Today, don’t let the negative attitudes of others bring ‘static’ to your day.  Stay away from energies that bring your energy levels down such as; negative people, television news, alcohol, drugs (prescription and recreational).  Allow yourself to think thoughts of love, empowerment and compassion.  The best way to do this is to use and think of words that will make you happy and fill you with positivity.  Here are a list of words that you can use in affirmations today and always to ensure you attract positive energy:

  • love
  • empathy
  • compassion
  • excitement
  • joy
  • fulfilled
  • healthy
  • focused
  • blissful
  • understanding
  • encouraging
  • inclusive
  • rewarding
  • creative
  • kind
  • beautiful
  • helpful
  • receptive
  • responsive
  • gleeful
  • wonderful
  • energetic
  • vibrant
  • flowing
  • present
  • alive
  • available
  • successful
  • strength
  • courage
  • friendly

The words we use in our daily lives really have an effect on our energy and the energy around us.  We have the power to change our moods, negative situations, and our lives by choosing the words we speak.  If we use negative words all day long….your day will probably be filled with negativity.  Here are some examples:

“I hate mornings”….if you make this statement in the morning and right after you wake up – you will probably spill coffee on yourself, stub your toe, get into an argument at work, etc.  All your inter-actions throughout the day will probably be ‘low energy’ and surrounded by negative static and energy.  Instead of saying “I hate mornings” say, “I am happy, healthy and grateful for the breath of life”

“I’m really tired”….if you make this affirmation, you will most likely, be tired and lethargic all day long.  You will have no energy to face your day with love, admiration and positive energy.  You will attract like-minded people and wonder why you feel unhappy and lack energy to change your mood.  Instead of saying “I’m really tired” say, “I am energized and receptive to love.  I will have an excellent and positive day”

You can add whatever other words to the above list that will allow you to connect with the positive vibrations of the universe.  Let these words allow you to create positive change in your life, the lives of those you love and  into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


Jason (my spouse) was recently reviewing the status of his friends on Facebook to see what kind of things people were up to.  He noticed that an acquaintance of ours posted how inappropriate it is for animal activists to post violent images/videos of animals being tortured.  She indicated that Facebook was not the appropriate place to post these types of images and also not appropriate for children.  She went on to say that she is against violence towards women but would never post a woman being raped on Facebook (I hope not).

I figured I would address this issue to ensure people understand why I post or share such images on social media and with my friends and family.  If you don’t see what is happening, most people would tend to believe it doesn’t exist.  So ensuring that people see the images of animals being treated in an un-ethical way is detrimental to creating awareness.  If you didn’t know the types of abuse that animals endure and the extent of their abuse, wouldn’t it make it easier to make a decision to defend them? 

I try not to watch the news (and rarely do) but, on the times were I have – the images they show are sometimes very violent.  Stories of war, genocide, murder, rape, child abuse, child porn etc….if they stopped reporting the truth – would be tend to forget and not want to advocate against these horrible events/things?  Personally, I am much more moved to act when I see images of whatever it is people are advocating for.  The government made it law for tobacco companies to add graphic images to their cigarette packages – these images are effective in communicating the dangers and health implications if you smoke.  Maybe we need to ask our government to include images of how cows/pigs/chickens and fish (and all other animals) are slaughtered or how horrible they are treated prior to being slaughtered on the outside of the package to create awareness? 

It is convenient for us to accept violence when we are not attached to it or are disconnected from it – but when it becomes personal, we make any excuse we can to not want to see the truth.  This is the reason why I became an animal advocate – I woke up!  I wanted to know what I was eating and why I was eating it – I didn’t want to just follow blindly because it was the ‘normal’ thing to do.  I learned that animals have voices – they scream when they get hurt, they are sad when abandoned, – they understand and feel, so why would I not want to ensure that we see the images of what they go through?  Animals can’t speak – they can’t tell the people who slaughter them that they don’t want to die.   Elephants, tigers, bears, lions and other circus animals can’t tell you that they do not want to be beaten in submission in order to entertain you.  Whales, dolphins, seals and sharks can’t tell you they do not want to be cooped up in a tank their whole lives in order for us to gawk at them.  Foxes, chinchillas, wolves, polar bears and other animals can’t speak to let you know that their fur isn’t made for you to wear.  Alligators, snakes and crocodiles can’t communicate that they don’t want to be murdered in order to become handbags, boots or luggage sets.  We need the images, because without them, we are completely disconnected and blind in how they are treated.

I will continue to post these images/videos on Facebook, as a matter-of-fact – I would encourage all advocates to continue to post the truth because without it – it really doesn’t exist and this type of dialogue would not be happening.  If you can’t handle being faced with the truth or don’t want to see these images – ‘un-friend’ me or whomever is sending you those images.  I only hope that when you do disconnect yourself from the truth, that you don’t forget the plight of whatever cause you shut yourself from.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!