As many people know….I am not a huge fan of television.  Most of the programs that are on are rubbish and are completely void of provoking thought to act for the greater good of the planet and mankind.  News injects fear, anxiety and paranoia into everyone’s minds – how often do you see a story of kindness, love and compassion?  The news reports mostly negative stories of war, murder, deceit and the lies that big oil, pharmaceutical and auto industries tell us – not to mention all the bullshit that our politicians are spewing on behalf of those industries.

Most of us do want a better world and it is possible if we don’t allow our governments and these big industries to shut us up!  We have seen governments all over the world stop the efforts and the protests of the ‘Occupy’ movement.  Naomi Wolf proves this in her documentary ‘The End of America’ by giving examples the nations have followed in order to close open societies, here they are:

  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
  2. Create a gulag system
  3. Develop a thug caste
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system
  5. Harass citizens’ groups
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
  7. Target key individuals
  8. Control the press
  9. Dissent equals treason
  10. Suspend the rule of law

These 10 steps are being invoked now in America and possibly Canada – think about the peaceful demonstrations of the Occupy movement and our governments and media calling them ‘unruly’ and ‘there is no clear objective to these protests’ – it is clear to me that most of us were pissed about the corruption and greed of financial institutions around the world.

Another documentary that really puts into perspective the greed, lies and corruption of politicians and big corporations is ‘The Big Fix’ by Josh and Rebecca Tickell.  This movie uncovers the truth about what happened and what continues to happen in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig run by BP sunk into the Gulf of Mexico creating the worst oil spill in history.  For what?  So that the executives in big oil can reap the profits of these catastrophes.  The politicians are just as corrupt for not standing up to the bullying tactics of these oil companies in fact, most politicians take bribes from the oil companies to ensure they are not regulated. 

A key issue now is the Arctic – here is the synopsis from Save The Arctic – www.savethearctic.org :

The Arctic ice we all depend on is disappearing.  FAST. 

In the last 30 years, we’ve lost as much as three-quarters of the floating sea ice cover at the top of the world.  The volume of that sea ice measured by satellites in the summer, when it reaches its smallest, has shrunk so fast that scientists say it’s now in a ‘death spiral’.  For over 800,000 years, ice has been a permanent feature of the Arctic ocean.  It’s melting because of our use of dirty fossil fuel energy, and in the near future it could be ice-free for the first time since humans walked the Earth.  This would be not only devastating for the people, polar bears, narwhals, walruses and other species that live there – but for the rest of us too. 

The ice at the top of the world reflects much of the sun’s heat back into space and keeps our whole planet cool, stabilising the weather system’s that we depend on to grow our food.  Protecting the ice means protecting us all.

Oil Drilling

A new Arctic oil rush is starting.  Shell, BP, Exxon, Gaxprom, Rosneft and others want to risk a devastating Arctic oil spill for only 3 years’ worth of oil.  The same dirty energy companies that caused the Arctic to melt in the first place are looking to profit from the disappearing ice.  They want to open up a new oil frontier to get at a potential 90 barrels of oil.  That’s a lot of money to them, but it’s only three years’ worth of oil to the world. 

Previously classified government documents say dealing with oil spills in the freezing waters is “almost impossible” and inevitable mistakes would shatter the fragile Arctic environment.  To drill in the Arctic, oil companies have to drag icebergs out-of-the-way of their rigs and use giant hoses to melt floating ice with warm water.  If we let them do this, a catastrophic oil spill is just a matter of time.  We’ve seen the extreme damage caused by the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon disasters – we cannot let this happen in the Arctic.

Industrial Fishing

Industrial fishing fleets are starting to trawl Arctic waters.  Local people have fished sustainably in the Arctic for thousands of years, but that could be threatened if we let giant fishing companies exploit the Arctic Ocean.


Arctic nations are preparing for possible conflict over the Arctic.  As the Wikileaks cables show, the US has spoken of “increased military threats in the Arctic” and Russia has predicted “armed intervention” in the future.  Countries are spending billions on Arctic weaponry, threatening the long-term peace of the region.  Nuclear-powered ice-breakers, submarines and fighter jets are being purchased by Arctic states with overlapping claims on the area around the North Pole.  The best way to maintain the peace there is to make its resources off-limits.  That’s why we’re campaigning for a global sanctuary and a ban on oil drilling and industrial fishing.  Just like in Antarctica, we need an Arctic Ocean dedicated to peace and science.


There is no government or army to protect the Arctic, only countries and companies looking to carve it up.

There are seven billion of us on our planet.  Each and every one of us is affected by the health of the Arctic:  by reflecting the sun’s rays off its ice, the Arctic shapes our weather patterns and food we grow and eat.  But the Arctic is the frontline of our warming climate – heating up twice as fast as anywhere else.  It’s also the frontline of the oil industry – one of the dirty, dead fuels responsible for the melting in the first place.  By stopping the new oil rush in the Arctic we are creating the conditions for a radical change in how we power our lives, accelerating the clean energy revolution that will fuel the future for our children.  We know we’re going up against the most powerful countries and companies in the world.  BUT together we have something stronger than any country’s military or any company’s budget.  Our shared concern for the planet we leave our children transcends all the borders that divide us and make us – together – the most powerful force today.  That is why we’re taking your name – and millions of others – the North Pole with a Flag for the Future designed by the youth of the world.  It will show that our shared vision of a green, peaceful, healthy planet depends on an Arctic protected by us all.  But the flag is only a symbol.  We’ll be taking your voice to every political leader in the world to ask them where they stand on the Arctic.  One by one, as our movement gathers momentum, we’ll turn towards the United Nations, where we’ll demand a global deal to protect the Arctic.

30 years ago we launched a similar campaign to protect the Antarctic.  Nobody thought we would succeed, but we did, and we created a world park around the South Pole.  Now the Arctic is calling.


What are the consequences of not standing up to big institutions such as Wall Street, oil, pharmaceuticals, meat, agriculture and our governments?  We witnessed the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression, we have had some of the worst environment disasters in the last 50 years, hundreds of thousands of people are dying from mis-proper use of medication, we have an obese and unhealthy population and are food and water supply is contaminated and genetically modified. 

I urge anyone who is reading this blog – please share this with everyone you know and let us create a global movement for positive change.  We know that one person can make a big difference in the world – imagine the outcome when all of us collectively cry out for positive change.

Please add your name to the already  2,121,023 that have signed – the goal is to have 3,000,000 but I know that we can definitely get more.  Please, please, please share this link and the link to my site with all of your friends and family.  Of all the posts I have made on this blog – this is by far the most important.  Sign your name here:


For more information about Naomi Wolf’s blog and movie, please check out the links:


For the trailer to Josh and Rebecca Tickell’s film ‘The Big Easy’ and information, check out their site:


For more information about environmental issues, check out these sites:

