For many years of my life, I have lived to please others; my parents, my friends, my co-workers, my boss, my partners and even strangers.  I always wanted to make a good impression so that I can be liked.  I hid behind many masks but the mask that was most prevalent was the mask of the clown.  I hid my disappointment, anger, hurt, pain, anxiety and fear behind the mask of a clown…I enjoyed making others laugh but was struggling with so many emotions internally.  I lived like this for years until I was ready to receive the signs the universe was giving me to make the changes that I needed to make.  I began to listen and trust the voice within and the changes came in short little bursts.  I learned to forgive those that have caused me pain and so much pain, anger and hate was released from within.  Some people believe that the ‘little voice within’ is God whispering to you – I’m okay with that.  I tend to call what others call God – The Source, The Universe or The White Light. 

I continue through my life and find solace and comfort in knowing that there is something much bigger than everything else.  Source has provided so many things for so many people; happiness, abundance, joy, healing, compassion and mostly LOVE.  I am certainly not perfect but I do know that Source/The Universe/The White Light/God/Jah/Ra (or whatever you call it) will assist you in becoming a much more complete person for no-one else but yourself.  I have a list that I follow to ensure I am giving my best to myself and to those around me.  I am not perfect but at least I know when I tend to make mistakes – mistakes that I hope to learn from.  Here is my list:


Sometimes our passion for something gets the better of us but we must learn to really think about what we want or need to say before you say it.  It is also important to practice saying these things with love and without judgement.


Calling someone a ‘bitch’ or an ‘asshole’ is never right – even if someone is blatantly rude.  We don’t know what kind of day they are having or what they are going through.  I find, the best thing to do is surround them with love and hopefully they will feel your energy – if they don’t, don’t worry about it, wish them well and hope they can reconcile what ever it is that is troubling them.


Instead of waking up in the morning thinking “Life Stinks” or “I don’t feel like going to work today”…..wake up and sing whatever positive things come to your mind.  Smile and tell yourself “my day is going to be filled with love, laughter and positive energy”.  Tell people they look good, hold a door open for someone, buy someone you don’t know a coffee or lunch, feel the sun on your face and be grateful but most of all LOVE yourself.


Imagine if you can change someones demeanor by giving them a compliment?  Instead of telling people why they shouldn’t do or wear something, why not encourage them and tell them that they are great no matter what they do or wear.  Make people feel good – tell someone they have a great smile, a hearty laugh, beautiful eyes, they have beautiful children, etc.  Don’t say these things for the sake of saying them – make sure you mean what you say and the positivity and love will shine through.


We are all made up of the same composition – we are all blood, bone and skin.  Don’t get caught up in what others look like, the colour of their skin, what their religious believes are, which political party they vote for, we should never judge someone by what they say or do.  Their actions speak much more loudly than their words.  Respect people’s differences – just because we are all blood, bone and skin doesn’t mean we are all the same.


It’s a simple as picking up garbage in your local park.  We must respect the planet we live on and must do everything we can to ensure it thrives.  Think about what you drive, how many times you wash clothing, what you throw out, what you buy, what you eat – all these things have an effect on our planet and if we don’t do our best to lessen our carbon footprint, we may not have a healthy planet for too long.  Be grateful that our planet continues to supply us with clean water, air and food.  Give thanks to our planet and release any healing energy you have into the earth with love.


I am no better than anyone else because I am a vegan (okay maybe I am….lol ;0) – ) but if you choose to eat meat, be thankful that it sacrificed its life to end up on your plate.  Most of us don’t even think about where our food comes from.  So many animals are born into life just so that you can have food on your plate.  Give thanks for their ultimate sacrifice.  Animals are not created by Source/God/The White Light/The Universe for our entertainment – they are not meant to be confined or jailed so that we can look at them from behind bars or thick glass.  Animals are not created so that we can gun them down for sport or to be used as props.  Be respectful of them – treat them with love and compassion and give them a chance to live as they should.


We have all experienced how negative energy sucks the life out of a room….that is the same thing that happens to our own energy when you are surrounded by things, people or behaviours that are negative.  If a friend, family member, co-worker or even acquaintance depletes your energy – remove them from your life.  This is not a selfish act – how can you continue to live in a positive light if those around you make you unhappy?  If you engage in behaviour that doesn’t make you happy – face that behaviour and affirm that you will change it so that you can live your life in a positive light.  Someone really wise once said “Be the change you want to see in the world”…….if all you see is negative that is all that will come to you.

These are some of the things that I do to help me create a life of positivity and love.  I work on these things everyday and am certainly not perfect.  I try my best to live a life as the loving and authentic person I know I am.  I don’t want to hide behind the clown mask anymore.  I still make people laugh (I think) but I do it from a place of love and not from disappointment, anger, hurt, pain, anxiety and fear. 

Be authentic, be compassionate, live without judgement and live from LOVE.

Together we can make the world a more positive one.


From the time of infancy….we have become disconnected to the Source/Universe/God…..we lose touch with the energy that links everyone and everything.  Ask yourself – why are you reading my blog write now?  What makes you read about spirituality or related topics?  The reason is simple – we made our intentions clear that we want to re-connect to the that field of energy  where everything is connected to Source/Universe/God.

Here is a brief summary of The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer:

For more information about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit:

Together we can make the world a more positive one!



Have you ever wondered why there are so many people in your life who constantly complain about not having enough love, happiness, success and harmony in their lives?  We know who these people are – we’ve all had them in our lives at one point or another.  Think about what their negativity does to you emotionally and physically….is this feeling a feeling you want to be connected to?  The simple truth is that we attract what we want into our lives – if you surround yourself with people who are negative, that is what you will attract.  A drama queen will usually gossip about others, get involved in the lives of others and therefor attract the same things and then may ask “why is there so much drama in my life, why don’t people just deal with their own problems”?

I have been caught up in the drama and negativity of others – I gossiped and made harsh judgements on the lives of others until I realized that by allowing this behaviour to continue, I would always have this behaviour sucking all the positive energy out of me.  I learned (and continue to learn) that it is okay to remove people from my life who drain me of positive energy.  I am the only person who is responsible in how I want to feel and if I don’t want negative energy to mesh with the positive energy that I try to create – I remove myself from where the negative energy is coming from.  It is sometimes hard, as some of the people that surround themselves with such negativity could be friends or family.  In my experience – whenever I have decided to not involve myself with friends or family that have a negative demeanor, it always enriched my life. 

We all recognize the difference between someone who is negative all the time and someone who is just going through a tough period in their lives.  The person who is always negative is a constant complainer, isn’t very pleasant or happy, may have low self esteem and (as I have said before) is always involved in the lives of others rather than looking at their own.  It’s okay to continue to provide advice and guidance to those who are going through a potential ‘dark period’ in their lives because you recognize that as a temporary incident.

Here are some things you can do to ensure you don’t invite negativity into your life:

  • stop watching the news or violent television programming
  • don’t gossip and listen to gossip
  • don’t judge others
  • affirm each day “I am surrounded by loving and happy people and fill my day with laughter and joy”
  • when something negative does happen – recognize it and say “this is temporary and I have learned……I recognize this and bless it with love”
  • meditate
  • show gratitude for all that is around you
  • be kind to yourself and love yourself

Remember – we only attract what we want into our lives…if you want hurt, pain, suffering, poverty, etc….that is all that you will attract.  Instead think about love, prosperity, happiness, good health, laughter and joy and that is all that you will attract.  Whatever you ask of Source/The Universe/God is what it will provide.

Be kind to one another, live from love, compassion and without judgement and…….

Together we can make the world a more positive one!