Brian Fischer – Leader of the American Family Association is spewing his hate and made-up statistics about homosexuals.

Mr. Fischer is up-in-arms about the Boy Scouts of America’s potential move to drop its policy against gay scouts and scout leaders.  He denounces the Boy Scouts calling them ‘suicidal’ should they drop its policy.  He continues to say “from this day forward there is not one loving father in America that ever, ever, ever oughta entrust his son to the Boy Scouts of America”.  Mr. Fischer is claims “male homosexuals offend against children at roughly 10 times the rate at which heterosexuals offend” indicating that dropping the policy against gay scouts and leaders is an open invitation to pedophiles.

Many people ask me why I continue to post videos and information on ‘hate groups’ and why do I even bother to give them an outlet to release such bigotry.  My answer is simple.  In order to create positivity and love in the world, we must continue to fight those who continuely demonize others and use religion, God and the Bible as reference to justify this bigotry.  Using the ‘religious card’ is completely hypocritical – and if you believe ‘the word of God’, God created all of us in His own image.  Being a gay male, I didn’t wake up one morning and decide to change my sexuality and be gay.  I was born this way as He made me.  God is love – therefore if anyone shouldn’t be entrusting their sons or daughters to any organization – it should be organizations like the American Family Association who continue to perpetuate hate all in the name of archaic religious ideologies.

Here is a video of Brian Fischer spewing his hate:

We are all better than people like this…..and I have so much more faith that the majority of those who believe in God are inclusive, loving, compassionate and supportive human beings.  I am grateful for those who are like that and  hope they continue to spread their love in the world!

Together we can make the world a more positive one.