What we put in our bodies can actually promote positive energy or negative energy in how our bodies relate and respond to whatever it is we are giving it. 

We all know that processed foods are junk and can have a diverse affect on your health and long-term well-being.  Processed foods may even cause death.  The food and lifestyle choices we make can have a diverse affect not only directly to your health but on the environment as a whole.  (Cattle ranching/factory farming/pollution/waste).

Thinking about just the food you consumed, ask yourself, how has this food affected your body and mind?  Did you drink enough water?  Have you consumed enough vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds to give your body the vitamins and minerals required to ensure you have sufficient energy for your daily activities?  Are you feeding your body carcinogens that promote cancer in your body or feeding it fresh and organic foods that decrease your cancer risks?

What fast-food chains (McDonald’s/Burger King/KFC/Wendy’s/Tim Horton’s) promote:

  • increased risk of diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure.
  • animal cruelty.
  • pollution (water and air).
  • deforestation (for factory farms/cattle ranches/pig farms).
  • excessive landfill waste from garbage that can’t be recycled.
  • low wages for employees but huge profits for shareholders and CEO’s.
  • bankruptcy for local farmers who can’t compete with BIG corporations.

What other things can have a diverse affect on your body?

  • pharmaceutical drugs
  • excessive alcohol
  • lack of exercise
  • breathing polluted air
  • over-the-counter drugs (allergy, sinus, headache, and all other medications for minor ailments) ***many of these medications can be stopped with proper diet and nutrition***
  • excessive recreational drug use

When we are armed with the right information and really listen to our bodies, we can have tremendous and positive effect on bodies both physically and mentally.  Try this experiment….remove all ‘white’ foods from your diet – sugar, flour, bread, pasta and notice how your body feels (after the withdrawals of course).  If you have sinus infection or allergies, remove milk from your diet and substitute it with rice/soy or almond milk.  Migraines and high blood pressure???  Remove meat from your diet for a month and notice what happens.

We have all been bombarded with lies and misconceptions about what our bodies require.  These lies and misconceptions mostly come from companies who are dependent upon our lack of knowledge and education.  As a matter-of-fact, these companies (Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Neilson, KFC, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, etc) they profit from our distractions and our unwillingness to education ourselves.  These BIG corporations work with governments to ensure their agendas are being met by pushing legislation that benefits these corporations.  Think about it – if people are not becoming sick, how can pharmaceutical companies make money, how will hospitals treat the sick, how will insurance companies deny their clients health claims?  By being vigilant and proactive in our health, we not only benefit ourselves but our environment, the local economy, small businesses, local farmers, animals, our environment and our planet.  By NOT being distracted, we can also hold our governments and corporations accountable for the damage they are doing to us and to our planet.

I’m sure most of us prefer a life free of genetically modified food, meat that isn’t pumped with steroids and antibiotics, vegetables and fruits without damaging pesticides, water that is clean and air that we can breathe.  That is not reality right now because we are not demanding these rights.  Is it not time to clear your mind and body of all the toxins and distractions that these corporations and our governments are feeding us?  Would it not be great to finally live an authentic life without the influence of poisonous foods and drugs?  Isn’t it time that we cleanse our bodies and minds?  When we remove the slave mentality that our governments and big corporations have instilled in us, we become better people, better communities and a better world.  All you have to do is start with your food.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



We live in a world where money trumps all.  Corporations influence legislation.  Governments protect fraudulent bankers and jail their protestors.  Police don’t serve and protect anymore.  Children are kidnapped and held ransom because they want to be educated.  Religion gets in the way of civil liberties.  People are more concerned in celebrity gossip rather than the state of our planet. 


