I believe that our LOVE for the environment and our planet should be a real indication for our governments to lead the way to more sustainable and renewable energy sources.  Climate change is happening and REAL action is needed by our governments. If there was any time in history for a shift to happen in order to create positive change in the world – it is NOW.

Corrupt governments are afraid of environmental activists.  They brand them ‘hippies’ and ‘terrorists’, as a matter-of-fact, many governments want to ensure that any individual or group that speaks out or protests for environmental issues, against pipelines, fracking or oil drilling, be put in jail because it is a form of environmental terrorism.  Canada is proposing a bill (C-51) that would do just that.  Legislation like this says much about a government.  It would rather support the big oil tycoons in potentially creating environmental disasters versus protecting our forests, rivers, lakes and oceans. 

It is time for a new generation – time for governments to listen to people who don’t care about creating more wealth for those that have enough.  People want to focus on social issues, environmental issues and issues that would be inclusive to all and not just a few.  This generation that I am talking about is our future and they won’t have much of a future if governments don’t listen to the issues they care for the most like, the environment, affordable education, proper health care, a new economy plan that revolves around sustainable and renewable energy and not getting involved or starting wars.  We clearly see that the “old ways” don’t work.  Bailing out banks and the auto sector didn’t work, there is still much corruption in Wall Street and other financial centres around the world.  It’s time for new ideas that will not support and allow corporate greed to continue.  We need a more holistic and grass-roots movement to politics and it has to begin with all of us.

Here are photo examples of how many of us in the world want to create positive change in government politics, social issues, the environment, income inequality and human rights:


March against MONSANTO – Vancouver, Canada May 25, 2013.

PCM 2014 PeoplesClimateMarch2014

People’s CLIMATE MARCH – New York City, USA April 2014 ***The largest environmental march ever with an estimated 400,000 in attendance.

Womens Rights March 2009

Women’s Rights March – Washington D.C., USA 2009 ***marching against George W. Bush policies regarding women’s reproductive rights, including abortion.


ANIMAL RIGHTS MARCH – Istanbul, Turkey 2014 ***marching for the protection of animals.

1963 Civil Rights March

CIVIL RIGHTS MARCH – Washington D.C., USA 1963 ***marching for equality of black people during the civil rights movement in America. 


NO Keystone XL Pipeline MARCH – Washington D.C., USA ***marching for the eradication of the Keystone XL Pipeline bringing dirty oil from the Alberta Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada to the USA.

2015Montreal Montreal2015 2

AUSTERITY MARCH – Montreal Quebec, CANADA 2015 ***Students protesting government cuts.

Governments DO NOT want peaceful protests to happen because they want to keep people distracted from the issues that matter – ENVIRONMENT, INCOME INEQUALITY, WOMEN’S RIGHTS, HUMAN RIGHTS, ANIMAL PROTECTION, CIVIL RIGHTS and any other rights that would not oppress people. 

The corrupt didn’t realize that more and more of us DO NOT want to be distracted anymore.  We want to hold our governments and big corporations accountable for their corruption.  We want governments to do the jobs they were elected for – not for the corporations but, for the people who elected them.  It’s time for a revolution of love.  It’s time for REAL change.  It’s time to have your voices heard.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


So many people have proclaimed that our world would end for various reasons:  God/Jesus is coming back to save the ‘chosen ones’, the end loomed on Y2K, and most recently, many predicted that because the Mayan calendar ended on 2012 – they determined that our world would end to.  What constitutes these predictions and why are most “doom and gloom” and negative predictions?

Today, I would like to share a video entitled:  ‘Why I Think This World Should End’ – now, before you assume that the video will only regurgitate the same negative and ‘doom and gloom’ predictions – I ask you to watch and be inspired:

This piece is spoken word art and is performed by Prince Ea – these words and the emotion in them are the words and emotions so many of us are feeling about the state of the planet, politics, the environment and all other social issues today.  I am grateful that Prince Ea shared this and is enlightening and sending positive change into the universe.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Social media is a great avenue to attain first-hand information about current advocacy groups and movements.  Whether it is your friends posting information about petitions to sign or sharing information about certain peaceful demonstrations like; the “Occupy Movement” or “Idle No More”…..but do people really understand what these movements or petitions are all about?  Do we really take the time to educate ourselves on whatever movement you stand behind?  Do we blindly sign petitions that friends send to us via Facebook or do we actually read the context of whatever petition it is that you are signing?

Personally – I like to educate myself on the topics that are of importance to me and I will make an effort to sign petitions or send letters to my member of parliament on environmental issues, the humane and ethical treatment of animals and issues relating to gay and lesbian rights.  Needless-to-say, this does not mean the I will close myself off to any other petition or movement that perpetuates the mis-treatment of another group/people.

So what are the motives of some of the movements that are happening as we speak – let’s take a look:


***this information can be found on the official ‘Occupy’ website:

The occupy movement is an international movement driven by individuals like you.  All of us have many different backgrounds and political beliefs but feel that, since we can no longer trust our elected officials to represent anyone other than their wealthiest donors, we need real people to create real change from the bottom up.  Organized in over 100 cities in the United States, occupy aims to fight back against the system that has allowed the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.  We no longer want the wealthiest to hold all the power, to write the rules governing an unbalanced and inequitable global economy, and thus foreclosing on our future.


The occupy movement, originally initiated by a call from Adbusters to “Occupy Wall Street,” was inspired by several international protests, most notably, the Arab Spring protests.  Thousands answered the call and arrived in Zuccotti Park, at the heart of New York City’s financial district, to protest the damaging influence of corporations on politics as well as social and economic inequality.  Hundreds stayed every night for two months and created an encampment in the park, a model that was adopted by people all over the country as the movement spread to well over 500 cities.

TUNISIA (December 17, 2010) – Twenty-six-year old produce vendor Mohammed Bouazizi sets himself on fire in response to years of petty police harassment in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.  His self-immolation sparks a wave of protests against the decades-long autocratic rule of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.  After four weeks, Ben Ali is forced to dissolve parliament and flees to Saudi Arabia.

EGYPT & THE ARAB SPRING (January 25, 2011) – Using door-to-door canvassing and social networking, the people of Cairo organize a mass protest on Police Day demanding an end to harassment, repression and torture.  What follows is an 18-day uprising against President Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship.  Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians stream into Tahrir Square after the regime blocks internet traffic and send thugs to attack protestors, swinging world opinion against Mubarak.  On February 11, the regime falls, inspiring an Arab Spring of pro-democracy activism from Yemen to Bahrain to Syria.

WISCONSIN & OHIO (February 17, 2011) – More than 20,000 Wisconsinites protest Gov. Scott Walker’s austerity budget and his attack on collective bargaining carrying signs and Egyptian flags, protests draw a parallel between their struggles.  In the weeks long rebellion, hundreds of thousands occupy the state capitol in Madison; hundreds of students are arrested.  In Columbus, Ohio, nearly 4,000 protest against similar attacks on the public sector and worker’s rights.

SPAIN (May 15, 2011) – Protests against austerity and unemployment erupt in 58 Spanish cities, beginning the 15 M Movement.  More than 1,000 indignados, occupy the central square, Puerta del Sol; in the weeks that follow, hundreds of thousands gather in public spaces, holding mass assemblies and peaceful sit-ins to demand greater say in the political process.  Embracing participatory democracy, they reject traditional parties and the rule of finance that imploded the country’s economy.

GREECE (May 25, 2011) – Tens of thousands gather in Athens after plans are announced to dramatically cut public spending and raise taxes in exchange for a €110 billion bailout.  Sustained strike and demonstrations many of them organized on Facebook, rage across the country.  The aganaktismenoi, or indignants, are met with tear gas and police violence.

OCCUPY WALL STREET (September 17, 2011) –  Occupy Wall Street begins as 2,000 people respond to the Canadian magazine Adbusters’ call for an end to corporate influence in the political process.  After police block them from Wall Street, then One Chase Manhattan Plaza, a few dozen occupiers regroup at Zuccotti Park several blocks north of the New York Stock Exchange.  The rename it Liberty Square as an homage to the Egyptian uprising that began in Tahrir Square in January.

For more information about the Occupy Movement – please visit their website:


***this information can be found on the official ‘Occupy’ website:

Mission and Plan of Action

Written by

Idle No More calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water. Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water. We must repair these violations, live the spirit and intent of the treaty relationship, work towards justice in action, and protect Mother Earth.

