I AM…..






I am in love with the EARTH

I am an activist for ANIMALS


I am not PERFECT

I am a good FRIEND





I am an ARTIST

I am a LOVER






I am GOD

Don’t allow the negative perceptions of others determine how you see yourself.  Once you are comfortable in your own skin, it will not matter how others see yourself as long as you know how much you shine!



What are the chakras and their functions?  According to the book, A Handbook of Chakra Healing Spiritual Practice for Health, Harmony, and Inner Peace written by Kalashatra Govinda, here is her overview:

Chakras are centres of awareness in the human body. These energy centres are neither physical nor anatomical. They are found in the subtle energy system, although their radiant energy does correspond to positions within the body.

The chakras influence cells, organs, and the entire hormone system and affect one’s thoughts and feelings. They are also centres of psychic energy.

The term chakra comes from Sanskrit, the sacred language of ancient India. It literally means “wheel” or “turning.”  In fact, the chakras revolve continuously. Through their rotation, they absorb energies from without and convert them into the subtle material of the astral body. Through the chakras, we take in energy from our surroundings. 

It is said that there are up to 88,000 chakras but I want to focus on the 7 main chakras, their purpose and attributes associated with these chakras.



Colour – Violet

Planet – Neptune

Crystal – Diamond, Rock Crystal

Oils – Rosewood

Healing Foods – Plums and Black Grapes 

Position In Body – The top of the head.

Theme – Spirituality, experience of higher planes, knowledge of God, enlightenment, self-realization.


Colour – Indigo

Planet – Uranus

Crystal – Blue Sapphire, Opal, Blue Tourmaline

Oils – Lemongrass, Violet

Healing Foods – Blackberries, Blueberries, Purple Grapes

Position In Body – Middle of the forehead.

Theme – Intuition, wisdom, realization, awareness, fantasy, power of the imagination, self-knowledge.


Colour – Blue

Planet – Saturn

Crystal – Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Topaz

Oils – Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Camphor

Healing Foods – Blueberries, Blue Plums, Sea Plants, Soups 

Position In Body – Near the larynx.

Theme – Communication, verbal ability, inspiration, truthfulness, intelligence, synthesis, creativity, musical talent.


Colour – Green

Planet – Jupiter

Crystal – Emerald, Chrysoprase, Jade, Rose Quartz

Oils – Cloves, Rose, Jasmine, Tarragon

Healing Foods – Kale, Spinach, Kiwis, Limes, Green Beans, Peas, Sprouts, Green Grapes, Honeydew

Position In Body – Center of the chest at heart level.

Theme – Love, compassion, humanity, empathy, tolerance, openness, warm-heartedness.


Colour – Yellow/Gold

Planet – Mars

Crystal – Citrine, Chrysoberyl, Amber, Tigers-eye, Yellow Jasper

Oils – Lavender, Chammomile, Lemon, Anise

Healing Foods – Yellow Squash, Corn, Lemons, Whole Grains, Legumes.

Position In Body – Stomach area between the loins and breastbone.

Theme – Willpower, self-confidence, personality, self-development, self-control, feelings, sensitivity, power, forcefulness.


Colour – Orange

Planet – Venus

Crystal – Gold Topaz, Aventurine, Coral, Fire Opal

Oils – Sandalwood, Myrrh, Bitter Orange, Pepper, Vanilla

Healing Foods – Carrots, Papaya, Oranges, Cantaloupes, Nuts, Seeds, Peaches, Apricots.

Position In Body – Above the sexual organs.

Theme – Sexuality, sensuality, fertility, creative life energy.


Colour – Red

Planet – Mercury

Crystal – Ruby, Garnet, Hematite

Oils – Clove, Rosemary, Cypress, Cedar

Healing Foods – Beets, Red Cabbage, Root Vegetables, Red Grapes, Cherries.

Position In Body – Between anus and the perineum.

Theme – Stability, the will to live, self-preservation, sense of trust and security, groundedness.

Based on the information above about each chakra, you can possibly get a better understanding of which chakra you need balanced and which chakra you are tuned into to.  You may not be completely aware that you are in tune with any given chakra based on what colour of clothing you wear most.  You can do energy work to balance your chakras through massage, aromatherapy, diet and nutrition, reiki and gemstone work.

To take a more in-depth look at the chakras, their functions, possible ailments and healing energy work, I recommend the following:

  • The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Working with the Chakras, Patricia Mercier
  • A Handbook of Chakra Healing Spiritual Practice for Health, Harmony, and Inner Peace, Kalashatra Govinda
  • Enroll in certification courses in Spiritual Psychotherapy/Holistic Health/Reiki

It is not only important to exercise your body and feeding it the proper nutrients, it is also vital to invest time to exercise the mind in order to have inner-peace and harmony for you and for everyone around you.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


I have finally created my first project.  It is a book of inspirational messages, affirmations that include personal and original images to help you stay positive and to spread love into the world.  Please share and visit the following link to order a softcover or to purchase the ebook.

