Some rules to insure your life is filled with happiness, health, well-being and love:

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Make sure you are able to laugh at yourself.
  • Try not to focus on being right all the time but being open to new ideas.
  • Any sentient being feels pain and has feelings – try to remember that in everything you do or say.
  • Find holistic ways to treat ailments before taking pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Remember – it’s not what material things you have that make others like you, it’s how you present yourself.
  • Do something nice for a stranger everyday.
  • Remember – the energy you put out into the world is the same energy you attract, be kind and receive kindness.
  • Respect all our great mother – EARTH, she is the only one we have.
  • Find your passion in life and try to make it your job.  Nothing like doing what you love for a living.
  • If you find ‘static’ or ‘negative’ energy in your life – it is to your benefit to remove it.
  • Take some time to be with yourself – meditate and tell yourself you are worthy, beautiful and loving.
  • Take your time with any goals you have for yourself – added pressure will only ensure that you may not meet them.
  • Don’t do something because you feel you have to – make sure you want to do it.
  • If you can’t love yourself, you will not be able to love others.
  • Look into a mirror on a daily basis and tell yourself you look great and you are happy and healthy.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell others that they are wonderful.
  • Act from LOVE and all you will receive is LOVE.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Why wait for others to make you happy?  People are so adamant in ensuring that you know when others have made them upset or angry but, not many of us want to share those moments that have made us really happy.  I find that people are so much more interested in hearing about that things that have shock value or that make them feel like they  are relaying pertinent information.  Gossip and stories that have shock value have no value because everyone already knows those stories.  So, why not start a new trend and share stories that make you feel good and make others feel good?

So, where do you get these ‘feel good’ stories?  Instead of searching for them on the internet, which I would recommend, why not create them yourself by being the instrument that is spreading the happiness.  Here are some things that you can do to bring a smile and happiness into your life and the lives of others:

  • Give a homeless person $20 or take them into a restaurant and buy them a meal.
  • Contact a local animal shelter and ask them if they need one of your old computers, printers, televisions, old furniture, or anything else and donate it to them.
  • Contact a local women`s shelter and do the same – offer them women`s clothing, baby clothes, etc.
  • The above 2 points apply to any type of not-for-profit, they are always looking for donations.
  • If you have any extra money – donate it to help the environment or other not-for-profits that create positive change in the world, great organizations like; Peta, Greenpeace, WWF,, ACT, etc.
  • Volunteer and share your volunteering experience.
  • Hand out random `thank you`cards to strangers with a message that they are appreciated and loved.

I have done most of the things listed above – which brought me so much joy and pleasure.  Why should I not share that experience and feeling with others so that they can experience the same things?

My spouse shared a story with me that swelled my heart and made me so happy.  This reinforced how much kindness and generosity he has in his heart:

He was having a cup of coffee in the Second Cup (a local coffee house) when a girl came in and was enthusiastically commenting on a piece of cake that was in one of their displays.  She asked the employee how much it was and realized it was too much for her.  She indicated that the cake was worth it but that she could not buy it.  She said thanks and was about to leave.  Jason approached her and asked if it was okay if could buy the piece of cake for her.  She hesitated, so he Jason asked the employee for the cake and bought it for this stranger.  The young lady was so appreciative and grateful that she said because of Jason’s kindness, she would return the favour to someone else when she was able.

These are the stories that should inspire us to continue to initiate random acts of kindness.  They provide us with feelings of joy, happiness and fill your heart with love.  Forget celebrity gossip or news of current world events.  Let the stories of positivity and joy contaminant the hearts of everyone you touch.  Let these stories lead you to whatever happiness and fulfilment you are seeking.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Today, I am grateful that I am alive….I am grateful to be able to see, hear, touch, and smell.  I am happy and I am healthy.  What kind of energy are you attracting into your life?

If you really want to attract postive energy – you must think positively and eliminate anything that causes you worry, stress and grief.  Instead of beginning your day with misguided, negative news stories, turn off your television and play music that makes you happy and energizes you.  Don’t start your day with ‘I hate’, ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t want to’ instead, look forward to having a great and productive day.

Change negative situations into positive ones.  Remove the need to always be right to avoid argument.  Genuinely smile at people and thank them for their service.  Remove judgements that you may have about anyone – you do not know their story or the reasons that they are in the situations they are in.  Take note of how you speak and treat others.  Are you respectful, friendly, loving, compassionate and do your offer empathy?  Every time you think something negative or negatively of a situation, acknowledge it and change it to something positive.

