It is inevitable – as we are born, so shall we die.  There was a time I feared death so much I would sink into a deep depression, for different reasons.  Religion taught me to fear death because of what we did during the time we lived.  Being bad and going against ‘the word of God’ would land you in Hell, where you would burn to infinity.  For a long time, I thought I was going to burn for eternity because I lived a sinful life as I broke some of God’s rules but mainly for the curse of being born homosexual.

Needless-to-say, I learned a better way than the fearful tactics of organized religion.  I am not hateful to those who believe and practice organized religion, as long as they don’t impose their views onto me.  I learned that being agnostic was the best way I could describe myself in terms of spirituality.

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.

How can I commit to something that offers no proof?  What I do believe, is that the world in which we live in is magnificent, majestic and complicated.  There are scientific explanations of how we came to be – I understand that and believe those ideas. But, I also believe there is something more unexplainable, spiritual and much more bigger than what we can explain.  I guess that is what people believe to be God.

Whatever our beliefs are in regards to how we came to be, shouldn’t we have a fundamental belief that we should all be respected, cared for, loved and taken care of?  Shouldn’t life and living be that simple?  Imagine if we took the time to not judge the homeless man on the street or shaming someone for being fat, a woman, gay, disabled, native or black?

There is nothing wrong with showing kindness – IT IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.  Showing kindness is confirmation of the strength and love we have within us.  What is more full-filling than helping someone in need without thinking about what we can get in return?  Imagine the positive change we can instil in others when we give kindness.  By giving of ourselves – we can potential save lives.  Imagine the one day we happen to reach out to someone who craves any type of love, that we change their mind in taking their own lives?

You may think you have nothing to offer – but giving of ourselves doesn’t only have to be of the materialistic nature.  You can show kindness by giving someone your ear (not literally), I’m talking about listening to them.  Being present and acknowledging what they are saying without any judgments. How about offering a smile when you look at a stranger?  So many of us have become disconnected, we don’t engage with one another anymore because of modern technology.  We are constantly on our phones updated our FaceBook status or sharing pictures on Instagram that we forget to be present and in the moment of the company we are with.

Take a moment and think about what positive change you can create in the world with all the kindness you have within you.  What can you do to make the lives of those around you better?  Maybe your kindness, love, compassion and caring comes from the humour you provide to others.  Maybe it’s your empathy, sincerity, honesty and your ability to be the most authentic person you can be.

Again, I reiterate – KINDNESS IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.  It’s a sign that you are present, connected, authentic, compassionate, caring and full of love to give to others.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

Path To Love


Some rules to insure your life is filled with happiness, health, well-being and love:

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Make sure you are able to laugh at yourself.
  • Try not to focus on being right all the time but being open to new ideas.
  • Any sentient being feels pain and has feelings – try to remember that in everything you do or say.
  • Find holistic ways to treat ailments before taking pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Remember – it’s not what material things you have that make others like you, it’s how you present yourself.
  • Do something nice for a stranger everyday.
  • Remember – the energy you put out into the world is the same energy you attract, be kind and receive kindness.
  • Respect all our great mother – EARTH, she is the only one we have.
  • Find your passion in life and try to make it your job.  Nothing like doing what you love for a living.
  • If you find ‘static’ or ‘negative’ energy in your life – it is to your benefit to remove it.
  • Take some time to be with yourself – meditate and tell yourself you are worthy, beautiful and loving.
  • Take your time with any goals you have for yourself – added pressure will only ensure that you may not meet them.
  • Don’t do something because you feel you have to – make sure you want to do it.
  • If you can’t love yourself, you will not be able to love others.
  • Look into a mirror on a daily basis and tell yourself you look great and you are happy and healthy.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell others that they are wonderful.
  • Act from LOVE and all you will receive is LOVE.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Have you ever thought about how you treat yourself on a daily basis?  Have you took notice of how you react to other people and certain situations?

I try to take notice of everything I say and do to myself or to others because ultimately, what you do or say affects every aspect of your physical and emotional state.

Why should we get angry and irritated about getting stuck in traffic?  It is frustrating but, you don’t know the reason for the jam.  If the traffic jam is a result of someone dying in this accident, wouldn’t that make the complaining pointless and irrelevant?  Wouldn’t your mood instantly change from anger to gratitude that you are alive and empathy for the friends and family of the person who died?

Why hang on to thoughts of anger, sadness and anxiety?  These thoughts will only allow the low-energy feelings to stay with you.  Next time you feel this way – try to acknowledge these feelings and think about the events that may have brought on these feelings.  Could it be an inter-action you had with a family member, co-worker, friend or spouse?  Could it be something you ate?  Could it being medication or recreational drugs and alcohol?  Recognizing what brought on these low-level energy feelings is the first step in moving towards creating postive change and positive feelings.

Motivate yourself by feeding your body and mind the things that promote positive energy.  If someone in your circle of friends is creating “static” in your life and becomes a beacon of negativity – remove yourself from that circle until the situation changes.  This is relative to family members as well – if a family member is sucking the positive energy out of you and only spews negativity, maybe it’s time to stay away from them for a while.

If low-level feelings are brought on by your job, maybe it’s time to think about changing careers.  Think about something you are passionate about and make that your job.  If you eat a lot of fast-food, carbonated soft drinks, milk or other processed foods and have many low-energy thoughts, maybe it’s time to incorporate more organic and plant-based foods into your diet.  Even the lack of exercise can bring on low-level energy feelings….change this by going jogging, doing yoga, weight-lifting, cycling and something as simple as going for a walk in the park.  

