How many times have you heard the following statements about television personalities, athletes, celebrities, pop stars and even people you know:

“He/She is told old to be wearing that.”

“He/She should not be behaving like that – it isn’t age appropriate.”

“Why do old people think they can do that?”

“Eww, old people shouldn’t be having sex.”

“If you reach the age of retirement, you should stop working to let the younger generation become employed.”

“Old people are too fragile to engage in that kind of physical activity.”

I hope that I am never faced with any of the above.  I have been guilty of saying “what you are wearing is too young for you” to my husband Jason and I cringe when I think about it.  If you feel great about wearing something and it makes you feel good, what does it matter what others think?  Should you not be empowered to wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable, sexy, confident and make you feel good?  Whenever we judge others in what they wear, say or do – says much about yourself.  You are saying these things because they make YOU feel uncomfortable.  You may also be saying these things because society frowns against what isn’t considered to be ‘normal’.  But what is normal?  I would rather be thought of as original and eccentric than conform to what everyone else deems ‘normal’.

Many people feel that once you reach a certain age that you should act a certain way.  True ageism (as well as sexism) rears its ugly head in Hollywood and the music industry, especially as it relates to sexuality/gender.  Money (and sex) is what motivates Hollywood and the music business.  Who wants to hire an actress over 50 in a leading role (unless you are master of your craft such as;  Meryl Streep) when you can hire sexy actresses that will sell movie tickets?  Today – it’s Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Kirsten Stewart, Emma Watson, Amy Adams and Jennifer Anniston.  Actor’s don’t have this issue – Robert DeNiro, Robin Williams, George Clooney, Anthony Hopkins, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, and Morgan Freeman are all still headlining movies.

Ageism/Sexism seems to be much worse in music – especially if you are a women.  Case in point – Madonna.  She looks radiant and is in great shape but because she is over 50, many people believe that she shouldn’t be doing what she is doing or wear the clothing that she wears.  Do you hear people saying this about Mick Jagger, Iggy Pop, Jon Bon Jovi, Bono, Paul McCartney or Prince?  There is a double standard when it comes to being sexual for a female and a male.  When Madonna (or any other female pop star) grinds on stage with a younger male – she is a slut, a whore and a tramp but when a guy does the same thing, he’s a stud and cool.

I am glad that my thoughts on this issue have grown to be more opened to peoples individuality.  I am glad that there are people out there that don’t care what others think about in terms of their fashion sense and being young at heart.  Ultimately – if we are happy and enjoying doing what we are doing, the judgements of others should never deter us from staying happy.

Here is a great documentary on the subject of ageism – it is profound, inspiring, touching and motivating!  ENJOY!

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