Enjoy and thanks for your support.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




We all have moments in life where we feel like we just want to give up.  Sometimes we feel hopeless and have no desire to do or accomplish anything.  These moments are when we really need someone to motivate us into action.  So what do I do to get out of this draining and negative energy?  As I am always in the state of learning and growing, recognizing my feelings when I’m in any kind of ‘static’, is the first step to removing that ‘static’.  I then remind myself, that I still have breath left in me and that I am alive.  I then take a few deep breaths and quietly meditate for health, peace of mind and strength – then I begin my day.

Here are some great ways to help remove negative energy and to pick yourself up from feeling blue:

  • learn something new (cooking class, tai chi, special interest, etc.)
  • exercise and get your blood flowing (yoga, weight training, cardio)
  • go for a long walk in nature and appreciate the life that is around you
  • write in a journal or start a journal – releasing some pent-up feelings make help alleviate your ‘low energy feelings’
  • turn off the television – I find that television (especially news) tends to promote anxiety, fear and perpetuates negative feelings
  • stay away from things that heighten your ‘low energy feelings’ like drugs and alcohol
  • put on some of your favourite high energy songs – songs that make you happy
  • meditate – if you don’t know how, pick up some meditation instructional books or cds, check out Hay House www.hayhouse.com – founder, Louise Hay, has some great tools and books that will help you alleviate your ‘low level feelings’

For me, I find that music is the best source for me to remove negative and any ‘low level feelings’ that I may have, especially music that has positive and uplifting messages.  I used to blog a ‘song of the week’ every Thursday – sharing songs that I found had profound and positive messages, I stopped as I figured I would just complete these types of blogs when I really felt I needed to.  Today, is one of those days.  Here are lyrics to a song that has kept me in great spirits and motivated me to HANG ON!

Singer/songwriter, Tiffany Lee Arbuckle notes that “Hang On” was written about finding hope when you feel hopeless.  The song is performed by Plumb, here are the lyrics followed by the lyric video:

(Derek Murphy, Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, Jaclyn Rose Schutrop, William Dixon, Luke Harry Sheets Walker)

I’m so stubborn, it’s how I got here
So alone, feels like forever
Wanna swim away and breathe the open air
But I feel so afraid, then I hear you say

Hang on when the water is rising
Hang on when the waves are crashing
Hang on, just don’t ever let go

I’m so hungry, how can I stay here?
Starving for what I hold so dear
Like a hurricane it takes everything from me
Wake me from this dream

Hang on when the water is rising
Hang on when the waves are crashing
Hang on, just don’t ever let go

Hang on when you are barely breathing
Hang on when your heart’s still beating
Hang on, just don’t ever let go

Three days, thirty years
So hopeless, doesn’t matter
Don’t say it’s too late if you blink your eyes
The sun is rising, the sun is rising, oh

Hang on when the water is rising
Hang on when the waves are crashing
Hang on, just don’t ever let go

Hang on when you’re barely breathing
Hang on when your heart’s still beating
Hang on, just don’t ever let go

Artist – Plumb
You can purchase any of Plumb’s singles/albums via the iTunes store.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



What happens after we die?  Is there life after death?  These are very fearful thoughts for some people but let’s face it, as soon as we are born, are lives are limited on this planet.  There is no need to fear death because you can’t fear what you don’t know.  I see death as a return to where we all really came from.   We can’t remember being born so surely, we won’t remember dying. 

Thinking of my wonderful pets Freddy and Bradley – who left our world too soon, in my opinion, I take comfort knowing that neither were left behind in a state of misery, discomfort or pain.  As hard as it was to lose them, I am glad that they returned ‘home’ without incident.  This is how I look at someone’s passing – they are returning to where they belong.  I used to have a fear of death – mainly because I thought too much of how I would go, if I would be in pain and where I would go (hell or heaven) based on the religious beliefs that were instilled into me.

Instead of focusing on the negative energies of death or the unknown.  I came to terms that we are all born to die – you can’t change that, it is inevitable.  Why fear it?  Why not embrace it and live each moment in the moment?

