What we put in our bodies can actually promote positive energy or negative energy in how our bodies relate and respond to whatever it is we are giving it. 

We all know that processed foods are junk and can have a diverse affect on your health and long-term well-being.  Processed foods may even cause death.  The food and lifestyle choices we make can have a diverse affect not only directly to your health but on the environment as a whole.  (Cattle ranching/factory farming/pollution/waste).

Thinking about just the food you consumed, ask yourself, how has this food affected your body and mind?  Did you drink enough water?  Have you consumed enough vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds to give your body the vitamins and minerals required to ensure you have sufficient energy for your daily activities?  Are you feeding your body carcinogens that promote cancer in your body or feeding it fresh and organic foods that decrease your cancer risks?

What fast-food chains (McDonald’s/Burger King/KFC/Wendy’s/Tim Horton’s) promote:

  • increased risk of diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure.
  • animal cruelty.
  • pollution (water and air).
  • deforestation (for factory farms/cattle ranches/pig farms).
  • excessive landfill waste from garbage that can’t be recycled.
  • low wages for employees but huge profits for shareholders and CEO’s.
  • bankruptcy for local farmers who can’t compete with BIG corporations.

What other things can have a diverse affect on your body?

  • pharmaceutical drugs
  • excessive alcohol
  • lack of exercise
  • breathing polluted air
  • over-the-counter drugs (allergy, sinus, headache, and all other medications for minor ailments) ***many of these medications can be stopped with proper diet and nutrition***
  • excessive recreational drug use

When we are armed with the right information and really listen to our bodies, we can have tremendous and positive effect on bodies both physically and mentally.  Try this experiment….remove all ‘white’ foods from your diet – sugar, flour, bread, pasta and notice how your body feels (after the withdrawals of course).  If you have sinus infection or allergies, remove milk from your diet and substitute it with rice/soy or almond milk.  Migraines and high blood pressure???  Remove meat from your diet for a month and notice what happens.

We have all been bombarded with lies and misconceptions about what our bodies require.  These lies and misconceptions mostly come from companies who are dependent upon our lack of knowledge and education.  As a matter-of-fact, these companies (Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Neilson, KFC, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, etc) they profit from our distractions and our unwillingness to education ourselves.  These BIG corporations work with governments to ensure their agendas are being met by pushing legislation that benefits these corporations.  Think about it – if people are not becoming sick, how can pharmaceutical companies make money, how will hospitals treat the sick, how will insurance companies deny their clients health claims?  By being vigilant and proactive in our health, we not only benefit ourselves but our environment, the local economy, small businesses, local farmers, animals, our environment and our planet.  By NOT being distracted, we can also hold our governments and corporations accountable for the damage they are doing to us and to our planet.

I’m sure most of us prefer a life free of genetically modified food, meat that isn’t pumped with steroids and antibiotics, vegetables and fruits without damaging pesticides, water that is clean and air that we can breathe.  That is not reality right now because we are not demanding these rights.  Is it not time to clear your mind and body of all the toxins and distractions that these corporations and our governments are feeding us?  Would it not be great to finally live an authentic life without the influence of poisonous foods and drugs?  Isn’t it time that we cleanse our bodies and minds?  When we remove the slave mentality that our governments and big corporations have instilled in us, we become better people, better communities and a better world.  All you have to do is start with your food.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



In the United States – BLACK FRIDAY was associated with the financial crisis of 1869.  Today it is to signify the start of the Christmas holiday shopping season and for most businesses, this translates to the most profitable time of year for them. 

BLACK FRIDAY – in my opinion, is when people become the most selfish and ungrateful (especially right after a holiday where we are to give thanks and appreciation for what we have).  Most people follow whatever trend is happening around them.  Television, radio, newspapers, magazines and flyers advertise all their sales and how they will open early (usually the night before) in order for the consumers to take advantage of these sales.  How much can people consume?  Do you really need all that these stores advertise and is facing potential violence and death even worth it?

I really don’t understand our society – in a world were millions of children are dying of hunger, so many American’s are homeless and in need, we have soldiers fighting wars that have no real significance, universal health care isn’t becoming the reality that President Obama wanted and the education system seems to be serving only those who have money.  But what is more important than all these things?  Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season.  It seems to me Canada and The United States of America have their priorities backwards.  People will not be able to go shopping without a planet to shop on.  Our environment is at a critical stage – worse than ever before and anticipated.  Many people are without stable jobs – and yet, people go out blindly and selfishly to shop and increase their debt level to appease BIG CORPORATIONS and BIG BANKS. 

Here are some videos of how carried away people become to shop for things they don’t really need – things that will eventually end up in a landfill or polluting our planet:


Do you really want to be a part of the zombie nation above that is catering to corporations who pay their employees minimum wage, break human rights laws, allow child labour and horrible working conditions.  Do you want to make the shareholders and company CEO’s richer while their employee’s struggle?  Think about what you are supporting.  Support something that is meaningful and will make you feel good about yourself and promote positive energy into the world.  Issues such as these:

It’s time that we think about our priorities and help our brothers and sisters instead of being brainwashed and told that you need to buy this, you need to watch this, you need to do this…..when all we need to do is open our eyes to compassion and love and spread positive energy into the world.  What will you do?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!