Besides the fact that I am grateful to be alive and healthy – there are so many things that I am grateful for.  Showing people the things I am grateful for may allow others to take the opportunity to think about what they are grateful for.  So these are the things that I am grateful for today:

  • My beautiful and wonderful spouse.  He is gentle, sensitive, always wanting to please others, he resonates peace, he is kind and a lover of animals.  He encourages me in everything I do and is an avid supporter and the backbone of Coalition of Positive Energy.
  • My health and inspiration to become healthier.  If I can inspire people to be proactive in their approach to food and nutrition in order to have optimal health, I will.  Whether that is sharing information about foods that contribute to healthy living or taking a more holistic approach to health issues versus the current method of treating ailments with pharmaceutical drugs.
  • My friends and family.  It is wonderful to have people in our lives that offer words of encouragement and support you in a positive way.  Having people in our lives that love you without any judgements contribute to a healthy life.
  •  The wonderful planet I live on.  I am constantly in awe of the beauty that nature provides.  Our earth provides life-sustaining energy and I ensure that I take a moment to thank her everyday for that energy.

Think about the things that you are grateful for and take the time to acknowledge that gratitude by creating positive change in the world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

What Can You Do To Create a More Positive Life?

I believe that we can always improve our lives towards a more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle.  The journey to this more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle is not easy and you just can’t ‘wish’ it to magically appear – you must work at it.  For example;  you can’t have a goal to be more fit and just exercise and eat fries, burgers and pizza all day long – you must combine a good fitness regime with proper nutrition in order to become more fit.  Wishing for a more positive and better life will not make that happen – you have to be proactive in your approach to attaining the goals in having a more positive and fulfilling life.  Here as some questions I have asked myself that have guided me (and continue to do so) towards a lifestyle that will create positive change for me and for what I care about:

Am I happy in my job?

I am very happy in my job.  I enjoy the people I work with and am paid reasonable well for what I do.  Having my current job allows me to get the knowledge and expertise I require for what I really want to do in the near future.   Is the reason you have your job to attain more material possessions, to get you out of debt or is it because you are happy and passionate about it?  Ask yourself – do you feel happy when you think about going to work?  If you really and authentically love what you do – you are blessed.  If not, maybe it is time for you to think about what will make you happy and start planning on how to reach that place of happiness and contentment.

I can’t leave my job now…and what I really would love to do isn’t going to pay me enough to live…..

You don’t have to leave your current job to start working towards a life that you authentically want to live.  If this is because you have too much debt – start by focusing on removing your debt.  Do you really need your big house?  Do you really need all the credit cards you currently have?  You will have less stress with less debt.  Do you really need the latest electronics, the biggest televisions, cars etc….is all that materialism going to be conducive to a more balanced and positive life?  Decreasing your debt will allow you to really focus on whatever it is that your are passionate about because you will not have your mind clouded with all those debt distractions.

Visualize – see yourself doing what you love and send that intention into the universe

I see myself living on a water-front property and giving advice on holistic health and natural health remedies to promote healthier living.  I also see myself defending nature and promoting a healthy environment for our planet and future generations.  I also see myself continuing my advocacy for the humane treatment of animals and promoting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.  I have already achieved half of my goal – I am currently an advocate for the environment, planet and animals by the awareness I create by writing my blogs or sharing information with friends and family.  I am also gradually taking courses that will ensure I have proper certification and knowledge about holistic health.  These are things that began with a notion, a belief and conviction – I visualized it and sent these intentions into the universe and slowly they are taking shape.  I am not putting any pressures on myself in trying to attain a goal of living a more emotionally, physically and positive lifestyle because I believe the process should be as enjoyable as whatever goal it is you want to reach.  Don’t get weighed down by any obstacle along the way instead, ask yourself why the universe put those obstacles in your way, acknowledge them, rectify them and move forward.

Is the negativity of other individuals getting in your way?

Don’t get caught up in other people’s drama or negative behaviours.  Most of the negative things people say about others is usually telling you something specific about that individual.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something – we are all capable of doing great things.  If you find that you are surrounding by people who have a defeatist attitude and feel that ‘one person can’t make a difference’ – then maybe you are surrounding yourself with the wrong crowd.  When I am around people who have a negative outlook on life, people who may say things like; “I hate my life”, “My life is so boring”, “I can’t do that”, “we can’t change it so why bother trying” etc…I find that these types of people suck all the good energy out of me, that is why I try to politely avoid them.  There have been many people in my life who only seem to want to create drama and bring negative energy into their lives – I have no regrets that they are not part of my life today.  It is okay to remove yourself from those who don’t allow any light into their lives – just because they live in darkness doesn’t mean you have to.

Do things you enjoy – if you haven’t tried it how will you know whether you enjoy it or not?