Today, I want to take a moment to remember my Bradley and my Freddy.  I also want to remember everyone else I loved that have gone back home.  This is for you.


written by Martin Gore and performed by Onetwo (Claudia Brucken and Paul Humphrey’s)

Thought I saw you up there
Drifting with the clouds
Thought I heard you call me
First quietly then loud
Is it imagination? What is real?
I think I’m part of you
I breathe like you feel

Can’t forget the power
The magic of the night
The overwhelming moment
I looked into your eyes
Dancing with the wind
Dancing in your arms
Gliding like two surfers
In the sea of love

Don’t ask for tomorrow
Just carry on with now
Don’t drown your heart in sorrow
I’ve got to leave you now
Don’t ask me for the future
Don’t cry for yesterday
It’s time to say goodbye now
I’m sure we’ll meet again

Moments turn to hours
Hours into days
My lonely heart is aching
Since you’ve gone away
I wish you’d read my mind
Send a little sign
I carry you so deeply
Within my soul

Don’t ask for tomorrow
Just carry on with now
Don’t drown your heart in sorrow
I’ve got to leave you now
Don’t ask me for the future
Don’t cry for yesterday
It’s time to say goodbye now

Together we can make the world a more positive one!


Today, I am grateful that I am alive….I am grateful to be able to see, hear, touch, and smell.  I am happy and I am healthy.  What kind of energy are you attracting into your life?

If you really want to attract postive energy – you must think positively and eliminate anything that causes you worry, stress and grief.  Instead of beginning your day with misguided, negative news stories, turn off your television and play music that makes you happy and energizes you.  Don’t start your day with ‘I hate’, ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t want to’ instead, look forward to having a great and productive day.

Change negative situations into positive ones.  Remove the need to always be right to avoid argument.  Genuinely smile at people and thank them for their service.  Remove judgements that you may have about anyone – you do not know their story or the reasons that they are in the situations they are in.  Take note of how you speak and treat others.  Are you respectful, friendly, loving, compassionate and do your offer empathy?  Every time you think something negative or negatively of a situation, acknowledge it and change it to something positive.

  • There will always be light to remove the darkness.
  • Love will always conquer hate.
  • Peace will prevail over war.
  • There is only beauty in everything and everyone.

We are all from the same energy….we are all created from Source/God and that Source is a loving source.  Remove all the ideologies of traditional religion.  These ideas teach you to be fearful of whatever energy created us and that energy is negative energy. 

Keep telling yourself of the things you would like in your life instead of the things you don’t want.  Whenever you express that you don’t want something – that is what you will attract.  Keep telling yourself that you want love, happiness, joy, laughter, and health and that is what you will receive.  Remember to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. 

Don’t live life with endless worry, stress and anxiety instead, live for this moment because THIS moment is the only moment that counts.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!





What you think of yourself and others may be intercepting many of the good things that you can bring into your life.  Thinking and believing negative things about yourself and others will not allow goodness to enter your life.  If you feel you are unattractive, unable to attain success, keep thinking poverty thoughts, not be able to love, are unfit, and not loved – then you will be all these things.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer writes in his book, The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, indicates that there “are four ways that will prevent you from reaching for and connecting to the universal, creative Spirit of intention.” 

1.  Thinking about what’s missing in your life.  To match up with intention, you first have to catch yourself in that moment you’re thinking about what’s missing.  Then shift to intention.  Now what I find missing in my life, but to what I absolutely intend to manifest and attract into my life – with no doubts, no waffling, and no explaining!

2.  Thinking about the circumstances of your life.  If you don’t like some of the circumstances of your life, by all means don’t think about them.  You must train your imagination (which is the universal mind running through you) to shift from what you don’t want to what you do want.  All of that mental energy you spend complaining about what is – to anyone who will listen – is a magnet for attracting more of what is into your life.  You, and only you, can overcome this impediment because you’ve put it on your path to intention.  Simply change your inner speech to what you intend the new circumstances of your life to be. 

You must learn to assume responsibility for the circumstances of your life without any accompanying guilt.  The circumstances of your life aren’t the way they are because of karmic debt or because you’re being punished.  The circumstances of your life, including your health, are yours.  Somehow they showed up in your life, so just assume that you participated in all of it.  Your inner speech is uniquely your own creation, and it’s responsible for attracting more of the circumstances that you don’t want.  Link up with intention, use your inner speech to stay focused on what you intend to create, and you’ll find yourself regaining the power of your Source.

3.  Thinking about what has always been.  When your inner speech focuses on the way things have always been, you act upon your thoughts of what has always been, and the universal all-creating force continues to deliver what has always been.  Why?  Because your imagination is a part of that which imagined you into existence.  It’s the force of creation, and you’re using it to work against you with your inner speech.

Imagine the absolute Spirit thinking like this:  I can’t create life anymore because things haven’t worked for me in the past.  There have been so many mistakes in the past, and I can’t stop thinking about them!  How much creating do you think would occur if Spirit imagined in this way?  How can you possibly connect to the power of intention if your thoughts, which are responsible for your intending, focus on all that’s gone before, which you abhor?  The answer is obvious, and so is the solution.  Make a shift and catch yourself when you’re focusing on what always has been, and move your inner speech to what you intend to manifest.

