WHY I CREATED C.O.P.E. (Coalition of Positive Energy)

Today, our society has become so obsessed with celebrity lifestyles, gossip, news of tragedy and fake ‘reality television’.  The internet is filled with bloggers reporting on which celebrities are together, which ones are having public melt-downs and which are pregnant.  When you visit Twitter or Facebook – most people are sharing information that some may deem too personal or meaningless.  I understand that most people don’t want to think about the injustices and horrors that are happening on our planet but really – does everyone need to know that your Facebook status has changed from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’ or do we really need to know about your painful hangnail?

Media is so focused on reporting stories of death, destruction, gossip, fear, betrayal etc….because we buy into all of that and we demand it when we purchase gossip magazines and support gossipy television shows.  I can’t remember that last time I watched the news but all I remember is how ‘in your face’ it was.   The anchor is reporting the story, while a ticker at the bottom of the screen is reporting ‘breaking news’ and on the left of the screen is how horrible the market is doing – it fills me with so much anxiety.  The commercials are about buying products that contribute to the earth’s destruction – household cleaners filled with toxic chemicals that will remove any stain, laundry soap that will get your whites really white and another that will take care of your darker clothing, skin products that promise youth and vitality but will possibly give you cancer, enter this lottery, buy this, shop here, eat this…CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME and if you don’t – there is something wrong with you.  That is what THEY want you to believe. 

Corporations want to keep people distracted – they don’t want us to become motivated and to ask questions.  They need us brainwashed, instilled with fear and stupid so that we can continue to buy meaningless products, continue to buy foods that are creating heart disease, diabetes and an obesity epidemic.   They want us to stay distracted by watching ‘reality television’ that is anything but reality.  Who suffers?  The future generations that have to deal with the economic and health care crisis that will be generated by our society of brainless zombies that the current governments and corporations have created.

People have asked why I give voice to ‘the haters’ and why I am blogging negative stories on site created to ‘spread positivity into our world’.  My answer simply is:  in order to spread light, hope, compassion and positive energy into our world – we must understand and ‘out’ those who want to spread negativity through hate, fear, lies and deceit.  The purpose or goal of C.O.P.E. (Coalition of Positive Energy) is to create dialogue so that those who have different views on social or political issues can have another perspective than what they already know – awareness through dialogue.  I have my own personal views about religion, politics and social issues and by no means want readers to accept these as ‘what is and what should be’ but I may have given you something to think about or given readers a new perspective on an issue.  We all have our stories – we should be able to share and learn from each others stories so that we may all move towards more loving and compassionate place.

C.O.P.E. will continue to blog on stories that may not be all loving and all positive but that doesn’t mean that I am moving away from the initial goal (together, we can make the world a more positive one) I just want people to understand that without darkness there can be no light. 

The future looks bright – I will continue to post ‘the song of the week’.  There is an ‘awakening’ happening in our world.  People are finally seeing the greed of corporations, banks and governments and some countries are holding them accountable (thanks Iceland).  I am confident that more of us will continue to ‘remove the blinders’ and become motivated to act from love and kindness. 

I will also blog about documentaries I find important and that others may benefit from.  I will continue to advocate for the ethical treatment of animals and fight to preserve our environment.  I will question our government officials on why they are acting in their best interests and not for the people who have elected them.  I will blog about corporations and governments continued lack of respect for our environment.  I will continue to post on holistic approaches to health and well-being.  Education and awareness is the best tool to have – with knowledge comes power to collectively work together for a better and brighter tomorrow.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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