How do we prioritize the need to act?  Currently – people are talking about the following issues:

– War with Syria

– The ‘gay propaganda’ law in Russia and the Winter Games

– Protesting the KXL pipeline

Which of these events take priority and how do we act?  I personally believe that there is a much bigger event that is not receiving enough discussion and that is the Fukushima crisis.  We all know what happened after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan.  The earthquake and tsunami could have possibly caused the worst environmental crisis our planet has ever faced.  The plant is currently spilling radiation into the ocean which is contaminated the water and all wildlife in the Pacific Ocean.  Here is some links with background, facts and current information about what is happening:

Why are we talking political scandals, going to war or who is showing up at film festivals around the world????  Isn’t the planet’s survival much more important than another war or a movie premier?  Shouldn’t we be focusing on the survival of our planet?  The Pacific Ocean is being contaminated at an alarming rate – do we really understand those implications?  For those who eat fish – you may not be able to eat any fish from the Pacific Ocean ever again!  This is what nuclear power has left us with – Fukushima and Chernobyl.  Greed, power, and the bottom-line is irrelevant when we are faced with not having a planet.  We must think about new and sustainable energy sources(wind/solar) and not what drives BIG BUSINESS and CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS.  We must stand up and demand what is right for our planet and for the survival of humanity.

Together we can make the world a more positive one!