The oceans are getting warmer, there are many more droughts and ‘super’ storms happening around the world.  Water and food shortages are becoming realities in many parts of the world.  Brazil is considering cancelling their Carnival celebrations due to the worst drought conditions that country has ever seen.  What is happening?  Could 95% of environmental scientists be right?  Could the Pentagon be right, when they indicated that climate change is the current biggest threat to humanity?  

The Pentagon released a report in October of 2014 indicating that climate change poses an immediate threat to national security, with increased risks from terrorism, infectious disease, global poverty and food shortages. It also predicted rising demand for military disaster responses as extreme weather creates more global humanitarian crises. 

Chuck Hagel, US Defense Secretary, addressed key issues from their report, here are some of his quotes:

“The loss of glaciers will strain water supplies in several areas of our hemisphere.” 

“Destruction and devastation from hurricanes can sow the seeds for instability. Droughts and crop failures can leave millions of people without any lifeline, and trigger waves of mass migration.”

“We should worry about climate change like we worry about ISIS.”

You can read more about the report here:

The climate change deniers feel there is not enough proof in order for governments to act on this initiative.  Here are some of the things people are saying:

“This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop.  Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and our GW scientists are stuck in ice” – Donald Trump (tweet) @realDonaldTrump January 2, 2014.

“Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide.” – Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH)

“The ice caps are melting, which we see over and over again.  Yeah, they’re melting on Mars, too!” – Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

“The government can’t change the weather.” – Senator, Marco Rubio (R-FL) 

“All voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.” – Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

If this is how our politicians are treating climate change – what hope do we have?  Here are what some authorities on climate change are saying and doing:


Greenpeace has listed some very interesting and positive statistics and facts surrounding renewable energies, here is that list:

  • Europe decommissioned more coal, fuel oil and nuclear capacity than it installed in 2009.
  • Solar energy is now working at night on a commercial-scale.  A plant in Spain has seven hours of heat storage.
  • In the space of just 5 years, Portugal’s electric grid leapt from 15% to 45% renewables.
  • Price Waterhouse Cooper says Europe and North Africa could now run on 100% renewable energy by 2050.
  • Subsidies to fossil fuels worldwide outweigh renewable energy support by a ratio of 12:1.
  • West Virginia could replace all its electrical capacity with just 2% of its geothermal power potential.
  • Solar photovoltaic could account for 5% of global power demand by 2020, and up to 9% by 2030.
  • Iceland’s power supply went from 75% imported coal to more than 80% local geothermal and hydro in 30 years.
  • China built (roughly) one windmill an hour in 2009.
  • Our energy needs can be met by 95% renewable energy by 2050

*The above can be found on the following: is a group of individuals that have come together to demand environmental action.  What is the significance of the number 350?

“If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from [current levels] to at most 350 ppm.” – Dr. James Hansen

Our current levels are at 400 ppm.

Here is a paragraph from

Independent studies show that in the United States a sustained investment of public and private dollars in clean energy would generate 1.7 million new jobs in industries like construction for making homes and office buildings more efficient with new windows, lighting and cooling systems – and in manufacturing of solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles.

Some of’s projects and campaigns include; Global Divestment Day, Start a Climate Petition and Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline.

For more information, receive updates, donate, or get involved – please visit – Get the facts!

The David Suzuki Foundation

David Suzuki has been a defender of the planet, our environment and world reknowned scientist.  Here are a few points from their Energy Overview blog post regarding renewable energy and the potential Canada has in becoming a world leader in renewable and sustainable energies:

Wind and solar are the fastest growing sources of energy in the world.  These low-polluting energy industries are creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs in countries as diverse as Germany and China.  In fact, the renewable-energy sector generates more jobs per megawatt of power installed, per unit of energy produced, and per dollar of investment than the fossil fuel-based sector.

Canada, the second largest country in the world by area, is richly endowed with renewable energy, including wind, solar, hydro, biomass, geothermal and marine (e.g. tidal, wave energy) sources.  With the right policies, Canada can use renewable energy to satisfy its energy needs and become a world leader in sustainable technologies.

