Many people believe that a vegan diet limits you to eating a nutritious and balanced meals.  That is simply NOT true.  You do not have to eat meat or dairy in order to receive proper nutrients – despite what “experts” say.  The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has recently indicated that meat causes cancer, something many vegans, holistic health-care practitioners and doctors already knew.

Today’s blog IS NOT about proving the above claims as I don’t require the proof as what I eat and the state of my health is proof enough.  So, what do I eat??  Here are some of the many vegan dishes I have made and eat regularly:


Tofu scramble, baked home-fries, meatless sausage, toast and beans in a tomato sauce make for a delicious and hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner.


This is a vegan version of an egg salad sandwich.  It includes seasoned tofu, vegan mayo, celery and green onion.


Breakfast could not be more delicious with a serving of vegan pancakes topped with maple syrup and fresh and organic strawberries.


How can you make a vegan pizza??  Easy – this pizza was made with quinoa balls, green olives, tomato, dairy-free cheese and tomato sauce.  The crust is a whole-grain crust.


I love experimenting with salads.  This is a lightly fried tofu and garden salad.  I add a combination of mixed greens, carrots and cucumber.  For the dressing – it’s either a home-made oil and vinegar or I buy an organic vinaigrette dressing.  I also add hemp, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.


This is a seasoned tofu stir fry – I make sure only to use NON-GMO and organic tofu.  I also use a salt-free stir fry sauce if I don’t make my own.


Another mixed green salad – this one includes avocados and beans.


Meatless ‘loaf’ with some baked potatoes and seasoned peas.


Oven roasted tofu with mash and seasoned roasted vegetables.  Great substitute for turkey during the holidays.  The key is knowing how to season it.


Seasoned tofu steaks, lemon-ginger brocoli and carrots.


A mixed bean salad with meatless ‘italian sausage’.


Mixed vegetable salad with rice and breaded and meatless ‘chicken’.

I sometimes drink a vegan wine and prefer Yellow Tale from Australia.  I occasionally have coffee and only drink it with either soy or almond milk.  I rarely have any white pasta or rice – the rice is usually whole grain and the pasta either kamut, rice or quinoa.

My decision to become first vegetarian then vegan was mainly due to my spouse’s decision to go vegetarian.  I later became vegan after watching a video of rabbits screaming in pain – it changed my life.  At that moment, I decided that I could no longer support an industry that caused animals so much pain and suffering.  I later concluded that by not eating these tortured souls that I wouldn’t be consuming the pain and suffering those animals endured.  I really am conscious of what I buy and what companies make an effort to support a cruelty-free life for animals.

Along with the ethical reasons I became vegan – I wanted to make a difference in curbing climate change.  Agriculture and raising beef for food is the biggest culprit in climate change.  Cattle ranching is a huge cause in deforestation across the planet – and this is the tip of the iceberg (pardon the pun).  You can find proof of the effects cattle ranching has on our environment by visiting any of the following sites:

We all have a responsibility to end cruelty against one another, including the animals we share the planet with.  We also have a responsibility to the planet that has given us so much.  We need to focus on healing it and ensuring the children of tomorrow have the right to clean water, clean air and clean food.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


As a vegan – I sometimes struggle to maintain my positivity.  I’m always told to be sensitive to those who do not understand my choice to maintain my vegan lifestyle.  Friends and family sometimes question why I post such violent images and videos on social media?  I am quite often told that vegans are so “in your face” and “very aggressive”.

In all honesty – the best way to get a message across is the most direct approach. It’s the only way to make people understand their hypocrisy and what kind of cruelty to are supporting.

It is interesting that, as a vegan, I am usually the one who has to apologize for this lifestyle choice.  At restaurants, how many times have I had to say, “Sorry, I’m vegan, I don’t eat any animal products.” – Only to be asked, “Would you like cheese with that.” or “Do you eat fish?” – Fish are living, breathing animals, why would you ask me if I want fish after stating I don’t eat any animals?