  • There will always be light to remove the darkness.
  • Love will always conquer hate.
  • Peace will prevail over war.
  • There is only beauty in everything and everyone.

We are all from the same energy….we are all created from Source/God and that Source is a loving source.  Remove all the ideologies of traditional religion.  These ideas teach you to be fearful of whatever energy created us and that energy is negative energy. 

Keep telling yourself of the things you would like in your life instead of the things you don’t want.  Whenever you express that you don’t want something – that is what you will attract.  Keep telling yourself that you want love, happiness, joy, laughter, and health and that is what you will receive.  Remember to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. 

Don’t live life with endless worry, stress and anxiety instead, live for this moment because THIS moment is the only moment that counts.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!





Many of us look to the past with regret and say:  “If I had a chance to go into the past, I would do (insert subject/situation) over.”  When I hear this, the only question I have is – Why?  What would change today if you were able to change the past?  Why look at the past with regret and sadness.  Instead of looking in the past with regret, think about your past and all the lessons you have learned.  Would you have learned these things if you were able to change the past?

When we hang onto our past and reminisce about the ‘what if’s’ and ‘why’s’ we are unable to move forward in the current moment.  How many of us think about someone that has wronged us in the past and think about what they are doing now?  How will this thought benefit you today when that moment is gone forever?  And, who cares what that person is doing today – what matters is what YOU are doing today.  If your past is dictating how you feel today or getting in the way of your happiness in this moment and in the now, maybe seeking some counselling would be a great source to move towards happiness and resolvement.

When people ask me the following question:  “If you can go to the past and do one thing differently what would that be?” – My answer would be as follows:

“Nothing – everything I have done in my life came with lessons and without those lessons, I would not be the man I am today.  I look to the past without any regret.”

I embrace the life lessons I learned, I am embrace the changes that those lessons allowed to happen and I embrace the resolutions that all the things I have done in the past have created for me today.  I love to be completely present in the moment – I try not to look to much into the future because, like in the past, I have no control of the outcome.  You can plan and schedule things in the future – but we all know that they are ‘tentative’ and may change at any moment, so why give to much time to what is unknown? 

The most important moments in our lives ARE RIGHT NOW.  The words I am typing on this blog are ‘realtime’ – they are allowing me to live in this moment.  To share with you my personal views of why we should not regret anything in our past and not be too quick to look into the future – when we do this, you are missing all the amazing things that are happening RIGHT NOW, in the present moment.  FEEL THE PRESENT MOMENT and LOVE IT – allow it to make you feel alive, happy, healthy and know that being present in the NOW is how we should feel everyday.

When we live in the NOW – we are present in whatever it is we are doing.  That could be advocating for the environment, animals, women’s rights, equality or loving your job, your spouse, you home, the dinner with a friend, the beauty of the modern world or just people gazing.  Live in the moement, live in the NOW and don’t let anything pass you by.

Path To LoveGrowing Love

(Original are by Robert Pavao – contact me if you are interested in any prints/posters)

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Why are so many people unhappy?  Why do they find it difficult to find happiness?  I believe it is because many of us define happiness by how others perceive happiness to be.  Being happy and content is a choice – we can choose to be happy or not.  There may be situations that happen that are out of our control that will cause us to be unhappy but other than that, we can create our own happiness and contentment.

Here is a short video of the Dalai Lama speaking of happiness:

How are you creating and spreading happiness?

Together we can make the world a more positive one!


Life teaches us many things – it’s amazing when others share their lessons and their wisdom with everyone….my favourite part of this speech:

“Everything around us, that we call life, was made up by people who are no smarter than you – and you can build your own life”

Whether you like him or not – his message is inspiring.  Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Is it our purpose in life to be slaves to consumerism and BIG corporations?  Are we supposed to go through most of our life getting educated, building a career and then striving to buy the biggest and the best we can buy?  Are we born into this world to be told what we must do, what we must be or what we must have to be successful and happy?  WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE and will you purpose inspire and create positive change in our world?

Many people are happy living their lives without wanting anything more than what they have.  For example, someone may have two jobs and work really hard to enjoy the little time off when they are not working.  Others work so hard because their jobs demand that of them and have no time for themselves or their families.  Is this our purpose to work so hard just to make ends meet?  Can we truly be happy trying to climb the corporate ladder in order to try to make a name for ourselves?

