I believe that everything that has happened to each and every one of us, and in the past, happened for a reason and happened because we needed to learn something in order to personally grow from that incident.  But, what if that didn’t apply to certain events in history?  What if some of the outcomes to certain events that affected the whole world were fraudulent and untrue?

In my lifetime, the biggest outcome that had some of the most horrifying implications around the world was the US Presidential election of 2000 in which George W. Bush was elected president.

Florida was the deciding state for the presidency – here’s what happened that was not part of mainstream news stories:

“The New York Times and many other newspapers, concluded that Mr. Bush would have come out slightly ahead, even if all the votes counted throughout the state had been retallied” (Alessandra Stanley, New York Times, May 23, 2008, in a review of the HBO television movie Recount).  This is not true for the following reasons:

  • The New York Times did not do their own recount, it participated in a consortium which concluded; “If all the ballots had been reviewed under any of seven single standards, and combined with the results of an examination of overvotes, Mr. Gore would have won, by a very narrow margin” (Ford Fessenden and John M. Broder, New York Times, November 12, 2001).
  • The law in Florida is quite direct:

f(4)  If the returns for any office reflect that a candidate was defeated or eliminated by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast for such office…the board responsible for certifying the results of the vote on such race or measure shall order a recount of the votes cast with respect to such office or measure.

  • Based on the above piece of legislation, The Florida court ordered a recount.
  • The United States Supreme Court stepped in and shut the recount down.
  • All the news organizations had the same information:  Al Gore received more legal, countable votes than George Bush.
  • Here are some headlines after the consortium was formed by the organizations that formed the consortium:






RECOUNT:  BUSH, St. Petersburg Times

  • Gore Vidal from the The New York Times  indicated the following:

If all ballots had been reviewed under any of seven single standards, and combined with the results of an examination of overvotes, Mr. Gore would have won, by a very narrow margin.

The above is written in the book, Censored 2009 – Chapter 2:  Censored Deja vu – What Happened to Previous Censored Stories.  The specific story is written by Larry Beinhart.  Larry Beinhart is the author of Wag the Dog, The Librarian and Fog Facts:  Searching for Truth in the Land of Sin, all available at nationbooks.org.

Can you imagine if the people of the United States of America and the world really grasped the implications of the above and mobilized for truth and justice?  The outcome of the 2000 US presidential elections were wrong and all the policies that George W. Bush legislated should not be the law of the land.  George W. Bush is directly responsible for invading Iraq and the deaths of over one million Iraqi’s.  He has pushed through legislation that benefit and protects corrupt corporations, banks and government but punishes those who question those policies.  He declared war with the world and his own citizens using the ‘the war on terror’ and the events of September 11, 2001 as justification.  All this and more and he wasn’t even the president.

If more of us removed all the “distractions” in our lives, we would have been able to change the outcome of that day.  We must rise up and demand accountability from our governments around the world.  We must demand that they work towards creating positive change for our future, the environment and our children’s well-being.  We must not support greedy corporations and companies that continue to destroy our planet in order to increase their profits.   We must support and elect politicians who are driven by the need to create positive change in the world and not positive financial outcomes for those who dish out the most money.  This can happen – it is starting to.  All we have to do is WAKE UP.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

Are You Ready To WAKE UP?

What if everything we are being told isn’t in our best interest?  We are constantly bombarded with news stories that have no real significance or relevance in our lives.  How are celebrity pregnancies or divorces going to enrich our lives?  How many ways can a news agency report the same story with a different spin or provide expert analysis on here say?  I am very skeptical in the way news stories are being sold to the public.  I really believe that government and corporations spin these news stories in order to pass legislation or to ensure that the public is on board in supporting their personal agendas.  So where do I get my news from?  I get my news from various sources on the internet – I don’t automatically believe what I read, so I try to research whatever the topic it is that I am questioning.  I recently visited my local library and purchased a book called, Censored 2009 edited by Peter Phillips and Andrew Roth with Project Censored.  This book contains the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 – 2008.  For someone who depends on the internet to find real and worthy news events so that I can be informed of what is going on in the world, I was astounded that I rarely (if at all) heard of any of these news stories in corporate media.