Some of the current projects of the David Suzuki Foundation include; Race to the Top and Trottier Energy Futures Project.

For more information about the David Suzuki Foundation – please visit,

Canada will have a federal election in October of 2015.  Canada must elect a government and Prime Minister who speaks to a new generation of individuals who are concerned about our land, lakes, rivers, parks, forests and the environment in general.  We need to elect a leader who wants to show that world that Canada can be a leader in renewable and sustainable energies, growing the economy with green jobs and building a better and cleaner Canada.  We must vote for new priorities and government policies that create a better Canada and a better world.

The fossil fuel sector/industry realizes that a revolution for a better and sustainable future is gaining momentum and will do anything to ensure their profits remain intact.  Governments shouldn’t answer to big conglomerates that only want to maximize their profits.  Government officials should not be bought in order to pass legislation that would only be in the best interests of the fossil fuel conglomerates.

It is time for a new world order – but not a world order that is driven by profits and instilling fear into their citizens.  It’s time for the grass roots movement to grow into a revolution – and it will, with organizations like Greenpeace, the David Suzuki Foundation and



Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


Another Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone.  I thought that this would be a great time to list everything that I am thankful for.  Hopefully it will inspire my Canadian friends to think about the things that are important to them.  The United States will not be celebrating until November 27 – I hope that this blog post inspires all the U.S. readers to think about the things they will be most thankful for.  Here are mine:

  • Thankful that I am alive
  • Thankful that I have my health
  • Thankful that I have the best husband and friend anyone could ask for
  • Thankful that I don’t eat animals
  • Thankful for this beautiful planet
  • Thankful for being capable of forgiving those who have caused me pain
  • Thankful for doing my best to help in the fight against climate change
  • Thankful for a wonderful and understanding family
  • Thankful for great friends
  • Thankful that I have a job I enjoy
  • Thankful for freedom
  • Thankful for all the love that I receive
  • Thankful for all the love that I give
  • Thankful for the universe
  • Thankful for my willingness to learn

What are you grateful for?

Together, we can make the world a more postive one!


The land that is now Canada has been inhabited for millennia by various Aboriginal peoples (indigenous peoples in North America).  They comprise the First Nations, Inuit and Métis which have helped to shape Canada’s cultural identity.  The name Canada comes from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning “village” or “settlement”.

I was born in Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal but immigrated to Canada in 1973 just before turning 4 years old.  I really don’t have any memories of the country I was born.  I really consider myself to be Canadian and made it official on my 20th birthday in 1989. 

Frequently referred to as Canada’s birthday, Canada Day is the national day of Canada celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North American Act, 1867 (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which united three colonies into a single country called Canada within the British Empire.

In celebration of Canada Day and my 25th anniversary of becoming Canadian, I thought I would share some interesting facts about Canada, here they are:


  • 850 meters, the length of the world’s longest beaver dam found in Northern Alberta.
  • 2.4 million Caribou live in Canada.
  • 15,500 of the world’s polar bears live in Canada.
  • 130 km north of Winnipeg, Manitoba – is the Narcisse Snake Dens Conservation area, where each spring, tens of thousands of red-sided Gartner snakes come out of their dens for weeks from mid-April to early May.


  • More than 42% of Canadians identify as Roman Catholic.
  • 1/5 Canadians were born outside of Canada.
  • Canada is the best G20 country in which to be a woman.


  • The Prime Minister has no term limit, meaning that as long as a leader keeps winning, they can keep ruling.
  • John A. Macdonald (Conservative) was the first Prime Minister of Canada for two terms, 1867-1873 and 1878-1891.  He was born in Scotland.
  • William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal) was Prime Minister for 21 years.
  • Currently, there are five parties that have elected representation in the federal government: the Liberal Party of Canada , the Conservative Party of Canada, the New Democratic Party of Canada, the Green Party of Canada and the Bloc Québécois. 


