Have you ever wondered why there are so many people in your life who constantly complain about not having enough love, happiness, success and harmony in their lives?  We know who these people are – we’ve all had them in our lives at one point or another.  Think about what their negativity does to you emotionally and physically….is this feeling a feeling you want to be connected to?  The simple truth is that we attract what we want into our lives – if you surround yourself with people who are negative, that is what you will attract.  A drama queen will usually gossip about others, get involved in the lives of others and therefor attract the same things and then may ask “why is there so much drama in my life, why don’t people just deal with their own problems”?

I have been caught up in the drama and negativity of others – I gossiped and made harsh judgements on the lives of others until I realized that by allowing this behaviour to continue, I would always have this behaviour sucking all the positive energy out of me.  I learned (and continue to learn) that it is okay to remove people from my life who drain me of positive energy.  I am the only person who is responsible in how I want to feel and if I don’t want negative energy to mesh with the positive energy that I try to create – I remove myself from where the negative energy is coming from.  It is sometimes hard, as some of the people that surround themselves with such negativity could be friends or family.  In my experience – whenever I have decided to not involve myself with friends or family that have a negative demeanor, it always enriched my life. 

We all recognize the difference between someone who is negative all the time and someone who is just going through a tough period in their lives.  The person who is always negative is a constant complainer, isn’t very pleasant or happy, may have low self esteem and (as I have said before) is always involved in the lives of others rather than looking at their own.  It’s okay to continue to provide advice and guidance to those who are going through a potential ‘dark period’ in their lives because you recognize that as a temporary incident.

Here are some things you can do to ensure you don’t invite negativity into your life:

  • stop watching the news or violent television programming
  • don’t gossip and listen to gossip
  • don’t judge others
  • affirm each day “I am surrounded by loving and happy people and fill my day with laughter and joy”
  • when something negative does happen – recognize it and say “this is temporary and I have learned……I recognize this and bless it with love”
  • meditate
  • show gratitude for all that is around you
  • be kind to yourself and love yourself

Remember – we only attract what we want into our lives…if you want hurt, pain, suffering, poverty, etc….that is all that you will attract.  Instead think about love, prosperity, happiness, good health, laughter and joy and that is all that you will attract.  Whatever you ask of Source/The Universe/God is what it will provide.

Be kind to one another, live from love, compassion and without judgement and…….

Together we can make the world a more positive one!




LOVE….will set you free.

LOVE….will remove all fear.

LOVE….will not judge.

LOVE….will never let you down.

LOVE….will give you strength.

LOVE….will not make you weak.

LOVE….will remove doubt.

LOVE….will bring you gratitude.

LOVE….will show you compassion.

LOVE….will never leave you.

LOVE is all we need.

Path To Love