I sincerely want to create positive change in our world – this includes positive change for animals.  I don’t support any of the following things:

  • The clubbing of seals.
  • Bull FIghting.
  • Fishing.
  • Fox hunts.
  • Safaris.
  • Pig wrestling.
  • Groundhog weather predictions.
  • The running of the bulls.
  • Cock fighting.
  • Dog fighting.
  • Any type of animal racing.
  • Rodeos.
  • Pig roasts.
  • Animal sacrifices in the name of religion.
  • Horse racing or any type of racing involving animals.
  • SeaWorlds or any type of animal “jails”.
  • Cattle farming.

These are only a few.  Animals are not ours to wear and definitely not ours for our amusement.

So – I say to all you ‘none-vegans’ – “Don’t call me a radical animal activist – just so I can make you feel better about your decision to eat or wear them” – I am not a radical, I am simply acting on my need to protect and help animals who can’t speak for themselves.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


I don’t know about you but I have a very special bond with my mother from as early as I can remember.  Was it the gentle way she spoke, the awareness she had regarding my sensitivities, how she took a keen interest in caring and nurturing me or was our bond strengthened due to my mother’s perseverance to save my life as a new-born?  I believe it to be a combination of all these things.

I know my mother has a special bond with each of my siblings – the bond and love is different for each of us.  She has formed bonds with each of my seven sisters in different ways – she has a special bond with my brother because he is the youngest boy but with me, I feel our bond is different.  As my bond with my mother is strong with each of her children – so is the bond that is created with every mother for her newborn child.  Now, imagine if that bond is broken, imagine if you were not even give a chance to bond with the person that has given you life.  It would be devastating.

Each time a baby animal is removed from her mother – this special loving, nurturing and tender bond is broken.  I can’t imagine the anguish and pain the mother and newborn go through once they are ripped apart from one another.  Here are some facts about cows and their newborns:

  • Calves are taken from their mothers as soon as two hours after birth.
  • Calves are fed a commercial milk replacer that is made from dried milk powder or they are fed milk that has been deemed unfit for human consumption.
  • Just as human mothers bond tightly with their newborn babies – mother cows have been reported to bellow for hours or even days after her calf is taken from her.
  • Multiparous females (those giving birth for the second time or more) have higher levels of oxytocin than primiparous (those giving birth for the first time).  This means that with each subsequent birth, a mother cow presumably grows more and more bonded to her calves, and it likely becomes more and more emotionally traumatized for the cow each time a baby calf is taken from her.
  • Just as the mother forms an immediate bond with her calf, the newborn calf also has an immediate bond to his or her mother and is healthier the longer it gets to bond with its mother.

Knowing the above – how can we knowingly subject a mother and her baby to this emotional distress?  Can we justify the distress and emotional pain the mother’s and babies go through for our own satisfaction?  Is the unhealthy, nutritious-free cheese and milk worth this trauma?  Female calves are born to endure this same cruelty the mother goes through and as for the males – they are subjected to a cruelty of their own due to its tender meat as veal.

It is known that milk from a cow has no nutritional benefit to humans.  In fact her are some truths about milk:

  1.  In observational studies both across countries and within single populations, higher dairy intake has been linked to increased risk of prostate cancer.
  2. Observational cohort studies have shown higher dairy intake is linked to higher ovarian cancer risk.
  3. Cow’s milk protein may play a role in triggering type 1 diabetes through a process called molecular mimicry.
  4. Across countries, populations that consume more dairy have higher rates of multiple sclerosis.
  5. In interventional animal experiments and human studies, dairy protein has been shown to increase IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) levels.  Increased levels of IGF-1 has now been implicated in several cancers.
  6. In interventional animal experiments and human experiments, dairy protein has been shown to promote increased cholesterol levels (in the human studies and animal studies) and atherosclerosis (in the animal studies).
  7. The primary milk protein (casein) promotes cancer initiated by a carcinogen in experimental animal studies.
  8. D-galactose has been found to be pro-inflammatory and actually is given to create animal models of aging.
  9. Higher milk intake is linked to acne.
  10. Milk intake has been implicated in constipation and ear infections.
  11. Milk is perhaps the most common self-reported food allergen in the world.
  12. Much of the world’s population cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance.

