So many people have proclaimed that our world would end for various reasons:  God/Jesus is coming back to save the ‘chosen ones’, the end loomed on Y2K, and most recently, many predicted that because the Mayan calendar ended on 2012 – they determined that our world would end to.  What constitutes these predictions and why are most “doom and gloom” and negative predictions?

Today, I would like to share a video entitled:  ‘Why I Think This World Should End’ – now, before you assume that the video will only regurgitate the same negative and ‘doom and gloom’ predictions – I ask you to watch and be inspired:

This piece is spoken word art and is performed by Prince Ea – these words and the emotion in them are the words and emotions so many of us are feeling about the state of the planet, politics, the environment and all other social issues today.  I am grateful that Prince Ea shared this and is enlightening and sending positive change into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



As we say goodbye to 2013 – I would like to reflect on the stories that I find to be the most inspirational and personal to me.

Saying goodbye to Iringa, Toka and Thika – TORONTO ZOO ELEPHANTS

There has been much controversy surrounding the Toronto Zoo elephant program but it was a controversy that ended with a positive outcome for Iringa, Toka and Thika – the three elephants that have been relocated to PAWS, I 35-hectare sanctuary located in Sand Andreas, California.  The sanctuary has been divided in half to accommodate the African elephants before they are integrated with the other three that are already residing there. 

Bob Barker – who has been pivotal in this relocation, was present when the elephants arrived and indicated that it was about time that the elephants were relocated.  “I have never met with so much acrimony as we did in Toronto,” he said.  “And why I don’t know.”  Bob Barker covered the cost of the move and relocation of the elephants. 

Iringa and Toka, youngsters spared from a deadly cull in Mozambique – arrived at the zoo in 1974, the year it opened.  Thika was born in Toronto and has never known life outside of the Toronto Zoo’s one-hectare zoo.

The elephants will now live on rolling grassland with trees, meadows, lakes a walnut orchard, three heated barns and a Jacuzzi. 

Here is the video of Iringa, Toka and Thika’s arrival:

Iringa, Toka and Thika – the morning after their arrival:

It costs about $70,000+/yr to care for an elephant – PAWS welcomes any donations to ensure their well-being.  To make a donation, please visit the PAWS website at:


Greed speaks loudly when peaceful activists are threatened to be jailed for defending the Arctic waters and wildlife from oil drilling and greedy oil companies.  The 30 activists and crew members of the Arctic Sunrise, were illegally removed from the Arctic waters and their ship (at gunpoint) – for defending the Arctic waters.  Many people supported these brave men and women – government officials from many of the countries the detainees were from spoke out against Russia and demanded their freedom.  As a Canadian – I am ashamed of our government for not getting involved or even making a statement on behalf of the Canadians who were illegally detained in Russia.   Stephen Harper – the Conservative Prime Minister of Canadian supports BIG OIL and has recently announced that it would submit a claim for 1.7 million km of the Arctic seabed, including the North Pole.  The Canadian Alberta tar sands is an environmental nightmare – imagine the damage that will be done if the Conservative and Harper Government are allowed this claim?

The real criminals are not the Arctic 30 – it is those policy makers that ensure that the big oil companies get what they want.  The Arctic 30 should be deemed heroes for protecting our waters and our environment from those the real criminals who have no regard for wildlife and the environment.

The 28 activists and two freelance journalists, including Canadians Ruzycki and Paul, who were illegally detained by Russian forces on board the Arctic Sunrise on September 19th were granted presidential pardon on December 18th after spending more than two months in prison.

To ensure that Greenpeace continues to protect our planet – please visit their website for past victories and current battles:  The link will also allow you to make any donation.

The passing of Nelson Mandela

“I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

There is nothing more than I can say about a man whose legacy speaks volumes.  Nelson Mandela was a pivotal force for equality, compassion and love not only in South Africa, but around the world.  His legacy will live on!

Please read his bio as posted on the Nelson Mandela Foundation website:


Here are PETA’s 11 Most Important Animal Rights Videos of 2013 *** Please note:  Some of these videos are graphic and will require you to sign into your account to view the video.  In my opinion – if it is too violent to watch – It is too violent to buy or eat!!!