  • Canada consists of 10 provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia) and 3 territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).
  • Canada has the largest coastline in the world.
  • It is the second largest country in the world (Russia is the largest).
  • By land area alone, Canada ranks fourth.
  • Canada has around 31,700 large lakes.
  • 20% of the world’s fresh water is in Canada.
  • 31% of Canada is taken up by forests.


  • 77% of the world’s maple syrup is made in Quebec.
  • Macaroni and cheese is the most purchased packaged grocery item in Canada.
  • Canada produces 1.5% of the world’s food but only consumes 0.6%
  • Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than anywhere else in the world.


  • Montreal pharmacist, Marcellus Gilmore Edson created peanut butter, patented in 1884.
  • Montreal’s Canadian Lady Corset company first licensed the trademark ‘Wonder-bra’ in 1939, and then renamed the company Wonderbra in 1961.
  • Scott Abbott, a Montreal sports editor, and Chris Haney, a photo editor, when they couldn’t find all their Scrabble tiles, invented Trivial Pursuit in 1979.
  • Other notable inventions: the odometer (1854), the egg carton (1911), IMAX (1967), McIntosh apples (1811), the walkie-talkie (1937), insulin (1922), the paint roller (1940), the wheelchair-accessible bus (1947), the electric wheelchair (1952).


  • Porky’s (1982) is the most successful Canadian film ever made.  It was the 5th highest-grossing film of 1982.
  • Shania Twain’s album, Come On Over, is the best-selling album by a female artist of all-time.  RIAA certifies worldwide sales of the album exceed 40 million units.
  • Alanis Morissette’s, Jagged Little Pill, is the second best-selling album by a female artist of all-time.  RIAA certifies worldwide sales of the album exceed 33 million units.
  • Other notable Canadian celebrities:  Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, John Candy, Catherine O’Hara, Dan Aykroyd, Bryan Adams, Pamela Anderson, William Shatner, James Cameron, Drake, Jann Arden, Rush and Nickelback – just to name a few.

I am a proud Canadian and am love the country that I live in.  I may sometimes be critical of our government but only because I want to ensure that our policy makers protect the Canadian people and the wonderful environment that Canada provides us.

Here’s to you Canada!

 Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




As World Pride 2014 in Toronto comes to a close.  I thought I would share 2 very good videos promoting love.

I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do:

The world watched as Toronto welcomed PEACE, EQUALITY, LAUGHTER, JOY, and LOVE and shared it with the world.

May you all share YOUR peace, equality, laughter, joy and love and help spread positive energy around the world.

PS – This is an actual photo right after the closing of Toronto’s World Pride Parade – Looks like even Mother Nature wanted to give something back and share her pride with Toronto.

Together, we can all make the world a more positive one!


Creating awareness of a negative issue that is happening is a must in order to reach a positive outcome but what if that ‘negative’ issue is shrouded in lies for political gains?  Canada’s government is currently involved in two issues that stir controversy and have no benefit to most Canadians but much benefit for members of parliament or the lobbyists acting on behalf of big corporation:  The Alberta tar sands and the annual seal hunt.

Today, I would like to write about the annual seal hunt and ask the question – Is it really a necessity?  Many argue (especially Canada’s indigenous people) that the seal hunt is essential for the survival of some native communities as they depend on the seals for food and their pelts to protect them from the elements.  I mean no disrespect to these communities but is there no other means for food and clothing in these remote locations?  Our government isn’t too inclined to assist these communities to ensure they have access to proper food, clothing and shelter but rather allow the seal hunt to continue in order to secure votes in these communities.

Here is a timeline since the seal hunt began – please note, this information was supplied via IFAW (International Fund For Animal Welfare) in a ‘mock’ campaign to create awareness about the seal hunt.

Seal Hunt Stats 

***for more about this ‘mock’ campaign, please visit the following link***

Recently – Ellen Degeneres spoke out against the seal hunt and called it an inhumane practice.  This caused a small backlash against Ellen as many supporters (mostly by the Inuit) started a ‘selfies’ campaign urging others in the Inuit community to take ‘selfies’ with their seal pelts to send to Ellen.  An Inuk seamstress Sandi Vincent challenged Ellen’s claim regarding that the seal hunt is “inhumane”.  (Clubbing seals to a bloody death doesn’t seem to be an inhumane practice).  I understand that people can be appreciative, grateful and respectful in giving thanks to how they have obtained their food but, in my opinion, there is nothing humane in the slaughter of thousands of helpless seals.

