As a vegan – I sometimes struggle to maintain my positivity.  I’m always told to be sensitive to those who do not understand my choice to maintain my vegan lifestyle.  Friends and family sometimes question why I post such violent images and videos on social media?  I am quite often told that vegans are so “in your face” and “very aggressive”.

In all honesty – the best way to get a message across is the most direct approach. It’s the only way to make people understand their hypocrisy and what kind of cruelty to are supporting.

It is interesting that, as a vegan, I am usually the one who has to apologize for this lifestyle choice.  At restaurants, how many times have I had to say, “Sorry, I’m vegan, I don’t eat any animal products.” – Only to be asked, “Would you like cheese with that.” or “Do you eat fish?” – Fish are living, breathing animals, why would you ask me if I want fish after stating I don’t eat any animals?

I sincerely want to create positive change in our world – this includes positive change for animals.  I don’t support any of the following things:

  • The clubbing of seals.
  • Bull FIghting.
  • Fishing.
  • Fox hunts.
  • Safaris.
  • Pig wrestling.
  • Groundhog weather predictions.
  • The running of the bulls.
  • Cock fighting.
  • Dog fighting.
  • Any type of animal racing.
  • Rodeos.
  • Pig roasts.
  • Animal sacrifices in the name of religion.
  • Horse racing or any type of racing involving animals.
  • SeaWorlds or any type of animal “jails”.
  • Cattle farming.

These are only a few.  Animals are not ours to wear and definitely not ours for our amusement.

So – I say to all you ‘none-vegans’ – “Don’t call me a radical animal activist – just so I can make you feel better about your decision to eat or wear them” – I am not a radical, I am simply acting on my need to protect and help animals who can’t speak for themselves.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


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