Why is the world obsessing over homosexuality?  I don’t understand the constant debates about gay marriage, being an ‘out’ boy scout, being a gay politician, teacher, celebrity, athlete, preacher or garbage collector.  People need to face the facts – GAY PEOPLE EXIST and we are tired of being treated as if we are second class citizens.  We have jobs, we pay taxes, we have hardships and families and go through the same life experiences as everyone else on the planet go through.  So what is the difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals besides the same-sex attraction?  Let’s look at some of the things that heterosexuals can do that homosexuals can not (in most places) – Let’s also look at some of the stereotypes people have about homosexuals.

  • Heterosexuals can marry – homosexuals can not (in most countries)
  • Heterosexuals can adopt – homosexuals can not (in most countries)
  • Heterosexuals are not discriminated against because of their religious beliefs
  • Everyone is born a sinner – but in the eyes of religion, homosexuals are damned because of whom they love
  • Homosexual athletes will try to hit on you in the locker rooms if they are open about their sexuality (said very sarcastic)
  • Homosexuals can’t play sports – they are not manly enough (said very sarcastic)
  • Lesbians want to be men and gay men want to be women because one partner has to be effeminate and the other manly
  • There is a gay agenda 
  • Gay teachers only teach homosexuality so that they can recruit your children to that lifestyle
  • Homosexuals can not be ‘out’ while serving and possibly dying for their country
  • Homosexuals can not have visitation rights if their partner is hospitalized for any reason (most parts of the world)
  • Most religions condemn homosexuality even though the basic message of religion is to love all and show compassion to all (possibly interpreted by a homophobic male)
  • Homosexual parents will try to convert their children to their lifestyle
  • Homosexuality is not natural because – man and women are put on earth to procreate (like there isn’t enough people on the planet)
  • If you listen to Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Liza Minnelli, Barbara Streisand and like show tunes – you are gay!
  • Homosexuals are put to death in some countries for being gay (I don’t think a heterosexual has ever been put to death because they love a person of the opposite sex)
  • All homosexuals practice bestiality (no heterosexuals practice this)
  • All homosexuals are promiscuous (there are no heterosexuals who are promiscuous)
  • All homosexuals have HIV/AIDS (heterosexuals can not contract HIV/AIDS)
  • All homosexuals are pedophiles (there are no heterosexual pedophiles)
  • All homosexuals are interior decorators (although we are great at it…lol)

I think I have covered everything.  Looking at this list – it’s no wonder gays and lesbians consider it a hardship to live their authentic lives.  Many lesbians and gays don’t ‘come out’ because they know that society doesn’t have a positive perception of them.  Many choose suicide because they want to end the constant bullying from those who believe all the stereotypes and prejudices listed above.  Many gays and lesbians don’t want to live their authentic lives because of the threats of violence they may face.  Many don’t want to live their authentic lives because they may face death – Imagine, being put do death because of who you love. 

I didn’t ‘come out’ until I was 21…..why did I have to come out?  I had to come out because I was tired of being called a faggot, ass-muncher, fruitcake and fairy.  I had to come out because I was tired of being told that homosexuals are not capable of having loving and committed relationships.  I had to come out because I was tired of living a life that was making me miserable.  I had to come out because I wasn’t living my true authentic self.  I had to come out because I didn’t want to see another gay or lesbian endure violence just because they were born gay.  I needed to come out because I wanted to stand up to those punks who threw a bottle at my head (they missed by inches) from their car as they drove by yelling ‘die faggot, die’.  I needed to come out because I could potentially be a positive influence for those who may have struggle with their sexuality in the future.  Most of all – I needed to come out so that I could start to live.  I wonder if heterosexuals have these struggles……

Gay marriage will not destroy the world.  Why do I know this?  Well – if the institution of marriage was so important to heterosexuals why all the divorces?  Why the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th marriages – are you not supposed to be happy with the first partner you choose?  Didn’t you have the opportunity to ‘scout’ potential life mates when you were single?

Gay scouts will not destroy society.  Why do I know this?  Well – there have been gay boy scouts since the boy scouts inception and those people who think otherwise, are fooling themselves.

We are not trying to convert anyone – there is no gay agenda, we don’t want your babies so that we can convert them to our lifestyle.  We don’t become teachers, politicians, preachers and police men and women so that we can push a gay agenda.  We do the exact same things you do – we do the best we can with the lives that are given to us by living, loving and by being compassionate towards others.  I can’t change my attraction to the same-sex, that is a composition of how I was born – so why would YOU want to change me?  If it was that easy for me to choose my lifestyle, then the same holds true for you – the only difference is that I don’t want to change who you fundamentally are, I only want to remove the stereotypes that you have towards me and those who were born like me.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!