Most countries have banned seal pelts/products – this annual slaughter is a dying tradition.  If these seals are a ‘staple’ food for the Inuit community, is it not possible to find an alternative method of obtaining the seals rather than bludgeoning them to their deaths? 

We have achieved so much with modern technology – man has invented the car, boat and airplane, we have had men, women and animals in space.  How is it so difficult to find a solution that will appease those in Canada who rely on the seals for food without such a violent end for those seals?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


The wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is completely irrelevant to me.  As a matter of fact, the lifestyle’s of celebrities do not interest me at all unless they support a cause that matters to me or for the greater good of humanity.  Don’t get me wrong, I do buy music and go to the latest Hollywood blockbuster movies – but doing that is just a temporary escape from the distractions that BIG CORPORATION and governments want us to lose ourselves in. 

I do my best to remove the brainwashing that has occurred all of my life;  I have had to remove the notions that eating, drinking or wearing animal products was a necessity, I have had to tell myself that I don’t need a big car or house in order to be satisfied, I have had to understand that more consumption will not fulfill my life, I have come to the realization  that  governments or corporations are not acting for my best interests but their own.  All this has allowed me to ‘wake-up’ and to focus on issues that really matter.  What is a more important priority:  Discussing the name of the next royal baby or ending the mass genocide of seals that the government of Canada allows annually?  Forget about Lindsay Lohan’s next stint at rehab when the Alberta tar sands is causing sickness, destroying the environment and polluting Canada’s waters. 


Imagine if people gave their focus to the issues that really mattered – would there be as many people facing starvation, would there be less environmental devastation, would animals be protected from inhumane treatment, would there be less war, better health care and education?  Yes, there would be, but we are too busy being distracted by media to help us think, do or say.  Eat at McDonald’s, shop at Wal-Mart, drink Coca Cola, buy a gas-guzzling SUV, live and work in the concrete jungle, work nine to five and have children, a big house and a mortgage you can’t afford.  By doing all this, you are guaranteed to become sick, rely on pharmaceuticals to help you do something you hate to do all over again – until you die.  THIS IS NOT REALITY!

Here is MY reality:

  • I work to live and don’t live to work.
  • I advocate for things/people who fulfill my life (animals, environment and the LGBT community).
  • I eat foods that make my body and mind feel good (I do have some cheat days – which are great for the soul).
  • I try not to support companies that do not have good environmental or animal rights policies.
  • I am always working hard to change my behaviour to become more enlightened and positive.
  • I prefer to treat ailments in a natural way.
  • I try to be outdoors as much as I can.
  • I will not support political parties that will not commit to renewable/sustainable energy.
  • I have learned to pace myself and not become stressed regarding ‘lifestyle deadlines’ (life-style deadlines is a term I use to describe the traditional goals that were pushed on society and that we must reach at a certain age such as; finishing school, having a career, getting married, having children, buying a house, etc…).
  • Accepting and loving the aging process.
  • Learning to let go of my past and living for THIS moment.

I love not being distracted and I love that I have to think about the things that I do or say without having to conform to what everyone else is doing or saying.  I love being the ‘eccentric uncle’ or ‘that weird guy’ – I love being me.

