Are you finding it hard to ‘unwind’ from your busy work day?  Do you want to stop the inner dialogue with yourself and quiet your mind?  Meditation and affirmations are fantastic tools in order to ‘quiet your mind’.  Here are some steps I take in preparation for my evening meditation:

  • Select a soothing disc that offers ‘sounds of nature’ or very relaxing and gentle chanting/singing
  • Light incense – preferrably something that is not very perfumed based.  I like patchouli or sage
  • If the meditation is a seated meditation, I ensure that I am in a comfortable seated position – If the meditation is prior to bed, I lay comfortably in my bed
  • I open my chakras and invite the healing energies of white light to flow through me and my body
  • I envision the white light destroying any un-healthy cells in my body
  • I breathe – inhaling love and light and exhaling any negative emotions from my day

Here is a simple affirmation you can repeat as you connect with source…..

“It is now time to give my mind a rest and let it rejuvenate with sleep and relaxation so that I can be present and spread love, compassion and positive energy tomorrow”.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.