We need a revolution of love and we can do this so that we can hold our governments accountable to the people and not to the big corporations (oil, automobile, pharmaceuticals and banks).  Corporations are too powerful and are not accountable for their actions.  They are the biggest polluters, they continue to deplete earth’s natural resources to make products that we have too much off already.  We don’t need to consume more – we need to do the opposite and demand less.  We need to continue to take to the streets and be heard – we need the majority to understand that what THEY are telling you is not true and not to your benefit but theirs.  We need to rise up – we need to come together with real solutions that will sustain us.

We need to remove barriers that hold us back – money, religion, old beliefs, corrupt governments and businesses so that WE can take control.


We need to WAKE UP and RISE UP.  Remove all the distractions that don’t allow us to see clearly.  Turn off the television, video games and computers and become engaged to those that need us and to those that can’t use their voice.  We need to stop eating processed foods and allowing doctors to over-medicate us.  We need to be one voice for the planet and for all humanity.  It is time to do something new because the old ways are not working – it is time to create positive change in the world.  It is time for a REVOLUTION OF LOVE.

  • Respect nature.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Be kind.
  • Spread love.


"Burning Love"

“Burning Love”

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




I always believed that, as I got older, things would become better in our world.  The environment would be taken care of, animals would have the protection they required against cruelty, there would be tougher laws for those who inflicted hate crimes against the LGBT community, corporations would not dictate legislation, government would award companies that invested in sustainable energy, there would be laws against deforestation, laws against the use of animals for our entertainment and for clothing, we would see the protection of our water from BIG OIL, we would outlaw deforestation due to cattle farming basically, we would find new approaches and ideas for the things that have disabled the planet.

So many people believe they can’t effect change because they are only one person – but if that passion was felt by many, imagine the positive changes that would begin to happen across the planet.  The politicians and policies of yesterday should be left in the past – they haven’t served us well.  It is time for a new generation to rise and to actually do some good for the planet because this is the only one we have.  It is time for past generations to release their hold of power and allow a new generation to fix the mistakes they have made to ensure our survival and to pave the way for positive change in the world.

Here are some things that generations past have left us to contend with – it is up to ALL OF US to end this and to look for new ways that don’t harm the planet, our environment, our water, our land, animals and our people.  It’s time to make things right:

WE CAN DO SOMETHING – Share this information, write your politicians and hold them accountable – ask them to support sustainable energy, educate yourself and support companies that have excellent environmental policies and DO NOT contribute to the destruction of the planet.  Also – you don’t need more ‘things’ to be happy.  Surround yourself with positive people who want to contribute to healing our planet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Courtesy of Greenpeace.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.  http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/

Courtesy of WWF Canada.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.  http://www.wwf.ca

Isn’t it time we took a stand and do what must be done to save our planet?  We need to give our politicians a message and that message is we will not vote for you unless you make sustainable energy, the environment and saving the planet top priority.  We will not tolerate payoffs from BIG Corporation/oil/auto so that they can continue to destroy our planet.

Don’t support SHELL or the oil companies that are committing to drill for oil in the arctic or that do not want to invest in electric affordable vehicles.  Don’t support companies and corporations that don’t give back to the planet by trying to make products that don’t contribute to the destruction of our planet.  Don’t support corporations that are making you and your family sick with food that lacks nutrition and is causing an environmental catastrophe on the planet (KFC, McDonalds).

We need to do something now to clean our air and assure that we have enough water for future generations – WE CAN DO IT!  If we can put rovers on Mars – we can work towards healing our planet.  Are you ready?


What can you do?  Write your politicians and tell them you will not support them in the next election if they don’t make a drastic and more positive change towards environmental issues.  Buy local and organic foods.  Don’t buy plastic products.  If you do buy plastic bottles or cutlery – keep reusing them and don’t throw them out.  Make donations to WWF and Greenpeace by visiting their website to ensure they are able to continue to pressure world governments for green initiatives and to stop any and further destruction to our planet.  Collectively – each one of us could be instruments for positive change in the world or we can continue being ignorant.  Eventually, the destruction behaviour we are allowing on our planet will no longer be out of sight/out of mind.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!