More information and references to the specific studies can be found via:

There are healthier and more ethical choices than dairy, plant-based alternatives such as; almond, cashew, soy and coconut milks.  These are more nutritious for you and absolutely cruelty-free.  What we must do is unlearn all the lies that have been told to us about the benefits of milk and eating meat.  Most of these lies come from corporations who want to profit from these lies.  It is our responsibility to seek the truth and to gain awareness is the plight of those animals who are less fortunate than we are and ultimately pay the price with their lives for our ignorances.

Isn’t time we allow the bonding process between a mother and her baby instead of ignoring their cries?

Mom and calf

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


There are many negative health implications related to a diet that is mainly made up of red meat.  In the last century, there have been huge increases in obesity due to poor diet and nutrition.  People are more keen to visit a fast-food restaurants rather than preparing their own food.  Fast-food corporations, with their endless marketing budgets, entice people with processed foods that are cheap and unhealthy and reaping the benefits of their unwillingness to take a more proactive approach to their health and well-being. 

What are the benefits to a diet high in meat consumption? (They are not really benefits):

  • High cholesterol and heart disease due to high fat and cholesterol content.
  • Conventionally raised beef contains hormones and antibiotics.
  • Processed meats (bacon, ham and sausage) are unhealthy due to their high fat, preservative and salt content.
  • The mistreatment and murder of animals. 
  • Obesity.
  • Linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart attack and cancer.

What many people are not aware of are the implications a diet high in meat has on our environment.  Factory farming is not only promoting cruel and the unethical treatment of many animals, it has a devastating effect on the environment, especially when we are seeing water shortages across the globe.  Here are some of the environmental implications:

  • Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.
  • Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (Co2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Methane is 25 – 100 times more destructive than CO2.
  • Methane has a global warming power 86 times that of CO2.
  • Livestock is responsible for 65% of all emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas 296 times more destructive than carbon dioxide and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years.
  • Emissions for agriculture projected to increase 80% by 2050.
  • US methane emissions from livestock and natural gas are nearly equal.
  • Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) water use ranges from 70 – 140 million gallons annually in comparison, animal agriculture water consumption ranges from 34 – 76 trillion gallons annually.
  • Agriculture is responsible for 80 – 90% of US water consumption.

All above facts are available via the following link:

Our population is growing at an alarming rate.  Due to this population growth, the demand for meat grows and with the demand for more meat, there will be more deforestation (trees provide oxygen) and more demand for water.  Ask yourself, why is there such a huge increase in pulminary (asthma/bronchitis) disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancers and obesity?  The introduction of processed foods and factory farming are definitely contributing factors.  People are dying because of what they eat.  Does this seem right to you?  Our elected officials are not doing enough to contribute to a more sustainable future for the people those who have elected them.  They pander to big corporations who only care about their profits. 

We must take a more proactive approach to our health and our environment.  There are many people out there who have viable solutions to make our world more sustainable.  Isn’t it time to allow them to bring their initiative and ideas to the table?  Isn’t it time for REAL change and not the false identity of change our current leaders keep talking about?  Isn’t it time our governments stop spending money on war in favour of creating real positive change across the globe? 

The earth can’t sustain the population growth and our demand for more meat.  People must assess what is more important, the need to eat meat or saving our planet from destruction.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


If you had to write a brief description of yourself, what would you say about yourself?  What are your greatest attributes?  What are the things you don’t enjoy about yourself?  Have you really ever thought about how others see you?  Do you even care?

