Have you ever really thought about the words you speak aloud?  Are they encouraging, positive and empowering – do you speak the same way about yourself? 

Our words are really powerful for ourselves and for others – they can either empower someone or do your words disenfranchise or marginalize?  I do my best to use words that make people feel good and try to surround my ‘self speak’ with positivity.  The energy around someone who speaks with positivity, love and encouragement is infectious – people love to soak up that energy and enjoy being around these type of people.  We all know people who are the complete opposites – everything they say is negative, they are angry about anything they can think of and their words reflect that.  I have made a point to remove myself from that kind of negativity as it really drains your energy.

There was a point in my life when I was angry at the world – I felt that because of all the hardships I have gone through, it justified the anger and hate that I felt.  Until I learned to deal with all that hate and anger – nothing was going to change.  I learned to forgive those individuals for the hardships they caused because without forgiveness, I would never be able to move forward in a positive light.  I completed some inner-child work which included;  telling my inner-child that any past hardships was not his fault and that I loved him.  You can’t imagine how amazing that experience was.  I learned that mirror work was very important –  each morning, I would look in the mirror, look into my own eyes and say “I love you – you are loving, caring and compassionate.  I will make a conscious effort to avoid negative speak and will surround myself with the positive energy of the universe.  Today will be a great day filled with love and laughter and all negativity will not be able to penetrate my positive energy field.”  I found that by doing this – my days were excellent and without conflict.

How do you wake up in the morning?  Do you say to yourself “Oh, I hate mornings – I have to get dressed and go into that horrible office/job” – Waking up with those thoughts only ensure that your day will be filled with that same energy.  Your commute will be horrible, your day will be filled with conflict and negativity and you will end up going him with that same negative energy.  I know – I was one of those people.  I still have days that are challenging – but because I have the awareness, it is much more easier to change my thought process to a more positive mood. 

We all have experience in feeling positive and negative energies.  When you go to a concert – the energy tends to be uplifting, fun, exciting and very positive in anticipation of what you are about to witness.  Collectively – so many people are experiencing the universe’s good energy, it such an amazing feeling.  On the other end of the spectrum –  you know when you have entered a negative energy zone.  Think of a time when you entered a room and the air was thick and all of a sudden, you felt a big shift in your mood – maybe a meeting at work or after witnessing a confrontation between two people – you find that you are drained of all positive energy.  As hard as it may be – the best thing for you to do is to remove yourself from this draining energy. 

I know of 2 people (a friend of over 25 years and a family member) who only attracted negativity into their lives.  I have noticed that both of these people had many similarities – they both spoke very negatively about themselves and everyone they knew.  They both have also experienced very violent incidences in their past neither have really dealt with.  I believe because they haven’t really dealt with those incidences – their anger, hurt and fear grew within them.  Their resentment by those that caused them all their hurt and pain continues to live within them and encompasses their lives so they see no joy in anything – their partners, their children, co-workers etc.  Without forgiveness – we can not move forward in a positive light.

If you have noticed that your day is filled with negative energy, ask yourself why.  If there are things in your past that will not allow you to move forward in a positive light – think about what those things are.  If you need to forgive someone for something they have done to you – FORGIVE THEM because that forgiveness is really for yourself!  Tell yourself you love yourself (remember to look into your eyes when you say this), wake up in the morning and tell yourself “I am glad to be alive, it is a great day to spread love and positivity into the world”.  Allow yourself to be conscious of how you speak to yourself internally – try to remove all your negative ‘self-talk’ and when you speak to others, be encouraging, be positive, be loving, be empowering and be compassionate!  Your life will change and you will only attract people who are like-minded and all those in people in your life that are negative will slowly start to disappear.  Believe me, that is a good thing!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!      

2 thoughts on “ARE YOU A NEGATIVE or POSITIVE?

  1. Pingback: A flame that consumes all the positivity within you | One Lifetime

  2. Pingback: A flame that consumes all the positivity within you | Mind Exposure

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