I believe that a proper diet, exercise and meditation is superior to maintaining good health.  The studies continue to show the amazing health benefits of what a plant-based diet can do in terms of lowering cholesterol, reversing diabetes, high blood pressure and even curing cancer.  We know and understand that putting toxins into your body is not good.  Processed foods, factory farming, pesticides in our soil, pollution and chemicals in our water all contribute to poor health.  Saying this, why is there a huge and sudden push for vaccinations?  Is there really a sudden outbreak of diseases that we must be vaccinated against?  And if so, should we, as individuals, have the right to choose whether or not we want to be vaccinated?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why the sudden push for vaccination?
  • Who tends to benefit from mandatory vaccinations?
  • Is there a life/death outbreak of disease that requires vaccinations?
  • Shouldn’t putting toxins into your body be the choice of each individual within the legal age?
  • What will mandatory vaccinations impose on us next?

I understand that people who are in favour of vaccination are afraid for their well-being and the well-being of their children but, how about the rights of those who are against the vaccinations and their well-being? 

I know many people out there are inclined to believe that everything that our government legislates is in our best interests.  Need I remind you of the following the government has indicated was in our best interests:

  • Slavery/Segregation
  • The Viet Nam War
  • 9/11
  • The Invasion of Iraq
  • Mandatory HPV inoculation
  • Monsanto
  • The lack of banking regulations around the world
  • Support of BIG CORPORATIONS (oil/agriculture/pharmaceuticals)
  • Women’s reproductive rights (abortion laws)

We should all have the right to choose what we do with and to our bodies.  What happens when the right of free choice is taken away from us?  What next?  Will governments instruct women on when and how many kids they should have?  What if a political party is pro-life, will they instill legislation that will not allow the women’s right to choose what she does with her body? 

You can have micro-chips implanted into our pets to help us locate them if they are lost.  There continues to be debate on the same type of micro-chips for humans.  Apparently, this chip would list all previous medical history of that person.  But is that the only information that chip would include about a person?  Would this be another way for governments to keep track of us.  These types of initiatives or inventions seem more to the benefit of our governments to instill more control.  Is that no different from vaccinations?

The bottom line is – if you want to trust that vaccinations are in you and your family’s best interest, then vaccinate.  However, don’t impose your views and judgements on those who decide not to.  I personally, do not want more or my free choice taken away from me. 

Here are some videos on the subject of vaccination:

Please visit to read more news stories that did not make corporate media news or distorted in order to keep the general public distracted from the real news.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



We are told that in order to be successful we must always reach for the top.  I say forget that – you do not have to be “on top” to be successful in life.  Does being on top mean that you have fulfilled all that you need to and that you will be happy and content?  I believe that the statement of ‘Reach For The Top’ should be replaced with, ‘Reach For Your Passion’.

What is the difference between – REACH FOR THE TOP versus REACH FOR YOUR PASSION?  The main difference is that you are not putting pressure on yourself when you work towards the goals that you are passionate about.  When you are passionate about what you do in life, whether that is working in a nursery, a retirement home or as a teacher, you will always be successful.

Society puts so much emphasis that having financial freedom means that you have become successful but, as we know, money doesn’t buy health, it doesn’t buy compassion or happiness and it certainly doesn’t buy love.  Success, for me, can be measured in the goodness that you have in your heart and how much of that goodness you can give back into our society.  That is success.  Let others witness your passion and be a beacon of change.  So, don’t reach for the top – reach for what you are passionate about and when you find that passion, give back to the world and let your positive energy flow into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Forget Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Beyoncé – the following videos have evoked so much emotion from me that I want to share them again.  I don’t need to explain much as they are pretty self-explanatory.  I have renamed them to names I find are much more appropriate.  Here they are with my ‘made-up’ titles:


So simply put – what a wonderful mother to appreciate the beauty of her son’s innocence.


The womam at the beginning got all choked up talking about why they decided to start their foundation.  So emotional and so beatiful when people see the beauty, intelligence, and respect the lives of animals.  The people in this video are true heroes and I am grateful they and so many like them exist in our planet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Nelson Mandela was an inspiration to me – he was a man who believed that everyone should be treated equally and he fought passionately for this all of his life.  A man so encompassed in his beliefs that he spent 27 years in prison for them.  Mandela was and will continue to be a huge and inspirational voice for those who are deemed less equal than the ones who oppress them.  The world has lost a man who was compassionate, fearless, brave, loving and inspirational – he may be gone but his legacy will live on in all those whom he has inspired.  Here is my YouTube tribute to Mr. Mandela.  Please note:  The images I used were images from the internet and I take no credit for any of them.  The song I used is entitled “The Rivers Divide” from Kristine W.  This song can be found on her albums ‘Stronger’ (Japanese Import) or the version I used – from ‘Straight Up With A Twist’.  Her voice and the lyrics of the song bring so much more emotion and life to this video.

You can purchase the song via iTunes or via her website:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


If you don’t know who Malala Yousafzai is already……I ask you to watch this short video and become inspired. 

Malala obviously had great support from her father and it definitely shows.  She is so passionate in her conviction that all girls should be allowed the chance of receiving an education to ensure they have a voice and a chance to make a difference in the world.  Imagine if all teenagers in the western world had this type of conviction…..Malala has given me hope that today’s youth will definitely be conduits in creating positive change in our world today, tomorrow and forever.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


The video is in German – but no words can express the joy these cows feel once released from their confinement.  Science has finally recognized that animals have consciousness but that is something that animals lovers already have known.  Animals have emotions – here is more proof:

I love that the people are so happy for this moment that they get choked up…..ASTOUNDING and WONDERFUL people!!!

Together we can make the world a more positive one!


Those governments who say they are respectful of the democratic process – are they really?  I live in a country (Canada) where the government works much harder to please BIG CORPORATION than to please the people who put them in power.  This is similar all over the world – governments are cracking down on civilians who challenge them and use the excuse of dissent and even consider that dissent to be domestic terrorism.

I want to live in a world where countries respect the democratic process and politicians work to ensure that our environment, the planet and its people are taken care of.  We must become more vigilant in the democratic process – we have a right to hold our politicians accountable for the policies they create.  These policies must be respectful to the people and our environment and not beneficial to BIG OIL, banks and corporations.

We must raise our voices – no more whispering, we must now ensure that corrupt governments and politicians here our roar.

Please watch this trailer for the political documentary by Ben Moss called, A Whisper to a Roar – hopefully it will inspire you to create positive change in our world.  You can watch it on Netflix.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.