I’m going to take a look at these questions and answer them as honestly as I can. 

What are my greatest attributes?

My loyalty, my passion, drive and desire to create positive change into the world, my empathy, my honesty and sincerity.

What are some things I don’t enjoy about myself? 

I like everything about myself.  I like the direction my life took.  I love that I advocate for the ethical treatment of animals.  I love that I have made the choice to become vegan.  I love that I think with my heart.  I love my strong convictions in creating positive change into the world.  I love being in love.  I love learning and growing.

Do I care about what others think of me?

The only person that matters in my life is ME.  Without trying to create the best possible me – I would not be able to motivate others into creating positive change in the world.  I do care about how other people view me – especially if they view me in a negative way.  I encourage feedback in order to ensure I become a better person.  What I don’t care for is when people make judgments about me.  I don’t care if you do not like what I am wearing, the colour of my eyes or hair, that I have gained a few pounds or that I raise my voice a bit when I am defending the earth, our environment, animals that have no voice or people who are oppressed because they were born with certain uniqueness. 

A brief description about myself:

To expand on what I have said above – my commitment in my life is being the best partner, husband and friend to my partner of 21 years.  I want to continue to advocate for the things I am passionate about (animals, environment and the LGBTQ community).  I want to become a beacon in creating positive change in the world – if I have influenced just one other person to be kind to animals, our planet or to each other – my job is done but I’m not going to stop.  I am comfortable and love living my life in the most authentic way possible.  I am not afraid to share my views about many of the injustices in this world.  I really believe that we should treat others in the same way that we want to be treated.  I am not afraid to be expressive and passionate in my convictions and have been known to get into heated discussions about those passions and beliefs.  I am avid believer that ‘one person can make a difference’ and get quite offended when people say that a problem is too big to solve.  I get annoyed when people also say, “you can’t change the habits or thoughts of so many people.” – I don’t think Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Jane Goodall, Ingrid Newkirk or so many other influential people thought this way.  Even Adolf Hitler didn’t think this way. 

I believe I am honest, caring, loving and passionate.  I am overly sensitive – which is an amazing attribute considering most people think that being overly sensitive is a negative trait and a sign of weakness.  Sensitivity is a sign of strength and empathy – people who are sensitive can really put themselves in any situation and act to ensure a positive outcome is not too far from reach.

Today, so many people are too concerned about how others see them and are afraid to live an authentic life.  Imagine the changes we can make in the world if people would just live authentic lives.  Imagine if more people cared about the environment, the poor, the ethical treatment of animals, child poverty, income inequality and other issues that are more deserving of our time and efforts.  More people care about Hollywood gossip than the possible extinction of certain animal species.  We can make huge strides in protecting our declining forests, lakes and oceans but we need to raise our voices and we need to raise them LOUD and STRONG!   The time is now.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, harassed or annoyed when someone tells you that they are vegan or vegetarian?  Do you often think – how can these people survive on plants, are they getting enough nutrients, how about B vitamins or protein?  Why do they have to be so aggressive and ‘in your face’ about their lifestyle choice?  I thought I would answer some of these questions in hopes to debunk some of these ‘untruths’.

Many people become vegetarian/vegan to ensure a healthier lifestyle and to possibly curb or cure some medical issues they may have such as;  diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol and even cancer.  Others may become vegetarian/vegan simply for ethical reasons (have you ever heard a rabbit scream?) or environmental reasons (mass deforestation, depletion of natural resources).  No matter the reason, instead of becoming uncomfortable, annoyed or treat those who are vegetarian or vegan without being condescending, why not embrace their choice as they have embraced yours?

It is normal to visit restaurants and order cow, pork, lamb, veal (baby cows), horse, fish, octopus, frog, duck, chicken and whatever other meat may be on the menu but for a vegetarian/vegan, we are limited in what is available to us because being vegetarian/vegan is out of the norm.

