Can mend this broken heart of mine
Shine a light ahead
Now the future isn’t clear
Call the man
He’s needed here
Call the man
He’s needed here

He’s needed here
He’s needed here
Call the man

He’s needed here
Right here right now

This song is from Celine Dion’s 1997 cd – Falling Into You.  You can buy the song and cd on iTunes.  For more information about Celine Dion, please visit her official website at
Much love, health, happiness and light to all.

Together we can make the world a more positive one.