On December 10th, Indigenous people and allies stood in solidarity across Canada to assert Indigenous sovereignty and begin the work towards sustainable, renewable development. All people will be affected by the continued damage to the land and water and we welcome Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies to join in creating healthy sustainable communities. We encourage youth to become engaged in this movement as you are the leaders of our future. There have always been individuals and groups who have been working towards these goals – Idle No More seeks to create solidarity and further support these goals. We recognize that there may be backlash, and encourage people to stay strong and united in spirit.

Press Release: January 10, 2013 for immediate release

Written by

Idle No More grassroots founders and organizers from across Canada, in solidarity with Common Causes—a new initiative bringing together social justice, environmental, labour and other activist groups—are planning a national and worldwide day of action on January 28th, 2013. This day of action will peacefully protest attacks on democracy, Indigenous sovereignty, human rights and environmental protections when Canadian MPs return to the House of Commons on January 28th. As a grassroots movement, clearly no political organization speaks for INM. This movement is of the people for the people.

The vision of INM revolves around Indigenous ways of knowing rooted in Indigenous sovereignty to protect water, air, land and all creation for future generations. The Conservative government bills beginning with Bill C-45 threaten Treaties and this Indigenous vision of sovereignty. The goal of the movement is education and to revitalize Indigenous peoples through awareness and empowerment. INM has successfully encouraged knowledge sharing of Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protections. This message has been heard around the world and the world is watching how Canada responds to the message sent by many INM supporters.

INM urges the government of Canada to repeal all legislation which violates Treaties, Indigenous sovereignty and subsequently environmental protections of land and water. INM is grateful to many leaders who have supported this vision and the movement of the grassroots people. “The Treaties are the last line of defense to protect water and lands from destruction,” stated Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper Turtle Clan, Onondaga Nation Council of Chiefs.

For more information about the Occupy Movement – please visit their website:

In order for change to happen – we must demand it.  We can’t be conduits for change without being active – as one of my favourite groups sang once:  “Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction”……


Whether long-range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether soaraway Sun or BBC 1
Misinformation is a weapon of mass destruct
You coulda Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

My dad came into my room holding his hat
I knew he was leaving,
He sat on my bed told me some facts.
Son, I have a duty, calling on me
You and your sister be brave my little soldier
And don’t forget all I told ya
You’re the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss
Then I had to say goodbye
In the morning woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though I’m only a kid
Certain things can’t be hid
Momma grabbed me
Held me like I was made of gold
But left her inner stories untold
I said, momma it will be alright
When daddy comes home, tonight

Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

The skin under my chin is exploding again.
I’m getting stress from some other children
I’m holding it in.
We taking sides like a politician
And if I get friction we get to fighting.
I’ll defend my dad he’s the best of all men
and whatever he’s doing he’s doing the right thing.
It’s frightening, but it makes me mad,
Why do all of these people seem to hate my dad?
And if that ain’t enough now I get these spots.
I go to sleep every night with my stomach in knots
And what’s more, I can hear momma next door
Explore the radio for reports of war.
And all we ever seem to do is hide the tears.
Seems like daddy been gone for years.
But he was right, now i’m geared up for the fight
and he would be proud of me,
If my daddy came home tonight.

Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

My story stops here, let’s be clear,
This scenario is happening everywhere.
And you ain’t going to nirvana or far-vana,
you’re coming right back here to live out your karma.
With even more drama than previously, seriously.
Just how many centuries have we been
waiting for someone else to make us free?
And we refuse to see
that people overseas suffer just like we:
Bad leadership and ego’s unfettered and free
Who feed on the people they’re supposed to lead
I don’t need good people to pray and wait
For the lord to make it all straight.
There’s only now, do it right.
‘Cos I don’t want your daddy, leaving home tonight

Whether Halliburton Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


I can’t believe that it has been 4 years since The United States of America elected President Barack Obama.  It was a time of hope and President Obama was elected on his promise to create change.  Has he?  Let’s look at his key initiatives and then you can decide if he has done enough.  My comments follow in red.


