We should never be too busy to say ‘thank-you’ whenever someone does something kind.  It is not difficult to acknowledge the kindness that others do.  We all appreciate being thanked for the good things we do.  Creating change and inspiring people to do random acts of kindness is not a hard thing to do.  Spreading kindness into the world can be as simple as opening the door for someone or saying ‘thanks’ when someone opens the door for you. 

Too many of us are so preoccupied with trivial things that we become desensitized to just being human and being kind.  It is good to be reminded that there are more important things in the world than celebrity gossip, negative local, national and international news stories and other meaningless junk that we really shouldn’t care about.

I challenge you to perform an act of kindness and love for the rest of the month.  Inspire others and set goals that make you feel good.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!