What if you knew you had one month to live?  How would you live it?

It is important to live each day without judgement and to live with compassion, love, kindness and respect.  Enjoy each moment as if it was your last.  Brighten someone’s day with your smile, kind words, good karma, and positive energy because we really do not know what may happen tomorrow.  If you live each moment with good intentions, imagine how amazing life would be for your for all the people you connect with.  How are you living today?

For all those skeptics…..

What if climate change/global warming is happening?

There has been so many scientific reports indicating that are planet is warming up.

Global warming is the increase of the average temperature in the atmosphere and oceans over time due primarily to human influences. Since the late 19th century, scientists have monitored the fluctuations in temperature and studied global warming theories and trends to determine the causes and to assess the extent to which they are due to human activity. The greenhouse effect is largely caused by human-generated carbon dioxide (CO2) and, to some extent, by increases in solar activity, etc. The term “global warming” is used to imply a human influence while “climate change” is most often used in association with changes in climate with no easily identifiable cause, such as the processes that produced the Ice Ages. http://marinebio.org/oceans/conservation/global-warming.asp

What if everyone had to witness the horrors animals go through in the name of fashion, sport, and how they eventually become food on your plate?

Would people be more compassionate about animals and what they go through?  I came to believe that if I indicated that I loved animals – why would I engage in eating them?  Many people say they love animals and are pet owners – how can people make the distinction of loving their pets (whom are animals) yet eat others like; cow, pig, chicken, fish, lamb, duck etc? In my opinion you can’t be an animal lover if you eat them – that seems hypocritical.

What if you were born as someone you have made judgements of/against?

Think about all those individuals who have protested and committed acts of violence against black people during the civil rights movement or the people who protest against gays and lesbians having the same civil liberties as they do.  How about all those bullies that were directly responsible in making the decisions of teens/children and even adults to commit suicide easier because of their sexual orientation.  How about all those men who are chauvinistic and misogynistic.  Imagine if all these people had to live the lives of those they have tormented, would it make a difference?  If we all took a moment and walked in someone else’s shoes, would there not be more love, understanding, compassion and respect for one another?

What If?…………………

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!