Let’s look at some facts regarding meat consumption:

The facts about dairy (milk/cheese):

  • Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do – to feed their young
  • Baby calf’s are taken away from their mothers at infancy
  • Mother cows are often heard bellowing for their young after they are taken away
  • Milk promotes depletion of calcium in bones
  • Milk consumption may lead to bone fractures

Where do vegetarians/vegans get their nutrients from?


  • Tempeh – 41g (1 cup)
  • Wheat germ – 33g (1cup)
  • Seitan – 31g (3 oz)
  • Soy beans – 29g (1 cup)
  • Buckwheat – 24g (1 cup)
  • Lentils – 18g (1 cup)
  • Beans – black beans 15g (1 cup), kidney 13g (1 cup), pinto 12g (1 cup), garbanzo 12g (1 cup)
  • Peas – 9g (1 cup)
  • Wild rice – 7g (1 cup)
  • Raisins – 5g (1 cup)
  • Avocado – 4 g (medium avocado)
  • Nuts – peanuts 7g (1 oz), almonds 6g (1 oz), pistachios 6g (1 oz), cashews 5g (1 oz), Brazilian 4g (1 oz), walnuts 4g (1 oz)
  • Spinach – 5g (1 cup)
  • Artichokes – 4g (1 cup)
  • Brussel Sprouts 4g (1 cup)

B Vitamins

B1 (Thiamine) – involved with the metabolism of carbohydrates and the production of energy.  Foods that contain B1:  whole grains, dried beans, nuts and seeds.

B2 (Riboflavin) – works with other B vitamins to produce red blood cells and generate energy by breaking down carbohydrates.  Foods that contain B2:  Any green leafy vegetables.

B3 (Niacin) – helps nerves function properly.  Foods that contain B3:  Avocados, beans, nuts and potatoes.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – necessary for the metabolism of food as well as the prodcution of hormones and cholesterol.  Foods that contain B5:  Avocados, broccoli, kale, cabbage, beans & lentils and whole grain cereals.

B6 (Pyridoxine) – involved in blood cell production and brain function.  Foods that contain B6:  Avocados, bananas, beans, nuts and whole grains.

B7 (Biotin) – involved in the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates for energy and plays a critical role in the production of cholesterol and hormones.  Foods that contain B7:  Fortified cereals, beans and nuts.

B9 (Folate) – involved in the production and repair of DNA.  Foods that contain B9:  Asparagus, broccoli, beets, beans, lentils and green leafy vegetables.

B12 –  is used in the production of red blood cells and is needed for nerve function.  B12:  is found in fortified cereals, soy milk and nutritional yeast.  ***if you are not receiving enough B12 – you should consider a supplement***

Vegetarians/Vegans do not lack in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.  Plant-based diets promote wellness of the brain, heart and body.  Plant-based diets are also known to reverse many medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer with moderate exercise. 

Check out this great site for resources, videos and photos of vegan body builders – you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with a vegan and plant-based diet.  Here is the link:

Together we can make the world a more positive one!






Another Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone.  I thought that this would be a great time to list everything that I am thankful for.  Hopefully it will inspire my Canadian friends to think about the things that are important to them.  The United States will not be celebrating until November 27 – I hope that this blog post inspires all the U.S. readers to think about the things they will be most thankful for.  Here are mine:

  • Thankful that I am alive
  • Thankful that I have my health
  • Thankful that I have the best husband and friend anyone could ask for
  • Thankful that I don’t eat animals
  • Thankful for this beautiful planet
  • Thankful for being capable of forgiving those who have caused me pain
  • Thankful for doing my best to help in the fight against climate change
  • Thankful for a wonderful and understanding family
  • Thankful for great friends
  • Thankful that I have a job I enjoy
  • Thankful for freedom
  • Thankful for all the love that I receive
  • Thankful for all the love that I give
  • Thankful for the universe
  • Thankful for my willingness to learn

What are you grateful for?

