We live in a world where money trumps all.  Corporations influence legislation.  Governments protect fraudulent bankers and jail their protestors.  Police don’t serve and protect anymore.  Children are kidnapped and held ransom because they want to be educated.  Religion gets in the way of civil liberties.  People are more concerned in celebrity gossip rather than the state of our planet. 


We need a revolution of love and we can do this so that we can hold our governments accountable to the people and not to the big corporations (oil, automobile, pharmaceuticals and banks).  Corporations are too powerful and are not accountable for their actions.  They are the biggest polluters, they continue to deplete earth’s natural resources to make products that we have too much off already.  We don’t need to consume more – we need to do the opposite and demand less.  We need to continue to take to the streets and be heard – we need the majority to understand that what THEY are telling you is not true and not to your benefit but theirs.  We need to rise up – we need to come together with real solutions that will sustain us.

We need to remove barriers that hold us back – money, religion, old beliefs, corrupt governments and businesses so that WE can take control.


We need to WAKE UP and RISE UP.  Remove all the distractions that don’t allow us to see clearly.  Turn off the television, video games and computers and become engaged to those that need us and to those that can’t use their voice.  We need to stop eating processed foods and allowing doctors to over-medicate us.  We need to be one voice for the planet and for all humanity.  It is time to do something new because the old ways are not working – it is time to create positive change in the world.  It is time for a REVOLUTION OF LOVE.

  • Respect nature.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Be kind.
  • Spread love.


"Burning Love"

“Burning Love”

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



LOVE or POSSESSIONS? What Matters Most To You?

2014 has officially started.  It is time to live in the moment and to enjoy what life has to offer.  It is time to look at our lives and assess and ask ourselves, what is it that is really important for us.  We are so influenced by what others think or what society deems is important to have.  We are told what to eat, where we should work, what we should have in order to be happy and who we should love.  Why not forget all that and think for ourselves?  Remove the distractions – the televisions, the magazines, the newspapers, the superficial friends and the influence of big corporations.  Really think for ourselves!  Do we really need to live in the biggest and most expensive house?  Do we really need to drive the biggest SUV?  Do we really need to have a television in each room?  For what?  Our possessions mean nothing when our lives are limited to the time we have on this planet.  So – what is it that is really important to you?  Material possessions or time spent with people you love.  People who encourage, support and love you.  How about spending time reconnecting to the planet – offering your service and compassion to assist in its healing?  How about not buying or consuming anymore for yourself and helping those who are in dire need, those who need food, clothing, shelter and love?

2014 doesn’t only have to be about meeting our financial or materialistic goals – it could also be about giving back and allowing ourselves to feel good about giving back and making positive change in our world.  Instead of walking past, ignoring and making judgments on that homeless person on the street, why not change your feeling by either giving that person a blanket, clothing, food or even some money?  Instead of buying another television or any other materialistic thing you don’t require and making a donation to an environmental advocacy group like WWF or Greenpeace.  Instead of spending money going out to a restaurant or club – why not donate your money to a non-profit organization that saves the lives of so many animals like PETA or PAWS?

Life isn’t about consuming more and more materialistic objects – these things don’t define us.  What really defines us is our actions.  I remember a time were the only thing that mattered in my life was having a job that we allow me the financial freedom to buy a big house, a great car and all the materialistic possessions I wanted.  I grew up and realized that these things would not give me the satisfaction and happiness that I needed.  Giving back and advocating for the things that were important to me is what really matters to me and the things that matter most are animals, the planet and the well-being of those who struggle with their sexuality (LGBTQ).  This doesn’t mean that I am ignorant to the plight of so many others – I just want to ensure I focus on the things that matter most to me.

We keep hearing about those who have everything (the top 1%) and that they can end hunger with the amount of money that they have amassed.  The reality of the 1% is that they obviously do not want to see a better world.  They like the power and control they have over the masses.  We must ensure that we continue spreading the message that all humans have the right to the basic necessaties of life; food, clothing and shelter.  We must continue our REVOLUTION OF LOVE and spread positivity into our world – only then will we be able to heal our planet, respect our animals and respect each other.  So what really matters for you in 2014, feeling good about yourself by being compassionate, loving and giving back to the planet and society or by creating more wealth and greed for those that wish to control and distract us from being our authentic loving selves?