 Are you ready to remove your distractions?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



How is it that society managed to allow 85 billionaires to possess the wealth of more than 1/2 the population of the planet?  Not only is that fact making hurting my brain but the justification that wealthy people make regarding this statistic, watch and listen to this:

Let me just add to what Amanda Lang is debating with Mr. O’Leary – How often or realistic does someone living in poverty have the chance to become a billionaire.  That isn’t a reality for most people living in poverty.  Why?  The lack of education – most of these people are having a tough time putting food into their mouths, let alone have the luxuries to watch O’Leary’s version of motivation.  The poor lack the resources that would allow them to become financially independent – the poverty is already a disadvantage.  Does O’Leary believe that poor people can just imagine becoming financially independent and voila – they become rich?  Let’s face it – poor people don’t have direct access to the things that can help motivate them in becoming financially independent let alone billionaires.  They don’t have access to great education, good nutrition, positive motivation, role-models, technology, etc…especially when governments are treating many of these basic necessities and rights that everyone should have as a business.  Poor people can’t receive a good education, health care, proper nutrition and even clean water because it all costs money.  Governments are working for corporations who amass all their money – money that gives them power to control government and power to control people.

What if we demanded change NOW – what if we demanded free education, free health care, a better government and a chance for everyone to have the same opportunities?  The current system isn’t working for everyone, it is only working for those who already have money and power.  The ‘old way’ isn’t working.  It is time for the people to stand up and demand that our governments work for the people and for the issues that we care for.  We don’t want to go fight to protect the best interests of greedy corporations.  We don’t want to bully other countries to believe that our way of life (consume, want, materialism) is the only way.  We want to fight for a future where we have clean water, clean air to breathe, good food to eat, and a planet that is not on the brink of environmental catastrophe.

I live in Canada – The official languages are English and French.  I don’t believe that I speak to only the English or only to the French (even though I don’t speak French) when I say this:  I can run this country better than our current Prime Minister because I would be inclusive and listen to the majority and not just those who have all the money.  I would fight to save our land, I would outlaw fracking, drilling for oil, coal and encourage companies to invest in renewable and sustainable energy.  I would ensure all citizens have access to the same health care.  I would promote local and organic farming.  I would install harsh punishments on those who commit atrocious acts against animals.  I would ensure that members of parliament were governing based on policies and not religious beliefs.  I would cut tuitions to ensure education was accessible to all – Education is NOT a business, it is a right every person should have access to.

What if doing all of these things give everyone the same advantage – what if everyone was on the same playing field…..would there still be this huge financial inequality?  What O’Leary needs is a dose of reality – he needs to experience the lives of those who live in poverty.  He needs to experiment what it is like to live in the slums of India or Brazil – see how long he can last without his precious millions.   The only comfort he will have, is knowing that he has the ability to go back to his life of luxury – most of the people living in poverty will never even experience 1% of that luxury.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


SAY “NO” TO THIS………………


Oil Liner Capsized Alberta Tar Sands devastation Bird caught in oil spill Girl cries in oil spill debris Horrible Tar Sands Oil Drill Fire




Sunset Forest Green Earth 1 Green Earth RainbowE-House Electric Car - The Volt Electric Smart Car Solar Panels and Wind Turbines Urban Rooftop Farming Wind Farm Wind Turbine


Demand better of our GOVERNMENTS and CORPORATIONS!!!  If we act now – we can all make a BIG difference!!!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


How many times have we stood in a line and thought that you could be doing something else that was more productive.  Many of us complain when we are waiting in line to do our banking, buy our groceries or get our driver’s licences renewed.  We also complain when we try to reconcile an error on any of our household bills when we call the company in which we are having a dispute with.  We wait on the phone patiently to speak with an agent, only to be told that there is nothing that can be done.  I love to shop online, do my banking online, pay bills via the internet and access government services via the internet only because I don’t have to wait in long line ups.  I’ve been thinking about automation/modernization a lot lately and I have found that as good as it is – there are many pitfalls to modernization.  Before I talk about the drawbacks of automation/modernization – we must look at how the Industrial Revolution affected society and paved the way for the current IT revolution.

Here is a brief synopsis of the birth of the Industrial Revolution as indicated on

The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominately agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban.  Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines.  Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production.  The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking.  While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes.

Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1709 to 1858 – Britain (key points)

  • 1712 – The first workable steam-powered engine was developed by Thomas Newcomen.
  • 1730 – The seed drill was invented by Jethro Tull.  This was a critical point of the agricultural revolution which freed labour from the fields and lowered crop prices.
  • 1759 – The first Canal Act was passed by the British Parliament; this led to the construction of a national network of inland waterways for transport and industrial supplies.  By 1830 there were 6,500km/4,000 miles of canals in Britain.
  • 1763 – The spinning-jenny, which greatly accelerated cotton-spinning, was invented by James Hargreaves in Blackburn.
  • 1765 – James Watt produced a more reliable and efficient version of the Newcomen engine.
  • 1785 – The power-loom marked the start of the mechanised textile industry.
  • 1802 – The first electric battery capable of mass production was designed by William Cruickshank in England.
  • 1811-16 – Textile workers known as Luddites staged widespread protests against low pay and unemployment in Nottinghamshire, which involved destroying new machines.
  • 1813 – Industrial employment overtook agricultural employment in England for the first time.
  • 1825 – The first regular railway services started between Stockton and Darlington in northeast England.
  • 1831-52 – British industrial production doubled.
  • 1833 – The first effective Factory Act was passed in Britain regulating child labour in cotton mills.
  • 1840-42 – George Hudson built the first railway station in York.
  • 1858 – The ‘great stink’ of London dramatized the increasing pollution in the cities.

***above information can be found on the following link:

Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1732 to 1830 – United States of America (key points)

  • 1750 – Potmac Canal, surveyed by George Washington, opens by-passing waterfalls on the river.
  • 1762 – David Rittenhouse and Dr. William Smith survey route of what will become the Union Canal, linking Philadelphia with interior of Pennsylvania.
  • 1763 – John Henry, the son of an Irish immigrant, reputedly builds a steam-powered paddle boat which he sails on the Canastoga River at Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  Boat sinks after accident.
  • 1774 – Britain passes law banning export of cotton-spinning technology and emigration of cotton workers to America.
  • 1775 – America enters the steam age as New York firm of Sharpe and Curtenius cast the country’s first-ever cylinder for a steam engine.  David Bushnell builds one-man submarine, The Turtle.
  • 1776 – Declaration of Independence adopted by Continental Congress (July 4th) and signed by the 56 representatives (Aug 2nd).  Bushnell’s submarine fails in attack on British blockade ship HMS Eagle in New York harbour.
  • 1782 – U.S. and Britain sign preliminary peace articles in Paris.
  • 1783 – Treaty of Paris signed by U.S. and Britain, ending War of Independence.
  • 1785 – America adopts the dollar – world’s first decimal currency.
  • 1790 – Southern States produce first major crops of cotton.
  • 1801 – James Finley builds world’s first chain suspension bridge, 70-feet wide, over Jacob’s Creek, Pennsylvania.  Philadelphia uses steam power to provide city water supply.
  • 1812 – U.S. declares war on Britain, aiming to annexe Canada.
  • 1824 – First school of science and engineering in United States – later New York Polytechnic Institute.
  • 1827 – Incorporation of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad – first freight and passenger-carrying line in U.S.
  • 1829 – William Austin Burt of Worcester, Massachusetts, patents early version of the typewriter.

***above information can be found on the following link:

These timelines really represent a time where those who had power and financial resources – had the ability to control the world and dictate how governments would work to support their best interests.  With mass production comes more money – with more money, comes more control.

As with the Industrial Revolution – the new IT Revolution will profoundly have a huge impact on employment (or lace thereof) and living conditions for the poor and working class.  Governments and Corporations see modernization as a way to save money but replacing people with computers and machines.  Today, we are being bombarded by ‘self-serve’ options every where we go.  Governments and corporations indicate that this is what the public is demanding (Obviously those who have financial security).  There will a huge influx in unemployment (as you are now witnessing) because companies will be laying off workers because their clients don’t have to see a ‘live body’.   As the unemployment rates soar – the economy will suffer because those without jobs will not be able consume.  Many people will be forced to work in service-related jobs that pay minimum wage increasing financial inequality.