I love reading X-men comics, love writing my blog posts, walking with nature, sitting by water, watching movies and animals – I am not limited to just enjoying these things, I do try new things.  If I didn’t try – I would never have discovered that I love to paint.  Don’t be limited by what you think you can’t do without even trying it.  I don’t enjoy heights and am not a fan of being in an airplane but this doesn’t mean I will never sky-dive????  You never know if you don’t try.

Be grateful  

I have gratitude for so many things – the relationships I have, my partner, my dog, my family, my job, my friends and my health.  The gratification I feel for these relationships I have is what allows me to work towards creating a more fulfilling and positive life.  

In our society – we are brainwashed to believe that the more you have the happier you will be.  It is not the things we have that will define us – it is what we do and how we treat others that will have the most impact on our lives and in our world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


Ask your friends and family about the origins of Thanksgiving and why it is celebrated – you might be surprised at how many different answers you will receive.

In Canada:

The origin of the first Thanksgiving in Canada goes back to the explorer Martin Frobisher who have been trying to find a safe northern passage to the Pacific Ocean.  After surviving the journey from England through many storms and icebergs, Frobisher was thankful for his survival and decided to celebrate in order to give thanks in making such a treacherous journey through storms and icebergs.

In the United States of America:

Thanksgiving officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens,” to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.

Thanksgiving to me – should happen everyday (minus the glutinous consumption of all the pork/turkey/beef/fish and every other animal that people can think about eating) and should be about being grateful on so many levels such as; having good health, loving friends and family, having enough food to eat, having clean water, nature and helping those who are less fortunate than we are.  Today, I find, like many other holidays – that there is no gratitude in celebrating that said holiday.

THANKSGIVING and what it means to me, everyday:

T – Togetherness

A time when we come together and celebrate those people in our lives who have encouraged us, shown us compassion, love and kindness without any judgements.

H – Happiness

When you come together to give thanks and to celebrate the great and encouraging people in our lives – this will only bring happiness, love and joy into your life.  Think of how you feel as you remember those moments when you received help from those loving and positive people in your lives….happiness and love will guide us through many trials and tribulations in our lives.

A – Acceptance

We should learn to accept the differences of all people the touch our lives.  It doesn’t matter if someone else lives their lives in a different manner than you – as long as they live with honesty, generosity, integrity, compassion, love and kindness than all will be well.

N – Nature 

Respecting nature and giving back to mother earth not only allows our environment to thrive, but it will also rejuvenate your spirit to know that you are connecting with all of the universe and the beauty it has to offer.

K – Karma

The Hinduism/Buddhism meaning of karma suggest the effects of ones actions that will determine his/her destiny in his/her next incarnation.  The energy we give out into the universe is the energy that is returned to us in our current life cycle.  Why give negative energy when that is all you will receive.  I prefer to live a life were I do my best to send out positive vibrations into the universe so that positivity is returned back to me.  I prefer to live with love, joy, happiness and kindness that with hate, anger, hurt and resentment.

S – Sincerity  

If you are sincere, honest and genuine – people will know who you truly are and will love you based on that sincerity.  Don’t pretend to be someone you are not just to please others – if you are sincere within yourself, honest with yourself and genuine with yourself – it won’t even matter what others think!

G – Gratitude

There is nothing more pleasing than being grateful for those people in my life that offer me support, love, acceptance, kindness, compassion and encouragement.  Along with being grateful for those great and generous individuals in our lives it is important to be grateful for the things you have – your health, your understanding, your compassion, your kindness and your love.

I – Imagination

Imagine a world that is inclusive, happy, accepting, respects nature, only sends positivity into the universe, is sincere and gracious…..we can make it happen – imagination is not only fantasy, it can be a reality!

V- Value

Know that yourself have a sense of value.  We are all valuable and have so much to offer one another.  See the value in yourself and see it in others.

I – Impact

If you know you have value, you know that you can create a positive impact in our world.  What positive impact will you create to make our world a more positive one?

N – Natural

If we are true to ourselves we are being natural and organic beings.  In this natural state – we will have no anxiety in wanting to please others because we will not have to.

G – Good

Everyone has goodness in them – we just have to ensure that this goodness becomes part of our each and every day in our lives.  Acting out of goodness is emotionally satisfying and rewarding.  Try it out by committing random acts of kindness everyday.

T – Togetherness, H – Happiness, A – Acceptance, N – Nature, K – Karma, S– Sincerity, G – Gratitude, I – Imagination, V – Value, I – Impact, N – Natural, G – Good.

To me that is what THANKSGIVING is all about each and every day!



I don’t know why it took me so long to stop eating meat.  There may be several reasons – it was a learned behaviour, I never asked about why or what I was eating, being told that I had to eat meat for proper nutrition or I just didn’t care but I am certainly glad I made the ethical decision to do so.  Don’t get me wrong – I am not perfect and I am sure that I have purchased something that may have had some devastating effect on an animal somewhere in this world but the point is, I am making a conscious effort to avoid and stop buying products that may lead to the inhumane treatment of animals.