You will be surprised how much clarity, good emotional and physical health you can receive by incorporating a plant-based diet and exercise program into your life.  Don’t you deserve to have optimal emotional and physical health.  Should you not have a more holistic and proactive approach to your well-being as opposed to  medicating it with pharmaceutical drugs or unhealthy food?

Don’t be too judgemental about what you do.  Approach this part of life as an educational process.  You have learned all your current habits and you can certainly un-learn them.  Don’t be too hard on yourself if you fail at something or you don’t reach a goal you set for yourself – just pick yourself up and move forward.  Acknowledge your low-level feelings with love and thank the universe for allowing you to address them.

Isn’t it time to be kind to yourself?  By being kind to yourself, you ensure that you are kind to others.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Why do we allow ourselves to be troubled by those who are not connected to good and positive energy?

Mostly it is because we let our ‘egos’ get in the way.  We always have a desire or need to be right or believe that are views are the only views that matter.  We place  judgements on others based on religion, lifestyle and people’s appearances.  Our achievements are no less important than the achievements of anyone else.  We also tend to deem our lives are much more important than the lives of our ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.  We are all connected and all come from the same Source.  Ego is what makes the distinction of our differences.

Knowing this – isn’t kindness, love, compassion and empathy in all of us to give and to receive?  Yes, it is!

Take a look at how your previous days, weeks, months, years have passed and how your energy levels affected those around you and yourself.  Usually, when you are sending positive energy out into the universe, it is usually want comes back to you.  Imagine if that is all that you allowed yourself to give to others and yourself – your life would be much more gratifying. We have all heard the saying;  “The energy you give is the same energy that is returned to you.”  Thinking of that mantra, allow yourself to be kind, compassionate and empathetic.  Connect with positive vibration.  Allow yourself to help others without the expectation of receiving anything in return.  Once you release this positive energy into the universe, you will find that that same energy is what comes back to you.  You will notice that the answers you were seeking will present themselves.  You will attract like-minded people and your life and soul will thank you for it.

Be a soldier for the REVOLUTION OF LOVE and help create positive energy everywhere in the world.  Be kind and compassionate to the environment, animals and to each other.  Show empathy for those who require it and let LOVE rule your world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!  




I don’t believe in traditional religion.  I am always amazed at how those who are devout Christians always quote bible verses to emphasize their ignorance – but, they only emphasize the things that they are uncomfortable with – mostly homosexuality.  I have my own beliefs of the things that are written in the bible – I believe that it was written by men as a mechanism to control the general population by instilling fear.  That is my view – but I still do not wish any harm or mean any disrespect to those who believe a religious doctrine.

What do I believe?  I am not comfortable with the word GOD but, in the same breath, I don’t disbelief the concept of what people believe to be GOD.  I am more inclined to believe in what you can see, feel, smell and touch and not here say.  I also believe that there is something bigger than us – an energy or a source that can’t be explained.  I guess that is what people call GOD.  I believe that this is the energy that created us and the same energy that we go back to once we leave our physical bodies.  What happens after that – who knows?

What I do know about this energy/source is that it is a source of love, compassion and kindness.  This source has given us life, it has given us the air that we breathe, the food we eat, the trees, lakes, rivers and oceans.  It has given us pure beauty and we must reconnect with that love, compassion, kindness and beauty.  We must disconnect from negative thoughts, speak and actions.  We need to realign ourselves with the positive vibration of Source and we need to start with ourselves.  If we practice to be kind to ourselves – it will be much easier to be kinder to each other.  This kindness will then affect those around you and then connect and move forward in communities, towns, cities and eventually – the world.

Don’t surround yourself with negativity – stop watching programs that incite violence, hate and ignorance, turn off the television (and especially the news).  Remove yourself from those individuals in your life that are negative.  Live from love and your life will only bring you love.  Respect everyone, respect the planet including all animals.  When you respect and show kindness to everything – you are connecting to the Source that is ALL and that is LOVE.

This is what I strive to-day daily – live with kindness, compassion, love and beauty.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What do you think about when you think of karma?  I instantly think of the following:

  • The attitudes and behaviours you show to others is what comes back to you.

The definition of karma in the Concise Oxford Dictionary – 9th Edition defines karma as follows:

karma – n. Buddhism & Hinduism 1. the sum of a person’s actions in previous states of existence, viewed as deciding his or her fate in future existences. 2. destiny.

Here is what I think of karma and what it means to me:

KKindnessBe kind and show kindness to everyone.  We can change someone’s attitude by showing them kindness instead of being reactive and defensive.

A AcceptanceAccept the differences in everyone.  We all can’t have the same dispositions in life, our differences is what makes us all unique.

R RespectfulWe need to respect the differences, traditions and beliefs that others hold.  By respecting one another, we become more tolerant of one another.

M MindfulDon’t do something for the sake of doing it or because you feel you have to, do it because you want to and because you care.  

 A AttitudeMaintain a positive attitude in life and you will attract the same.

If we are kind, accepting, respectful, mindful and have a great and positive attitude in life, we are bound to receive the same.  Most of us put up so many barriers and may have been hurt or unloved in our pasts that we forgot how to show love and kindness.  If you take notice – FORGET THE PAST and live in the moment, we can begin to live a life that comes from love.  Put no pressure on yourself or don’t expect anything in return – just live from love and that is all that you will attract.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!