Together, we can make the world a more postive one!


Forget Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Beyoncé – the following videos have evoked so much emotion from me that I want to share them again.  I don’t need to explain much as they are pretty self-explanatory.  I have renamed them to names I find are much more appropriate.  Here they are with my ‘made-up’ titles:


So simply put – what a wonderful mother to appreciate the beauty of her son’s innocence.


The womam at the beginning got all choked up talking about why they decided to start their foundation.  So emotional and so beatiful when people see the beauty, intelligence, and respect the lives of animals.  The people in this video are true heroes and I am grateful they and so many like them exist in our planet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



What we put in our bodies can actually promote positive energy or negative energy in how our bodies relate and respond to whatever it is we are giving it. 

We all know that processed foods are junk and can have a diverse affect on your health and long-term well-being.  Processed foods may even cause death.  The food and lifestyle choices we make can have a diverse affect not only directly to your health but on the environment as a whole.  (Cattle ranching/factory farming/pollution/waste).

Thinking about just the food you consumed, ask yourself, how has this food affected your body and mind?  Did you drink enough water?  Have you consumed enough vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds to give your body the vitamins and minerals required to ensure you have sufficient energy for your daily activities?  Are you feeding your body carcinogens that promote cancer in your body or feeding it fresh and organic foods that decrease your cancer risks?

What fast-food chains (McDonald’s/Burger King/KFC/Wendy’s/Tim Horton’s) promote:

  • increased risk of diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure.
  • animal cruelty.
  • pollution (water and air).
  • deforestation (for factory farms/cattle ranches/pig farms).
  • excessive landfill waste from garbage that can’t be recycled.
  • low wages for employees but huge profits for shareholders and CEO’s.
  • bankruptcy for local farmers who can’t compete with BIG corporations.

What other things can have a diverse affect on your body?

  • pharmaceutical drugs
  • excessive alcohol
  • lack of exercise
  • breathing polluted air
  • over-the-counter drugs (allergy, sinus, headache, and all other medications for minor ailments) ***many of these medications can be stopped with proper diet and nutrition***
  • excessive recreational drug use

When we are armed with the right information and really listen to our bodies, we can have tremendous and positive effect on bodies both physically and mentally.  Try this experiment….remove all ‘white’ foods from your diet – sugar, flour, bread, pasta and notice how your body feels (after the withdrawals of course).  If you have sinus infection or allergies, remove milk from your diet and substitute it with rice/soy or almond milk.  Migraines and high blood pressure???  Remove meat from your diet for a month and notice what happens.

We have all been bombarded with lies and misconceptions about what our bodies require.  These lies and misconceptions mostly come from companies who are dependent upon our lack of knowledge and education.  As a matter-of-fact, these companies (Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Neilson, KFC, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, etc) they profit from our distractions and our unwillingness to education ourselves.  These BIG corporations work with governments to ensure their agendas are being met by pushing legislation that benefits these corporations.  Think about it – if people are not becoming sick, how can pharmaceutical companies make money, how will hospitals treat the sick, how will insurance companies deny their clients health claims?  By being vigilant and proactive in our health, we not only benefit ourselves but our environment, the local economy, small businesses, local farmers, animals, our environment and our planet.  By NOT being distracted, we can also hold our governments and corporations accountable for the damage they are doing to us and to our planet.

I’m sure most of us prefer a life free of genetically modified food, meat that isn’t pumped with steroids and antibiotics, vegetables and fruits without damaging pesticides, water that is clean and air that we can breathe.  That is not reality right now because we are not demanding these rights.  Is it not time to clear your mind and body of all the toxins and distractions that these corporations and our governments are feeding us?  Would it not be great to finally live an authentic life without the influence of poisonous foods and drugs?  Isn’t it time that we cleanse our bodies and minds?  When we remove the slave mentality that our governments and big corporations have instilled in us, we become better people, better communities and a better world.  All you have to do is start with your food.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Many of us are motivated for various reasons – love, money, fame, fortune, greed, boredom, etc..  Have you ever asked yourself what motivates you to do the things you do?

