I don’t know why it took me so long to stop eating meat.  There may be several reasons – it was a learned behaviour, I never asked about why or what I was eating, being told that I had to eat meat for proper nutrition or I just didn’t care but I am certainly glad I made the ethical decision to do so.  Don’t get me wrong – I am not perfect and I am sure that I have purchased something that may have had some devastating effect on an animal somewhere in this world but the point is, I am making a conscious effort to avoid and stop buying products that may lead to the inhumane treatment of animals.

As a pet owner, I am constantly reminded that animals do feel and do have some understanding of what is happening around them.  When I talk to my dog or say to him, “Bradley, do you want to go outside”? – He briefly jumps for joy and then automatically (and patiently) waits for me to put his harness on.  If I accidently hurt him – he yelps out in pain.  If I irritate him with too much love – he growls at me as if telling me to back off.  He gets upset when he knows he has to go to the vetenarian’s office for a check up.  Animals have the capability to feel the same emotions we do and because of this, my decision was made perfectly clear – no more bacon, beef, fish or anything with a heart-beat.

Today, it is not as challenging to find clothing, shoes and restaurants that are cruelty free – especially if you live in a big city.  I am amazed at how many companies  made commitments to stop experimenting on animals.  As I have mentioned – I make a conscious effort to buy from companies who do not test on animals or don’t use animal products in any way.  I never understood this obsession with leather and fur.  Are people inclined to buy leather and fur because they are luxury items?  Do they think it feels great to wear the carcas of a dead animal on them?  Does it make them feel important?  Whatever the reason – everyone should witness or watch a video of how that product was made in order for them to feel whatever gratification they get from wearing them.  I am tired of seeing celebrities drapped in fur and leather – holding snake skinned bags or boots, proudly displaying the carcas of dead animals on them, wearing lashes made from some poor exotic dead animals etc.  Again – they should be made to watch how those products were made prior to buying them.

I would challenge anyone to take care of a pig from its infancy – nurture it until it is a full grown and then make a conscious decision to eat it.  Some may be able to do that but I really believe that most people will not.  The same goes for cows, horses, sheep, lamb or whatever other animal we consume.  Every time I see truck loads of chickens, pigs or cows I am reminded of how so many humans were lead to gas chambers for slaughter.  I think, “Do those poor animals have an understanding of where they are going and what their ultimate destination is”?  I think they do. 

I believe that people should be made aware of the consequences of the choices they make.  Do people understand the health implications of eating meat?  Do they understand the environmental impact raising cattle is having on our water supply and our environment?  Do they understand that eating meat is a learned behaviour and not something that is essential to their well-being?  I think that we become too complacent in everything we do and don’t even care about why we are doing those particular things.

Someone made a comment on Facebook recently – they brought their kids to a circus and were confronted by protesters.  They indicated that they were appalled at the behaviour of the protesters – especially in front of children.  They also had to point out how hypocritical it was that a protester was yelling about the inhumane treatment of animals yet they wore leather shoes.  I don’t condone aggresive behaviour but why was that the only comment made about the protester – why not think about why they were there?  Was pointing out the protester’s leather shoes more important than thinking about the reason they were protesting to begin with?  Besides, how did he know they were leather – they could have been fake.  This incident reminded me of how so many of us are too busy trying to find the faults in other people so that we don’t have to deal with the things we may find uncomfortable.

I love animals and have made a commitment to help save as many as I can.  This doesn’t mean that I am better than anyone else or that I am more compassionate – it just means that I have made a conscious decision to ask questions, learn the truth and come to the conclusions that best serve me and my life for this moment.