Here is brief video that puts our need for materialistic things into perspective entitled “It All Goes Back Into The Box”:

May the year bring you all love, compassion and health!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Can humanity ever come to a consensus to live in a world where everyone works together for the greater good of the planet, environment, and humanity’s survival?  Do we really have to rely on the methods of those who only want to benefit themselves?  Is Utopia a reality?  Absolutely.  Here are 2 videos that will explain how this pre-conceived notion can be reality. 


Jacque Fresco thought of this project as a way to look at the future with a different approach as to how we live life today.  Jacque believes that we can live in a future where war, poverty, hunger and debt would be things of the past as indicated on The Venus Project’s official website.  Their directive states, in the section ‘What is The Venus Project’ “The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization”

To learn more about this great initiative – please visit the official website and get involved!



Basic Income Europe has a great concept in removing financial inequality – Here is their idea as per their website:

The emancipatory Unconditional Basic Income is defined by the following four criteria:
universal, individual, unconditional, high enough to ensure an existence in dignity and participation in society.
An Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) or Citizen’s Income is a guaranteed income, given to all in addition to any other income they might receive. By advancing equality and economic participation while enabling simpler welfare systems, UBI leads to a fairer and more efficient society.

Could these two very progressive ideas become reality – YES, if more people become involved.  If we don’t try innovative ideas such as these could never happen.  People around the world are tired, they hunger for positive change but governments and those who have power and money don’t want this positive change to come because it will tip the balance of power.  So many of us are tired of the old ideas that continue to create financial inequality, environmental catastrophe’s, war, starvation, poverty and crime.  It’s time for new ideas – ideas that will benefit the poor, the hungry, the disenfranchised, the planet and humanity.  It’s time for a PEACEFUL REVOLUTION.  It’s time for Utopia.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Okay – this blog is supposed to be about creating positive change in the world….so why a blog title with such a negative implication?  Well – in order to achieve positive outcomes and promote positive change into the world – we must look at the bad.  Here are some of the most profitable companies in the world and some of their crimes – educate yourself, do the research and ask yourself these questions:  Do you want to continue to support this kind of business?  Are their products really promoting good health?  Do these companies really have the consumers best interests at hand?  Are they environmentally conscious?  How are they treating their workers around the world?  Is the company really promoting an inclusive, positive and healthy planet?  Keep these questions in mind as we take a closer look at just how these corporations run their business.

COCA COLA – Yes, it is THE REAL THING but not really what you think.

Coca Cola has spent millions of dollars marketing Coke (and  many of their other soft drink brands) as delicious and sometimes nutritious.  Tell me, how can they sell their brands as nutritious and delicious when evidence has shown that aspartame, phosphoric acid, food dyes, other additives and toxins are not conducive to good health.  Yes, it is the consumers obligation to ensure they understand the consequences of their actions but Coca Cola has to take some responsibility – just as the tobacco industry has done.  Should they add more labelling in addition to their caloric values?  I believe so – as I mentioned, the tobacco companies have all included ‘warning labels’ on their cigarette packages such as how addictive they are, links to cancers and chronic respiratory illnesses.  Is it so difficult to have a label indicating that some of their products are addictive and may cause obesity and diabetes?

According to the group Killer Coke – they have claims that Coca Cola Corporation is responsible for many human rights violations not to mention tax evasion and breaking environmental laws.  Here are some examples of their crimes listed on http://killercoke.org/about.php:

India:  Pollution of water sources, deception and cover-ups and pesticides in Coca Cola beverages.

Kenya:  Public health fears and pollution.

Mexico:  Breaking laws, defrauding Mexican workers and government.

Pakistan:  Extortion/blackmail, abductions and death threats.

Philippines:  Smuggling, tax evasion.