I am grateful for this organization and know that I can rely on their coverage of all the censored stories past, present and future as a reliable source of information.  The people who make up this organization are not conspiracy theorists or jaded patriots – they are concerned and angry about how illegitimate news has become.  They are angry that human atrocities are being committed around the globe without any media attention and they are outraged that our governments and corporations have the control they have in order to keep the general public ignorant and complacent through fear and mis-information.  Here is a great quote from the Preface of, Censored 2009 by Peter Phillips and Project Censored:

“Americans are faced with a truth emergency (a media/news situation so dire that no other terminology fits – see Chapter 11).  This is not just a few activists calling the situation a truth emergency, but rather a nationwide network of human rights activists, impeachment advocates, election fraud researchers, 9/11 truthers, civil libertarians, environmentalists, and just plain upset Americans.”

This books list the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 – 2008 including the sources of these stories, here is an example of some of the news stories included:

  • Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation
  • Security and Prosperity Partnerships:  Militarized NAFTA
  • Seizing War Protestors’ Assets
  • The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
  • El Salvador’s Water Privatization and the Global War on Terror
  • Marijuana Arrests Set New Record
  • Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction

Why are people not concerned with their civil liberties and freedoms being taken away under the guise of terrorism?  Why are we so easy to accept the mass manipulation of government and corporations?  Isn’t time we stand and do something?  Isn’t it time to ask governments and corporations to be responsible to its citizens by working for their citizens and not the top one percent?  Haven’t we had enough of the destruction of our earth just so the CEO’s of oil companies and the auto mobile sector become richer and more powerful.  Politicians should not be pandering to BIG CORPORATIONS – we need to stop this madness and corruption and demand better.  It is our duty and it is our right to seek out the truth and not have our governments working with corporations to sell us lies so that they can become more rich, powerful and controlling.

I know that if we collectively band together – we can make changes that are positive and that would benefit our world, most of us just need to be awakened and free from distraction.  Are you ready to WAKE UP?

For more information about Project Censored and to receive real, unbiased news stories – please visit:  http://www.projectcensored.org

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 



I remember a time when I had no purpose in life but to do what I was supposed to do (get an education, job, raise and family, buy a house, etc…) without really having to ask any questions – it was just what I was supposed to do.  How many of us have become so desensitized that we just go about our daily routines without even thinking about what we are doing.  We literally have a nation of zombies who are slaves to believing everything their religion, government, media and big corporations tell them to believe.

If our economy is failing – create a worldwide panic to instil fear in everyone, divert the public’s attention and create a distraction and pass legislation to calm the public’s fear.  This happens all the time and those responsible for these new laws understand that the general public will not ask questions because they believe these laws were put in place to protect them but in truth, these same laws are introduced to take some of their civil liberties and freedoms away.

I decided to remove the influence of media and draw my own conclusions based on facts from various resources and not just what CNN, ABC, NBC or FOX news tells me to be truth.  I have my own views on religion and those views are a big contrast to what most people believe to be the word of God.  I prefer to question – I want to know where these  stories came from and not just take someone’s word that they actually happened.  Can I write something today and make hundreds of thousands of people believe it to be true – maybe.

My point is – why are people so quick to believe in what our priests/pastors/rabbi’s and other religious leaders say about God?  Do you not want proof?  How about our governments – why must we just allow them to pass legislation based on fear?  Do we not have a right to ask who these new laws will benefit?  Do we not have a say in what is passed into law?  Or are these laws passed to further silence us?

Think about some of the major events that have happened in the last 100 years and ask yourself – what was the precursor to that event?  What things happened to prior to the life-altering event?  What continued to happen as a result of those events?  Here are some of those events:

  • The Financial Crisis of 1907/1920 etc…
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Viet Nam War
  • The Oklahoma Bombing
  • The World Trade Centre Attack (1993)
  • Subway Bombing in Madrid
  • World Trade Centre Attack (9/11)

Do the research and make your own informed decision on the facts.  Don’t rely on the media to report the truth, rely on yourself to compare the facts with what you already know.

A good place to start – watch a movie called Zeitgeist.  When you watch this – don’t allow what you already believe to be the truth cloud your judgement, open your mind to a new point-of-view and look at the facts.  No-one is asking to change your mind – just get a new perspective, compare the new information to what you know and then decide on what you believe.  But first, you need the full story not just one side and this is a great place to start.

You can watch this on Netflix or YouTube – here is the link for the YouTube version:

Together, we cam make the world a more positive one!