I find that many of us are almost forced to find ‘the perfect job’ and to work hard in obtaining that job.  We first go to elementary school to learn the basics (reading, writing, arithmetic),  then we are shuffled to high school and secondary school to explore what our interests may be so that we can build a foundation on what our careers may be.  Finally, we are told we require post-secondary education to teach us the theory behind what we choose as a career.  I don’t ever remember anyone instructing me to choose a career based on what I love to do.  I believe we are pressured when we are given these guidelines to ensure we find a career that may potentially bring us financial stability versus following your passion and being happy.

So, what is my purpose in life?  It’s exactly what I am doing now.  I’m writing this blog to inspire people to look at their own lives so that they can make changes to ensure they create positive change in the world.  I am advocating for the issues that I believe in – the environment (because without one we can’t be here), animals (they can’t speak, so I will speak up for them) and for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer community to ensure we have the same rights as everyone else.  Being passionate about these things allows me to share information that other people may not have been aware about which may inspire them to do something about.

How do we find our purpose?  All you have to do is look within – ask yourself what do you care most about and find a way to incorporate that into your life.  Your passion may start as a hobby and grow from there.  Let your inner voice guide you – think about the moments in your life that have had a profound affect on you.  Think about the things that invoke an emotional response within in.  These feelings and emotions should be your guide to helping you live life through your passion.  When you listen to your inner voice, the universe will respond and send you subtle messages to follow your passions. 

The passion I have for the environment, animals and human rights has enlightened me and given me a purpose to create positive change into the world.  It has ignited a spark in me that can never be diminished and will continue to grow brighter.  Have you ignited your spark?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 

What Can You Do To Create a More Positive Life?

I believe that we can always improve our lives towards a more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle.  The journey to this more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle is not easy and you just can’t ‘wish’ it to magically appear – you must work at it.  For example;  you can’t have a goal to be more fit and just exercise and eat fries, burgers and pizza all day long – you must combine a good fitness regime with proper nutrition in order to become more fit.  Wishing for a more positive and better life will not make that happen – you have to be proactive in your approach to attaining the goals in having a more positive and fulfilling life.  Here as some questions I have asked myself that have guided me (and continue to do so) towards a lifestyle that will create positive change for me and for what I care about:

Am I happy in my job?

I am very happy in my job.  I enjoy the people I work with and am paid reasonable well for what I do.  Having my current job allows me to get the knowledge and expertise I require for what I really want to do in the near future.   Is the reason you have your job to attain more material possessions, to get you out of debt or is it because you are happy and passionate about it?  Ask yourself – do you feel happy when you think about going to work?  If you really and authentically love what you do – you are blessed.  If not, maybe it is time for you to think about what will make you happy and start planning on how to reach that place of happiness and contentment.

I can’t leave my job now…and what I really would love to do isn’t going to pay me enough to live…..

You don’t have to leave your current job to start working towards a life that you authentically want to live.  If this is because you have too much debt – start by focusing on removing your debt.  Do you really need your big house?  Do you really need all the credit cards you currently have?  You will have less stress with less debt.  Do you really need the latest electronics, the biggest televisions, cars etc….is all that materialism going to be conducive to a more balanced and positive life?  Decreasing your debt will allow you to really focus on whatever it is that your are passionate about because you will not have your mind clouded with all those debt distractions.

Visualize – see yourself doing what you love and send that intention into the universe

I see myself living on a water-front property and giving advice on holistic health and natural health remedies to promote healthier living.  I also see myself defending nature and promoting a healthy environment for our planet and future generations.  I also see myself continuing my advocacy for the humane treatment of animals and promoting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.  I have already achieved half of my goal – I am currently an advocate for the environment, planet and animals by the awareness I create by writing my blogs or sharing information with friends and family.  I am also gradually taking courses that will ensure I have proper certification and knowledge about holistic health.  These are things that began with a notion, a belief and conviction – I visualized it and sent these intentions into the universe and slowly they are taking shape.  I am not putting any pressures on myself in trying to attain a goal of living a more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle because I believe the process should be as enjoyable as whatever goal it is you want to reach.  Don’t get weighed down by any obstacle along the way instead, ask yourself why the universe put those obstacles in your way, acknowledge them, rectify them and move forward.

Is the negativity of other individuals getting in your way?

