***In reference to this article – LGBTQ stands for: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer.

Russia and Vladimir Putin have a lot to answer when they legislated their anit-gay propaganda law.  In doing so – they have given permission to their citizens to harass and bully the LGBTQ community and it is happening.  There has been recent news out of Russia about human rights atrocities being committed against gay citizens, tourists and straight people and it is because of policies like this.  Uganda has officially declared that their LGBTQ citizens are lesser than those who are heterosexual when they introduced their “Kill The Gays” bill.  Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller, has indicated that she will investigate the deaths and hate-crimes that their LGBTQ community faced and has done nothing since, even in light of the recent murder of a 17-year old gay teen – who was beaten, searched and chopped after individuals at a party found out he was dressed as a woman.  Many politicians and religious leaders hide behind their religious beliefs to incite their bigotry, ignorance and hate which in turn allows their citizens to bully and harass their LGBTQ citizens. 

These atrocities (especially in Russia), are getting much publicity and many people are speaking out.  Many gay clubs around the world are boycotting Russian vodka and asking gay athletes not to participate in the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.  Many have questioned if boycotting Russian products would be an effective way of protesting the human rights issues in Russia.  According to an article by John Aravosis on AMERICAblog called Boycotts 101: Why the gay boycott of Russian vodka is already working, apparently yes, it is effective.  Here is the link to the article:

Until these countries make an effort to stop these human rights atrocities, it is up to everyone else in the world to give them a clear message that these atrocities are not acceptable and must stop.  I encourage this boycott and many others like it – until Russia, Uganda, Jamaica and so many other countries stop inciting violence against those who don’t conform to what they deem is ‘normal’.

I believe that LOVE wins in the end and I also believe that……..



Minnesota representative, Peggy Scott, R-Andover, cried on the house floor in light of Minnesota approving same-sex marriage.  Here are her comments:
“My heart breaks for Minnesota, It’s a divisive issue that divides our state,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes as she stood on the House floor after the vote. “It’s not what we needed to be doing at this time. We want to come together for the state of Minnesota, we don’t want to divide it”
I find it ironic how she indicated that she didn’t want to divide the state of Minnesota yet, she is doing just that by not wanting to give all citizens of Minnesota equality and protection under the law.
Rep. Peggy Scott
Another appalling news story comes out of Russia were a 23-year old man was beaten to death after telling two acquaintances he was gay.  It’s no secret that Vladimir Putin is not a supporter of the LGBT (lesbian, gay bisexual and transgendered) community and that in general, Russia is very conservative in terms of these types of social issues but when people are being killed for being gay – everyone has an obligation and duty to speak out.  Ignorance and hate does not constitute the right to murder someone.
In light of these events, I thought I would post inspiring stories of progress from allies of the LGBT (lesbian, gay bisexual and transgendered) community:
Back to Minnesota…..St. Paul, Minnesota mayor – Chris Coleman renamed the Wabasha Bridge to Freedom To Marry Bridge.  Here is his tweet:
Mariela Castro is the director of the Cuban National Center for Sex Education (Havana) and activist for LGBT rights in Cuban.  She is the daughter of current Cuban president Raul Castro and feminist and revolutionary Vilma Espin.  She is the niece of former president Fidel Castro.  She recently lead a march in Cuba against homophobia.  Here is the BBC report:
Pop sensation – MIKA, will be headlining a free concert in Paris, France on May 21, 2013 to show his support for marriage equality and to stand against homophobia.  Here is Mika’s video for Celebrate:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!