I don’t mind competitive sports – or the fact that many professional sports athletes train so hard to achieve their wildest dreams.  Let’s take a look at how much professional athletes get paid or what their contracts are worth…..


  1. Matt Ryan ($43.8 million)
  2. Matthew Stafford ($33 million)
  3. Peyton Manning ($27.1 million)
  4. Darrelle Revis ($23.8 million)
  5. Geno Atkins ($22.4 million)


  1. Floyd Mayweather ($105 million)
  2. Manny Pacquiao ($41.8 million)
  3. Wladimir Klitschko ($28 million)
  4. Canelo Alvarez ($21 million)


  1. Cristiano Ronaldo ($80 million)
  2. Lionel Messi ($64.7 million)
  3. Zlatan Ibrahimovic ($40.4 million)
  4. Gareth Bale ($36.4 million)
  5. Radamel Falcao ($35.4 million)


  1. LeBron James ($72.3 million)
  2. Kobe Bryant ($64.7 million)
  3. Derrick Rose ($36.6 million)
  4. Kevin Durant ($31.9 million)
  5. Dwayne Wade ($29.9 million)

These salaries and endorsements for these athletes totalled $838.2 million dollars, according to Forbes:

Here are some statistics for this years Superbowl – Superbowl XLIX:

  • 118.5 million viewers watched the halftime show
  • 120.8 million viewers in the 4th quarter

**Above statistics from Nielson Ratings**

  • $4.5 million – cost to run a 30 second ad during this years Superbowl.

The NFL is listed as a not-for-profit who’s commissioner was paid $44 million last year.  Taxpayers are losing $10 million due to the tax exemption the NFL is granted as a not-for-profit….does this make sense?

Couldn’t $4.5 million be used to fight poverty or feed the hungry?  The brands that are paying these professional athletes – are they allocating the same amount of money to charities as they give to athletes as endorsements?  Is it justifiable to give athletes millions of dollars in salaries while those who are committed in saving lives receive a fraction of that?

In a world that is continually being divided due to income inequality and the tax breaks that big businesses receive – is it any wonder that world citizens are craving for a revolution?  The distribution of wealth, corporate greed, corrupt governments and politicians are the reasons why people are at a breaking point. 

Would 120 million viewers be as engaged if they were exposed to commercials about the violence animals face on a daily basis?  Would people be more concerned about the planet if they understood the implications of how these same brands are polluting and destroying the earth in order to advertise and sell their products? 

It would be fantastic to see a PETA, Greenpeace or WWF ad during the Superbowl.  People need to be made aware of what is happening in our world and commercials from these real not-for-profit organizations would definitely engage them to act.  Maybe it’s time the NFL start thinking about creating real positive change in the world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


We can’t blame others for being obstacles in whatever path we choose to walk in life.  No-one is responsible for making what you want to happen or fulfill come to fruition except you!  All you need is determination, support and inspiration.  Inspiration can be or come from anywhere – you have to just allow yourself to accept it.  I hope this film inspires you to act on whatever passions you my have…..

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!





I don’t know much about Dale Hansen and have not even heard of him until someone shared this video on Facebook.  Now, I am glad that I know of Dale Hansen and wish that all people felt the same way as he does…..this video should be an inspiration to all of us to speak of others with respect, love and without judgment.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Here are some clips to help and educate you on veganism:

Great resources for starting a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle:

PETA – How to go vegan:

VEGAN SOCIETY – great resource with information and recipes on how to start a vegan lifestyle:

LIVING GREEN MAG – veganism and the environmental impacts:

Becoming vegan is a lifestyle choice – For me, it became hard to differentiate the difference between a domesticated animal versus all other animals.  It became difficult to eat a burger and not be fully aware that it was a living, breathing soul before it ended up as food on my plate.  The decision was clear – no more animals.  People continue to ask what I eat and are perplexed that I don’t eat, wear or purchase any products that were made on the suffering of any animals.  I drink vegan wine (Yellow Tale is my favourite – Australian Shiraz), I eat desserts, pizza’s, lasagna, burgers, fries…..but they are all made with plant-based ingredients.  Here are some of the dishes I have made:

TOFU “Egg” Salad Sandwich

Tofu Egg Salad Sandwich (9)

Mixed bean salad with tofurkey Italian “sausage”

Mixed Bean Salad with Tofurkey Italian Sausage

Meatless scallopine, mixed bean salad, and whole grain rice

PC meatless Scallopine with Seasoned Rice and Mixed bean and Vegetable Salad (8)

