Here are some clips to help and educate you on veganism:

Great resources for starting a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle:

PETA – How to go vegan:

VEGAN SOCIETY – great resource with information and recipes on how to start a vegan lifestyle:

LIVING GREEN MAG – veganism and the environmental impacts:

Becoming vegan is a lifestyle choice – For me, it became hard to differentiate the difference between a domesticated animal versus all other animals.  It became difficult to eat a burger and not be fully aware that it was a living, breathing soul before it ended up as food on my plate.  The decision was clear – no more animals.  People continue to ask what I eat and are perplexed that I don’t eat, wear or purchase any products that were made on the suffering of any animals.  I drink vegan wine (Yellow Tale is my favourite – Australian Shiraz), I eat desserts, pizza’s, lasagna, burgers, fries…..but they are all made with plant-based ingredients.  Here are some of the dishes I have made:

TOFU “Egg” Salad Sandwich

Tofu Egg Salad Sandwich (9)

Mixed bean salad with tofurkey Italian “sausage”

Mixed Bean Salad with Tofurkey Italian Sausage

Meatless scallopine, mixed bean salad, and whole grain rice

PC meatless Scallopine with Seasoned Rice and Mixed bean and Vegetable Salad (8)

Breakfast jambalaya – seasoned tofu, vegetables and home fries

Rob's Breakfast Veggie Jambalaya

Vegan “chicken breast”, roasted potatoes and sautéed brocoli

Meatless Chicken Breast with Roasted Potatoes and Broccoli

We are only limited if we choose to be.  If you were told that eating a vegan lifestyle would promote a healthy mind and body, save countless animals from genocide/murder and help sustain our environment, wouldn’t you at least try?  We have become so conditioned to believe certain things.  These beliefs have helped corporations and governments make billions of dollars.  Isn’t it time you think for yourself and open your mind to the benefits that so many people are talking about?  Imagine cutting your prescription medications, having more energy, clearer skin, clearer thoughts, and healthier body.  Becoming vegetarian/vegan isn’t as hard as people claim it to be – that really is another myth that the meat and dairy industry would like you to believe. 

I am not condemning anyone who chooses to eat meat – I know that there are many meat eaters that are loving and caring individuals.  One day – my hope is that they have the same awareness as I do…..if you love animals so much and have compassion for them – why continue to eat them?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!