4.  Thinking about what “they” want for you.  There’s probably a long list of people, most of them relatives, who have strong ideas about what you should be doing, how you should be thinking and worshipping, where you should be living, how you should be scheduling your life, and how much of your time you should be spending with them – especially on special occasions and holidays!  Our definition of friendship thankfully excludes the manipulation and guilt that we so often put up with in our families.

Inner dialogue that commiserates about the manipulative expectations of others ensures that this kind of conduct continues to flow into your life.  If your thoughts are on what others expect of you – even though you despise their expectations – you’ll continue to act on and attract more of what they want and expect for you.  Removing the obstacle means that you decide to shift your inner speech to what you intend to create and attract into your life.  You must do this with unswerving intent, and a commitment to not giving mental energy to what others feel about how you live your life.  This can be a tough assignment at first, but you’ll welcome the shift when you do it. 

Practice catching yourself when you have a thought of what others want for you, and ask yourself, Does this expectation match up with my own?  If not, simply laugh at the absurdity of being upset of frustrated over the expectations of others about how you should be running your life.  This is a way to match up and become impervious to the criticisms of others, and simultaneously put a stop to the insidious practice of continuing to attract into your life something you don’t want.  But the big payoff is that these critics realize that their judgements and critiques are pointless, so they simply desist.  A three-for-one bonus, achieved by shifting your attention away from what others want or expect for you to how you want to live your life.

As I mentioned, the above passages are from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.  This book is a great resource to help you reconnect with Source and living the life you want to live through the power of intention and manifestation.  Personally, I have found that this book has allowed me to focus on my inner dialogue and has helped me change that dialogue to a more creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expansive, abundant and receptive one.

You can learn more about Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and purchase a copy of his book using the following links:




Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




Faith – What does it mean to you?  What do you have faith in?  For me, faith is having complete trust and confidence in my beliefs and convictions and that a positive resolution will be the outcome of any situation. 

  • I have faith that animals will be protected from inhumane treatment.
  • I believe that most people act out of love.
  • I believe that tolerance always trumps ignorance.
  • I believe that people will find love in midst of darkness.
  • I believe that if you want positive change, all you have to do is work towards the positive change you want to see.
  • I have faith that if you believe that something is possible, it will come to fruition.
  • I believe that debate is great and listening to other people’s views will help achieve positive outcomes.

No matter what happens – having convinctions in your belief or having FAITH…the light will always remove the darkness.

FAITH – by V. V. Brown featuring Kele Okereke

I shake it off as I fall down to the ground
Belly-flop into a swimming pool of sound
‘Cause when we´re gone there´ll be no-one else around
So you got to have faith (oh yeah)I shake it off as I fall down to the ground
Belly-flop into a swimming pool of sound
‘Cause when we´re gone there´ll be no-one else around
So you got to have faith (oh yeah)
Or we´re gonna fade away (oh yeah)

I don´t really care what´s going on
Forget about the righting all the wrongs
Do whatever you feel, do what you like
We´re underwater, free and sanctified

I shake it off as I fall down to the ground
Belly-flop into a swimming pool of sound
‘Cause when we´re gone there´ll be no-one else around
So you got to have faith (oh yeah)
Or we´re gonna fade away (oh yeah)

You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (oh yeah)
So, you got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (oh yeah)

I shake it off as I fall down to the ground
Belly-flop into a swimming pool of sound
‘Cause when we´re gone there´ll be no-one else around
So you got to have faith (oh yeah)
Or we´re gonna fade away (oh yeah)

You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (oh yeah)
So, you got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (Got to have faith)
You got to have faith (oh yeah)


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


We really attract what we put out into the universe – THIS IS TRUE!!!  Think about how your day is going – have people been kind, happy and supportive with you or have they been mean, angry and irritable?  Usually, the mood of those around you is a reflection of how you are feeling – so if you are feeling sad, withdrawn, irritable, angry, hurt or annoyed, CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL!!!!

Don’t worry about how others are feeling and how they are affecting your mood – CHANGE THEIRS!!!  If someone is curt or rude – smile and wish them nothing but positive energy and love.  Smile, laugh and stay positive and that is what you will attract.

Do something nice for a complete stranger – buy lunch for the person behind you.  Buy someone a coffee, tell someone they look great, tell someone they have a beautiful smile or just be courteous, friendly and nice.  Share your love, share you smile and share your positive energy and all will be well in your world!

"Burning Love"

“Burning Love”

“Burning Love” oil painting by Robert Pavao (copies available upon request – via www.coalitionofpositiveenergy.com)

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Why are so many people unhappy?  Why do they find it difficult to find happiness?  I believe it is because many of us define happiness by how others perceive happiness to be.  Being happy and content is a choice – we can choose to be happy or not.  There may be situations that happen that are out of our control that will cause us to be unhappy but other than that, we can create our own happiness and contentment.

Here is a short video of the Dalai Lama speaking of happiness:

How are you creating and spreading happiness?

Together we can make the world a more positive one!