Look around you – the results of society wanting things faster and more efficiently is everywhere; you can go to the grocery store and bag and pay for yourself, you can bank online, you can shop online, you can apply for health care online, etc.  In Canada – The Canada Post Corporation has indicated that they will be laying off over 5,000 employees because they could save millions of dollars implementing post office boxes where clients pick up their own mail.  Service Canada – the branch of government that offers employment insurance, grants and contributions, pension and old age security  has indicated that due to the public demand for more ‘self-serve’ and online services, many of their remote locations will close due to this modernization.  Automobile companies replaced many of their workers with robots, machines that can build cars – which was better for the industry because robots or machines are faster, don’t get hurt, are never sick, don’t require benefits and never take vacation.

I believe that my generation has a ‘love/hate’ relationship with modernization.  We love technology for social reasons – we love the internet, email, Facebook, Twitter etc….but we also like the option of being able to call a company and talking with an actual person.  I love that I have the option of going to a bank or government office and having someone explain a process to me.  I don’t want to check myself into a hotel, I don’t want a car that drives me, I don’t want to be strapped to a cell phone all day long, I don’t want to be a slave to modernization, automation.  I don’t want governments and corporations to dictate what I have to do in order to help them with their bottom line.  I want a choice.  The way I see it – our choices are being made for us in every aspect of our lives.  Those with money are dictating everything we must do, say or buy – soon there will be no choice.  What will the world look like then? 

We don’t need another Industrial Revolution.  We don’t need modernization or automation.  We do not need to create what corporations and governments want – more power for those with more money.  What we need now is an ENVIRONMENTAL REVOLUTION and a LOVE REVOLUTION.  We need to help heal the planet and help heal each other and only then can we create a more positive world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

A TEACHER IN ONTARIO, CANADA IS BROUGHT TO TEARS – SAME LOVE (Macklemore & Ryan featuring Mary Lambert)


I teach Grade 8 (13-14 years old) in Ontario, Canada. I am gay, and my students have known this for about a month or so. I am in my first year of teaching, and I teach the class that is considered the “tough” class – they don’t get along well with some of their other teachers, and they can be rowdy. Not so much for me, though.

In particular, I have one group of boys that can be a bit of a pain in the neck. Never keep their hands to themselves, always talk out of turn, have gotten in fights, etc. There is one boy in this group (he will be known here as Harry) who is a little quieter than the others, but very popular. He’s a bit tough to get close to, and seems like the type to be resistant to new ideas and different people. He hangs out with another tough kid (let’s call him Mark), who is loud and boisterous and often rude.

Now that it’s so close to the end of the year, I do a “YouTube of the Day” with them every morning. Kids can send in a short YouTube video for me to show to the class, I preview it, and if it’s appropriate, I play it. So this morning, Harry comes up to me and says, “I have a video I want to play.”

Now, I preview things for a reason. There are enough horror stories out there of teachers accidentally showing their kids porn for me to be very careful what I show my class. So I tell him to send it to me because, y’know, them’s the rules.

“I really want to show it,” he says back. “You’ll like it, I promise. It’s a music video.”

Given what Harry listens to, I’m wary. He listens to a lot of rap and hip-hop, and that’s fine, but I’ve heard some non-school-appropriate language come out of the music he listens to. So I ask him if it’s appropriate for school; he tells me yes.

This kid is many things, but he has never lied to me. Not once. So… I take a deep breath and tell him okay. What the heck.

So he goes on over and pulls it on up, and on comes a song I have never heard before. The artist is rapping about growing up gay, about the struggles of being gay, and about standing up in the face of hatred and homophobia. “Same Love,” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. The video (linked) was beautiful.

And there’s Harry, proudly watching along with the rest of the class as the artist stands up for those gay kids who struggle, and the video shows a difficult, lonely life culminating in a fabulous wedding. Harry. My “tough kid.”

The video finishes, the kids applaud, and I thank him, and he says to me, “I told you you’d like it.”

And then his loud, rude friend Mark says: “That was for you, Mr. K.”

The whole class applauded again – for me this time – and then I cried. I cried the proudest tears I have ever shed.

Harry and Mark… they might tick off every teacher they ever have, but today they gave this teacher a moment he’ll never forget.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!