Tanzania:  Worker health and safety issues and child labor.

Turkey:  Workers fired for organizing union.

You can review all of the above issues and more on this groups website.  These allegations are serious and if true, Coca Cola should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.  Just because you amass such outrageous profits – shouldn’t exempt you from violating human rights, environmental and federal laws.  I am grateful that I do not support this company and any of its softdrinks including; Vitamin Water (which has no nutritional value), Coke Zero (which includes aspartame – proven not to be good for our bodies) and Dasani Water.  Stop filling landfills with these products and look to other healthier beverage choices.  Support local business that are organic and water depots that award you for being environmentally conscious and give you safe and clean water.


Many people have complained about the lack of proper nutrition that fast-food chains serve, what did they expect?  Here are some facts about the most noticeable fast-food chain in our existence:

  • 179 restaurants in India, where most people don’t eat either beef or pork.
  • 24 billion in revenue, yet they pay their workers minimum wage.  (Most workers employed by McDonald’s don’t make enough money to eat there).
  • 700,000 workers in the USA, with 150% turnover rate.
  • Americans consume one billion pounds of beef at McDonald’s in a year.
  • Next 3 years, McDonald’s plans to open one restaurant everyday in China.

So what is wrong with McDonald’s?  Well, like Coca Cola – they have been known to exploit children by offering toys to eat their food that lacks any sort of nutrients for their bodies.  They have been in the public eye for the inhumane treatment of animals – McDonald’s is responsible for the mass genocide of five and a half million head of cattle each year, not to mention the environmental implications that factory farming has on our planet, water and food supply.  We all know that McDonald’s isn’t serving healthy and nutritious meals or beverages to their consumers – they depend on this fact to keep them raking in their mass profits so that they can continue their abuse on their workers, the planets animals and the planet itself.  I am so glad that my addiction to fast-food was suppressed so long ago.  There was a time where my health was directly affected by consuming unhealthy burgers and beverages from McDonald’s.  I strongly believe that the mind-numbing migraines I used to get was from eating this processed food.  So glad those days are behind me.

More detailed information can be found on the following site:  http://www.mcspotlight.org/campaigns/translations/trans_uk.html

WAL-MART – The lowest price is the law (and it’s greedy).

Here is what is know about Wal-Mart:

  • 2.1 million full-time employees.
  • 405 billion dollars in revenue.
  • Sold more bananas than any other item (most-likely, non-organic).
  • Largest overall employer in the USA.
  • All Wal-Mart parking lots would make up the size of Tampa, Florida.
  • Battling 1.6 million employees in the largest class action discrimination law suit.
  • Walton Family has given away about 2% of its net worth to charity.  Bill Gates gave 48% and Warren Buffet (78%)

Not only is Wal-Mart an eyesore – it is allowed to build in small towns rendering local business useless.  Now that it is selling food items – many local farmers are forced to file for bankruptcy. 

These corporations hide behind the mask of tolerance and compassion and would like us to believe that they care for their consumers.  This could not be further from the truth.  The shareholders and CEO’s of these mega corporations don’t support their workers, their products, the environment, the humane treatment of animals, the laws of other countries, human rights issues and they certainly do nothing to promote positive change in the world.  We know the truth and we have to stop making the following excuses;  “I’m too busy to shop anywhere else”, “I can’t afford organic food”, “it’s so convenient to buy everything in one store”, “the products are cheapest here”……When we keep telling ourselves these things, we buy into their brainwashing tactics.  If we continue to be fooled and leave our ‘blinders’ on – this world is going to be one that supports corporations that will continue to force small businesses into bankruptcy, they will continue to promote a world that supports obesity and diabetes, they will support a society where we allow mass genocide, economic inequality, discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation, environmental disregard and human rights violations.  If this is a world you want to be part of – they keep your blinders on because as they say – IGNORANCE IS BLISS!  Personally – I can’t be part of this and will continue to do my best to inform people of the injustices of BIG CORPORATIONS because without exploiting this negative energy, there can never be a positive outcome.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!