So many people have proclaimed that our world would end for various reasons:  God/Jesus is coming back to save the ‘chosen ones’, the end loomed on Y2K, and most recently, many predicted that because the Mayan calendar ended on 2012 – they determined that our world would end to.  What constitutes these predictions and why are most “doom and gloom” and negative predictions?

Today, I would like to share a video entitled:  ‘Why I Think This World Should End’ – now, before you assume that the video will only regurgitate the same negative and ‘doom and gloom’ predictions – I ask you to watch and be inspired:

This piece is spoken word art and is performed by Prince Ea – these words and the emotion in them are the words and emotions so many of us are feeling about the state of the planet, politics, the environment and all other social issues today.  I am grateful that Prince Ea shared this and is enlightening and sending positive change into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Why is the world obsessing over homosexuality?  I don’t understand the constant debates about gay marriage, being an ‘out’ boy scout, being a gay politician, teacher, celebrity, athlete, preacher or garbage collector.  People need to face the facts – GAY PEOPLE EXIST and we are tired of being treated as if we are second class citizens.  We have jobs, we pay taxes, we have hardships and families and go through the same life experiences as everyone else on the planet go through.  So what is the difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals besides the same-sex attraction?  Let’s look at some of the things that heterosexuals can do that homosexuals can not (in most places) – Let’s also look at some of the stereotypes people have about homosexuals.

  • Heterosexuals can marry – homosexuals can not (in most countries)
  • Heterosexuals can adopt – homosexuals can not (in most countries)
  • Heterosexuals are not discriminated against because of their religious beliefs
  • Everyone is born a sinner – but in the eyes of religion, homosexuals are damned because of whom they love
  • Homosexual athletes will try to hit on you in the locker rooms if they are open about their sexuality (said very sarcastic)
  • Homosexuals can’t play sports – they are not manly enough (said very sarcastic)
  • Lesbians want to be men and gay men want to be women because one partner has to be effeminate and the other manly
  • There is a gay agenda 
  • Gay teachers only teach homosexuality so that they can recruit your children to that lifestyle
  • Homosexuals can not be ‘out’ while serving and possibly dying for their country
  • Homosexuals can not have visitation rights if their partner is hospitalized for any reason (most parts of the world)
  • Most religions condemn homosexuality even though the basic message of religion is to love all and show compassion to all (possibly interpreted by a homophobic male)
  • Homosexual parents will try to convert their children to their lifestyle
  • Homosexuality is not natural because – man and women are put on earth to procreate (like there isn’t enough people on the planet)
  • If you listen to Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Liza Minnelli, Barbara Streisand and like show tunes – you are gay!
  • Homosexuals are put to death in some countries for being gay (I don’t think a heterosexual has ever been put to death because they love a person of the opposite sex)
  • All homosexuals practice bestiality (no heterosexuals practice this)
  • All homosexuals are promiscuous (there are no heterosexuals who are promiscuous)
  • All homosexuals have HIV/AIDS (heterosexuals can not contract HIV/AIDS)
  • All homosexuals are pedophiles (there are no heterosexual pedophiles)
  • All homosexuals are interior decorators (although we are great at it…lol)

I think I have covered everything.  Looking at this list – it’s no wonder gays and lesbians consider it a hardship to live their authentic lives.  Many lesbians and gays don’t ‘come out’ because they know that society doesn’t have a positive perception of them.  Many choose suicide because they want to end the constant bullying from those who believe all the stereotypes and prejudices listed above.  Many gays and lesbians don’t want to live their authentic lives because of the threats of violence they may face.  Many don’t want to live their authentic lives because they may face death – Imagine, being put do death because of who you love. 

I didn’t ‘come out’ until I was 21…..why did I have to come out?  I had to come out because I was tired of being called a faggot, ass-muncher, fruitcake and fairy.  I had to come out because I was tired of being told that homosexuals are not capable of having loving and committed relationships.  I had to come out because I was tired of living a life that was making me miserable.  I had to come out because I wasn’t living my true authentic self.  I had to come out because I didn’t want to see another gay or lesbian endure violence just because they were born gay.  I needed to come out because I wanted to stand up to those punks who threw a bottle at my head (they missed by inches) from their car as they drove by yelling ‘die faggot, die’.  I needed to come out because I could potentially be a positive influence for those who may have struggle with their sexuality in the future.  Most of all – I needed to come out so that I could start to live.  I wonder if heterosexuals have these struggles……

Gay marriage will not destroy the world.  Why do I know this?  Well – if the institution of marriage was so important to heterosexuals why all the divorces?  Why the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th marriages – are you not supposed to be happy with the first partner you choose?  Didn’t you have the opportunity to ‘scout’ potential life mates when you were single?

