As an animal activist – I ensure that I do everything I can to stop the inhumane treatment of any animal.  I don’t buy leather or any other clothing materials that are made from the suffering of animals.  I am vegan and I don’t support any behaviour that provides gratification by exploiting animals.  Here is a list of activities that I find heinous and we should do anything we can to ensure that they cease:

  • Running of the bulls (Spain)
  • Stomping on animals
  • Rodeos
  • Horse Racing
  • Dog Racing/Dog Fighting
  • Cock Fighting
  • Circus
  • Any type of animal confinement (zoo’s, Sea World, Marineland, etc.)
  • Fishing
  • Bull Fighting
  • Seal Cull (Canada)

I am perplexed how anyone can justify killing animals for the thrill of killing them.  Many animals are on the brink of extinction and yet, hunters proudly pose beside the animal they gunned down without any remorse.  It says a lot about a person when they can lift a gun, aim, and then shoot the life out of anything – whether it human or animal.  How can someone feel joy and ecstasy when they have just taken the life essence out of another soul?  Animals deserve the same respect as humans do – they cry out in pain, they cry out when hurt and they cry out in anger.

Melissa Bachman is the latest ‘hunter’ to pose beside her kill all in the name of sport.  Melissa is a television personality who presents the American hunting show, Winchester Deadly Passion.  Here is a quote from her hunt – “An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion… What a hunt!”

PS – I only post this photo so that you can see the lack of respect this individual has for another living and breathing soul…..

Melissa Bachman

It breaks my heart to know that people receive gratification from killing in cold blood.  There is no justification for this and Melissa Bachman should feel ashamed (clearly, she does not).

I am an avid believer of karma.  I don’t ever wish harm or violence on any living soul but I know that Melissa’s life will only attract what she gives out into the universe.  Hopefully she has learned her lesson from all the negative backlash she is receiving in posting this picture.  Hopefully – she will think twice before ending the life of another helpless animal.

Here are some facts about lions:

  1. Lions live a nomadic lifestyle in groups called ‘prides’, with a pack mentality that is usually led by the females.
  2. Male lions grow up to 10 feet in length.
  3. Lions bodies are built for hunting.
  4. Female lions mate about every two years giving birth to one to six cubs (60 to 70 percent of cubs will die in the first year of their lives).
  5. Life span of lions in the wild – male (12 years), female (15).
  6. The conservation status for an African Lion is considered to be very vulnerable and critically endangered for the Asiatic Lion.
  7. Population of African lions has been almost cut in half the past two decades because of retaliatory killings by farmers (whose livestock the lions eat), as well as trophy hunting and habitat loss.
  8. Human encroachment on habitat has left the Gir population of lions highly endangered.

Facts obtained via:

We can get involved by doing several things:  Donate to WWF to help the conservation of all endangered animals and their homes, don’t purchase any items that contain any animal products – synthetic fibres are just as good, research the companies you buy your products from to ensure that no animals were harmed in the making of those products (PETA has a great list for ‘cruelty free shopping’, and finally – Please don’t support any program the glorifies hunting or the inhumane treatment of animals (rodeos, bull-fighting, horse racing, dog fighting, etc).  We must show respect, compassion and gratitude (if you eat them) for all animals not just the ones we consider to be our pets.  Here are the links to PETA and WWF:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!