Here are some clips to help and educate you on veganism:

Great resources for starting a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle:

PETA – How to go vegan:

VEGAN SOCIETY – great resource with information and recipes on how to start a vegan lifestyle:

LIVING GREEN MAG – veganism and the environmental impacts:

Becoming vegan is a lifestyle choice – For me, it became hard to differentiate the difference between a domesticated animal versus all other animals.  It became difficult to eat a burger and not be fully aware that it was a living, breathing soul before it ended up as food on my plate.  The decision was clear – no more animals.  People continue to ask what I eat and are perplexed that I don’t eat, wear or purchase any products that were made on the suffering of any animals.  I drink vegan wine (Yellow Tale is my favourite – Australian Shiraz), I eat desserts, pizza’s, lasagna, burgers, fries…..but they are all made with plant-based ingredients.  Here are some of the dishes I have made:

TOFU “Egg” Salad Sandwich

Tofu Egg Salad Sandwich (9)

Mixed bean salad with tofurkey Italian “sausage”

Mixed Bean Salad with Tofurkey Italian Sausage

Meatless scallopine, mixed bean salad, and whole grain rice

PC meatless Scallopine with Seasoned Rice and Mixed bean and Vegetable Salad (8)

Breakfast jambalaya – seasoned tofu, vegetables and home fries

Rob's Breakfast Veggie Jambalaya

Vegan “chicken breast”, roasted potatoes and sautéed brocoli

Meatless Chicken Breast with Roasted Potatoes and Broccoli

We are only limited if we choose to be.  If you were told that eating a vegan lifestyle would promote a healthy mind and body, save countless animals from genocide/murder and help sustain our environment, wouldn’t you at least try?  We have become so conditioned to believe certain things.  These beliefs have helped corporations and governments make billions of dollars.  Isn’t it time you think for yourself and open your mind to the benefits that so many people are talking about?  Imagine cutting your prescription medications, having more energy, clearer skin, clearer thoughts, and healthier body.  Becoming vegetarian/vegan isn’t as hard as people claim it to be – that really is another myth that the meat and dairy industry would like you to believe. 

I am not condemning anyone who chooses to eat meat – I know that there are many meat eaters that are loving and caring individuals.  One day – my hope is that they have the same awareness as I do…..if you love animals so much and have compassion for them – why continue to eat them?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


My full-time job satisfies me to a certain degree – with it, I can live, buy food, clothing and have shelter.  It also allows me to work on what I am most passionate about and that is to advocate for the LGBT (lesbian/gay/bi/transgender) communities, the ethical treatment of animals and our environment.  Through my blog, I am able to share my passion with you and to shed light on these social issues.  I hope that people view my posts and are inspired to act and become part of the Coalition of Positive Energy whether that is by making better choices daily for our environment, making better choices in food consumption to ensure the ethical treatment of animals or by simply understanding that because someone is born gay/lesbian/bi/transgendered doesn’t make them any less of a human been than they are.

There have been many historical moments where humanity has shown its very dark and cruel side – slavery, genocide, environmental catastrophe’s, greed, violence in the name of religion etc….many think that these issues were too complicated to do anything about, they are wrong.  Think about the civil rights movement – why did it take so long for society to understand that killing someone for the colour of their skin was completely wrong or that it was alright for black people to sit at the back of the bus?  For me, standing up against hate, ignorance and intolerance is courageous – we should be all grateful for those that inspired change for equality and freedom such as Claudette Colvin, Rosa Parks, Representative John Lewis, Martin Luther King Jr.,  Malcolm X and countless others that fought for civil rights.

World War II saw the genocide of 6 millions jews – had the world not stood up to the tyranny of Adolph Hitler, what would the world look like today.  When we decide not to act for the greater good in our world – things like genocide, slavery, greed, violence, tyranny, dictatorship and violence will continue.

We all have a moral obligation to ensure that we live in a world and in a society that comes from love, compassion and without judgement.  Allow your heart to speak for your and for what is right and for what creates positive change in our world.  We know that governments shouldn’t be taking people’s rights and freedom’s away, we know that dictatorship is wrong, we know that oil spills cause environmental catastrophe’s, we know organized religion (like governments) are in place to keep people from free thought – what ‘they’ don’t want us to know is that we can do something about it.

What is your passion and what positive change will you create in the world from your compassion?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!