I have been commuting to work for some time now.  During the car ride – I usually listen to music, meditations or affirmations and try not to focus too much on all those individuals who are too distracted to pay attention to what they are supposed to be doing, DRIVING!  Once I reach my parking destination – I have about a 15 to 20 minute walk in order to reach the building I work in.  There is a long stretch where it is quite isolated but I sometimes come across others who are walking their dogs or walking/biking to work/school .  During this walk, I have an opportunity to have a conversation with myself – check in with myself to see how I am doing and what I am feeling. 

There are moments when my walk becomes challenging and can distract me, especially when mother nature sends her fury down to let us know she isn’t happy about society’s lack of respect for the natural environment.  I have walked through icy rain, snow, extreme heat and bitter coldness, but the times that I dread most – is right after it rains.  The reason I don’t like walking to and from my parking spot after it rains is because….the moisture brings out snails who wander onto my path.

I don’t mind the snails – in fact, I do whatever I can to avoid them and not kill them by stepping on them.  Then I thought of the other people who use the path….most are not going to be as sensitive to them as I was or just wouldn’t care about the snails, they would crush them without any regard.  I decided the only thing I could do was to remove as many as I could off the path.  I took a situation that first caused me some anxiety and turned it into something that had meaning for me and at the same time, giving these snails a chance at survival. 

At first, I thought “people are going to think I am crazy for doing this” but I quickly dismissed that notion as I didn’t really care about what others thought…getting as many snails out of harms way was my focus.  I began counting how many snails I removed from the path and back onto the grassy area and made it my goal to save more after each rainfall.  It was such a small thing to do, but it made me feel that I was able to give so many of these snails a chance.

I found a direct correlation between saving the snails and the spiritual direction my life was taking me.  How many of us are snails?  How many of us are trying hard to move cautiously through a world were people are too busy to even notice who they are crushing under their feet?  Maybe this incident has given me the revelation that it is okay to move slowly in the world and to take the time to appreciate the things that are important to me, but most importantly – to take my time.

One morning as I walked on my usual path, I noticed someone further down the path.  They were bent-over as if they were tying their shoe laces, then she got up and did the same thing again.  I approached her, smiled and kept walking.  I had an idea of what she was doing and thought why didn’t I acknowledge it?  Why did I just walk past her without telling her I appreciated what she was doing?  I immediately stopped, turned around and asked her if she was removing the snails from the path – she said yes.  My heart filled with so much joy, happiness and sheer delight that someone else felt the same as I did about the snails…..I briefly talked with her and gave her one of my cards for this website and asked her to read it and to continue to spread love and compassion into our world and universe!  It was such an amazing moment to know that someone else had the same compassion for these little creatures as I did.

This incident was and continues to be symbolic to my life and the goals and aspirations I have for myself.  No matter how fast-paced life is and no matter how quickly everything is moving around me – I have to take the time to ‘slow down’ and appreciate the things around me and lend a helping hand whenever I can.   If you think you are doing something silly or irrelevant – don’t worry about what other people may feel towards you.  Besides, what is the worse thing that can happen?  You find that your actions inspire someone or that there are other people doing that exact same thing?  Whatever the case may be, let your actions fill you with joy, goodness and love because ultimately, that is the only feeling that matters.

A special thanks to ZETA for inspiring me to continue on my path and filling my heart with hope.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!