For more information regarding PETA’s activism or to make a donation to PETA – please visit their website:

BRIDEGROOM – A story about LOVE

Watching this documentary put many things in perspective for me.  Some of us should really be thankful for living in a country where all are treated equally under the law.  This is one reason why so many in the LGBTQ community are fighting for equal rights and protections under the law in the United States and around the world.

If we really make it a point to treat others the same way we want to be treated – we can make so many positive things happen for ourselves, for each other, for our environment, for animals and for the planet.  It is time to break the mold of what you believe to be true – think outside the box and enlighten yourself.  Once you are free from what you believe MUST be the truth – then amazing things will happen and have happened.  Don’t let yourself be the obstacle from what good you can contribute.  Let 2014 be the year you create a life that is authentic, compassionate and loving.

I will leave you with a video and song that was released in December of 2012 – “Clown” by Emeli Sandé, enjoy and HAPPY NEW YEAR – much health, happiness and love to all of you!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Are we tired yet?  Are we going to continue to keep walking around with no regard for what is taking place on this planet?  Corporations are raping the earth of its natural resources, governments are siding with big corporations, citizens around the world are being bullied not to speak out, we are constantly being poisoned by GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), food that lacks proper nutrition, fluoride in our water, and pesticides in our food.  We are brainwashed by media to do and believe everything they say.  We are held hostage by the automobile and oil industry so that we can’t move forward with cars that will only save people money and decrease our carbon footprint.  Finally, we are drugged and kept in a haze by big pharmaceutical companies that make you believe that their drugs are the only things keeping you alive and well when they are only keeping your mind cloudy and in a constant state of haze.

Corporations raping the earth of its natural resources/governments siding with big corporations 

On September 18th, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise was involved in a peaceful protest at Gazprom’s Prirazlomnaya platform, which is expected to become the first to produce oil from ice filled Arctic seas.  Over a day later, the Russian Coast Guard boarded the ship and seized the crew at gunpoint. The ship was then towed to the port of Murmansk.  The crew of the Arctic Sunrise were held without charge during this time.  28 Greenpeace International activists, as well as a freelance videographer and a freelance photographer, have now been charged with piracy and hooliganism, charges which carry a maximum sentence of 15 and 7 years, respectively.
Why have world governments not acted to ensure the freedom of these heroes?  Why are they allowing Russia to continue to hold these peaceful protestors for defending and protecting our planet yet, allow the corporations free reign over water and land that requires protection?  The reason – big corporations and governments are working together to ensure the right governments are being elected so that legislation is created to allow these companies to do whatever/wherever they please.
Here is a timeline of what happened in the Arctic and to the peaceful protestors to the current timeline, speak out and let your voice be heard:
A massive oil pipeline project threatens the very heart of the Great Bear. It will destroy the cultural, ecological, and economic values of this region and it is a big step back from the hard work done to manage and safeguard this global treasure.
How do we continue to allow oil companies to build pipelines that could potentially create more environmental disasters – haven’t we seen enough?  It is time for the people to demand action and legislation for sustainable energy.  We must end the ‘old school’ mentality and belief that dirty oil is the only way.  It isn’t.  Here is what ‘dirty oil’ is creating:
Citizens around the world are being bullied not to speak out
New York City – September 2011
Egypt – August 2013
Toronto (G20) – 2010
Istanbul, Turkey – 2013
We are constantly being poisoned by GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), food that lacks proper nutrition, fluoride in our water, and pesticides in our food
Brainwashed by media/media control
We are held hostage by the automobile and oil industry so that we can’t move forward with cars that will only save people money and decrease our carbon footprint
We are drugged and kept in a haze by big pharmaceutical companies that make you believe that their drugs are the only things keeping you alive and well when they are only keeping your mind cloudy and in a constant state of haze
The war on the middle classed and poor
It seems to me that we are not proactive in our approach to any ‘hot button’ topics.  Instead of arguing why ‘solar power’ isn’t going to work – why not test the theory that it may.  Instead of allowing criminals to continue to rob citizens of the world from their hard-earned money – why not penalize them and throw them in jail for their crimes?  Instead of allowing BIG OIL to suck all of the oil from every inch of the planet – why not trust the brilliance of those who know that other and more sustainable energy is the way to go?  We need to be proactive about our health too and stop relying on BIG PHARMA to heal us from psychological diseases such anxiety, depression and ADHD because the PHARMA drugs are only masking the issue.
WE NEED A REVOLUTION – of love and compassion.  WE NEED TO WAKE-UP and stop being slaves to governments and corporations that only have their best interests at hand.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