Gay scouts will not destroy society.  Why do I know this?  Well – there have been gay boy scouts since the boy scouts inception and those people who think otherwise, are fooling themselves.

We are not trying to convert anyone – there is no gay agenda, we don’t want your babies so that we can convert them to our lifestyle.  We don’t become teachers, politicians, preachers and police men and women so that we can push a gay agenda.  We do the exact same things you do – we do the best we can with the lives that are given to us by living, loving and by being compassionate towards others.  I can’t change my attraction to the same-sex, that is a composition of how I was born – so why would YOU want to change me?  If it was that easy for me to choose my lifestyle, then the same holds true for you – the only difference is that I don’t want to change who you fundamentally are, I only want to remove the stereotypes that you have towards me and those who were born like me.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Many people seem to think that gays and lesbians have chosen their lifestyle and that they are not born this way.  To those people, I ask:  “What day was it that you acknowledged that you chose to be straight?”   If it is that clear – then all straight people must have made a choice about their sexuality too, right?  Are straight people not born straight?  If not, that would mean that they can choose to be gay also.

So, how do I know that I didn’t choose to be gay.  We need to go waaaay back to before I was a teenager.  I can’t pinpoint the exact date or age but I do know that I was physically attracted to men for the longest time.  I didn’t have a reason – I didn’t know any ‘gay’ people and there was certainly no television programs that promoted or encouraged that lifestyle in the early 80’s.  As a matter-of-fact, it socially unacceptable to be gay. I know I had attractions to the same-sex because at an early age – I would get excited just by looking at men modelling underwear in department store catalogues whereas the women’s section did nothing to arouse me – but that didn’t make me gay.  I remember finding a pornographic magazine at a neighbour’s house and curiously flipping through it.  Again,  I found that the women in the magazine didn’t arouse me at all but that I did enjoy looking at the men.  But that didn’t make me gay.

Growing into my teens, I understood that being someone who was attracted to those of the same-sex was not a very popular notion to have.  Society mocked them, ostracized and even used violence against them and made them feel like lesser human beings because of their sexual orientation.  This was morally justified by most religious institutions.  Being gay or lesbian meant that there was something wrong with you – you had a condition that was previously treated with shock therapy.  Even today – people are told to ‘pray the gay away’.  This is not possible (at least for me it wasn’t).  So what could I do about all those feelings I had inside of me – where was I able to feel safe and be with like-minded people?  I had no clue.  All I knew about being homosexual was what I learned around me – homosexuals were “fairies”, “faggots”, “pussies”, “tinkerbells”, “dykes”, “women that wanted to be men” and “men that wanted to be women” and that “they should all be dead or killed.”  There was no way I wanted to be part of that.  This was a choice I made.

I thought “hmmm, I’ll just try to do what everyone else is doing”.  I tried dating girls and always felt that it was wrong – I like their company but there was no physical attraction what-so-ever.  I thought I fell in love but later realized that I wasn’t in love with that person, I was emotionally drained and just wanted to ‘give in’.  I was never going to be able to meet a man and be in a relationship with a man because men like me didn’t exist and if they did – they were forced to exist in secret.  This was a choice I made.

I did manage to connect with other gay people but it was always ‘in secret’ and always in public – shopping centres, subways and parks but people would never know because we learned to hide our attractions very well because our attractions were not acceptable.  It wasn’t until junior high school that I realized there were other gay people and that I could live my life without shame, fear and free from hiding – or so I thought.  Yes, there were other gays living openly and free but those kids were bullied, gay bashed and harassed on a daily basis and didn’t seem to be living too freely to me – I did not want to be one of them.  This was a choice I made.

I eventually met other gay guys who refused to be victims and who introduced me to the ‘gay village’ – a community of lesbian and gays who lived regular lives with their partners in what seemed to be domestic bliss.  I was astounded and felt a huge load lifted off my shoulders – there were others like me and they had what I have always wanted a home and someone to love without shame, hate and fear.  Then came AIDS.  AIDS was the ‘gay disease’ – it was God’s punishment for living a life of sin.  I was terrified.  It seemed like society finally found a reason to justify their hate and proof that this lifestyle was an abomination in God’s eyes.  I decided to continue to hide my ‘secret’.  This was a choice I made.

I eventually began a relationship without someone of the same-sex.  It was my first serious relationship and it happened to be with someone who was HIV positive.  I learned that I could have a ‘normal’, healthy and safe relationship without fear of being infected with the virus.  Through this relationship, I learned much about HIV and AIDS and also met some of the most incredible individuals I have ever met.  People of different backgrounds – gay, straight, bi-sexual, Caucasian, Black, Chinese, men and women who all had one thing in common – they were HIV positive.  Our relationship lasted 5 years and I have never seen him since but I do thank him for what that relationship has given me –  the ability to come to terms with my homosexuality and to live openly and authentically as a gay male.  That was a choice I made.

