My husband, Jason recently shared a story and YouTube video with me about a young woman named Lizzie Velasquez.  After watching the video, so many emotions were going through my mind and heart.  I know what it was like to be bullied as I was a bullied teenager myself.  What I can’t imagine is the heartache and hurt that Lizzie went through for what she looks like because of a rare medical condition that does not allow her to gain weight.  There is believed to be only 3 people in the world with this condition.  Because of this condition – Lizzie has had to endure so much hate and bullying from so many people.  I can’t believe the horrible things adults have said about Lizzie and the names they have called her – people have even gone as far as recommending ways of killing herself.  I asked Jason if there was anything we could do to show our support and love for her – so we decided to create a Facebook page called “We Love Lizzie Velasquez”.  We created the page on January 4, 2013 to show Lizzie and her family that there are many more people who love, support and encourage Lizzie to continue doing what she is doing.

We should not fear or judge those who look different. What we should do is nurture them with love, compassion and positive energy. That is what Lizzie’s parents and friends did and she is now spreading her love and compassion as a motivational speaker.  Lizzie has written a book entitled ‘Be Beautiful Be You’ (available via Amazon) after realizing that she couldn’t be like everyone else and came to terms in how she looked like.

Here is a short video about who Lizzie Velasquez is:

Lizzie also created her own ‘It Gets Better’ video – If anyone knows that it does in fact get better, it would be Lizzie.  Here is the video:

Recently, Lizzie has indicated that one of her goals for 2013 is to appear on The Ellen Degeneres Show….I want to help Lizzie realize her dream!  We can all help….please go to and send them a comment indicating that you think Lizzie should share her story with Ellen’s viewers.  I also encourage you to visit my Facebook page – “We Love Lizzie Velasquez” like, share, comment and join this page and let Lizzie know how she has inspired you.  Here is a link to the Facebook page:

I believe that we all have a responsibility to spread love, compassion and joy into our universe – we must educate people that we do not have a tolerance for bullying and for those who are spreading hate.  I am so grateful and inspired by Lizzie’s courage, love and joy – Now it is your turn to be inspired.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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