I have never witnessed as much mass protesting around the world ever in my lifetime.  Is it because I wasn’t ‘awake’ to notice these protests or is that people have had just about enough from banks, big corporation and corrupt governments and politicians?

Personally, I believe that governments and big corporation/banks etc are working together to ensure that we are distracted so we don’t notice their corruption.  They want their people to turn a blind eye to their greed and corruption.  Most governments are acting to insure the best interest of banks, the oil/automobile industry and big corporations are taken care of while the people continue to struggle.   These distractions come in the form of political scandals, focus on climate change catastrophe’s, war, media manipulation, legislation that takes away people’s freedoms, etc.  Don’t worry about the environment and the devastating effects climate change is having on the planet because the world government’s are taking action by ensuring they invest in sustainable energy like the KXL pipeline and drilling for oil in the Arctic (said in a very sarcastic manner because we all know this isn’t true).

If governments we were interested in preserving our environment and planet, they would be investing in wind farms, solar energy, demanding that the auto industry make electric cars and other fuel-efficient vehicles more affordable.  The auto industry has indicated that there is no real demand for EV’s (electric vehicles) – that isn’t true.  It’s because they sabotaged the publics interest in their demand for them amongst other things.  You can watch the amazing documentaries; Who Killed The Electric Car and Revenge of the Electric Car by Chris Paine to understand the corruption and the power the auto industry has over the American government.

We can continue to be distracted by saving our money to buy the biggest house or the most luxurious car because that is exactly what our government and the banks want.  They want people to remain in debt.  Think about it and think about these things:

  • Is post-secondary eduction affordable for most people?
  • What is the cost of health care? (many American’s can’t afford proper health care/don’t have coverage)
  • Why is processed food much cheaper than food that is healthier for us?
  • Why is soda/pop and sugary drinks much cheaper than water in most places?
  • Why is there so much television programming?
  • Is financial freedom a reality – when so many people are living pay cheque to pay cheque?
  • Why are prescription drugs/alcohol and other drugs much more accessible than clean water and good food for so many people?
  • Why have their been so many amendments to legislation or new laws that infringe on peoples freedoms and rights – post 9/11?  (A good reference for this is watching the documentary The End of America by Naomi Wolf)

Most people don’t want to face the reality of what kind of impact their decision(s) are making on the planet – they just don’t care because society tells us that we are most happy when we have and want more.  We are obsessed with materialism – we have to have a television in every room in our house (what happens when these televisions are no good anymore?), we have to have the latest and best cell phone, computers and other devices (where do they go when they are no use anymore?), the biggest/fastest car (what impact on the environment is having this car have?).  How many times have we really thought about the excessive waste we and our families produces on a daily basis?  We are not doing the best that we can because we are not looking at the bigger picture or the impact that we are having.  Why?  Because we are too distracted.

I am hopeful – I think people are beginning to understand that we must all come together to act for the greater good of the planet.  People around the world are rising up in peaceful protest.  People are becoming aware and the veil of distraction is lifting.  The people of Turkey were successful in their protest against big corporation and greedy governments.  We are seeing mass protests against Arctic drilling and the KXL pipeline – people are beginning to see that ‘dirty oil’ only causes devastation to the environment and wealth for politicians and oil executives.  We must continue to put pressure on our governments and big corporations to act on the best interest of the people and the planet.  Turn off your televisions, nurture your body and mind (try it without the antidepressants or other drugs that are clouding your mind), look within and find your authentic self without the manipulation of those who want to keep you distracted and be the change you want to see in the world and only then………..