  • Took swift action to prevent a second Great Depression.  While much work remains, American businesses have added 5.2 million jobs in the past 31 months.  He could only do what he was able to do without causing further damage to the economy – could any other President have done more?
  • Rescued the American auto industry from collapse, saving more than 1 million jobs around the country.  U.S. automakers have added nearly 250,000 jobs since June of 2009 – the best period of growth in more than a decade Imagine the increase in jobs if the auto-industry embraced creating electric cars?  It would decrease our need for dirty oil and at the same time create a more sustainable environment – The United States of America could be the leaders in green energy if they were not so afraid of the oil and auto industry.
  • Supported  the resurgence of American manufacturers, who have added more than 500,000 jobs since January 2010,  the strongest period of job growth since 1989.
  • Kept teachers in classrooms and police officers, firefighters, and first responders on the job helping keep our communities safe.


  • Domestic oil and natural gas production has increased every year since President Obama took office.  In 2011, U.S. oil production reached the highest level in 8 years and natural gas production hit an all-time high.  On Federal lands and waters alone, oil production is up 13% This is good for the government and oil companies but how is it good for our environment – I keep saying this “they can create satellites that can roam our universe but we can’t move forward on sustainable energy”.  There is solar and wind power, why are we not embracing this?  Government is afraid of big oil and the auto industry, that is why!
  • U.S. dependence on foreign oil has decreased every year since President Obama took office.  We now import less than half of the oil we consume and in 2011, imports as a share of total consumption declined to a 16-year low If the U.S. is not as dependent on foreign oil, why is the construction of the pipeline from Alberta into the United States still ongoing?  Does the U.S. not consider Canada ‘foreign’?  This pipeline is another environmental catastrophe waiting to happen – we can’t forget the devastation of Exxon Valdez and the BP oil spill in the Gulf – the repercussions of these spills will last a lifetime on our environment, animals and humans.
  • The U.S. has doubled renewable energy generation from wind, solar, and geothermal sources since 2008 thanks to the President’s record investments in clean energy.  If this President has doubled renewable energy – what was the previous administration doing in terms of renewable energy.  If we want to continue to have a safe, clean and sustainable environment – doubling the efforts is good, but we can certainly do better!
  • New fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, the first in 30 years, will cut oil consumption by 2.2 millon barrels a day, slash emissions by 6 billion metric tons, and save the average driver $8,000 at the pump by 2025.  Again – scratching the backs of the auto industry.  If the government really wanted to save money for the average driver’s, they would create more electric cars – it is doable.  Watch the documentary ‘Who Killed The Electric Car’ by Chris Paine to get the facts.
  • New programs to improve energy efficiency in our homes, buildings, factories, and transportation systems will reduce pollution and save money for businesses and families. 


  • Fought for and implemented historic financial reforms to create a more stable and responsible financial system that holds Wall Street accountable, discourages irresponsible financial risk-taking, and ends taxpayer-funded bailouts.
  • Established tools and resources to investigate and prosecute financial fraud and other abusive practices that led to the financial crisis.
  • Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau tasked to protect consumers from deceptive and predatory financial practices by ensuring banks, mortgage and student loan lenders, and credit card companies play by the rules.
  • Outlawed unfair and deceptive credit card practices, such as retroactive rate increases and charging fees without clearly disclosing them first.
  • Ended more than $60 billion in wasteful subsidies for big banks and used the savings to put the cost of college within reach for more families.

I believe there are good intentions here – but I have watched enough programs and documentaries to know that Wall Street and government are too corrupt to make the necessary changes in the bank industry or financial sector for the greater good to the consumer.  Also – those who were somewhat responsible for the financial crisis are now working with the Obama administration.


  • Ended insurance companies’ unchecked power to cancel policies, deny coverage, or charge women more than men, and established new rights to appeal insurance company decisions.
  • Ensured that no American will be denied care or charged more due to a pre-existing condition as of 2014.  17 million children with pre-existing conditions already benefit from this protection.
  • Ensured preventative care is covered by insurance companies and Medicare with no co-pay or cost sharing – including mammograms for women and wellness visits for seniors.
  • Helped nearly 5.4 million seniors since 2010 save an average of $768 each on the cost of their prescription drugs after hitting the prescription coverage gap.
  • Required insurance companies spend at least 80% of premiums on health care, and less than 20% on advertising, overhead and CEO salaries – or provide customer rebates.
  • Guaranteed 6.6 million young adults the security of knowing they can stay on their parent’s health care plan until they’re 26.

