What are you taking notice of today?  Are you waiting to see the next Hollywood blockbuster movie, are you sucked in to the lives of celebrities or are you eagerly awaiting the next best piece of technology.  Take a moment and release yourself from all that ‘faux’ happiness and thing about what is going on in the world and how YOU can help create positive change.

Corporate media is filling our heads with endless stories of the militarization of police departments across the globe.  They are making peaceful protests look like war zones.  Governments, in collaboration with the big oil conglomerates and police, are putting environmental activists behind bars and freeing the ones who are destroying and polluting the earth.  Wars are being fought in the best interests of those who would benefit most and not for the greater good of the people in those regions.  Poverty and famine are devastating many parts of the world while those who have no financial worry hunt endangered species with no regard.  

I know, you are wondering, “I thought this blog site was Coalition of Positive Energy”, so why all this negative talk?  Without knowing what is happening in our world – we can’t effectively create positive change.  So what can we do about it?  Is there an alternative to this status quo?  Well, we can do a lot and yes, there is an alternative to what governments are doing now.  Remember – we put them there and we can certainly remove them. 

We can’t rely on corporate media as they are manipulating and controlling everything we do – from the products we buy to the food that we eat.  You don’t see commercials for healthier lifestyle choices or foods that promote good health.  You don’t see news reports on what pharmaceutical drugs are doing to people and their health.  Instead, television promotes these drugs like they are miracles of health.  Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Arby’s and all those other unhealthy fast food chains bombard us with how cheap their food is but they fail to tell us how unhealthy it is.  Oil companies are making commercials about how great and clean their resources are but they fail to show the economical and environment devastation oil spills cost us and our environment.  We must hold governments and corporations accountable for their lack of respect for the environment and for the people who are peacefully protesting for income equality, safe food, clean water, clean air and a peaceful planet. 

What is the alternative for people who are tired of governments creating legislation that does not reflect the views of the majority.  We are tired of wars, lack of environmental protection, governments bailing out corporations and letting ordinary citizens struggle and die for standing up for what is right.  We are tired of the ‘old ways’ – times HAVE changed and we need leaders to reflect that change for the greater good of the people and not the greater good of lining their pockets with money from corrupt corporations.  I will say and keep on saying that we NEED A REVOLUTION – of peace, of love, of positive change.

“You can feel purposeful every single day by taking a moment to cheer up a disgruntled employee, make a child laugh, or even pick up a piece of litter and place it in a trash can.”  – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I appreciate Dr. Wayne W. Dyers sentiment but imagine how purposeful you would feel by thinking much bigger by helping create legislation that would protect animals from suffering, people from suffering and the environment from suffering.  It’s not out of reach, we can do it – all we have to do is keep mobilizing and putting pressure on our governments and stop buying the crap that becomes meaningless in a year and ends up in landfills.  The moment is now.  Change is needed now.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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