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



I have been asked by friends and family why Jason and I don’t adopt children.  We’ve been told that we would be great parents and that we have so much love to offer a child.  The issue for Jason and I having a child is not about how much love we have to give because between the both of us, there would be plenty.  Our concern is more about whether or not we are financially stable to ensure that (if we had a child) they would have everything they need.  Jason and I have discussed the possibility of a child – the discussion was short and both of us agreed that having a child didn’t make sense for us.

Recently – I made the following statement on my Facebook page:

What would happen if we taxed families for how many children they had?  I don’t have any so why are my taxes the same as those who do?  Thoughts? To elaborate – think about the environmental impact a family that consists of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 children – diapers, meat consumption (let’s get real, most people eat meat and that has a huge environmental impact), carbon footprint etc….much more than me, my partner and small dog.  Food for thought.

Let me just say that I am not anti-family or for people having children….I just want people to be more present in the choices that they make and what implications they may have on the planet as a whole.  Let’s be real – most people DO NOT think beyond what they can see.  How many of us really think about the amount of garbage that we are contributing to landfills everyday or what the environmental implications of meat consumption are?  Most of us don’t care about these things because we don’t see the outcome.  We don’t live in the slums of India or Brazil and are not faced with the poverty and starvation that so many millions face on a daily basis. 

What are people’s motives for having children today?  Is it because they can?  Do they feel morally obligated to do so or is it to continue their family name?  Whatever the reason – I don’t believe people are putting much thought into their decision to have a child.  How many times have you heard this:  “We didn’t mean to have a baby, it just happened”  or “He/she was an accident”………obviously not much thought was given about what could possible happen after having unprotected sex.

I am not complaining about paying taxes – I agree that our government should use our taxes to offer welfare or social services to those who are in need of them.  Now consider this – a family of six may require more space, produce more garbage, drive more, etc….while someone who chooses to be single doesn’t require as much – shouldn’t that single person deserve more of a tax-break due to the reduced carbon footprint?  We are living in a time when scientists are saying that we will require 7 more earth’s to accommodate humanity’s current dependency on fossil fuels and lifestyle, so why isn’t that message getting across?  Why wouldn’t people make more of a conscious effort in their decision to have children.  If our planet will not be able to accommodate us – where will all these people go?  I hear they are building colonies on the moon or even Mars – is that even a reality for families that can’t even pay to put food on the table?

My original Facebook statement wasn’t meant to upset anyone – it was meant to provoke thought and debate.  It was meant to make each of us look at ourselves and really think about the implications of the choices we make.  We have to stop being distracted by the promises of BIG CORPORATIONS.  We have to wake-up from the dreams the pharmaceutical companies promise and we have to take off the blinders to ensure we are present and are making the choices we want to make and not what the food, government and automobile industries tell us we should be making.  When we remove those distractions, maybe bringing a child into this harsh reality isn’t as easy to make as it was prior to all the distractions.

For more information about over population, please visit: or

To review the environmental implications of meat consumption, please visit: or

For more information on the current state of our environment, please visit: or

Knowledge is power!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 



I can’t believe that it has been 4 years since The United States of America elected President Barack Obama.  It was a time of hope and President Obama was elected on his promise to create change.  Has he?  Let’s look at his key initiatives and then you can decide if he has done enough.  My comments follow in red.


  • Took swift action to prevent a second Great Depression.  While much work remains, American businesses have added 5.2 million jobs in the past 31 months.  He could only do what he was able to do without causing further damage to the economy – could any other President have done more?
  • Rescued the American auto industry from collapse, saving more than 1 million jobs around the country.  U.S. automakers have added nearly 250,000 jobs since June of 2009 – the best period of growth in more than a decade Imagine the increase in jobs if the auto-industry embraced creating electric cars?  It would decrease our need for dirty oil and at the same time create a more sustainable environment – The United States of America could be the leaders in green energy if they were not so afraid of the oil and auto industry.
  • Supported  the resurgence of American manufacturers, who have added more than 500,000 jobs since January 2010,  the strongest period of job growth since 1989.
  • Kept teachers in classrooms and police officers, firefighters, and first responders on the job helping keep our communities safe.


