What do you see when you observe all that is around you?  Is it the scowling faces of busy people coming and going?  Do you witness the rage in the drivers around you?  Are people to busy trying to capture other’s being negligent on their mobile devices?  Why are we so focused in finding the bad in everything that is around us when there is so much good?  How productive are we when we focus on the negative things that people do – is your day filled with love and light or darkness and despair?   It is time to take a look at yourself and ask yourself what kind of energy am I sending into the world – am I too caught up in senseless gossip or am I omitting a positive vibration into our universe?

I challenge all that read this blog (and they should challenge their friends and family) to take notice or do something good.   Find the beauty around you – it could be as simple as smiling at someone and brightening their day!  Saying ‘thank you’ when someone holds a door open for you, hold the door open for someone else, don’t get angry when someone cuts you off during a commute – wave hello!  If you have pets and are out on a walk – take the initiative and pick up any trash that is laying about.  Find and create the beauty around you!  If you practice this – it will become second nature to you and will benefit you and all those you come in contact with.  You may have some ‘off’ days, but if you brush the negativity off of you – you can begin again without any judgements.

Here are some of the many things I find beautiful each and everyday:

  • parents playing with their children in a park
  • the sunrise
  • the way my spouse sleeps
  • the way the leaves change colours in the fall
  • the stars in the night sky
  • the wisdom of the elderly
  • the ability for humans to create positive change in the world
  • a strangers smile
  • wildlife and animals
  • my ability to learn and grown everyday

Here are some various pictures from the internet that I find touching, beautiful and positive:

 ***I credit the photographers in taking such beautiful images and sharing them with the world and on the internet – whomever you are!***




What is the meaning of intention?  Here is the definition according to the New Oxford American Dictionary:

1 a thing intended; an aim or plan.• the action or fact of intending: intention is just one of the factors that will be considered.• (one’s intentions) a person’s designs

Basically – if we have an aim, goal or plan – we must act on that intention in order for the aim, goal or plan to come to fruition.  Having the intention to win the lottery is great but when you are not buying lottery tickets, you intention just becomes a dream.  If we ask something of the universe – you must be clear and you must look for the signs in order for you to act on that intention.  Louise L. Hay writes in her book, You Can Heal Your Life; “What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.  I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst.  Every thought we think is creating our future.  Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings.  The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences”  If we are responsible for all our feelings and actions through our intent – then we can really create intentions for peace, love, community and prosperity in our lives and into our world.  Imagine if we collectively intended for world peace or compassion for our environment?  Imagine how that energy would feel.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has written an amazing book called ‘The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way’.  This book has an excellent chapter called ‘A Portrait of a Person Connected to the Field of Intention’  – This chapter is vital in understanding someone who is connected to Source, God or the Universe.  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer calls these individuals ‘connectors’ and indicates in his book he calls them connectors “to signify their harmonious connection with the field of intention.”

In ‘Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul:  How To Create a New You’ by Deepak Chopra, Deepak writes; “Wait until your intention is clear.  Countless people are looking for motivation in the wrong places.  They seek to increase their energy and drive.  They want the biggest reward.  They lie in wait for a lightning bolt to hit them with the next great invention or business idea.  The real source of motivation isn’t any of those things.  Motivation, the kind that carries seed ideas to fruition with energy and passion, comes from a clear intent.  Knowing exactly what you want to do, with unwavering conviction, is the spark the generates everything else, including the big ideas and the great rewards.  Confusion and uncertainty divide the flow of life into separate, weak channels.  Because a clear intent can’t be forced, many people never find one.  They apply a bit of themselves to half a dozen areas of their lives.  Yet there is no great secret to finding a clear intent; it depends upon simply waiting.”  Clarity, focus and passion will ensure that your intentions will come to fruition.

I have asked the universe for various things – I was focused when I asked and I sent my intentions to Source, God, or the universe and the universe responded.  My intentions are related to my passions in life (environment/animal/human rights advocacy)  and I am slowly and patiently receiving the universes responses and have been acting on those responses – this blog was born out of my intent to create a means of spreading my message to create positivity into our world, that is the power of intention.

