I have finally created my first project.  It is a book of inspirational messages, affirmations that include personal and original images to help you stay positive and to spread love into the world.  Please share and visit the following link to order a softcover or to purchase the ebook.

Enjoy and thanks for your support.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


A few years ago, I purchased Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s perpetual flip calendar based on his best-selling book, The Power of Intention.  The calendar is filled with daily affirmations to keep us focused on bringing positive energy into our lives.  Here is what Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says about the calendar:

“I’ve put together this calendar because I know that intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns.  It’s a force that we all have within us, and we have the power to draw this energy into our lives by being the energy we want to attract.”

Today’s affirmation is:

If life is infinite, then this is not life.  Grasping this concept will connect you permanently to the infinite Source of Creation that intends everything.

A few weeks ago – one affirmation really connected with me.  I don’t follow any religious doctrine and don’t really associate myself with any religion but after reading this affirmation, I really felt that it embraced all that I believe, here is that affirmation:

Practice wanting for others what you want for yourself by being Christ-like rather than a Christian, Mohammed-like rather than a Muslim, and Buddha-like rather than a Buddhist.

It is something we all know but rarely think about.  It’s a simple statement that addresses a behaviour and not rules or laws.  If you want goodness in your life – be good.  If you want to attract positive energy – be positive.  It is really that simple and that is a religion I understand.

You can purchase any of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s books, cds, cards etc via:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


Love is a topic and a feeling that we take for granted.  How many times do we say “I love you” in one day?  Many – and most of the time you don’t even know why you are saying it – you just are.  Love is complex – love stirs so many emotions in us; fear, anger, joy, happiness, sadness. The majority of songs we hear are about love….If you turned on the radio right now, or started playing any of your music devices – the song you would turn on would be about love, directly or indirectly.  We have heard the sayings; All you need is love, love makes the world go round, love is all you need, etc…..They are all true but the most important thing you need to do regarding LOVE – is to learn to love yourself.  Once you learn to love yourself, it becomes much easier for you to love others.

Here are some valuable words from one of my favourite spiritual teachers of our time, Louise L. Hay

You can purchase any of Louise’s books, audio books, affirmations, cd’s, etc., by visiting Hay House

You can also learn more about Louise L. Hay on the following link:

Isn’t it time you learn to love yourself, so that you can help spread love into the world?

Together we can make the world a more positive one!


Are you finding it hard to ‘unwind’ from your busy work day?  Do you want to stop the inner dialogue with yourself and quiet your mind?  Meditation and affirmations are fantastic tools in order to ‘quiet your mind’.  Here are some steps I take in preparation for my evening meditation:

  • Select a soothing disc that offers ‘sounds of nature’ or very relaxing and gentle chanting/singing
  • Light incense – preferrably something that is not very perfumed based.  I like patchouli or sage
  • If the meditation is a seated meditation, I ensure that I am in a comfortable seated position – If the meditation is prior to bed, I lay comfortably in my bed
  • I open my chakras and invite the healing energies of white light to flow through me and my body
  • I envision the white light destroying any un-healthy cells in my body
  • I breathe – inhaling love and light and exhaling any negative emotions from my day

Here is a simple affirmation you can repeat as you connect with source…..

“It is now time to give my mind a rest and let it rejuvenate with sleep and relaxation so that I can be present and spread love, compassion and positive energy tomorrow”.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.




Many of us lead very busy lives.  We get up, get dressed and get ready for our day.  Some of us may have others that we need to help by starting their day – their children, their pets and even their elderly parents.  It is easy to forget our well-being or to take the time to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit with all the activity going on in our lives.  Do you take the time to ‘unwind’ from the pressures of the day?  Do you allow yourself moments throughout the day to clear your mind so to ensure you do not burn out? 

I remember (not to long ago) going to bed with so many thoughts in my head that I couldn’t even get to sleep.  I would be thinking about all the things that happened throughout my day and how to reconcile any issues in the coming days, weeks and months.  I remember going to bed with my heart racing, like I just finished exercising and I also remember feeling too excited or anxious to go to sleep with all the events of the day replaying in my mind.  There were many times that I have gone to bed with so much negative energy that I would wake up the next day with that same energy.  I knew that I had to do something to try and quiet my mind and body so that I could go to bed in a state of tranquilty and peace and wake up in the same manner.  Here are some of the things that I do now to end my day and rejuvenate my body, my mind and my spirit:

READ – I began reading books about meditation, self-help, spirituality, holistic health and such and found that many of these books promoted a well-being for body, mind and spirit.

MEDITATION – Meditation is great because it really allows us to concentrate on becoming relaxed and to quiet our minds from our daily turmoil and stresses.  Meditation  is not too difficult to do and can be down virtually anywhere.  If you need assistance, I would recommend buying a book and meditation cd so that you can be familiar with the basics (breathing).

WRITE – Writing is a great way to release any pent up negative energy that was accumulated throughout the day

Here is an example of a meditation I complete as I lay in bed in the evening:

I think of a colour that I really love and picture it with a beautiful, positive, healing energy and think about this light entering my body – I imagine it travelling from the tips of my toes up through my feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, groin, buttocks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, throat, face, head and I also ensure that the same light travels through all my internal and vital organs – ensuring that it destroys any ‘potential’ bad cells.  I also imagine that my good, healthy blood cells attack any unhealthy ones to ensure that my body is funtioning with only good and healthy cells.  Once I complete this portion of the meditation, I surround my body with my most beautiful glow (white light) and send it throughout my hole body (starting at my feet and up through my head)…I imagine this white light/glow escape through my crown chakra (top of my head) and that all this positive energy is sent out into the world and universe.  I take myself to a peaceful place (usually warm and surrounded by sun and water)  I see myself and ask the universe if there is anything that I need to know – I breathe deeply and wait for a response.  I think of peace, love, compassion and see the earth below me – I embrace the world with the positive energy the peace, the love and the compassion that the universe has given me and know that all is how it should be.  I gently bring myself and my awareness back to my body – breathe deeply and wait for sleep.

I may also listen to chants/meditations via other sources to ensure that I have the most comfortable and undisturbed sleep.  Doing this allows me to wake up refreshed and filled with positivity.  How you wake up determines what type of day you will have.  If you wake up and think ‘I don’t want to deal with today, I would rather go back to bed, it sucks getting up’ (which I did, many times in my past) – your day will probably go something like this:  stub toe getting out of bed, swear, drop toothbrush in toilet, trip going into the shower, put 2 different socks on (you won’t notice until later), forget to pack a lunch, irritated getting into the car, the commute is very difficult, you get the worse parking spot, spill coffee all over yourelf, your boss and other employees seem to be very curt today……is that what type of day you want?  Definately not! 

Here is an example of my thoughts/mantra/affirmation as I wake up:

What a beautiful day!  I am so looking forward to the adventures today will bring.  I am happy to be alive, happy and healthy.  I surround myself in a positive light.  I sing/hum in the shower.  I surround my dog and partner in the same wonderful energy that I am feeling and kiss them goodbye.  I surround my car in a protective energy and put on music I love to listen to.  My day is filled with love, laughter and joy and everyone around me seems to be basking in my energy.  All is wonderful in my world.

When someone said “Take the time to smell the flowers” – I believe they really meant it.  So, do take the time to smell the flowers.  Take the time to ensure your well-being.  Take the time to be healthy, happy and positive so that your great energy affects others around you so that they can spread the same energy into our world. 

Together we can make the world a better one!!!