  • Domestic oil and natural gas production has increased every year since President Obama took office.  In 2011, U.S. oil production reached the highest level in 8 years and natural gas production hit an all-time high.  On Federal lands and waters alone, oil production is up 13% This is good for the government and oil companies but how is it good for our environment – I keep saying this “they can create satellites that can roam our universe but we can’t move forward on sustainable energy”.  There is solar and wind power, why are we not embracing this?  Government is afraid of big oil and the auto industry, that is why!
  • U.S. dependence on foreign oil has decreased every year since President Obama took office.  We now import less than half of the oil we consume and in 2011, imports as a share of total consumption declined to a 16-year low If the U.S. is not as dependent on foreign oil, why is the construction of the pipeline from Alberta into the United States still ongoing?  Does the U.S. not consider Canada ‘foreign’?  This pipeline is another environmental catastrophe waiting to happen – we can’t forget the devastation of Exxon Valdez and the BP oil spill in the Gulf – the repercussions of these spills will last a lifetime on our environment, animals and humans.
  • The U.S. has doubled renewable energy generation from wind, solar, and geothermal sources since 2008 thanks to the President’s record investments in clean energy.  If this President has doubled renewable energy – what was the previous administration doing in terms of renewable energy.  If we want to continue to have a safe, clean and sustainable environment – doubling the efforts is good, but we can certainly do better!
  • New fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, the first in 30 years, will cut oil consumption by 2.2 millon barrels a day, slash emissions by 6 billion metric tons, and save the average driver $8,000 at the pump by 2025.  Again – scratching the backs of the auto industry.  If the government really wanted to save money for the average driver’s, they would create more electric cars – it is doable.  Watch the documentary ‘Who Killed The Electric Car’ by Chris Paine to get the facts.
  • New programs to improve energy efficiency in our homes, buildings, factories, and transportation systems will reduce pollution and save money for businesses and families. 


  • Fought for and implemented historic financial reforms to create a more stable and responsible financial system that holds Wall Street accountable, discourages irresponsible financial risk-taking, and ends taxpayer-funded bailouts.
  • Established tools and resources to investigate and prosecute financial fraud and other abusive practices that led to the financial crisis.
  • Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau tasked to protect consumers from deceptive and predatory financial practices by ensuring banks, mortgage and student loan lenders, and credit card companies play by the rules.
  • Outlawed unfair and deceptive credit card practices, such as retroactive rate increases and charging fees without clearly disclosing them first.
  • Ended more than $60 billion in wasteful subsidies for big banks and used the savings to put the cost of college within reach for more families.

I believe there are good intentions here – but I have watched enough programs and documentaries to know that Wall Street and government are too corrupt to make the necessary changes in the bank industry or financial sector for the greater good to the consumer.  Also – those who were somewhat responsible for the financial crisis are now working with the Obama administration.


  • Ended insurance companies’ unchecked power to cancel policies, deny coverage, or charge women more than men, and established new rights to appeal insurance company decisions.
  • Ensured that no American will be denied care or charged more due to a pre-existing condition as of 2014.  17 million children with pre-existing conditions already benefit from this protection.
  • Ensured preventative care is covered by insurance companies and Medicare with no co-pay or cost sharing – including mammograms for women and wellness visits for seniors.
  • Helped nearly 5.4 million seniors since 2010 save an average of $768 each on the cost of their prescription drugs after hitting the prescription coverage gap.
  • Required insurance companies spend at least 80% of premiums on health care, and less than 20% on advertising, overhead and CEO salaries – or provide customer rebates.
  • Guaranteed 6.6 million young adults the security of knowing they can stay on their parent’s health care plan until they’re 26.