I always ask of the universe – I want to be connected to like-minded people.  I want to be part of that great positive energy so that whatever the universe sends to me – I can send it back out with love and compassion.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting The Soul:  How to Create a New You by Deepak Chopra

The Power of Intention:  Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

New Oxford American Dictionary



Many of us lead very busy lives.  We get up, get dressed and get ready for our day.  Some of us may have others that we need to help by starting their day – their children, their pets and even their elderly parents.  It is easy to forget our well-being or to take the time to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit with all the activity going on in our lives.  Do you take the time to ‘unwind’ from the pressures of the day?  Do you allow yourself moments throughout the day to clear your mind so to ensure you do not burn out? 

I remember (not to long ago) going to bed with so many thoughts in my head that I couldn’t even get to sleep.  I would be thinking about all the things that happened throughout my day and how to reconcile any issues in the coming days, weeks and months.  I remember going to bed with my heart racing, like I just finished exercising and I also remember feeling too excited or anxious to go to sleep with all the events of the day replaying in my mind.  There were many times that I have gone to bed with so much negative energy that I would wake up the next day with that same energy.  I knew that I had to do something to try and quiet my mind and body so that I could go to bed in a state of tranquilty and peace and wake up in the same manner.  Here are some of the things that I do now to end my day and rejuvenate my body, my mind and my spirit:

READ – I began reading books about meditation, self-help, spirituality, holistic health and such and found that many of these books promoted a well-being for body, mind and spirit.

MEDITATION – Meditation is great because it really allows us to concentrate on becoming relaxed and to quiet our minds from our daily turmoil and stresses.  Meditation  is not too difficult to do and can be down virtually anywhere.  If you need assistance, I would recommend buying a book and meditation cd so that you can be familiar with the basics (breathing).

WRITE – Writing is a great way to release any pent up negative energy that was accumulated throughout the day

Here is an example of a meditation I complete as I lay in bed in the evening:

I think of a colour that I really love and picture it with a beautiful, positive, healing energy and think about this light entering my body – I imagine it travelling from the tips of my toes up through my feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, groin, buttocks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, throat, face, head and I also ensure that the same light travels through all my internal and vital organs – ensuring that it destroys any ‘potential’ bad cells.  I also imagine that my good, healthy blood cells attack any unhealthy ones to ensure that my body is funtioning with only good and healthy cells.  Once I complete this portion of the meditation, I surround my body with my most beautiful glow (white light) and send it throughout my hole body (starting at my feet and up through my head)…I imagine this white light/glow escape through my crown chakra (top of my head) and that all this positive energy is sent out into the world and universe.  I take myself to a peaceful place (usually warm and surrounded by sun and water)  I see myself and ask the universe if there is anything that I need to know – I breathe deeply and wait for a response.  I think of peace, love, compassion and see the earth below me – I embrace the world with the positive energy the peace, the love and the compassion that the universe has given me and know that all is how it should be.  I gently bring myself and my awareness back to my body – breathe deeply and wait for sleep.

I may also listen to chants/meditations via other sources to ensure that I have the most comfortable and undisturbed sleep.  Doing this allows me to wake up refreshed and filled with positivity.  How you wake up determines what type of day you will have.  If you wake up and think ‘I don’t want to deal with today, I would rather go back to bed, it sucks getting up’ (which I did, many times in my past) – your day will probably go something like this:  stub toe getting out of bed, swear, drop toothbrush in toilet, trip going into the shower, put 2 different socks on (you won’t notice until later), forget to pack a lunch, irritated getting into the car, the commute is very difficult, you get the worse parking spot, spill coffee all over yourelf, your boss and other employees seem to be very curt today……is that what type of day you want?  Definately not! 

Here is an example of my thoughts/mantra/affirmation as I wake up:

What a beautiful day!  I am so looking forward to the adventures today will bring.  I am happy to be alive, happy and healthy.  I surround myself in a positive light.  I sing/hum in the shower.  I surround my dog and partner in the same wonderful energy that I am feeling and kiss them goodbye.  I surround my car in a protective energy and put on music I love to listen to.  My day is filled with love, laughter and joy and everyone around me seems to be basking in my energy.  All is wonderful in my world.

When someone said “Take the time to smell the flowers” – I believe they really meant it.  So, do take the time to smell the flowers.  Take the time to ensure your well-being.  Take the time to be healthy, happy and positive so that your great energy affects others around you so that they can spread the same energy into our world. 

Together we can make the world a better one!!!