Breakfast jambalaya – seasoned tofu, vegetables and home fries

Rob's Breakfast Veggie Jambalaya

Vegan “chicken breast”, roasted potatoes and sautéed brocoli

Meatless Chicken Breast with Roasted Potatoes and Broccoli

We are only limited if we choose to be.  If you were told that eating a vegan lifestyle would promote a healthy mind and body, save countless animals from genocide/murder and help sustain our environment, wouldn’t you at least try?  We have become so conditioned to believe certain things.  These beliefs have helped corporations and governments make billions of dollars.  Isn’t it time you think for yourself and open your mind to the benefits that so many people are talking about?  Imagine cutting your prescription medications, having more energy, clearer skin, clearer thoughts, and healthier body.  Becoming vegetarian/vegan isn’t as hard as people claim it to be – that really is another myth that the meat and dairy industry would like you to believe. 

I am not condemning anyone who chooses to eat meat – I know that there are many meat eaters that are loving and caring individuals.  One day – my hope is that they have the same awareness as I do…..if you love animals so much and have compassion for them – why continue to eat them?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


I am sure that many have heard the news that pro NBA player – Jason Collins has proclaimed that he is gay!  Here are comments that people have made about this news:

“I’m proud to call Jason Collins a friend.”Bill Clinton (via twitter)

“When I see you I’m gonna hug your knees so hard.”Ellen Degeneres

“This is what role models are made of.  Here’s to a time when it’s no big deal.”Ricky Gervais (via twitter)

“Thank you for not being afraid to speak up and speak out.  Thank you for your courage.” – Representative John Lewis (via twitter)

“Hey @JasonCollins34 I’m still gayer than you!” – Rupaul (via twitter)

“So proud of you, Jason Collins!  This is a huge step forward for our country.  We’ve got your back!” – Michelle Obama, FLOTUS (via twitter)

“Collins has led the way to freedom. Yes, freedom — because that closet is completely and utterly suffocating. It’s only when you come out that you can breathe properly. It’s only when you come out that you can be exactly who you are. Collins’ action will save lives. This is no exaggeration: Fully one-third of suicides among teenagers occur because of their sexuality. Collins will truly affect lives, too. Millions of kids will see that it is OK to be gay. No need for shame, no need for embarrassment, no need for hiding”Martina Navratilova (Sports Illustrated column)  – Martina came out in 1981 at the height of her pro-tennis career.

Not all of the news was positive though… are what non-supporters have said (again, hiding behind religion to justify their bigotry and ignorance):

“Personally, I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly, like premarital sex between heterosexuals. If you’re openly living that type of lifestyle, then the Bible says you know them by their fruits. It says that, you know, that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, whatever it maybe, I believe that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. So I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I don’t think the bible would characterize them as a Christian.” – ESPN sportscaster Chris Broussard

“I will guarantee you if the ownership of whatever team is thinking about bringing him back or thinking about trading for him – and they go to the players on that team and they say ‘how do you feel about an out, active homosexual being in the same locker room sharing the same shower facilities with you’ they’d say ‘no way. I don’t want that. I don’t want some guy, a teammate eyeballin’ me in the shower and my wife does not want that.” –  Bryan Fischer (AFA – America Family Association)

Here is Jason Collins first interview after ‘coming out’ on Good Morning America:

I focused on the positive comments because it is that feedback that matters.  Those who make negative comments are hiding behind their fear of what they don’t want to understand.   Some of my (gay) friends have made comments such as;  “big deal, there are many courageous individuals that are not in the public eye that ‘come out’ every day and don’t even receive half as much attention”.  Yes, many individuals come out everyday – which is also great.  However, it is not everyday where a pro-athlete decides to risk their future career by announcing to the world they are homosexual.  Jason Collins coming out IS a big deal.  As Martina Navratilova indicated in her Sports Illustrated column (see comments above).  In addition to this giving our LGBT youth the courage and strength to come out and live their true authentic lives – it may also inspire other pro-athletes to stop denying their right to live their true authentic selves.

Looking back – I wonder how much earlier I would have come out had some of my role-models made such an important and public statement.  Never-the-less, Jason Collins news is wonderful, inspiring and important for reasons that heterosexuals may not understand.  One such reason is that gay youth, men and women may not feel a disconnect and alone when there is such a high-profile role model in the public eye and that there are others that are just like them.

Jason Collins did not come out to seek attention – he come out to truly live his authentic life and in doing so, has probably saved the lives of so many who are struggling with their own sexuality.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!