Don’t get caught up in other people’s drama or negative behaviours.  Most of the negative things people say about others is usually telling you something specific about that individual.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something – we are all capable of doing great things.  If you find that you are surrounding by people who have a defeatist attitude and feel that ‘one person can’t make a difference’ – then maybe you are surrounding yourself with the wrong crowd.  When I am around people who have a negative outlook on life, people who may say things like; “I hate my life”, “My life is so boring”, “I can’t do that”, “we can’t change it so why bother trying” etc…I find that these types of people suck all the good energy out of me, that is why I try to politely avoid them.  There have been many people in my life who only seem to want to create drama and bring negative energy into their lives – I have no regrets that they are not part of my life today.  It is okay to remove yourself from those who don’t allow any light into their lives – just because they live in darkness doesn’t mean you have to.

Do things you enjoy – if you haven’t tried it how will you know whether you enjoy it or not?

I love reading X-men comics, love writing my blog posts, walking with nature, sitting by water, watching movies and animals – I am not limited to just enjoying these things, I do try new things.  If I didn’t try – I would never have discovered that I love to paint.  Don’t be limited by what you think you can’t do without even trying it.  I don’t enjoy heights and am not a fan of being in an airplane but this doesn’t mean I will never sky-dive????  You never know if you don’t try.

Be grateful  

I have gratitude for so many things – the relationships I have, my partner, my dog, my family, my job, my friends and my health.  The gratification I feel for these relationships I have is what allows me to work towards creating a more fulfilling and positive life.  

In our society – we are brainwashed to believe that the more you have the happier you will be.  It is not the things we have that will define us – it is what we do and how we treat others that will have the most impact on our lives and in our world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


Have you really thought about the answers to these questions?  Take some time to look deep within yourself and really think about how you would answer these questions.  Don’t think about what answer is the right one – because there is no right one.  Just take a moment, read each question and connect with God, the universe, the divine, the white light, your higher self or whomever you connect with spiritually or religiously…..breathe, meditate and think about YOUR answers – don’t answer the questions thinking about how others may answer.  Ask the universe to provide you with the answer that YOU connect with………you can take the time to feel your answer or if the first thing that pops into your head connects with you and you feel that to be your answer – then it should be.  Be visual – if a picture comes to you when you try to put an answer together take note of it…….write your answers/feelings/thoughts/or anything you feel down when you answer each question.  Be thorough.

  • Who is (insert your name here)?
  • What is my purpose in life?
  • Am I really ‘authentically’ happy with my life?
  • What can I do better to make me and others around me happier?
  • Do I have any religious beliefs?
  • Would you ever stop being friends with someone because their lifestyle(s) are not within the parameters of your religious views?
  • Do you believe The Bible ‘word-for-word’?
  • What is your best quality?
  • What is the one thing you would change about yourself?
  • Who are you living to please?
  • Do you believe in life after death?
  • If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
  • When was the last time you really cried and why?
  • Do you remember what it was like to be 5 years old?
  • When was the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
  • What does LOVE mean to you?
  • When you think of LOVE – who is the first person to come to mind?
  • What do you expect from prayer?
  • When was the last time you really became one with nature?
  • Have you ever seen your reflection in water?
  • Have you ever connected with your inner child?
  • What is the earliest memory you can ever remember?
  • What is the one word to describe your mother?
  • What is the one word to describe your father?
  • What is the one word to describe each of your siblings?
  • Who is your best friend?  Why?
  • How do others feel about you?
  • What is one thing I have always wanted to do?
  • If you had a theme song – what would that theme song be and why?
  • What was the most profound moment of your life thus far?
  • If you had one question for God – what question would that be?
  • What was the last thing you said to your pet?  
  • What was the last question you asked yourself?
  • How do I want to be remembered?
  • What makes me really happy?

What makes me really happy?  Think about the question – and when you find the answer, try to do what makes you happy everyday.  Review all of your answers and take a real look at yourself.  Remember those things in the past that hurt you and ask yourself “Have I really dealt with those issues”?  Are your religious or spiritual beliefs getting in the way of creating healthy and loving relationships without judgement?  Remember to check in with yourself from time to time – you may want to keep a journal to record pivotal moments in your life so that you will always have a way to connect with your feelings.  Come from a place of love and allow yourself to work through some of your past hurts, allow forgiveness and know that God is love and YOU are love.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.