I don’t really have any religious beliefs at the moment – I can’t honestly say that I believe in God in the way that the many religious view Him as.  I can’t imagine The Creator sitting in Heaven witnessing all these atrocities happening around the world.  The basic message of religion from what I gathered from my parents was;  if you were good, you will go to Heaven and if you were bad, you will spend eternity in Hell.  I grew up Catholic, until my parents thought we should give the Jehovah’s Witness faith a try.  I have read the stories of how the earth was created, Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, Jesus and horrors of the end days.  Although they are great stories, they never really resonated with me.

I know that there are many good people who believe what is written in the Bible – what I don’t understand is when people reinterpret that word and make it into something hateful.  If I did believe in the Bible and ‘the word of God’ – I don’t think that God was hateful and wanted people to instil fear and violence in His name.  I think that all the hate, violence, prejudices, judgements, etc came from mans reinterpretation of His word.

Who is God?  Many people have different views on who God is.  Fundamentally, most believe that we are made in God’s image.  Is it just the image or does this include our souls – our very essence of who we are in the moment?  If God truly is a representation of who we in both image and soul, than God is many things.  He is an animal, a tree, the sky, the grass, human, man, woman, child, gay, straight, bi-sexual, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, Hebrew, Catholic, Jewish, etc….God is everything.  So if God is truly everything – why all the hate, violence and judgements?  The answer is simply – Humanity.

For me – God is me.  I am a male who happens to be gay.  In being God, I have decided to show compassion for animals and have decided to exclude them from my diet.  I have also made a commitment to fight for the planet that was here long before I was, because as God, a have a respect for that in which I created.  I am compassionate and will fight for equality for those who can’t fight for themselves and will always voice my concern for the injustices that are happening all over the world.  As God, I have an obligation to spread my love and compassion throughout the world without any judgement.  I am God and I am gay.   If you have a problem with that than the problem is yours, so don’t equate your problem with me.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!