Again – this sounds great and some great progress has been made to the health care needs of many American’s but why hasn’t the government talked about preventative health care, proper nutrition, holistic health and wellness?  Preventative measures to health care will ensure that many American’s will not need to visit their doctor and more importantly, rely on prescription drugs to maintain wellness.

I believe that some progress has been made for ‘middle-classed’ Americans but I think the U.S. government works in the best interests of the Wall Street, oil and auto.  How can this stop?  We need to continue to speak out against corporate greed, we need to ensure that our elected officials know that our priority is not to make CEO’s richer by enabling corruption or causing environmental disasters.  The government has to show its citizens that they will not tolerate greed but punish those who break the laws or cut corners to line their pockets with money.

You many not want to vote for Obama, so who is the alternative?  Mitt Romney.  What will Mitt Romney do as President of The United States of American?  Here are Mitt Romney’s stances on the issues:


  • Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as Governor. (2002)
  • Scientifically, life begins at conception. (January 2012)


  • Vetoed emergency contraception for rape victims. (July 2005)
  • 1993:  Morning-after pill could make abortions obsolete
  • Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives. (October 2012)


  • Vetoed stem cell research bill. (May 2005)
  • Outlaw embryo farming, but alow using surplus embryos.  (May 2011)


  • Oppose Roe v Wade, but won’t tamper with abortion laws. (December 2006)
  • Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions.  (November 2007


  • Supports Benefits for gay partners, but not gay marriage. (September 2002)
  • Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. (January 2006)
  • 2003:  Worked with cities to prepare for gay marriages. (November 2011)
  • Everything but “marriage” for gay couples. (September 2012)


  • You don’t help the wage-earner by attacking the wage-payer. (January 2008)
  • Corporations won’t send jobs overseas if tax rates lowered. (March 2010)
  • Corporations are people. (August 2011)
  • Big banks handle massive regulations; small banks get killed. (October 2011)
  • Capitalism works; free enterprise works; & profit works. (January 2012)
  • You raise taxes on business and you kill jobs. (October 2012)
  • Bankruptcy would have allowed Detroit to come out stronger. (October 2012)


  • Combat the ruthless narco-terrorists in Colombia. (July 2007)
  • Mandatory sentence & higher penalty for repeat drunk driving. (August 2007)
  • Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. (April 2011)
  • We share cross-border drug problem with Mexico. (September 2012)


  • Schools can teach family values, but not religion or prayer. (August 2004)
  • Supported abolishing the federal Department of Education. (March 2002)
  • God created universe, but evolution created human body. (May 2007)
  • Eduction is not just the teachers’ union. (December 2007)
  • Smaller classroom size only matters to teachers’ unions. (September 2011)
  • Higher spending rarely correlates with better results. (September 2012)
  • No cuts to college funding. (October 2012)
  • Free college for the top quarter of high school graduates. (October 2012)


  • No-regrets policy: energy independence and CO2 reduction. (May 2007)
  • Exporting carbon emissions to China hurts US and planet. (August 2007)
  • Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (October 2007)
  • Need worldwide global warming solutions; not CAFE or US tax. (January 2008)
  • They don’t call it “America warming” but “global warming”. (January 2008)
  • No-regrets policy at home; reduce greenhouse emissions abroad. (March 2010)
  • Humans contribute to world getting warmer. (November 2011)
  • No consensus on extent of global warming or human activity. (September 2012)

Every time there is an election, you may hear people comment “I am not voting because both candidates suck”, “why should I vote, I don’t like either candidate” or “I’m going to vote for an independent”.  The people who make these comments will usually be the first to voice their distaste in the election results.  If you didn’t exercise your right to vote – then don’t complain about the outcome!’  I wonder how many American’s knew that Roseanne Barr was running as a presidential candidate for the Green Party and now the Peace and Freedom Party?

Take the time to learn about each of the candidates and if you have the opportunity, review that party’s platform to understand their stance on the issues that are important to you.  Make an informed decision on who and which party you are voting for and vote!

Here are the links to Barack Obama’s, Mitt Romney’s and Roseanne Barr’s websites:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!