Again – this sounds great and some great progress has been made to the health care needs of many American’s but why hasn’t the government talked about preventative health care, proper nutrition, holistic health and wellness?  Preventative measures to health care will ensure that many American’s will not need to visit their doctor and more importantly, rely on prescription drugs to maintain wellness.

I believe that some progress has been made for ‘middle-classed’ Americans but I think the U.S. government works in the best interests of the Wall Street, oil and auto.  How can this stop?  We need to continue to speak out against corporate greed, we need to ensure that our elected officials know that our priority is not to make CEO’s richer by enabling corruption or causing environmental disasters.  The government has to show its citizens that they will not tolerate greed but punish those who break the laws or cut corners to line their pockets with money.

You many not want to vote for Obama, so who is the alternative?  Mitt Romney.  What will Mitt Romney do as President of The United States of American?  Here are Mitt Romney’s stances on the issues:


  • Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as Governor. (2002)
  • Scientifically, life begins at conception. (January 2012)


  • Vetoed emergency contraception for rape victims. (July 2005)
  • 1993:  Morning-after pill could make abortions obsolete
  • Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives. (October 2012)


  • Vetoed stem cell research bill. (May 2005)
  • Outlaw embryo farming, but alow using surplus embryos.  (May 2011)


  • Oppose Roe v Wade, but won’t tamper with abortion laws. (December 2006)
  • Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions.  (November 2007


  • Supports Benefits for gay partners, but not gay marriage. (September 2002)
  • Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. (January 2006)
  • 2003:  Worked with cities to prepare for gay marriages. (November 2011)
  • Everything but “marriage” for gay couples. (September 2012)


  • You don’t help the wage-earner by attacking the wage-payer. (January 2008)
  • Corporations won’t send jobs overseas if tax rates lowered. (March 2010)
  • Corporations are people. (August 2011)
  • Big banks handle massive regulations; small banks get killed. (October 2011)
  • Capitalism works; free enterprise works; & profit works. (January 2012)
  • You raise taxes on business and you kill jobs. (October 2012)
  • Bankruptcy would have allowed Detroit to come out stronger. (October 2012)


  • Combat the ruthless narco-terrorists in Colombia. (July 2007)
  • Mandatory sentence & higher penalty for repeat drunk driving. (August 2007)
  • Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. (April 2011)
  • We share cross-border drug problem with Mexico. (September 2012)


  • Schools can teach family values, but not religion or prayer. (August 2004)
  • Supported abolishing the federal Department of Education. (March 2002)
  • God created universe, but evolution created human body. (May 2007)
  • Eduction is not just the teachers’ union. (December 2007)
  • Smaller classroom size only matters to teachers’ unions. (September 2011)
  • Higher spending rarely correlates with better results. (September 2012)
  • No cuts to college funding. (October 2012)
  • Free college for the top quarter of high school graduates. (October 2012)


  • No-regrets policy: energy independence and CO2 reduction. (May 2007)
  • Exporting carbon emissions to China hurts US and planet. (August 2007)
  • Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (October 2007)
  • Need worldwide global warming solutions; not CAFE or US tax. (January 2008)
  • They don’t call it “America warming” but “global warming”. (January 2008)
  • No-regrets policy at home; reduce greenhouse emissions abroad. (March 2010)
  • Humans contribute to world getting warmer. (November 2011)
  • No consensus on extent of global warming or human activity. (September 2012)

Every time there is an election, you may hear people comment “I am not voting because both candidates suck”, “why should I vote, I don’t like either candidate” or “I’m going to vote for an independent”.  The people who make these comments will usually be the first to voice their distaste in the election results.  If you didn’t exercise your right to vote – then don’t complain about the outcome!’  I wonder how many American’s knew that Roseanne Barr was running as a presidential candidate for the Green Party and now the Peace and Freedom Party?

Take the time to learn about each of the candidates and if you have the opportunity, review that party’s platform to understand their stance on the issues that are important to you.  Make an informed decision on who and which party you are voting for and vote!

Here are the links to Barack Obama’s, Mitt Romney’s and Roseanne Barr’s websites:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!