The wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is completely irrelevant to me.  As a matter of fact, the lifestyle’s of celebrities do not interest me at all unless they support a cause that matters to me or for the greater good of humanity.  Don’t get me wrong, I do buy music and go to the latest Hollywood blockbuster movies – but doing that is just a temporary escape from the distractions that BIG CORPORATION and governments want us to lose ourselves in. 

I do my best to remove the brainwashing that has occurred all of my life;  I have had to remove the notions that eating, drinking or wearing animal products was a necessity, I have had to tell myself that I don’t need a big car or house in order to be satisfied, I have had to understand that more consumption will not fulfill my life, I have come to the realization  that  governments or corporations are not acting for my best interests but their own.  All this has allowed me to ‘wake-up’ and to focus on issues that really matter.  What is a more important priority:  Discussing the name of the next royal baby or ending the mass genocide of seals that the government of Canada allows annually?  Forget about Lindsay Lohan’s next stint at rehab when the Alberta tar sands is causing sickness, destroying the environment and polluting Canada’s waters. 


Imagine if people gave their focus to the issues that really mattered – would there be as many people facing starvation, would there be less environmental devastation, would animals be protected from inhumane treatment, would there be less war, better health care and education?  Yes, there would be, but we are too busy being distracted by media to help us think, do or say.  Eat at McDonald’s, shop at Wal-Mart, drink Coca Cola, buy a gas-guzzling SUV, live and work in the concrete jungle, work nine to five and have children, a big house and a mortgage you can’t afford.  By doing all this, you are guaranteed to become sick, rely on pharmaceuticals to help you do something you hate to do all over again – until you die.  THIS IS NOT REALITY!

Here is MY reality:

  • I work to live and don’t live to work.
  • I advocate for things/people who fulfill my life (animals, environment and the LGBT community).
  • I eat foods that make my body and mind feel good (I do have some cheat days – which are great for the soul).
  • I try not to support companies that do not have good environmental or animal rights policies.
  • I am always working hard to change my behaviour to become more enlightened and positive.
  • I prefer to treat ailments in a natural way.
  • I try to be outdoors as much as I can.
  • I will not support political parties that will not commit to renewable/sustainable energy.
  • I have learned to pace myself and not become stressed regarding ‘lifestyle deadlines’ (life-style deadlines is a term I use to describe the traditional goals that were pushed on society and that we must reach at a certain age such as; finishing school, having a career, getting married, having children, buying a house, etc…).
  • Accepting and loving the aging process.
  • Learning to let go of my past and living for THIS moment.

I love not being distracted and I love that I have to think about the things that I do or say without having to conform to what everyone else is doing or saying.  I love being the ‘eccentric uncle’ or ‘that weird guy’ – I love being me.

 Are you ready to remove your distractions?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!