As a pet owner, I am constantly reminded that animals do feel and do have some understanding of what is happening around them.  When I talk to my dog or say to him, “Bradley, do you want to go outside”? – He briefly jumps for joy and then automatically (and patiently) waits for me to put his harness on.  If I accidently hurt him – he yelps out in pain.  If I irritate him with too much love – he growls at me as if telling me to back off.  He gets upset when he knows he has to go to the vetenarian’s office for a check up.  Animals have the capability to feel the same emotions we do and because of this, my decision was made perfectly clear – no more bacon, beef, fish or anything with a heart-beat.

Today, it is not as challenging to find clothing, shoes and restaurants that are cruelty free – especially if you live in a big city.  I am amazed at how many companies  made commitments to stop experimenting on animals.  As I have mentioned – I make a conscious effort to buy from companies who do not test on animals or don’t use animal products in any way.  I never understood this obsession with leather and fur.  Are people inclined to buy leather and fur because they are luxury items?  Do they think it feels great to wear the carcas of a dead animal on them?  Does it make them feel important?  Whatever the reason – everyone should witness or watch a video of how that product was made in order for them to feel whatever gratification they get from wearing them.  I am tired of seeing celebrities drapped in fur and leather – holding snake skinned bags or boots, proudly displaying the carcas of dead animals on them, wearing lashes made from some poor exotic dead animals etc.  Again – they should be made to watch how those products were made prior to buying them.

I would challenge anyone to take care of a pig from its infancy – nurture it until it is a full grown and then make a conscious decision to eat it.  Some may be able to do that but I really believe that most people will not.  The same goes for cows, horses, sheep, lamb or whatever other animal we consume.  Every time I see truck loads of chickens, pigs or cows I am reminded of how so many humans were lead to gas chambers for slaughter.  I think, “Do those poor animals have an understanding of where they are going and what their ultimate destination is”?  I think they do. 

I believe that people should be made aware of the consequences of the choices they make.  Do people understand the health implications of eating meat?  Do they understand the environmental impact raising cattle is having on our water supply and our environment?  Do they understand that eating meat is a learned behaviour and not something that is essential to their well-being?  I think that we become too complacent in everything we do and don’t even care about why we are doing those particular things.

Someone made a comment on Facebook recently – they brought their kids to a circus and were confronted by protesters.  They indicated that they were appalled at the behaviour of the protesters – especially in front of children.  They also had to point out how hypocritical it was that a protester was yelling about the inhumane treatment of animals yet they wore leather shoes.  I don’t condone aggresive behaviour but why was that the only comment made about the protester – why not think about why they were there?  Was pointing out the protester’s leather shoes more important than thinking about the reason they were protesting to begin with?  Besides, how did he know they were leather – they could have been fake.  This incident reminded me of how so many of us are too busy trying to find the faults in other people so that we don’t have to deal with the things we may find uncomfortable.

I love animals and have made a commitment to help save as many as I can.  This doesn’t mean that I am better than anyone else or that I am more compassionate – it just means that I have made a conscious decision to ask questions, learn the truth and come to the conclusions that best serve me and my life for this moment.



The last few years, I have really looked at my life and assessed the things and people that really are important to me.  I have had to let go of old acquantainces, I have met great new friends and have welcomed old friends back into my circle.  There are periods in our lives when we have to complete a ‘life cleansing’ to ensure that all that is around you creates a positive mindset for you and for those who chose to be part of your life.  My experiences have dictated that I had to remove the people in my life that complained and were very negative about life.  These people really sucked the positive energy right out of me and left me tired and drained.  When you becomed revitalized, reenergized and want nothing but goodness for you and for those around you, you can really appreciate everything in your life with a new and fresh perspective!  It is like being ‘reborn’. 

In my current state of being ‘reborn’ – I always find it very emotionally rewarding to take stock of the things and people in my life that I am grateful for – so, here are some of the things/people that I am grateful for:

  • having the breath of life
  • the desire to continue to learn and grow
  • the beautiful planet and all it’s natural wonders
  • humanity’s desire to create goodness
  • my relatively good health
  • my desire to promote positivity throughout the world
  • my beautiful, encouraging and loving partner of almost 20 years – Jason
  • my family
  • my extended family of friends
  • my beautiful dog Bradley
  • my beautiful dog Freddy (who passed in 2010 and taught me so much)
  • the food that I eat
  • my home

I have so much to be grateful for and want to ensure that I take the time to acknowledge all that I am grateful for.  It is important for me to let my family, friends, mother nature and all of the universe know that I appreciate all the love, support and positive energy that they give me.

Take a look at your life – have you shown gratitude for all that you have in your life?  Take a moment, slow down and assess all that you are grateful for.

Love, light and positive energy to all of you.