I don’t believe in traditional religion.  I am always amazed at how those who are devout Christians always quote bible verses to emphasize their ignorance – but, they only emphasize the things that they are uncomfortable with – mostly homosexuality.  I have my own beliefs of the things that are written in the bible – I believe that it was written by men as a mechanism to control the general population by instilling fear.  That is my view – but I still do not wish any harm or mean any disrespect to those who believe a religious doctrine.

What do I believe?  I am not comfortable with the word GOD but, in the same breath, I don’t disbelief the concept of what people believe to be GOD.  I am more inclined to believe in what you can see, feel, smell and touch and not here say.  I also believe that there is something bigger than us – an energy or a source that can’t be explained.  I guess that is what people call GOD.  I believe that this is the energy that created us and the same energy that we go back to once we leave our physical bodies.  What happens after that – who knows?

What I do know about this energy/source is that it is a source of love, compassion and kindness.  This source has given us life, it has given us the air that we breathe, the food we eat, the trees, lakes, rivers and oceans.  It has given us pure beauty and we must reconnect with that love, compassion, kindness and beauty.  We must disconnect from negative thoughts, speak and actions.  We need to realign ourselves with the positive vibration of Source and we need to start with ourselves.  If we practice to be kind to ourselves – it will be much easier to be kinder to each other.  This kindness will then affect those around you and then connect and move forward in communities, towns, cities and eventually – the world.

Don’t surround yourself with negativity – stop watching programs that incite violence, hate and ignorance, turn off the television (and especially the news).  Remove yourself from those individuals in your life that are negative.  Live from love and your life will only bring you love.  Respect everyone, respect the planet including all animals.  When you respect and show kindness to everything – you are connecting to the Source that is ALL and that is LOVE.

This is what I strive to-day daily – live with kindness, compassion, love and beauty.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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