In the United States – BLACK FRIDAY was associated with the financial crisis of 1869.  Today it is to signify the start of the Christmas holiday shopping season and for most businesses, this translates to the most profitable time of year for them. 

BLACK FRIDAY – in my opinion, is when people become the most selfish and ungrateful (especially right after a holiday where we are to give thanks and appreciation for what we have).  Most people follow whatever trend is happening around them.  Television, radio, newspapers, magazines and flyers advertise all their sales and how they will open early (usually the night before) in order for the consumers to take advantage of these sales.  How much can people consume?  Do you really need all that these stores advertise and is facing potential violence and death even worth it?

I really don’t understand our society – in a world were millions of children are dying of hunger, so many American’s are homeless and in need, we have soldiers fighting wars that have no real significance, universal health care isn’t becoming the reality that President Obama wanted and the education system seems to be serving only those who have money.  But what is more important than all these things?  Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season.  It seems to me Canada and The United States of America have their priorities backwards.  People will not be able to go shopping without a planet to shop on.  Our environment is at a critical stage – worse than ever before and anticipated.  Many people are without stable jobs – and yet, people go out blindly and selfishly to shop and increase their debt level to appease BIG CORPORATIONS and BIG BANKS. 

Here are some videos of how carried away people become to shop for things they don’t really need – things that will eventually end up in a landfill or polluting our planet:


Do you really want to be a part of the zombie nation above that is catering to corporations who pay their employees minimum wage, break human rights laws, allow child labour and horrible working conditions.  Do you want to make the shareholders and company CEO’s richer while their employee’s struggle?  Think about what you are supporting.  Support something that is meaningful and will make you feel good about yourself and promote positive energy into the world.  Issues such as these:

It’s time that we think about our priorities and help our brothers and sisters instead of being brainwashed and told that you need to buy this, you need to watch this, you need to do this…..when all we need to do is open our eyes to compassion and love and spread positive energy into the world.  What will you do?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


I remember a time when I had no purpose in life but to do what I was supposed to do (get an education, job, raise and family, buy a house, etc…) without really having to ask any questions – it was just what I was supposed to do.  How many of us have become so desensitized that we just go about our daily routines without even thinking about what we are doing.  We literally have a nation of zombies who are slaves to believing everything their religion, government, media and big corporations tell them to believe.

If our economy is failing – create a worldwide panic to instil fear in everyone, divert the public’s attention and create a distraction and pass legislation to calm the public’s fear.  This happens all the time and those responsible for these new laws understand that the general public will not ask questions because they believe these laws were put in place to protect them but in truth, these same laws are introduced to take some of their civil liberties and freedoms away.

I decided to remove the influence of media and draw my own conclusions based on facts from various resources and not just what CNN, ABC, NBC or FOX news tells me to be truth.  I have my own views on religion and those views are a big contrast to what most people believe to be the word of God.  I prefer to question – I want to know where these  stories came from and not just take someone’s word that they actually happened.  Can I write something today and make hundreds of thousands of people believe it to be true – maybe.

My point is – why are people so quick to believe in what our priests/pastors/rabbi’s and other religious leaders say about God?  Do you not want proof?  How about our governments – why must we just allow them to pass legislation based on fear?  Do we not have a right to ask who these new laws will benefit?  Do we not have a say in what is passed into law?  Or are these laws passed to further silence us?

Think about some of the major events that have happened in the last 100 years and ask yourself – what was the precursor to that event?  What things happened to prior to the life-altering event?  What continued to happen as a result of those events?  Here are some of those events:

  • The Financial Crisis of 1907/1920 etc…
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Viet Nam War
  • The Oklahoma Bombing
  • The World Trade Centre Attack (1993)
  • Subway Bombing in Madrid
  • World Trade Centre Attack (9/11)

Do the research and make your own informed decision on the facts.  Don’t rely on the media to report the truth, rely on yourself to compare the facts with what you already know.

A good place to start – watch a movie called Zeitgeist.  When you watch this – don’t allow what you already believe to be the truth cloud your judgement, open your mind to a new point-of-view and look at the facts.  No-one is asking to change your mind – just get a new perspective, compare the new information to what you know and then decide on what you believe.  But first, you need the full story not just one side and this is a great place to start.

You can watch this on Netflix or YouTube – here is the link for the YouTube version:

Together, we cam make the world a more positive one!