Why do we allow ourselves to be troubled by those who are not connected to good and positive energy?

Mostly it is because we let our ‘egos’ get in the way.  We always have a desire or need to be right or believe that are views are the only views that matter.  We place  judgements on others based on religion, lifestyle and people’s appearances.  Our achievements are no less important than the achievements of anyone else.  We also tend to deem our lives are much more important than the lives of our ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.  We are all connected and all come from the same Source.  Ego is what makes the distinction of our differences.

Knowing this – isn’t kindness, love, compassion and empathy in all of us to give and to receive?  Yes, it is!

Take a look at how your previous days, weeks, months, years have passed and how your energy levels affected those around you and yourself.  Usually, when you are sending positive energy out into the universe, it is usually want comes back to you.  Imagine if that is all that you allowed yourself to give to others and yourself – your life would be much more gratifying. We have all heard the saying;  “The energy you give is the same energy that is returned to you.”  Thinking of that mantra, allow yourself to be kind, compassionate and empathetic.  Connect with positive vibration.  Allow yourself to help others without the expectation of receiving anything in return.  Once you release this positive energy into the universe, you will find that that same energy is what comes back to you.  You will notice that the answers you were seeking will present themselves.  You will attract like-minded people and your life and soul will thank you for it.

Be a soldier for the REVOLUTION OF LOVE and help create positive energy everywhere in the world.  Be kind and compassionate to the environment, animals and to each other.  Show empathy for those who require it and let LOVE rule your world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!