Let me share with you why I am motivated to do the things that I do.

There was a time in my life where the only thing I cared about was myself.  What looked like, how I acted, who I chose as my companions, what I bought, where I ate….and so on.  Today, I have no concerns for any of these things.  The things that I find important have nothing to do with me but the well-being of those who are suffering.  So what are those things?  Human rights issues, animal rights and environmental protection.  Don’t get me wrong, I still care about my job, my husband and having clothing, food and shelter – but not in excess.

So how am I motivated for human rights issues, animal advocacy and the environment?  Let’s take a look.

Human Rights

Everyone deserves to be treated equally and have the same basic rights as everyone else.  The right to clean drinking water, food, shelter, equality, employment and health care.  Currently, the distribution of wealth favours those who already have huge sums of money.  They don’t struggle with health issues, losing their homes, losing their jobs or going hungry.  How is it that we still can’t protect women who seek to better their lives through education in some countries, homosexuals are subjected to imprisonment or even death in many countries around the world, why do we allow mass genocide in various countries around the world?  Why are so many impoverished men, women and children still without clean drinking water?  I meditate, I sign and share petitions, I donate and I education myself on many human rights issues so that I directly and indirectly create some positive change in the world.

Animal Advocacy

Animals do voice their concern – whether it is a loud cry from violence inflicted against them or grief from losing their kin.  They feel, they sense, they understand and have emotions as we do.  How is it that we respect and call dogs ‘man’s best friend’ and in the same breath eat the meat from a fish, pig or cow?  Cats and dogs are domesticated and farm animals are just that – farm animals.  I stopped eating meat for mostly ethical reasons (have you ever heard rabbits scream?) and a minor health issue.  I continue to learn about the amazing things animals do and am a proud PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) supporter.  I have learned to tone down my advocacy (even though those who eat meat continue to snicker and mock my lifestyle) but continue to share posts/blogs with others regarding the torture and violence that many animals continue to endure at the hands of humans.  What I learn – I share because, even if my message only reaches one person, that saves a life of an animal some where.

The Environment 

Without clean water, food and breathable air – there is no earth and there is no humanity.  End of story.  In the last hundreds years and throughout the industrial revolution, we have managed to wreak so much havoc on the planet that has allowed us to change the climate.  Our dependency on dirty oil has modified weather patterns across the globe.  The oceans are more acidic due to the increase in water temperatures, deforestation has allowed the increase in temperatures around the globe.  We are now witnessing more severe and destructions hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, wildfires, ice storms, floods and so on.  What is the solution?  Less.  Less of everything.  No more big SUV’s and trucks, less televisions, less materialistic things (they use much of earths resources), less meat consumption (the greatest environmental threat is factory farming), less travel, less polluting, less of everything.  Drastic, absolutely!  Necessary, you better believe it!  What am I doing to help our environment?  Well, for starters, I no longer contribute to factory farming as a vegan.  I am currently investigating and will be investing in solar panels for my major source of energy.  I will be buying an electric car as they don’t rely on dirty oil.  I make it a point to support companies that invest on green technology and sustainable energy.  I share and write blogs about corrupt companies who only care about the bottom line no matter at what cost.  I don’t support governments or political candidates who continue to support things such as the Alberta Tar Sands or drilling in the Arctic.  I don’t support and will cease to support any company that contributes to deforestation and polluting our waters.

My motivations are not due to greed, distraction, envy, the need to be famous, rich or powerful.  My motivations are directly linked with empathy for those who are less fortunate than I am, those who cannot speak for themselves and for a planet that is pushed to its limits.  I am motivated by my need to create positive change in my community, in my province, in my country and for my planet.  That is all.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!