Today – I am married with a man who has been in my life for 20 years.  Despite all the hurdles and obstacles we have had to overcome individually and together, we have managed to build a life that I am completely proud of.  We fought judgement, hate and bigotry from friends, family and religious institutions.  I have conquered physical and emotional abuse.  I battled internal homophobia and almost lost the most important person in the world because of it.  Mostly – I have conquered my fear.  The same fear that paralyzed me to not live as my true authentic self.  I am so glad that I was born gay.  I am glad that I have learned all the lessons that I was supposed to learn because without them, I wouldn’t be that man I am today.  I did not choose to be ridiculed, hated, gay-bashed or bullied – I chose to live.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


There has always been controversy surrounding abortion.  A few of the arguments made by pro-lifers are:

  • that life begins at conception therefore, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life
  • in terms of rape/incest – abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished

Pro-choices argue the pro-lifers points as follows:

  • nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother as it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot exist outside her womb
  • in the case of rape/incest – forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim

William Todd Akin is the U.S. Representative for Missouri’s 2nd congressional district, serving since 2001. He is a member of the Republican Party and made the following statement on an interview in which he is asked whether he believes abortion is justified in cases of rape and replies that rape does not result in pregnancy.

“It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.

Shauna Prewitt not only got pregnant as a result of rape, but she decided to keep the baby and then was forced to go to court with her attacker over custody and visitation issues.  When researching her case, Prewitt learned that 31 states allow men who father through rape “to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy.”

I know of 1 woman who was raped as a child by her grandfather – that rape led to her contracting HIV.  I never asked but I always thought, what if she happened to get pregnant as a result of that rape – would the baby be infected to and would she entertain the thought of abortion?  The other woman (a young teenager at the time) – became pregnant as a result of not using contraception.  She indicated many reasons for not going through with the pregnancy – she was not capable of having this child and she didn’t the financial resources to ensure a proper upbringing.  She also incited fear of what her parents would do if they found out she was pregnant – would she be a pregnant and homeless teenager?  2 very different reasons to have an abortion but each of these reasons lead me to believe that we should be more honest and involve ourselves with our children’s lives.  In the case of the child who was raped – she should have had the support to deal with her trauma; instead there was denial, anger, resentment and disbelief from the child’s mother – which led the child to runaway from home.  The teenager who became pregnant was not informed about contraception and has misconceptions about birth control and sex that lead her to become pregnant – do we blame her?  Is this not the perfect argument for sex education in schools or for parents to be frank with their children in discussions of sex and how to be responsible when they do become sexually active?  What do we do as a society instead?  We let our judgements, our religious beliefs and politicians decide what is the right or wrong thing to do when, quite frankly, there should only be 1 person who should have the right to make a decision – THE WOMAN, she is the one who has ownership of her body, no-one else.

I really don’t understand women who require a man to make a decision for them, especially when the end result has no effect on the man.  If I was a woman – I would be livid at the remarks some of these politicians make in terms of women’s rights such as; pay equity, abortion, employment etc.  For me, there is not debate about abortion.  There should definitely be a conversation and discussion between the women and a proper health-care practitioner and even a psychologist but, ultimately it is the women who have the final say as to what they should or should not be able to do with their bodies.

According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) here are some current rape statistics:

  • 44% of victims are under age 18
  • 80% are under age 30
  • every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted
  • each year, there are about 207,754 victims of sexual assault
  • 54% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police
  • 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail
  • approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim
  • 38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance

For further information on the above statistics, please visit:

The above statistics do not support progress in the areas of sexual assault and rape, what these statistics suggest is that rapists can continue to do what they do without fear of the consequences of their actions.  So, when politicians like Todd Akin start spewing such bullshit as the statement above – they are perpetuating a rapist culture.  Mr. Akin would not have to make a retraction or apologize for his statement had he researched rape or sexual assault.  Statement like this only hurt one individual – the victim.  These politicians (mostly Republican or Conservatives) need to separate their ‘biblical’ ideologies and need to understand that it is a different world and they really need to be present to it.

I applaud all those who ‘stand their ground’ against intolerance and ignorance.  I applaud all those women who fought for and continue to fight against those who want to oppress them!  I applaud all those who fight for positive change in our world – this post is to THANK all those individuals who fight for positive change everyday!

Together we can make the world a more positive one!